The Hunt

By LeslyAmbreth27

16K 782 382

Paisley Parker Mathison is 23 year old Beta to the Moonstone Pack. Brother is Alpha Derek Mathison, Parents a... More

No more Hiding
You're playing a dangerous game, Love
Who the hell do you think you are?
Cause you need me, Man, I don't need you.
Can't keep this up for forever, Little one.
Time out?
He threw himself on the floor..
Paisley, Paisley, Paisley...
I Won't Fight You
Tell me why you ran away from me.
Fuck Me, Daddy
What Game Are You Playing?
I don't want to do this, anymore.
How long has it been?
Blood Moon
Let Me Help.
He did what?
Broken Heart's and Last Goodbye's
Im broken
We have to talk
What's Your Name?
You want me to do what?
Well... Would You Look At That?
I Feel Bad Enough About Who I Am...
This Is So Unfair
Where the fuck is he?
I am...
I'm sorry
You need to listen, please.
Stop it.
Tick. Tock
Try Me.
Guess we're gonna have to do this old school...
Our first night alone
I didn't know babies could read.
I don't feel good.
I'm a Fucking Catch.
Well Then I'm Going To Spank You.
I don't think my fiance would approve
What do you think?
Heat Anger
Just so you're aware...
I'll do it.
He's going to kill me.
Verbal Filter

You're Projecting to me

445 23 6
By LeslyAmbreth27

Parker's POV:

I ducked my head as I felt my face flush. Of course, they were still in the car. I clenched my jaw and quickly climbed out of the jeep. I slammed the door before taking off towards the diner. Hopefully none of them will ask about it in the diner. I made it inside rushing like a bat out of hell. The Hostess looked up surprised.

"Everything Okay, Honey?"

"Yeah... Uh table for 6 please." I mumbled. The little bell on the door rang, signaling more people entering.

"Oh, Alpha, This way. Your usual table is free."

"Thank You, Connie." Ryan said, He threw an arm over my shoulder and guided me into following her.

"Here you go, Luna." She handed me a menu. " Am I to assume the rest of you are getting your regular?"

"Yes, M'am." They all replied, taking seats in the rounded corner booth. Leaving me the far outside seat next to Ryan.

"Molly will be here in a hot minute to take your food and beverage order, Luna." She said.

"Parker." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry?"

"My name is Parker."

"Oh... Well I wouldn't feel comfortable calling you that." She replied.

"Please." I whispered.

I could see her look at Ryan, who nodded in return. "Well I suppose if it makes you feel better I will call you, Parker. Any who, give me a shout if any of you need anything." She squeezed my forearm gently as she left.

I slowly sat in the booth and opened the menu. I could feel the tension from everyone as Carla, Sophia, and Matt tried to keep a conversation going. Carter and Ryan were staring at each other with glazed over eyes, so it's safe to assume they were mind linking. I carefully looked over the menu. Everything was fried and greasy or just greasy from being sauteed with butter, and everything had potatoes. I inwardly groaned. Having anything here is going to throw off my diet. The only reason I look like a Beta is from intense workouts 3 times a day and vigorous meal planning. No junk, no additives, no added sugar, no potatoes or excessive carbs.

"Know what you want?"

"No, not really."

"Everything okay?"

"I don't eat these things."


"Junk, potatoes, carbs, grease."

"It's just food, you'll be fine."

"No. I won't. Since meeting you everything has been thrown off." I glared.

"What are you talking about?"

"I am used to being up and working out by 6 am, I workout for at least an hour, then I grab a protein shake for breakfast, maybe a piece of fruit, then I do Beta work until 11 when pack training happens, that lasts maybe an hour and a half to two hours. I would grab lunch, usually consisting of some type of meat, grilled or sauteed with olive oil only, and a salad. Then I would shower, continue Beta work, and then while everyone else ate dinner, I would have my final 2 hour workout in the gym by myself, I would have another protein shake and a bowl of fruit, usually strawberries before taking another shower, finishing whatever I needed to for paperwork and then go to bed. I actually have to work really hard to keep my body the way it is. I won't go back to the little girlish runt I was."

