Justin Bieber Imagines

By jb_manaic

194K 3.2K 448

"Feel the magic" More

The Weirdest Pool Party Ever!
Interviews Suck:(
Can You Say Awkward
Nothing Like Us
Birthday Prank.
Love on the job?
I Told You My Feelings
Don't Talk To Me
Are We Together?
Time Machine
That Bad Boy P1
Paradise? More Like Hell
The Journal Entry (Read A/N)
Your Girl
Fight part 2
Forever and Always (Lexi)
Buddy (Sinai)
That Should Be Me (Alieen)
Just Like The Movies (Tatyana)
One Lie After Another (Merkeb)
That Should Be Me Part Two (Katie)
Brokrn and Bruised (Akayla)
Show (Alieen)
What Did You Do? (Talie)
One Lie After Another part 2 (Khia)
Will You Be Mine? (Cheri)
I Hate Fighting With You (Jay)
Be Mine Forever (Cheyanne)
It was Over Before It Even Started (Jay)
It's the thought that counts
As long as you love me part 1
Meet the Biebers
The parking spot (Riya)
The ultrasound (Emma)


8.2K 119 6
By jb_manaic

Hey guys!!! I Haven't written in sooo long!! It's been awhile and the sight has changed, so yeah. Who's excited for Christmas Or Hanukkah (or any other holiday)?  I know i am.......my year has been long and i'm ready to start fresh and maybe start a new book. I will keep this one and start a new one. 

"I hate you." I screamed tears streaming down my face as i looked at Justin from across the room. 

"It's not like that." He whispered back tears brimming in his eyes. 

"I don't care what it was i know what i saw there's nothing you can say or do to change my mind........It's over."  I whispered. 

"No please it can't be over, you promised me you would love me forever." Justin yelled coming closer to me. 

"I never said i had stopped loving you, i will never stop loving you we just need i break." You said reaching out for his hand. Justin grabbed it and brought it up to his face kissing it several times. 

"I don't want a break, all i need is you right here right now." Justin whimpered. 

"You can't always get what you want." I whispered back. 

"I didn't say i wanted i said i needed you to stay." Justin pleaded, you let go of Justin's hand and walked to the closet and grabbed the nearest suitcase. You grabbed random clothes and threw them in the bag stuffing them so they would fit. When you turned back around to put more clothes in my suitcase to see that the stuff i had packed before was thrown all over the room. I looked at Justin his face was red and puffy. 

"Justin stop.....Don't do this a break will fix everything trust me all i need is a week maybe a month to think things out."

"A month?" Justin screamed in my face. "You need a freaking month to figure out that 'don't spend enough time with you.' " Justin yelled. 

"You cheated! You can't try to turn this into something else." I yelled back at him. 

"I DID not cheat" You turned for the door and just walked out with Justin following you. Before you left Justin grabbed your arm and spun you around. 

"Don't tell me your my heart breaker..." He sang softly. 

"It's reversed, goodbye Justin." i said walking out. i walked about 2 miles until i reached a gas station, i called my old room mate Cathy. 

"Hey can you pick me up at the gas station on 374?" 

"Uh yeah i'll be there in 15."  I stood there waiting. 3 hobos and 5 creepy guys later she showed up.

"Hey." She said coming over to me. "What's wrong why'd you call me?"  

"Justin..." I mumbled. 

"Oh no.....I told you he was a bad idea." She smiled the i told you so smile." 

"Shut up." I said elbowing her. 

When we got back to her house i flopped on her coach. 

"How long can i stay?" 

"As long as you want i guess." 

Part two soon. 

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