By MuhdHayatulAkmal

110K 9.8K 2K

Kuasa untuk mengawal masa. Cool isn't? Bagi aku kuasa ni tidak lain hanyalah sebuah sumpahan. Nama aku Leon A... More

Count 1: When They Two Meet
Count 2: Prepare For The Ritual
Count 3: New Partner
Count 4: Fight Me, Leon
Count 5: Rank 3 Vs Rank 5
Count 6: I'm Lose
Count 7: One After Another
Count 8: No More Problem
Count 9: About Leon?
Count 10: Why You Are So Dense?
Count 11: Evil Valkyrie Vs Lone Warrior
Count 12: Knock Down
Count 13: To The Einsley's Mansion
Count 14: Einsley's Mansion
Count 15: Hah?
Count 16: Burning Soul
Count 17: Dream And Promise
Count 18: Letter
Count 19: In The House
Count 20: You Dare?
Count 21: Off We Go
Count 22: At The Ruin
Count 23: Fighting In The Ruin
Count 24: Rank 5 And Rank 10
Count 25: What Happen, Leon?
Count 26: Rank 6 and Rank 7
Count 27: Crimson Lightning
Count 28: 10 Guardian of Humanity
Count 29: Meeting
Count 30: Use That, Leon
Count 31: The Source Of Your Flame
Count 32: Her Loyalty And Her Feeling
Count 33: Assassination And Purpose?
Count 34: Back To Cristal City
Count 35: To The Laboratory
Count 36: Charlotte's Laboratory
Count 37: Hang Out Or Date?
Count 38: Worst Timing
Count 39: House And Bad Dream
Count 40: To The Second Academy
Count 41: First Day
Count 42: Goddess Conversation
Count 44: Under The Rain
Count 45: Good For You
Count 46: To The New Home
Count 47: Villain & Birthday Present
Count 48: New Type?
Count 49: Warning From The Future
Count 50: To The Flowery Kingdom
Count 51: Key Of The Red Flame
Count 52: Who Are You?
Count 53: Leon And Sarah
Count 54: Shion
Count 55: Bloody Stage
Count 56: Ring
Count 57: Mission
Count 58: Third Division
Count 59: Massacre
Count 60: Mission Complete
Count 61: Married Couple?
Count 62: Punishment
Count 63: 'L' Stand For....?
Count 64: Keeper of the Sacred Forest
Count 65: One From Five Sword Saint
Count 66: Lost
Count 67: The Origin of His Wrath
Count 68: List & Plan
Count 69: Alicia In Action
Count 70: Wrath Temple
Count 71: Special Mission
Count 72: The Hunting Festival 1
Count 73: The Hunting Festival 2
Count 74: The Hunting Festival 3
Special Count 1: Other World Honeymoon
Count 75: The Einsley Family
Count 76: Tag Game
Count 77: Wrong Mansion
Count 78: Arguing And Solution
Count 79: Say What?
Count 80: As If He Was A Demon
Count 81: Another Personality
Count 82: True Form
Count 83: Goddess Interfere
Chapter 84: Her Determination
Chapter 85: Syceil Versus Hazen
Count 86: Overworked
Count 87: Continue With Your Training
Count 88: One-sided Fighting
Count 89: Bloody Night
Count 90: Began To Fade
Count 91: One Hard Decision
Count 92: The Underground
Count 93: Between Truth And Lies
Count 94: Merciless Phantom
Count 95: Harsh Training
Count 96: His Legacy
Count 97: Leon And Shion

Count 43: What Is Love?

1K 109 18
By MuhdHayatulAkmal

Keesokan harinya, Sarah berseorangan di kelas kerana Leon dipanggil ke bilik pengetua sendirian.

Sarah mengambil keputusan untuk duduk dan makan bersama dengan Freya, Sayaka dan Rina. Banyak perkara yang mereka bualkan.

"Freya, do you love Steve?"

Hampir tersembur minuman soda yang diminum oleh Freya apabila mendengar soalan sebegitu dari Sarah. Pipi Freya memerah sedikit.

"Apa maksud awak?" Soal Freya.

"She deeply in love with Steve, Sarah. In fact they're already enganged last year." Balas Sayaka selamba.

"Wha-!? Sayaka! Why you tell Sarah!" Marah Freya dengan muka yang merah padma.

"What? No need to hide good news, right?"

"When you ask Freya this question, does it mean you have someone you love, Sarah?" Soal Rina selamba.

Pipi Sarah memerah. Rina dan Freya membulatkan mata. Mereka bagaikan tidak percaya dengan apa yang mereka lihat sekarang ni. Sayaka tersengih melihat reaksi Sarah.

"Hey! Tell me, Sarah! Is that Leon?" Soal Rina teruja. Freya mengangguk laju.

"Mmmm..." Sarah mengangguk perlahan.

"I can't believe, Sarah! Its just...Amazing!!!" Kata Rina dengan teruja.

"A tomboyish like you can feel love, too? Wow.." Tegur seseorang.

"Huh? Claire..." Kata Freya.

"Don't make that face like that, Sarah." Kata Claire tersenyum apabila melihat muka Sarah yang menakutkan.

"I'm just shocked. Well, here a question for you...What is love?" Sambung remaja perempuan itu seraya menyoal Sarah.