He stared at me for a while before looking up and behind me.

"Hey, I'm Molly, I'm your server, can I take your order, Parker?"

I turned and saw a middle aged woman standing there with a pad of paper and a pen.

"Uh... Yeah. I'll have a coke, extra ice, and I guess I will have uhhhh the grilled shrimp, no seasoning, with broccoli and corn."

"It comes with one veggie, the other options for your other side is fries, mashed potato, baked potato, coleslaw or rice."

"Uh... How dressed is the coleslaw?"

"Uhm, pretty dressed. The portion is about a cup and it's 291 calories."

"Is it normal white rice?"


"Then the rice." I handed her the menu. In my head I was trying to calculate the amount of calories I was about to consume. On a good day Derek could convince me to eat around 1500-1600 calories. My normal was closer to 1000.

Cup of rice- 216 calories

12 shrimp- 86 calories

Cup of broccoli- 31 calories

12 ounces of coke- 140 calories

473 calories total that's not including the bread or dipping sauce that comes with the meal. Which is also about 200 more calories than I would normally eat for lunch.

"Get out of your head." Ryan whispered, intertwining our fingers.

"I'm not in my head." I mumbled.

"You're projecting your thoughts to me."

I wrinkled my nose. "Not my fault. I'm not doing it on purpose."

"I know. Wanna join in the conversation with everyone or do you need to go outside for a minute?"

"Outside." I answered. I quickly shook off his hand and stood up. When Ryan went to follow I held up a hand. "Alone. I need a minute alone."

He slowly nodded. "Okay, I'll come get you in a few then."

I nodded and walked outside as normal as I could. I felt anxious and like I couldn't calm myself down. I walked over to the little picnic area by the woods and sat down at a table.

"Why does no one understand that I have to work hard to look this way. Everyone else can eat whatever the hell they want and if I do I gain hips like a female."

"Parker.... We are an Alpha's mate, we are supposed to carry the heirs. It's normal for you to have girly hips."

"I just hate it, Perc. Why was I born a Beta if I was just going to be handed off to an Alpha? It's not fair. I have worked hard to be a good Beta and to look the part. Yet I was deaf and everyone knew I would never get to actually be a Beta. It explains why I was so small and weak for so long."

"You've never been weak. Just because you were kidnapped doesn't make you weak. You were a new wolf still in training. There was no way you would have been able to fight off 5 rogues even if you were just a Beta."

"I feel weak. Everything that's happened just proves it. I was kidnapped and raped and tortured. I tried to kill myself, I hid from my mate, I constantly injure myself. I used to be scared of everything and now I have no fear. I was too weak to protect myself and you. I always will be."

"No, You've spent your life protecting me. When they tried to make you shift so they could take us that way you refused. You protected me over and over again because in your mind shifting and mating was something only mates would do. They hurt you for refusing and it didn't change your mind. Weaker wolves would have given in and let them because it would have saved them pain. You protected me from them the best you could under the circumstances. Now let me do the same. Let me be the one in charge when you feel like you can't. Even if that's letting me take over so you can eat normally. I will."


"I'm glad the Moon Goddess gave me you, Paisley. I really am."

"Don't call me that, Percy."

"It's your name and it's nothing you should be ashamed of. Despite what they said."

"I kn-"

"Hey, food's arrived. Everything okay?"

I looked up at Ryan. "It will be."

"Want to talk about it?"

I shrugged. "I don't know."

He squatted in front of me to see my face. "You can tell me anything. You know that, right?" His hand gently rubbed at my knee.

"I don't like when you call me Princess in front of people." I whispered, feeling small.

"I apologize. I forgot they were even in the car still. I will make sure not to call you it in front of them again."

"It's.... It's not that I don't like the name, it's just hard... I guess. Knowing that I have done everything I can to avoid being seen as the submissive mate I was born to be and fighting to have my body not be girlish in any way. Now, the fact that I get turned on and melt when I get called a girly name, is a hard pill to swallow."

