Straight to the Punch (Yang X...

By CruderPlace13

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After a successful universe save and an accidental universe hop, C wakes up to see a shattered Moon and he ju... More

Rewrite Announcement
Book 1: Cutting Threads Recap
Chapter 1: Vale
Chapter 2: Beacon
Chapter 3: One of the Drunks
Chapter 4: The Cookie Monster of Remnant
Chapter 5: Caloric Overload
Chapter 6: It's time to D-D-Duel!
Chapter 7: Night On the Town
Chapter 8: Preparing for the Dance
Chapter 9: First Day on the Job
Chapter 10: The Dance
Chapter 11: First Mission
New thing
Chapter 12: Team RWBY vs C
Chapter 14: A Dusty Old Qrow
Chapter 15: Team COLR Round 2
Chapter 16: Team RWBY vs. FNKI
Chapter 17: First Round of Finals
Chapter 18: The Fall
Chapter 19: The Loss
Chapter 20: Recovery (Lemon)
Chapter 21: Gifts
Chapter 22: The Return
Chapter 23: Grimm on a Train
Chapter 24: Journey to Argus
Chapter 25: Seeing Red
Chapter 26: Leviathan Stomper
Chapter 27: Death to the Wicked Witch
We now have a Discord server
Extra Chapter: Bloopers

Chapter 13: The Vytal Festival Begins

251 7 2
By CruderPlace13

POV Change

Narrator POV

The big day had arrived, the Vytal Festival. Team RWBY would be facing off against their opponents right after Team COLR was set to fight. Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang were in the stands cheering on their friends as they faced off against Team SEEA from Vacuo. C and Arsenic both walked out onto the arena as the holographic roulette display went around and around. It eventually stopped on a forest of trees and a desert.

SEEA: Home field advantage! Wooo!

C: I hate sand.

Arsenic: What's the plan?

C: You get to the sand and show them why they shouldn't be so happy to see it while I run to the trees. They'll split off and go for us making this a lot easier for both of us.

Arsenic: What makes you think they'll split up?

C: They will. Or I'll make them. Stay alert, don't let anything they say get to you, and don't make careless mistakes.

Arsenic: Yes Teach!

A horn goes off signalling the beginning of the match. Arsenic immediately makes a dash to the sands as C jumps back into the forest. Two members of Team SEEA chase Arsenic into the desert while the leader and another member take off after C. The two immediately find Arsenic just standing there waiting for them. The one with the green hair looks at his partner while the other with the blonde hair just shrugs.

Greeny: You realize this is a fight, don't you kid?

Arsenic: Oh I'm just waiting.

Blonde: Waiting for the big guy to bail you out?

Arsenic: Waiting to see if you were the only ones chasing me.

Blonde: You act like we can't handle one little kid.

Arsenic: You can't.

With that Arsenic slams his hands down in the sand making a huge wave burying the blonde guy as Greeny jumps back.

Greeny: Nice. But it won't work again.

Arsenic doesn't respond and instead makes the sand coil around the guy and drag him down into the sand until only his head is exposed. The blonde guy climbs out the sand and rushes Arsenic, but when he hits the kid his weapon sinks into him and gets stuck.


Arsenic: Yep.

Arsenic hardens the sand until it's rock and then headbutts the guy taking a quarter of his aura. The guy lets go of his weapon and Arsenic rams his right fist into the guy's gut sending him flying into the dunes until eventually he sinks in like his teammate. Arsenic pulls the baseball bat out, puts it on the ground, sits down, and waits. Meanwhile C is in the trees leaping in and out of view of the two who chased him, a girl with short blue hair and a guy with brown hair. C laughs eerily as the two of them stand back to back. C then rushes in and decks the chick in the face. He races into the trees before either of them can do anything.

Brown: Come out and face us, you coward!

C: Oh calling. What are we five?

He laughs more and the noise bounces off all the trees making it impossible to track him down.

