Rini One Shots

By rickybowensgirl

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This is a Rini one shot book as you can probably guess by the title. I right all types of stories so if you h... More

I Love You (What if part 1)
The Kiss (What if part 2)
The Accident
Social Media AU
The After Party
The Fight
The Proposal
Wedding outfits
The dream...
"Come Back.." (what if part 3)
Fake Relationship
The Diary
The Diary Part 2
The Diary Part 3
HSMTMTS Opinions
Truth or Dare
Thank You!!!
The Hoodie
The Question
The Kidnapping
The Kidnapping (Part 2)
The Project
The Malfunction
The New Romeo and Juliet
The secret
River of Tears
The Lock Screens
The Bedtime Story (Rini Week 1)
Rini Instagram (Rini week 2)
Just F•R•I•E•N•D•S?? (Rini week 3)
The Trip (Rini week 4)
K-I-S-S-I-N-G (Rini week 6)
Operation Rini (Rini week 7)
Prompt Generator
I don't not love you (what if part 4)
Death Bed
Royal Pains
Royal Pains (Part 2)
I'm out of ideas
5 things I want to see in Season 2
Paper Cut
Brother's Best Friend
Definitely Not Just Friends
The Dates
His Child??
The Concussion
100k Reads!!!
The Best Man (Rini week #2 1)
The Showcase (Rini week #2 2)
Single Parent Club (Rini week #2 3)
Moving (Rini week #2 4)
New Home (Rini week #2 5)
Don't Feel Like We're Faking (Rini week #2 6)
Don't Feel Like We're Faking (Rini week #2 6) 2
The Secret 2 (Rini week #2 7)
New Cover Vote
Talking it Out
new book alert
Fool Me Twice
When You're Ready
Christmas Through The Years
New Year's Eve
I love you (rewrite)(Rini week #3 1)
New Student (Rini week #3 2)
Apocalyptic Crush (Rini week #3 3)
Goodbye (Rini week #3 4)
That Way (Rini week #3 5)
Shocking Resemblance (Rini week #3 6)
Run Away (Rini week #3 7)
Get a Room
Drunk Words
Sober Thoughts
Hiding (Their Story)
Not Too Soon
Let You Go
Not Letting You Go

36 Questions (Rini week 5)

2.4K 44 30
By rickybowensgirl

None of the characters have ever meet

Bold- Ricky
Italics - Nini

Big Red was a film major. And his new assignment was a romance research assignment. So he chose to test the "36 questions that lead to love". He went around the campus until he found the perfect people. Their names were Ricky Bowen and Nini Salazar-Roberts.

They made simple small talk. Before sitting in their seats.

Nini and Ricky were sitting in chairs slightly facing each other. It was awkward at first, I mean these people were about to answer very personal questions with someone they have never met before.

1. Given the choice of anybody in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest.

My parents got divorced when I was 15 and I haven't really talked to my mom much since then. So i'd love to be able to sit down and have dinner with her sometime, or even just have one conversation. But she got remarried and started a new family, and forgot about me.

Nini placed a comforting hand on his knee.

Mine's not as personal as yours but I'd love to have dinner with Taylor Swift. I love songwriting and she's always been my biggest inspiration. I would love to talk to her and maybe even write her a song.

2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?

As I said before I love songwriting, and I sing a little too, so I would love to be famous. I don't know just the thought of people listening and enjoying my music would be a dream.

I actually song write too but I could never even fathom being famous. I just couldn't live that lifestyle of people watching my every move. I would love to do some ghost writing though, you know just stay in the background.

Yeah that's the dark side of fame but I still think it'd be kind of fun

3. Before making a phone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?

If I'm just calling my friend then no I wouldn't, but if it's an important call than I would like bullet point it out in my head of what I think would be important to say. I just want to sound like I know what I'm talking about.

Yeah I kinda do what you were saying about the bullet points. I like to have an idea of what I'm going to say before I say it.

4. What would constitute a "perfect" day for you?

For me it would be a day at the park with my friends and then after a fun day we go to the cliffs and look out at the city and watch movies while the sun is setting

Well for me it would be going to the skate park and then go get In and Out and then go home and get cuddles while watching movies.

5. When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?

I last sang to myself a few days ago when I wrote my last song, and I've never sang in front of people.

Wait you've never sang in front of anyone ever.


Well we'll have to change that

I guess we will, but what about you

My last concert I performed was 3 weeks ago at the coffee shop on campus and I sang to my self this morning in the shower

6. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?

Definitively the mind. That means you'll never forget things when your really old, and you'll always be able to keep your memories.

I think body. I mean if you can stay in a the shape of a 30 year old you can do anything. I could be a 90 year old and still skating at the skate park

I'd pay to see that

7. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?