"I'm pretty sure I told you before that it's okay for you to have feelings, no matter what they are. I know you like the name. I also know you skimp on food because it makes your hips fill out. I know and I've seen it all week. I also know that you are trying and that's all I ask. So for now if something makes you uncomfortable or upset, all I need is for you to tell me and I will drop it. As long as it's not messing with your safety, Mr. I'm going to jump off everything I can."

I chuckled wetly. "Percy wants to help."

"With what?"

"I protected him from the rogues, so he wants to help protect me from myself. He wants to be in charge when it comes time to eat so I eat normal amounts. I don't know if I should though. If I gain weight and my hips grow I don't know how I'll handle it."

"You'll handle it with me and Percy right there. Anytime you feel bad about yourself, or start hating what you see, tell me. We can try talking through it."


"Come on, our food is getting cold." He stood up and laced his hand back through mine and I followed back to the diner. Once in and seated, I noted the tension.

"What?" I asked.

"We are sorry. We didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Forget we ever heard what he called you."

I shrugged. "It's okay. That's not really the reason I needed a break. Some things are going on in my mind right now that's just hard to deal with. So with Percy and Ryan's help, hopefully it's easier to battle."

"Okay, well... on that note, since the Alpha's are back, we can eat right?"

Ryan laughed at Matt. "I never said you had to wait."

"In my old pack it was custom to not eat until both Alpha's are seated and eating."

"Here, in OUR pack, it's first come, first served. If it's there, eat. You don't have to wait. I don't always have time to leave my office and sit in the dining room with the pack house."

"Okay, Awesome." He took a bite of his burger. I cringed when I saw the grease squeeze out.

"You can let him out now."

I looked over at Ryan and nodded. I slowly gave up control and let Percy take the lead.

Percy's POV:

I Looked down at what Parker had ordered and scoffed, Matt and Carla looked at me confused.


"Yeah, Uh excuse me? Molly, Right?"

"Yes, Park- uh. Yes, Luna." She stuttered.

"Yes, see my Human ordered this and I am dying for a steak, medium rare, loaded mashed potatoes, throw in one of those delicious looking chocolate shakes and how about a lava cake for dessert."

"O-of course. Let me take this for you."

"You don't have to stutter. I'm a normal werewolf just like you. In fact you can call me Percy if you'd like." I winked.

Ryan let out a quiet growl. "Molly, please inform the chef I will be paying for everything that he cooked and that there was nothing wrong with the meal."

"Of course, Alpha." She bowed her head and scurried off.

I took a big sip of my coke before stealing a fry off of Ryan's plate. "You didn't have to scare her off."

"You didn't have to be a little minx and wink at her." He shot back.

I simply smiled. "Sorry. I'm not used to being out."

"I know, you're all good."

About 10 minutes later Molly returned with my food and shake. "This is what heaven must be like."

I immediately dug in. The steak was cooked to perfection, I couldn't remember the last time I was given potatoes, I hadn't had a chocolate shake since we were 15, and the cake. Oh my Goddess the cake. I almost wanted to ask for more. But I didn't, knowing this amount was already going to push Parker.

I smiled when I finished. "That was absolutely delicious. I have to give Parker control now. I want to run before the long trip tomorrow though."

"We can do that." Ryan confirmed.

I nodded and let myself retreat until Parker took back control.

Parker's POV

My eyes widened looking at the empty plates and cups in front of me. "Please tell me the dessert wasn't mine.." I looked at Ryan.

"It wasn't. It was Percy's. Everything is fine." He responded, placing his hand on my lower back.

"What.... What exactly did he eat?" I asked, rubbing my forehead.

"Nothing you need to worry about." Matt answered. "Typical werewolf food."

"Meaning?" I questioned.

"Uhhh, steak, potatoes, chocolate cake, and a chocolate shake."

I went to stand up. "I'm gonna be sick."

"No. No, you're not. Stay. Look at me." I looked at Ryan, who had his hand wrapped around my arm holding me in place. "It's in your head. You aren't going to be sick. You are just fine."