Blue: I don't know what else we should be calling you, considering you haven't even been visible for more than two seconds.

C: Well if I fought you both outright it would end to fast.

Brown: At least he knows when he's outmatched.

C teleports in-between them and smirks.

C: Hardly.

They each turn around and see him as he decks the brown haired one so hard he flies through a tree. The leader sees her teammate fly back and stares C down.

C: See? That wasn't fun at all.

Blue: No but this will be.

She pulls out a detonator and clicks it setting off a series of incendiary bombs setting the forest ablaze and making it impossible for C to hide in the trees.

C: Clever, but it won't help you nearly as much as you think.

Blue: Sure it won't.

She backflips and her teammates rushes in and swings a sword. C dodges it and jumps back to put some distance between them. Blue then sends out a series of dust crystals at C. The brown haired boy spins his sword and it turns into a lever action rifle and he hits one crystal setting off a chain of fiery explosions engulfing C in flames. They both take off out of the forest fire and back towards the dunes. Once there they see Arsenic and the brown haired boy slices at him, but Arsenic simply blows away in the wind. The duo find their teammates and help dig them out.

Blonde: That kid can control the sand! We need to-

Suddenly a roar echos through the arena and the entire forest goes up in flames so much that the trees are turned to ash on the spot. C steps out covered in flames and his shirt and jacket destroyed.

C: Kiddo! Desert prison!

Arsenic gets the message and the sand around team SEEA lifts them up and moves them into the center of the arena closer to C. The sand gets so dense and starts swirling around them so fast not even bullets can get through it. C shoots flames at the sand heating it up to extreme levels. He then pulls all the heat back and the sand is now a perfectly spherical prison of glass that they are all trapped in. Arsenic and C walk up to the glass and C taps on it. The team look over and see Arsenic wave bye as C plants his foot on the side of their glass prison and kicks it, making them roll all the way out of the arena and into the wall where the glass shatters taking down all of their aura. The professors commentating the match step in to inform the audience and the viewers at home.

Oobleck: And with that Team SEEA of Shade Academy is eliminated by both ring out and aura depletion.

Port: A double whammy! Team COLR of Beacon moves on!

The crowd cheers with a certain blonde brawler whistling. C and Arsenic both wave to the crowd as they head back into the locker room. Once there they run into Team RWBY.

C: Hey guys.

Ruby: You guys were so cool!

Arsenic: Thank you.

C: You guys are fighting next, right?

Yang: Yep. We're going to kick butt!

C: We'll be cheering you on in the stands. After your match we can go grab a bite to eat, my treat.

With that C and Arsenic walk off towards the stands and RWBY gets ready for their match. C and Arsenic find some empty seats and sit down as the holographic roulette stops showing ice and fire. The arena gets one half of it covered in molten rock and the other in ice. The match starts and Ruby deflects a shot before spinning her scythe and taking off. Blake meanwhile fights off a girl in a hoodie as Weiss and Yang fight their opponents.

Port: OHO! It seems we have another astonishing bout ahead of us! Wouldn't you agree, professor?

Oobleck: Doctor. And yes, Peter I think it's safe to say, this match may be one of the closest we've seen in the four on four to of the tournament.

Port: For those of you just now joining us, you missed an incredible match between Team COLR of Beacon and Team SEEA of Shade. Nevertheless WELCOME TO THE VYTAL FESTIVAL TOURNAMENT! BROADCAST LIVE FROM THE AMITY COLOSSEUM! If this is your first time watching, allow us to break down the rules.

Oobleck: The tournament is divided into three distinctive rounds. Teams, Doubles, and Singles. Age and school year are irrelevant. In this tournament the only attribute being tested, is skill.

Port: Correct. The winners of this battle will elect two of their members to represent them in the doubles round. Followed by the winners of that round choosing one member to advance once again. The remaining combatants will then fight their way through the final bracket in the hope of achieving victory for their kingdom. And this year with the extra addition of a late team, one of the singles rounds in the bracket will be a one on one on one. Three students of three separate teams will duke it out at once making this a Vytal Festival first.