I think I'll probably die of some illness. I don't really know why though, it just a lot of my family have died of different diseases, so i guess I'll probably go like them.

If I'm being honest I really don't have any idea how I'm going to die. I think I'm just gonna let life do it's thing and see were it takes me

8. Name 3 things you and your partner appear to have in common

Ummmm... we both song write and we seem to both like watching movies and... that's all I can think of

Yeah I can't think of anything either, I just don't know you enough

Well then we might have to change that

We just might

9. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?

Probably my friends and family. Without them I wouldn't have a good support system.

I would say my growth. I went through a really bad break up a year ago, and it really took a toll on me mentally. I also had really bad trust issues were I didn't trust anyone even my moms, but I leaned that some people are just not good people and it's easier to move past it and trust the process

I'm really proud of you

Nini blushed slightly.

10. If you could change anything bout the way you were raised, what would it be?

I mean I kinda already talked about this but I really wish my mom was more present in my life. I still really miss her.

I love both my moms but I kinda wish there was less bullying that came with having 2 moms.

11. Take 4 minutes to tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible

I was born here in salt lake city. I grew up with 2 moms who raised me really well. When I was 10 i got my first ukulele and wrote my first song. Ever since then I've been using songwriting as a healthy way to release my emotions. I have a best friend named Kourney she loves to do makeup and loves to test new looks on me. I am double majoring in music and teaching and hope to be a music teacher.

For as long as I can remember my parents were always fighting. It was constant. My escape was to go to the skate park, but one day I broke my ankle so I couldn't skate. That was when I started writing. It was a good way to drown out the sound cause it was only a few months before the divorce. After the divorce my mom moved to Chicago and never looked back. Most of my friends moved away after high school so I don't actually have many friends. I'm in pre-law right now. I'm hoping to go into family law and help kids like me.

They both shared a look before the next question.

12. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?

Right now it'd be the ability to pass all my test without studying, cause I really hate studying.

That's a good one but mine would be the ability to read someones mind at will. I always wonder what people are thinking when they give me weird looks and if I could read their mind I would know why they were looking at me weirdly.

13. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future, or anything else, what would you what to know?

I would love to know what happened to Amelia Earhart. I've been fascinated by her since I was a child.

I would probably just like to see what happens in my future, you know what I have to look forward to

14. Is there something you've dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven't you done it?

I've always dreamed of starting a company but that involves money, and I don't have much of that,

I've always wanted to go on a road trip across the country and go to all the big sight seeing spots. But I've never really had the time to do it.

Maybe we'll have to make some time

15. What is your greatest accomplishment in your life?

I used to have really bad stage fright, and this one night my friend took me out to this karaoke bar and practically shoved me onstage until I was forced to sing. I ended up singing Start of Something New from High School Musical. After that I was never scared to go on stage again.

I won a skating competition a few years ago and it was my first one back after my injury and I really thought I bombed it but I ended up getting first place. I still have the trophy, it's in my dorm actually.

16. What do you value most in a friendship?

To me it's adventure and communication, I know they don't relate but their both important to me. I think adventure is important so that it never gets boring. And communication is important because you need to know how the other person is feeling.

Loyalty and trust. It really steams from my past, but I always value when I know I can trust someone. It makes me feel more comfortable around them.

17. What is your most treasured memory?

When I was 10 my mom had taken the day off work an pulled me out of school and we drove to a town a little while away and we just talked about life and we got really close that day.

When I was 8, before my parents separated they took me to Disney World and they took me to meet Micky and his friends and I went up to mini mouse and told her I had a really big crush on her and she didn't say anything, but she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

18. what is your most terrible memory?

My parent's last fight. It ended with my mom screaming "I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU OR YOUR SON EVER AGAIN" she didn't even call me her son. I was only related to my dad and she seems to be sticking to that statement.

I was dating this boy and he was one year older then me so when I was a senior, he was in collage. And one day I went to surprise him in his dorm and I found him and another girl half naked in his bed.

19. If you knew that in 1 year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are living now? Why?

I would say that I definitely play life on the safe side so if I knew I was gonna die I think I would probably loosen up and have more fun.

Same. I would probably try performing once just to see what it's like.

Oh my god, yes, you need to try it

20.What does friendship mean to you?

Friendship means a lot to me they are the few people that know you so well that they know exactly what to do for you when you need it the most.

Yeah I agree, fiends are like extensions of your family

21. What role does love and affection play in your life?

I enjoy have love and affection in my life even if it's from your friends.

I always crave affection but I'm not the best at receiving it. I was just never exposed to it a lot. I'm better now then I used to be.

22. Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. share a total of 5 items











23. How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people's?

I would say my family is pretty close, and I had a good childhood, especially compared to your family.

