Subjected || Harry Styles [AU]

By ThirteenthGemini

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England has become a place of a desolate and deadened humanity, due to Vampires overthrowing the originating... More

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10.3K 342 94
By ThirteenthGemini

A n a s t a s i a

“I will see you again the day after tomorrow, Anastasia.” Harry spoke slowly, his deep voice continuously captivating my entire attention. I had noticed that he always spoke this away, making sure to intently engage with the person which he is speaking to. It is as if he constantly desires to please others, even if he does not like them. I admire that.

“Thank you for a lovely day,” I paused, unsure if I was still entitled to call him by his first name. “Harry.” I nodded, saying it anyway. He smiled in return, opening the door to the black car, assisting me into my seat.

“It was my pleasure.” He smiled once again with his addictive grin, before closing the door softly and walking back towards his front door.

I observed through the darkened window as Harry stood on the step of his porch, watching the car as it drove away. As Walter speeded down the driveway, I could not help but turn back with a smile. Harry was watching the car, waving me off, even though he is unable to see through the blacked out windows. He was charming even in a situation where he needn't be.

“Miss Anastasia, did you have a good time with my Lord?” Walter spoke from the front seat, causing my head to snap back to face the front.

“Yes, it was lovely.” I replied happily, glancing into his mirror so that he could see me. “How long have you worked for Harry?” I decided to try and suss the Lord a little more; I was extremely fascinated by him.

“I have worked for Lord Harry since the beginning of the Vampire rule.” He began.

“That’s a long time,” I mused, “has he always been so... distant?” I was unsure how to summarise his personality, he seemed to be a rather isolated person, preferring to be alone than with the company of others.

“Lord Harry is a damaged soul.” He vaguely explained, sounding somewhat cautious regarding sharing this information “We met when we were both younger versions of our kind.”

“What do you mean?” I was intrigued, damaged was most certainly not the word I would have used to describe him.

“I have said too much already, Miss Anastasia.” His posture suddenly changed, my eyes noticing his iron grip on the steering wheel. “One day, maybe the Lord will be open to answering your questions, my apologies.” I was about to reason with him, yet I felt the wheels of the car crunch beneath the familiar gravel leading up towards the King’s castle.

We came to a stop, and I waited with my mouth open and mind still raging, many thoughts still swirling in my brain. Walter instantly zoomed around the car and opened my door, escorting me out of the vehicle and towards the front door.

“Thank you, Walter.” I thanked him honestly, attempting to momentarily forget our brief conversation.

“My pleasure, Miss Anastasia.” He nodded. “See you soon, dear.” And then he was gone in a flash, as if the past fifteen minutes were a mere figment of my imagination. I felt startled and confused, yet I am determined to figure out the mystery behind Harry Styles, even if my life depended on it.

The front door to the castle opened, starling me once more. It was if this evening was determined to fill me with surprises. The King himself was stood in front of me, with his black hair gelled up in its usual stance, along with his body being clad in a crimson suit. He did not speak, as he reached for my right hand, pulling me towards him.

“King Alistair...” I called, trying to pry my hand from his strong grasp. “Sir?” I asked again, still receiving no response.

He then began to walk faster through the corridors of his home. My feet were dragging behind him in attempt to keep up with his speed. It was rare for me to be around the King, as he only appeared when I was about to fall asleep. I was unaware of his actions behind checking on me daily, yet I suppose it was a precaution to ensure that I was not escaping or misbehaving.

Giving up on freeing myself from his hold, we eventually ended up outside my familiar bedroom door, which seemed like an obstacle for the King, due to his difficulty opening it. I stifled a laugh, as he irately opened the thick wood finally, pulling me inside. He pushed me onto my bed and then stood in front of me. I was both confused and slightly worried, his dark eyes piercing through me. I decided to sit up straight and stare back at him, showing that I was not afraid.

“Miss Anastasia, I have something to ask of you.” He finally spoke, my instincts picking up on the dubious tone of his voice.

“Yes?” I simply replied, the sudden tiredness of my day washing over me. I had a marvellous time with Lord Harry, and I did not want it to be ruined.

“Have you been assessing my two Lords whilst you have been spending time with them?” His questioned seemed rushed, with his nostrils flaring and his eyes wild.

“Yes.” I repeated. “Am I not supposed to?” I was puzzled.

“Miss Anastasia, all I ask from you is to remain neutral when encountering these two men.” He took a step back, exhaling loudly. “I do not want you to make any rash decisions based on a singular meeting.” He was cryptic but I think that there is some underlying purpose for his being here tonight. I am just unsure of what that is.

“Are you referring to my day with Lord Zayn yesterday?” I could not help but ask, he knew what he had done to me, and he knew how I had reacted. The hatred that I feel for Lord Zayn is on par with my hatred for the entire Vampire race. King Alistair did not reply, but instead bent down in front of me, holding my cheeks in between the palms of his hands.

