Mute (BoyXBoy)

By DavidBeck

829K 30.8K 16.8K


Mute (BoyXBoy)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Epilogue/Thank You

Chapter 6

45.2K 1.9K 734
By DavidBeck

Vote, comment, love me. :)

*Leo's POV*

Astonishment. That was the only word to describe the emotion that flowed through me as I looked at the image in my hands. The details were so pristine, so clear that the very picture in front of my eyes could have easily won a high end art contest. What's more, there were no erase marks, nothing to show that he messed up or had any trouble with his drawing. Even the shading was perfect.

It wasn't until after staring at the picture for what felt like an hour, did I even realize what it was he had drawn. A heavy rush of blood went to my face and I suddenly became thankful no one was around to see me blushing. Our legs at intertwined with each other's we laid on the small hospital bed together, where the only part of the blanket was covering his shoulders.

My upper body looked as though I was covering his left arm but I didn't remember laying on it. Though the image was black and white, I could still see the color on my face when I saw the position he drew us in. My fingers had hold of his lower lip while shock danced across my face, and exhaustion held tight on his.

I wasn't even sure that had really happened last night, with the car crash and all, I was surprised I remembered anything last night. But clear as day the picture sat before me, confirming what I thought had been a dream. The more I stared at the image before me, the more I began to notice about him. He had even gone so far as to add the dried up blood on his right eyebrow, the one he lifted when I tried to speak with him in order to ease the tension.

It was mind blowing that he could even draw this in the first place, let alone with how dark it was inside that room. All the lights had been turned off in the room and the sun had set hours before that. More and more details seemed to jump out of the picture at me and it wasn't long until I found myself wondering what his voice sounded like.

I at first thought it might be high pitched and kind of soft, but that didn't seem to fit what I looked at. No matter what types of noise I thought of, nothing seemed to work for him. I decided to put if off for now, leaving the idea's in a different spot on my mind and cleaned up the food I had set on the table. After everything was taken care of I decided I should head out to pick up Chloe from school, grabbed the keys off the table and headed out to see what car I would be driving now.

I felt my jaw drop the second I caught sight of it. A new two thousand twelve Camaro sat in the driveway with candy apple red paint that shined in the sunlight. Moving as quickly as I could without hurting myself, I rushed over to the driver's side door and hopped in as if the car wouldn't be there tomorrow.

Sitting down proved a little more difficult than I would have thought but the second I did, the plush seats welcomed my body, cradling it with its comfort. Turning the key in the ignition, I listen to the engine purr for a few minutes before turning on the radio and heading out to the school.

By the time I had pulled in my cellphone went off and once more the principle had called and asked me to come to her office. Following her directions and turning down the hall, I found the door she told me about and walked inside, took a seat next to Chloe and waiting for her to start speaking,

"Well, though I would much rather discuss this with her mother, since she is unavailable I suppose you will do."

Mentally rolling my eyes, I looked over and my sister to see that she had been crying. A million and one questions flowed through my mind, but I never got a chance to voice them.

"We're concerned with Chloe not being in a Special Ed class."

"She doesn't need one." I stated, a little more angry than I had intended.

"I understand that you think there isn't anything wrong with-"

"There isn't anything wrong. She's Handi-capable, not Handicap."

"She's getting teased by the other students, that's why she was crying earlier. I only want what's best for her."

"What's best for her is to be treated like everyone else. Her gift shouldn't be taken as anything less than someone's inability to draw a picture."

Getting up from my chair and picking up my little sister, I held her tightly in my arms as we walked to the door. Though my body hurt from my actions, I wasn't about to stay in here with this woman any longer. As it was, it was taking all of my energy not to start yelling.

"We're not through here-"

"Yes, we are. I will talk to my mother and have her come down here and deal with you. There isn't a damn thing wrong with this little girl, and I'll be damned if I'm going to sit around and listen to you take stabs at my little sister. Maybe that was acceptable at the community college you graduated from, but it sure as hell isn't going to fly with me."

Slamming the door behind me and walking down the hallway, I ignored the stares from teachers and students alike from the argument they now doubt heard. Chloe buried her head in my shoulder so I reached up and started running my fingers through her hair. Not just to calm her down, but me as well.

Who the hell did she think she was? There is nothing wrong with my sister, and this is the only school we have ever had trouble with when it came to her. Yeah, she has down syndrome, but not to a severe degree. She can still function perfectly fine, and the bitch herself said she would be fine in regular classes, just like Chloe had asked!

By the time we had gotten home my mood hadn't improved. If anything, it got worse. Just watching her play with her toys, laugh at the TV, or run around as she chased her balloon, anyone could tell she was normal. There isn't anything wrong with this little angel.

Mom didn't get home till after nine so I put Chloe to bed after feeding her and making her take a bath. She complained at first, but quickly agreed when I let her take a bubble one with some of her toys. Walking into the living room to meet up with mom, she already had two wine glasses on the table and was filling the second one.

We would do this from time to time, just the two of us, sharing a drink and talking about everything that happened at on the set. Though I never drank wine solely because I couldn't stand the taste, she would fill my glass with Cranberry Juice, just so I would feel sophisticated.

It wasn't until after eleven that I was able to tell her everything that happened at Chloe's school to which she said she would take care of it tomorrow and that I should get some sleep. She gave me the option of going to school tomorrow in case I needed to heal so I told her I would see how I'm feeling in the morning.

After we finished our glasses mom thanked me for everything I did today and told me to try and get some rest. Hugging her and saying goodnight, I headed up to my room and found the picture Mute had slipped into my book sitting on my bed.

Picking it up and walking towards my dresser, I found an old picture frame and set it inside, leaving out for me to see at will. I found myself staring at it once more. Even as I got ready for bed, the picture stayed before my eyes, almost causing me to fall as I took off my pants.

Getting into bed hurt, more so than the getting in the car earlier. I had been sitting up all day, and no doubt my body had gotten used to it. By the time my head had hit the pillow I could already feel sleep over taking me. I was exhausted. My pains and aches were slowly fading away the closer I got to passing out, something I was more than grateful for.

Vote, comment, love me. :)

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