I squeezed my eyes shut. "In my head. I'm fine. I'm fine." I kept chanting it to myself until the nausea went away. "I'm good. Can we leave now?"

"Yeah, Carter and I have to finish up some things with the Pack anyways." Ryan answered.

Him and Carter stayed behind while the rest of us went out to the jeep.

"You guys wanna run the dance again while they are busy?"

"Ugh. Why?"

"Cause It's fun, Parker." Carla said.

"Matt?" I asked.

"I guess I'm in." He shrugged.

"Ugh, Fine. But it's just for fun. No one sees this." I said pointing at the girls.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever. You know you like singing and dancing."

"I refuse to acknowledge that sentence."

Carla and Sophia laughed climbing in the far back of the jeep. Matt climbed in the middle and I climbed in the passenger seat. After a few minutes Ryan and Carter joined us and we were heading back to the pack house. Ryan's hand gripping mine as we drove. It relaxed me enough that I was able to hold a conversation with Matt as to why I despised camper's in video games.

"It's not realistic. Yes, in real life snipers camp, but you don't have people hiding behind a rock, or in the corner of a house. It wouldn't be smart in real life because you can only watch one direction and you leave yourself open to an ambush from behind."

"So why don't you just go up behind the person after they kill you and you know where they are?"

"Cause If they kill me they look the other way."

"So go the same way."

"No they cheat. No matter what way I try to go I get killed. Campers are just pansies. They hide and cheat so they can get kills without running around and risking their lives. Which is also boring. Why pick a spot and stay on the off chance someone is going to run by."

"I mean you do have a knack for finding all the campers."

"Oh fuck you. I'm good at call of duty and I played it deaf. I couldn't camp and listen for people running like you can." I laughed.

"As riveting as this conversation is, please don't say fuck you to another man." Ryan said.

"I second that." Carter spoke up.

Matt and I looked at each other before laughing. "You two do realize it's physically impossible for us to fuck each other? We are both bottoms. We can't have sex with each other because it would physically make us sick and in pain."

"That may be true but it bothers Ryker."

"Okay, fine. But what about Derek? I say fuck you to him all the time."

"Considering he is your brother, Ryker and I will let it slide."

"Awesome. That's the first thing I'm gonna do, kick his ass and say fuck you."


"Cause it's fun. And he never expects it. Regardless of how many times I have walked up and kicked him in the ass he never expects it to happen."

"So you literally kick your Alpha Brother in the ass?"

"Oh yeah."


"Because I can get away with it. He won't actually do anything to me. Except mess up my hair."

"On that note. Why don't you guys entertain yourselves for a bit. If we aren't interrupted we shouldn't be more than an hour. Okay?" Ryan asked.

I waved him off. "We will be fine. I think we can handle an hour without getting in trouble."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Last time I left you alone for an hour you back flipped off the balcony."

"Well.... I have guards now." I smiled. He laughed and kissed my cheek, him and Carter heading upstairs.

"To the GYM!" I sang while running to the stairs leading down. Their basement was huge. Part of it was a gym, another part was a nursery/daycare, another part was a dance studio, and the final part was a theater room. The dance studio and gym were connected by a door. I hopped on the railing.

"Parker, get off the railing before you get us all in trouble." Carla said.

"I wasn't even going to do anything."

"Then why are you sitting on the railing?"

"Well.. If you didn't yell at me I would have slid down it, but cause you did, I was just sitting and waiting for you." I stood up and followed them down the stairs into the dance studio.

A half hour into us goofing off singing and perfecting the dance, we heard sirens sounding out.

I froze. Sirens usually mean attack.

"Where the fuck are you? We need you, Matt, and Sophia to get to the bunker. You and Matt will be the only ones in the Bunker trained to fight. Send Carla to the west border. We need all the fighter's there urgently."

"So let me come."


"I can fight. I was trained as a Beta and Matt was a warrior."

"Precisely why I need you two at the bunker."


"I SAID NO PARKER! I don't want you anywhere near this fight."

"Why? Who is it?"

"None of your concern."

"Then I'm coming."



"They are after you. It's the rogues you escaped from. Now go to the bunker."

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