Yeah my family isn't close and I definitely didn't have the best childhood, but I as know some people have it a lot worse than I did.

24. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?

Not good.

I'm really close with both my moms.

25. Make 3 "we" statements each. for instance. "we are both in this room feeling ..."

Can we just do one because my brain doesn't want to work right now

Yes, mine never works in general

We are both getting to know each other

We both write songs. That's all i can think of

They both share a laugh

26. Complete this sentence: "I wish I had someone with whom I can share ..."

I wish I had someone with whom I can share my life with, you know someone will stand by me in my highs and my lows.

I wish I had someone with whom I can share stories and laughs with, i want someone to be able to laugh an joke but also be able to have serous conversations with.

27. If you were going to become a close friend with you partner, please share what wold be important for him or her to know

I have a iron deficiency disorder called anemia. It can cause me to be very lightheaded an occupationally faint.

I have really bad anxiety and I sometimes deal with panic attacks.

28. Tell your partner what you like about them; be very honest this time, saying things you might not say to someone you've just met

I like how open you are. You always speak your mind and I can tell you genuinely care about what you are talking about.

I like how you don't let anything upset you. You are able to so openly talk about your mom and I can tell that it bathers you a little bit but you don't let it stop you

29. Share with your partner an embarrassing moment in your life

When I was in 7th grade I really liked this girl, and for her birthday we went to six flags. And I wanted to show off so I decided that I was going to take her on the largest roller coaster in the park. After we got off I ended up trowing up on her shoes and we never spoke again.

I was in the food court in the mall and I hadn't tied my shoe lace, so when I went to walk I tripped and fell on my face. It wouldn't have been that bad but the most popular guy at my school filmed it an posted it online.

30. When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?

It was my last break up for both of the answers which was like 6 weeks ago.

I cried by myself like 4 days ago when I was writing a really emotional song. And I cried when I watch Titanic with Kourney a few weeks ago.

31. Tell your partner something that you like about them already

Didn't we already do this one

I think so

They both laughed and skipped the question

32. What, if anything, is too serious to joke about?

I think is put in the right context you can jock about anything

For most things I would agree but I don't agree with joking about sexual assault cases.

33. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you regret not having told someone? why haven't you told them?

I wish I had told my ex that I forgave them, I just can't find the courage to reach out and do it.

I wish I call my mom and tell her I still love her, but I don't think she wants to hear from me

34. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. after saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make one final dash to save any one item. what would it be? Why?

I would grab my phone, I know that's basic but I really do need my phone to live.

All my personal secrets are in my songwriting book and I would hate if that got burned in the fire.

35. Of all the people in your family, whose death would be the most disturbing? Why?

Me and my Lola are really close and the day she passes is going to become the worst day of my life.

When my mom left me and my dad got really close. He really is my best friend and I don't think I'm ready for him to pass.

36. Share a personal problem and ask your partner's advice on how he or she would handle it. also, ask your partner to reflect bake to you how you seem to be feeling about the problem you have chosen

What do you suggest I do about my mom.

Hmm. I would say you should reach out to her and if she doesn't respond then it's her loss. And I can tell that you will be okay with or without your mother because you are an amazing person who can get through anything.

You seem to care a lot about her and you I can tell you got slightly jealous every time I was talking about me and my moms close relationship, but you also know that you are fine without her.

Wow your good

Okay how do handle my trust problem with my ex.

Okay first I would say you should talk to your ex it will help you get closer and make it easier to move on. Then I think you need to keep doing what your doing. You are still trusting people and letting them into your life, but your doing it at a slower and a more controlled way which I think is really good.

You don't have feeling for you ex anymore, that's pretty easy to see, but you are still having trouble moving on because of how much he hurt you, which is understandable. I think your handling this very tough situation in a very mature way, and I admire that about you

Thank you no one's ever said anything like that to me before

~~~~~~~After the filming~~~~~~~

"So Nini, now that we've gotten to know each other a little bit I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime, you know like a date?" Ricky asked. You could her the nevus in his voice as he was talking. "I would love to go out some time"

----------6 week check-in----------

1. So how are you guys

Good. I'm actually a lot better than I've been in a while

Me too. I've never been happier

2. What is your relationship status

We are dating and have been dating for about a month now

Yeah we started dating really fast because I feel like with this whole process it kinda speed up the beginning stages of our relationship

3. Last question did these questions lead to love

I would say yes, even though we are both not at that stage yet I can see us at that stage soon

I agree these question might not have made us instantly fall in love but it made us really close so we could get to that stage easier


This literally took me way took long to write. This is my longest one shot to date.

Some of the answers to the questions are my personal answers, and are less based on the characters themselves.

Rini week is almost over :'(

3308 words

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