“My dear Anastasia, may your curiosity be your hamartia.” He spoke gently yet mysteriously, making my stomach turn in knots. His cold lips pecked my forehead before he walked towards the door. “Sleep now.” He commanded, before slamming the door and exiting.

I could only frown as I absorbed the small encounter. These two conversations I have had today are leaving me with a pressing headache. Not only was Walter behaving cryptically, but King Alistair as well. I will not let these Vampires ruin my life; I am determined to figure out their agendas, as I need to know the reasoning behind their actions, before I drive myself to complete insanity.


The morning routine appears to be following a pattern, as Angelica and Laurel assisted me yet again in dressing appropriately for Lord Zayn. I was getting tiresome of wearing these white outfits, although today the pallid high-waisted skirt was accompanied by a light pink shirt. I tried not to argue with the two girls, as they are only doing their job, yet I made sure that they are aware of my disgust for the colour.

Once I was ready for the day, a large Vampire collected me from my room and dragged me outside to his car. I supposed that Lord Zayn’s men are just as disgusting as him. He drove frantically, and did not even care for what he crashed into on the way. I was thankful we arrived in one piece. I bundled out of the vehicle when it stopped, not wanting to be in the presence of this insane Vampire any more. He did not even seem to notice my departure, as he zoomed off once again as soon as both of my feet were planted on the driveway.

I uninterestedly stomped towards the front door, and knocked, only for it to slowly open itself. The unlocked door was questionable, yet I walked inside regardless. The air was cold, causing goose bumps to rise on my arms. I frowned at the sight. I did not like the nippy atmosphere in this house, and I strangely hoped that Lord Zayn would appear soon.  

“Lord Zayn?” I called out, receiving only a creak from some floorboards in response.

I walked further through the large mansion, absorbing the dull paintings and décor; it was so dark and unloving, directly resembling the owner of the building. I moved throughout the hallways, calling for the Lord and finally gave up once I heard a roar of girlish laughter.

My ears swayed me towards an opened door, which I walked through to find a group of five girls who were sat on grey sofas, drinking out of steaming mugs. As soon as they heard my footsteps, their laughter halted and each of their heads snapped to face me.

“Hello.” I waved awkwardly, unsure of what else to do. The only thought repeatedly passing through my mind was human. These girls were all of my kind. Each and every one. I could see by their complexions, which were not mirroring the pale and cold ones that each Vampire holds. “I'm Anastasia.” I introduced myself, hoping that one of them could direct me to Lord Zayn, although now that I’m with company that doesn't want to drink from me, I want to stay here.

“Oh, we know who you are.” One of the girls spoke, clicking her tongue against her teeth. Her dark brown hair was curled, shaping around her face and falling just below her hips. I then noticed the outfits each of them were wearing. Was it normal for them to be in just lingerie and dressing gowns?

“Why is she here?” Another one asked the brunette, her long ginger hair was in a high ponytail. I noticed that each of their lingerie sets was matching, only that each girl was clad in a different colour.

“Zayn would not let her wander.” One with straight black hair and dark skin replied.

“Maybe he sent her.” The girl sat closest to me suggested. Her striking, bright red hair matching her cherry coloured outfit.

“He would never do that.” The blonde one spoke, standing up from her position on the sofa. “Why are you in here?” She spat at me, glancing up and down my frame. I felt belittled and self-conscious. Each one of them was dressed provocatively, yet their beauty shone. I could only wish to be that attractive, but I know that I am not.

“I-I,” I gulped, my throat having gone dry from the harshness of the situation. “I was just looking for Lord Zayn.”

“Well, he’s busy, so go back to wherever it is you came from.” She bit back in response, waving her hands dismissively. I just wanted to shrink in that second.

“Will he be here soon?” I could not help but ask. I was here to spend time with him, yet he was off somewhere else ignoring his duties given to him by the King.

“I did not say that he was not here.” The blonde walked towards me, before reaching and flicking some of my hair behind my shoulder. “He is merely occupied with one of his own.”

“One of his own what?” What was it with people being so secretive with me? She leant down towards me and brought her lips to my ear. “Bloodlust, darling. He is having sex with one of our group.” Her whisper was followed by a roar of laughter straight in my ear, causing my body to cringe and move backwards into something, or rather someone, hard.

“What is going on in here?” The masculine voice growled as I turned to face him. Lord Zayn was bare on his upper half, revealing his toned chest. There were multiple tattoos tainting his skin, which was something that I had never seen before.

“Nothing,” the blonde shrugged, “we were just introducing ourselves to little Ana over here.”  The nickname she had given me made my skin crawl. No one ever shortens my name, ever.

