The Other Side // Z.M.

By AllCanChange

580 16 0

"How are you feeling today, Alexis ?" "Better." More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 1

49 1 0
By AllCanChange

My mom and my suitcase were waiting for me in the car. I was sitting on the bed, which had been mine for the last six months. I was finally better, that's what everyone is saying around me. I don't know if it's true. Yeah, I feel better and all this shit, but do I feel good ? Nah, certainly not. I took a last glance at everything around me. Don't get me wrong, it's not because I want to remember how perfectly awesome it was in there. No. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't forgetting anything. I don't want to come back here in a week because I forgot that stupid deck of cards. Hell no.

It took a while, but I finally got up and walked out of the door. Knowing that I was seeing that hallways for the last time made me smile. I was almost outside when I saw him, his back casually laid on the wall. Liam had been my only friend in there and I was glad I met him. He really helped me, even if he's the sweetest guy I ever met, I'm not joking at all. He's always listening, ready to joke, bringing me muffins when I already had one and he's working at a nuts-house. Plus, he's cute, so he has been a really great company. 

His face lightened up when he saw me coming. I still had this half smile on my lips when I passed him, being the usual me. And, him being the usual him, Liam grabbed my arm and pulled me to his chest. I mumbled that I hate him, even though we both know it's not true. When he finally let go of me, he had tears in his eyes.

"Oh, come on, don't cry ! Be stronger than that !" I said, playfully hitting his arm. 

"I wish I'll never see you again." The only bad thing about Liam is that he's too emotional. Or maybe it's just me that's not the tears type enough.

"I wish it too." With that, he hugged me once again and I was free to go.

Wow, this really sounds good.

I pushed the front door open and, as it closed in my back, I shut my eyes. Damn, I was feeling like flying. It was a hot day for England and want to know the bonus ? The sun was showing. It was burning my skin, way brighter than it used to be. The wind was all around me, tingling through my hair, sliding on my arms, embracing my skin. The feeling of that, the feeling of finally being free... It was fucking awesome. I stood there, just embracing my new freedom, until a horn screamed not so far away from me. I opened my eyes to see my mom, sitting in her car and obviously wishing to go as far as possible from the rehab center. For once, we wanted the same thing, even if it wasn't for the same reasons.

I went down the alley, telling myself that it was the last time I was here. I was fucking ready to go back to Doncaster, to my old life.


When I stepped out of the car a few hours later, I was in front of the same way too big house that had been mine since we are back in England. I always thought that it was too big if we would still be three living in here, let alone now that we're only two. It's one of the biggest house of the street, and everyone call it the "big houses street". That says a lot, euh ?

I grabbed my suitcase from the car and walked inside. Everything was the same as the day I left, it even smelled the same. My mom had probably started the chili before she left to get me or she paid someone to do it while she was on the road. That's the typical way of how's my mom. Nice, isn't it ? Yeah, I'm using sarcasm quite a lot, but I look so skinny so it's my only defense against bad people, you know ? Okay, I need to stop trying to be funny - even if it's only in my head - and go put my things in my bedroom. I climbed the stairs 0 God, I didn't remember how many of them the house had - up to the second floor and made my way to my room. Nothing in the house seemed to have changed, so I thought it would be the same in there. But - fucking hell - I wasn't right. My black walls had been replaced with girly-pink ones and my grunge posters were long gone. There was nothing on the floor - and when I say nothing, I mean not even a sock - and the desk was organized in my mother's way. She probably thought that having a new setting would change my way of living. Good intentions, but I know it won't change a thing. The only reason why I already know why it won't change it's because I'm just a lazy ass. I threw my bag on the floor and jumped on my bed. Even the sheets had been changed, in the same pink tone as the walls. I hate pink, but that would just be an other thing I'll have to fake.


"So, how is it to be back ?" My mom asked as I took place at the table. She put a bowl of chili right in front of me and I grabbed some cheese from the plate and sparkle it on top of my food. 

"Awesome." I answered without emotion, already shoving a full spoon of food in my mouth.

Through the dinner, my mom tried to have a conversation but I shut her up every time. I didn't wanted some sort of heart-to-heart talk with her, we never had that type of relation and I was great with that.

It wasn't until we were doing the dishes that she found a subject that made me open my mouth to say more than just two words.

"I was thinking about going to the camping next week-end. Is this alright with you ?"

"Are Andy, Jenna and Marcus still there ?" I couldn't help but be super excited about going back there. I was missing my people - well, not the people but what they were bringing at every party : Beer and drugs. I was missing the feeling of being drunk and high. I had nothing like that in rehab.

"I think I saw them a few times, with a new guy. You should give them a call to say you'll be there."

"Yeah, I will." Certainly not, but she didn't have to know. I wasn't the kind of girl to talk on the phone for hours. I was more of a texter - In fact, no. I wasn't pretty good in communication. 

We ended doing the dishes with the sound of my mom gossiping about what had been happening in the neighborhood. I wasn't giving a crap, but I let her speak. And, as soon as the last dish was in the right cabinet, I rushed upstairs, ignoring my mom's protest about wanting us to listen to some crappy movie from the eighties. Not my type at all.

I let myself fall on the bed and grabbed my phone from the nightstand. No new message. I felt that damn ache in my heart, something I knew fucking way too much. He knew I was coming back today. He fucking knew it and yet... He hadn't called or texted or anything. I decided that I wasn't giving a crap anyway and started to play at some random game on my phone. And I was bored as all.


I probably fell asleep because at some point in the night, I woke up. Yeah, logic, I know. There was a sound echoing in the room, like someone was throwing rocks at my window. Like in movies, you know ? 

"What kind of creep really does that ?" I grumbled as I was stumbling out of my bed. I walked up to the window, ready to yell at the freak. I mean it was two in the damn morning, for fuck's sake !

But I lost my voice as soon as I saw who it was. Tall boy, bright eyes in the moonlight, teeth showing with his smile, small dimples on his cheeks.

"So, you're just going to stare at me all night or what ?" He whispered, but loud enough for me to hear from the second floor.

"For fuck's sake ! What are you doing here ?" I said back, still shocked that he was there, on the grass in front of my window.

"Just come the fuck downstairs Alexis !" He didn't had to say it twice. I closed the curtains, then the light, and grabbed my phone before leaving the house. I didn't give a crap about how I was looking. He was finally there and it felt fucking awesome.

He was now waiting for me in his car, in which I quickly climbed. he turned his head so he could look right into my eyes. "Where you want to go ?" he asked and I smiled. A smile that was only for him. For my Louis.

"Far away from here." It didn't took him long before turning the engines on and to leave that big shit house of mine behind us.


Hey guys, I'm back with this story ! I really hope you're going to enjoy it as much as you did with 365DOD

Love you all,

R xx

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