Roomie - Lisrene

By MaknaeMisfit

176K 5.8K 598

You really think you're something huh Manoban ? ©MaknaeMisfit More

Book 2


5K 210 19
By MaknaeMisfit

Lisa went through school as normal but a bit better. She told Jisoo and Rosé what had happened last night and they told her that she should just start dating Irene, Lisa made a note to talk about to Irene about that later. Also literally everyone saw the picture Irene posted on Instagram so no one bothered her today because they were afraid of Irene's wrath. Also most people were happy about these two, all except for Jennie. 

Lisa was in the library studying when Jennie rushed in angrily.

"Are you dating Irene?! Why did you lie to me? When did you start dating." Jennie bombared her with questions rather loudly causing the two to attract the gazes of many annoyed students who were trying to study.

Lisa picked up her book bag and ushered Jennie out of the library and outside so that the two could talk. 

"No I'm not dating Irene were only out at a cafe and I never lied to you." Lisa was starting to get annoyed with her friend, didn't Jennie want Irene to date Lisa in the first place why was she even mad.

"Then why did she say she loves you."

"Because she was being nice."

"You don't just say that you love people to be nice." 

"Well she did."

"If you're dating just tell me." Jennie stared at the younger with her arms crossed on her chest. Lisa rolled her eyes and began to walk away. She was tired of Jennie always wanting to know everything about her love life, she did that exact thing with Miyeon. 

"Don't walk away I'm talking to you." Jennie said in a harsh tone, pulling Lisa's bookbag to get her to stop walking.

"What's the big deal Jennie? Why do you have to know every little thing about my love life? Just mind your business."

"Lisa, I care about it so of course I would ask." Jennie's angry face softened to more of a gentle gaze once she realized how worked up Lisa was getting.

"Just leave me alone. If you want to know everything just ask Irene."


"Because honestly if you had just hung out with me, Chae, and Jisoo then you would know what's going on but since you're always with Jongin you're stuck out the loop."

"That has nothing to do with it!" 

"Then what is the big deal Jennie, why is my business with Irene so important to you?" Lisa spoke with a harsh tone this time leaving Jennie speechless. Lisa hasn't ever gone off on Jennie so this is something new.

"Are you jealous?" Lisa asked getting a annoyed look from Jennie.

"Of course not, I have a boyfriend I don't have to worry about you and Irene's gross relationship." Jennie said before covering her mouth. Lisa stared at Jennie in shock. Every since Lisa had come out Jennie never wanted to talk about things that related to lgbt relationships and when Lisa admitted that she had a crush on Jennie it got worse. Jennie quickly started dating Jongin and that was the end of everything. Lisa always secretly thought that Jennie liked her back but was too afraid to say it but what Jennie just said cleared that up. 

"I-......Lisa I'm sorry I didn't-" Jennie started to ramble out an apology but was stopped by Lisa.

"Save it, I don't care." And with that Lisa walked away, leaving Jennie alone in the hallway.

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