"What is love?" Soal Sarah keliru.

"Yes. In your opinion, what is love, Sarah? You can't just say you love someone when you don't have any single idea about what is love really are.." Balas Claire serius.



"I admit, I don't know what is love really are..." Ujar Sarah menggaru pipi.

"We really go back to that stage?" Soal Rina dengan keluhan.

"But, whenever I'm with him, I feel comfortable. He speak with me dispite my attitude. He still be with me when he's strong enough to fight Unknown alone...I don't know what kind of feeling is this but...My heart keep telling me to stay by his side forever.." Sambung Sarah tersenyum. Pipinya segera memerah sedikit.

Tetiba Claire menepuk lembut bahu Sarah. Remaja perempuan itu keliru apabila bahunya ditepuk.

"It seems you're already found your answer about love. Congrats. I can tell, you and Leon is perfect each other. So, don't forget this feeling, Sarah. Keep growing them." Kata Claire tersenyum lalu beredar.

Sarah terdiam tidak terkata. Freya dan Rina berpandangan sesama sendiri lalu senyuman sinis terhasil.

"So, when you will kiss each other?" Soal Rina dengan sengihan sinis di mukanya.

"H-Hah!? Ki-kiss!?" Soal Sarah dengan muka yang merah.

"Yeah! This is my advice for you. Kiss him and he will be yours." Kata Rina tersengih.

"Really?" Soal Sarah perlahan sambil menguis meja.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Tetiba Sayaka ketawa kuat sehingga seluruh kelas mengalih perhatian kepada mereka.

"Just what they're talking about?" Soal Yu menghela nafas.

"Girls talk. We shouldn't bother them." Balas Steve.

"Agree." Sampuk Allison.

"I can't believe, Sarah! You, who are have a fierce aura, actually a little cinnamon roll!! Hahahahaha!!! Really! This is my greatest discovery!!" Kata Sayaka sambil ketawa.

"Goddamn, Sarah. If Leon see you right now, I bet he will bleeding through his nose." Ujar Rina tersengih.

"I-I can't help it! You know me! I'm not feminine like Freya. I'm just a girl who have tomboyish attitude! Who want girl like me?" Soal Sarah resah.

"Then, just be yourself. You already a have cute face, Sarah." Kata Freya tetiba sambil menongkat dagu.


"You heard me. You already have a cute face. When you smile, the other will blushing. You have picture with Leon?"


Sarah menekan sesuatu pada jam tangannya lalu muncul gambar Sarah bersama Leon.

"See at your smile. Its beautiful. So, just be yourself. Love is something we can't describe correctly. But, this is my opinion about love. You can't say you fall in love if you can't accept any weakness you partner have. If you love someone, that means you already accept weaknesses from your partner." Ujar Freya.

"And I believe, Leon already accept your weaknesses, Sarah. Look at this picture, Leon never smile like that before. So, that means he also fall in love with you." Sambung remaja perempuan itu lagi.

Semua yang berada dalam kelas itu terdiam. Pipi Steve sudah merah padam. Dia hanya mampu menutup mukanya.

"Ini sungguh memalukan!" Kata Steve perlahan.

"W-what?" Soal Freya pelik sambil memandang sekeliling.

"Who thought, the One Wing Valkyrie can say her opinion about love." Kata Sayaka.

"My goodness! I want to marry you!!" Ujar Rina seraya memeluk erat Freya.

"Geez, Rina! I already have Steve!! Go to your partner!!" Balas Freya seraya cuba melepaskan diri daripada pelukan Rina.

Sarah tergamam mendengar pendapat Freya mengenai cinta. Dia tidak pernah menyangka bahawa Freya boleh mengeluarkan pendapatnya mengenai apa itu cinta.

"Let me go!"


Rina terjatuh apabila Freya menggunakan kekuatannya untuk melepaskan diri dari pelukan Rina.

"So, never let Leon go, Sarah. Make him as yours. Someone like Leon is very rare." Kata Freya tersenyum.

"I agree. Grab this chance, Sarah. Go confess your feeling to him." Sampuk Sayaka yang juga tersenyum.

"Kami sekelas akan sokong kau, Sarah! Betul tak!?" Soal Rina yang baru bangun dari kelas.


"Just go with him! Both of you perfect each other!"

"Go confess!!"

"Tu-tunggu. Semua ni secara tetiba...Aku tak boleh..." Sarah kelihatan keliru dengan apa yang berlaku. Matanya mula berpusing.

"Apa yang kau tunggu lagi!! Luahkan jelah!"

"I-I can't... Semua ni secara mengeju-" Tetiba Sarah jatuh pengsan.

Freya sempat menyambut Sarah. Mereka semua terkejut melihat Sarah yang pengsan itu. Sayaka hanya menghela nafas melihat Sarah yang pengsan itu.

"Kau yang berperangai seperti lelaki, kuat memaki dan kasar...Rupanya seorang yang masih suci mengenai cinta? Wow.."

Heya! Its me, you little author!

Fuh! Terasa agak lama aku tak update chapter baru, kan?

So, here...New chapter. Enjoy!

Jangan lupa berikan komen dan pendapat korang mengenai chapter ni di ruangan komen di bawah.

And no more 'update cepat pliss'or seangkatan dengannya.

Itu sahaja dari aku. Stay home stay healthy.


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