Oobleck: And yes Peter, these certainly are some spectacular spectacles on which to spectate on. And I don't think anyone tuning in around the world is going to disagree with me on that.

Port: Ah, and why would they? Now let's get back to the match. Between Team RWBY of Beacon and Team ABRN of Haven.

Right after they finish the girl in the hoodie races towards Blake on her weapon which just so happens to be a literal hoverboard. She kicks it towards Blake who deflects it promptly. The girl smacks it backs at meeting the same result. Blake rushes in for a couple of slashes, but the girl's hoverboard comes back and she uses it to block Blake's assault. The girl clashes with Blake for a second before spinning the hoverboard and flipping onto it and racing towards Blake. Once she gets close Blake uses her semblance to create an ice clone of herself, but the girl shatters it. Blake takes advantage of the girl being slightly above her by slicing her hoverboard in half sending the girl skyward. The girl catches both pieces of her hoverboard as they morph into pistols and she shoots at Blake before hitting the ground, slipping on the ice, and busting her ass as a result. Blake does a little wince as the girl holds her tailbone. Yang meanwhile is fighting a dark skinned girl in gi. Yang jumps down, but the girl jumps back. Yang then rushes in and uppercuts the girl. She follows it up with a punch to the gut and goes for a roundhouse, but the girl ducks under it and tries to sweep Yang's legs. Yang slides back and blocks the first overhead strike from the girl, but is hit by the second. They both then punch and their fists collide making a shockwave that launches both of them back. Yang lands in a super hero landing as the girl drags her hand across the ground to stop herself. Yang leaps in and goes for two overhead kicks, but the girl backflips and wraps a ribbon around Yang's foot tripping her right before she kicks her away. Yang flies into the icy side of the arena and slides to a stop.

C: Damnit Sunshine, stay focused!

Arsenic: SWEAR!


Yang gets up while trying to keep her feet under her. The girl rushes in hitting Yang with a right straight. Yang slides back beside another member of Team ABRN, a guy with pale pink hair, but before the guy can shoot her the ice dust crystal behind him explodes and his legs are frozen as he drops his weapon. He looks away sadly.

Ruby: Got your back!

The other guy of Team ABRN, a guy with black hair, stands behind her and twirls his bo staff.

Guy: Who's got yours?

A black glyph appears behind him and Weiss kicks him into it making him fly across the arena.

Ruby: My BFF!

Weiss: No.

Weiss runs off to face her opponent as Ruby whispers.

Ruby: yesss.

The guy with the bo staff stands up as Weiss jumps off a glyph and slices at him. He barely blocks it when Weiss makes a glyph behind her and Ruby launches herself from it sending herself into he air. She spins on the way down and swings Crescent Rose at the guy, but he blocks it with his staff. Ruby fires Crescent Rose sending the guy flat on his ass and herself back towards Weiss. The guy gets up and rushes them both. Weiss makes some ice shards, but the guy dodges them. Ruby slices at him, but he jumps over it. Ruby seems confused by his complete lack of offense.

Ruby: What?

He breaks off a piece of a fire dust crystal and tosses it towards his teammate with the hoverboard. She loads it into her weapon and drives over her frozen teammate freeing him. She then goes up to Blake pulls up the hoverboard and pushes her legs against the weapon sending Blake back. She goes to hit Blake again, but she dodges it and they begin fighting. She almost hits Blake, but she uses her semblance to dodge the attack. Blake then sends her Gambol Shroud into a pillar of ice and swings herself out of view. The girl chases after her and spots her. She rushes in and hits her, but it turns out to be a shadow that Blake left with her semblance. Once the girl hits it Blake throws Gambol Shroud into an ice pillar making a tripwire that the girl hits. Blake then kicks the girl out of the arena.

