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Hermione POV

I woke up to the beeping of my alarm clock. I had set it an hour earlier than usual, so I could start looking for Y/N sooner. I quickly got dressed and exited the common room. I needed to find Y/N before tonight, or else she'll miss her first, and only, quidditch game of the year! The professors thought it would be a good idea to start quidditch towards the end of the year, meaning that we can only play one.

I slipped through the halls and to the library. I knew that sometimes, she went there to get some time alone. Unfortunately, she wasn't there. I then checked the Hospital Wing, to see if maybe they found her and she was hurt. She wasn't there. I checked the Great Hall, to see if maybe she was hungry. She wasn't there either.

"Where could she be?" I muttered to myself. I then had an idea. I ran out to the quidditch pitch and stood on top of the bleachers. I scanned the area for any sign that my best friend was there. I listened closely. To my surprise, I heard some rustling of leaves and then a thump, as if something hit the ground. I jerked my head to where the sound was and saw Y/N jogging to no where in particular. I jumped to the floor and started running to her.

"Y/N! Y/N! WAIT!" I called. She turned around to see me, looking worried.

"I-I'm sorry! I just wanted some time to myself, that's all! Your not going to tell where I am, right?" She asked quickly. I had to tell Dumbledore. By now, everyone in the castle was searching for her.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I have to! We're all worried about you!" She shook her head and started running. I took off after her, but eventually got tired and had to stop. She kept running and I ran back to the castle.

"PROFESSOR MCGONAGALL! HEADMASTER DUMBLEDORE! PROFESSOR SNAPE! SOMEONE!" I screamed. The staff and many students came rushing towards me.

"What happened?!" McGonagall asked.

"Y/N.. forest.. deep.." I managed to get out between breaths, right before I passed out.

Harry POV

"PROFESSOR MCGONAGALL! HEADMASTER DUMBLEDORE! PROFESSOR SNAPE! SOMEONE!" We heard Hermione yell. I came running towards her, in hopes of some useful information. Everyone in the castle was ordered to search for Y/N, so that caught many people's attention.

"Y/N.. forest.. deep.." She breathed out, before collapsing. McGonagall ordered some of the staff to stay while she took me, Snape, and Dumbledore out into the forest.

"She couldn't have gotten that far.." She muttered. I then remembered something.

"Wait! She loves climbing. She's probably in the trees!" I said. From that point on, everyone started looking up at the trees. Dumbledore pulled us out of our thoughts as he pointed.

"I see her, right there." We all rushes forward to the tree she was sitting in, but Snape seemed to be the fastest. He had acted ruder than usual without Y/N here.p, but I don't know why. I looked towards Y/N and she seemed scared.

"Ms. Potter, can you please come down?" Dumbledore asked calmly. She rapidly shook her head.

"Why not?" He asked.

"I'm going to be in trouble! I swear, this wasn't meant to hurt anyone! I didn't think anyone would notice!" She said quickly.

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