“Leave her alone.” He grumbled, clasping onto my wrist, allowing the coldness of his skin to make me shiver. “Anastasia and I will be spending the day together, so please stay out of the way.” He instructed them harshly, making each of them recoil in their positions. “I will speak with you all later tonight.”

He turned and towed me along with him out of the room. I was beginning to be fed up with men dragging me everywhere. I was not a toy that they could throw around as they wanted. We stopped in the hallway and he turned to face me, his handsome features gripping me. It was a shame that his physical appearance was spoiled by his horrific personality.

“How dare you wander through my house without my permission!?” He scolded, letting go of my wrist to point at me. I was fed up with his attitude; my tempter had reached its boiling point.

“You were not even there to greet me when I arrived!” I yelled, immediately being silenced by a harsh slap to my cheek. I gasped and held the sore spot, frowning down at the floor. My eyes looked up to glare at him, who was merely stood with a satisfied smile on his face.

“Do not ever question me, Anastasia.” He spoke cruelly. “Are you hungry?” He then suddenly questioned, making my eyes blink a few times. This man was giving me whiplash.

“No.” I callously snapped. I did not receive a reply as I was tugged by both arms at Vampire speed towards the large kitchen within Lord Zayn’s home. He stopped and placed me onto the black laminate flooring. Still holding onto both of my arms, he smirked down at me as if I was his prey. I wiggled in his grasp, an attempt to make him let go of me, but as usual, my efforts failed. “Let go of me.”

“No.” He echoed my previous words.

“Please let go of me.” I tried to push him away from me. “Lord Zayn, please!”  

“Stop your whining.” He finally let go of her, before turning to glance up at the large clock hanging on the wall. “I am hungry.”

“I am not.” I urged, noticing the darkened look in his eyes.

“I am.” He insisted.

“No, no, not again.” I mumbled to myself, taking a step back. Lord Zayn licked his pink lips before lunging towards me.

I stupidly lost my footing on the floor and slipped, whacking my forehead on the kitchen counter before landing on the ground.  I heard a sinister chuckle before my eyes fluttered. I felt something wet on my head, so lifted my hand to see what it was, only for my hands to be pinned down either side of me.

“Silly, little Anastasia.” Lord Zayn tut, moving to straddle my waist whilst keeping my hands pinned down. I felt light-headed once I realised that I had cut my head open. The blood was trailing down the left side of my face. “You already tore your beautiful skin for me.” His sinister smirk was still burrowing into my soul. I felt his wet tongue touch my head, before his licked up the blood that was dripping from the wound. “You honestly taste so luscious and pure.”

“Leave me alone.” I begged once again, feeling so vulnerable in that moment. I hated how he tried to control me and use my body as he pleased. It was mine, not his.  

“Hm,” he paused before grinning, licking over my cut once more. “I’ll make you a deal.”

“Anything, just please just get off of me.” I rambled, my eyes darting around for an object to whack him with.

“I will not feed from you any more over the next few days, as long as you agree for me to be your new master.”

“I,” I honestly did not know how to respond. That was something that I should not agree to, but I hate how he feeds from me. I know that I want Lord Harry to be my ‘master’. It is messing with my emotions and judgements, but I felt so lost the other day after leaving Lord Zayn’s mansion. I never want to feel like that again.

“Do we have a deal, Anastasia?” His grip on my hands were tightening, pressuring me into answering his proposal.

“Y-yes.” I finally responded through a shaky breath.

I felt him kiss the wound on my head softly, a strange feeling passing through me as the skin slowly sealed. I no longer felt blood flowing from the gash. His lips then proceeded to kiss both of my cheeks and my neck, the exact spot that he bit into two days before.

“Good girl.” He whispered, climbing off of me at last and zooming out of the room. I was once again left confused, bloodied and upset on the floor within his house. Why did he have such control over me?

Lord Zayn was the only person in the world to ever make me feel derided and powerless, and I detested that. 


My writing is a bit off, I know, it's been a while and I've left my glasses in Southampton, so my eyes are straining whilst looking at this screen aha.

I think that I need to stop apologising for the lack of updates because I sound like a broken record, but I truly am sorry! My life has just become some busy since being at University, and the time seems to pass by so quickly that I don't even realise how long it is between posting updates. I am honestly going to try and update as much as I can this week, as I am at home until Monday. Also, I've finished all those dreaded assignments now, so I have got more free time than I initially thought. I will try and not let my new found obsession of Pretty Little Liars come in the way of finishing this fanfic either haha! :)

Also, I am contemplating posting the prologue to my book 'Angst', and if I did, would you all give it a read? Aaaaaaaaaaand, I have a plan for a new fanfic after this one is completed, it involves Harry, an air hostess, and lots of mature scenes ;) 

I loved the votes and comments on the last chapter! Keep them coming, I reply to the majority of them and appreciate every single one :) 

Big love xxx

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