Port: Ooooohhhhh! A double whammy! Reese Chloris is eliminated by ring out AND aura level!

Oobleck: Oh she really should've worn a helmet.

Meanwhile Yang is chasing down her opponent who uses her ribbon to skate around an ice pillar and stay out of Yang's reach. Yang chases after her by using Ember Celica to boost her towards her. The guy with pink hair takes aim at Weiss, but she sends his teammate flying into him with a glyph. Weiss then creates a black glyph under them making them crash into each other again before making a white glyph that makes an ice fist appear out of the ground and grab the two boys. The fist tightens until it's a boulder with both the boys in either side. It then starts rolling towards the side of the arena. Their teammate sees this and rushes over. She stops in front of the boulder and with a single blow breaks it, freeing her teammates.

Weiss: YANG!

Weiss makes a ramp of ice.

Weiss: NOW!!

Yang fires behind herself sending her up the ramp. As she boost up the ramp Blake throws her Gambol Shroud and uses it to pull Yang along. She then jumps on Crescent Rose and Ruby fires it sending both Yang and Blake flying. Blake then pulls the ribbon on her Gambol Shroud launching Yang to the rest of Team ABRN. Yang delivers a single hard blow while firing her Ember Celica that hits all three of them sending them flying into the fire side of the arena and draining them of their auras. The crowd cheers as Yang looks back over at her teammates who cheer as well. Meanwhile in the crowd C and Arsenic both clap and cheer for Team RWBY.

Yang: Yes!

Port: And that's the match! Team RWBY is victorious!

Weiss: We did it?


Ruby jumps up with a big smile on her face. The team all then walk out to the locker room. Yang then gets a message on her scroll. It's from a contact labeled "Hot Stuff".

Hot Stuff: The kid and I will meet you guys in the fairgrounds.

Yang messages back.

Sunshine: Can't wait Handsome ;)

Yang: C'mon girls. C and Arsenic are waiting for us.

They all head down to the fairgrounds.

Ruby: Is anyone else starving?

Blake: I may have worked up an appetite.

Blake's stomach then growls mightly giving away just how hungry she is.

C: Well that's why we're here.

They look over and see C with Arsenic on his shoulders. He walks up to them with a smile while Arsenic looks like he's about to pass out.

C: Great match girls!

Yang: Thanks!

C: So let's get something to eat, so the kiddo can quit being so dramatic.

Yang: Come on, I know just the place.

She leads the group, but Weiss's scroll rings. She checks the caller ID and sees that it's her dad. She ignores the call and follows the group when suddenly a voice stops them all.

Emerald: Hey! Might be hard to eat without this.

She holds up Ruby's wallet making said girl pat her pockets down in hopes of finding it on her to no such luck.

Emerald: Good to see you Ruby.

Emerald hands Ruby her wallet back.

Ruby: Oh thanks Emerald. Oh, guess I dropped it. Gahh, girl pockets are the worst.

Yang: What's up, Em?

Emerald: Just left the stadium after watching your amazing fight! You guys were awesome.

Ruby blushes and gabbles a little.

Ruby: Oh stop it. Shut your stupidlittleface.

Blake: I heard your team progressed to the next round too.

Weiss: You know, I feel like we never see your other teammates.

C: And that's probably for the best.

Yang: How'd they do in the fight?

Emerald looks up for a little bit as if she is considering something before she looks back down.

Emerald: Really well.

C: Did she just?! Why can't someone I meet actually properly segue into a flashback?! WHY?! IT'S NOT THAT HARD!!

C the entire time keeps a friendly demeanor up. He despises any moment around Emerald and her team, due to the evil intent they all profusely leak out, but for the sake of making sure they aren't suspicious of him he always just puts on a fake smile, not like anyone can tell the difference though.

C: I bet. Especially that Mercury guy. After all I got to experience what he can do first-hand.

Ruby: Why don't we all get some victory food together?

Emerald: Oh, gosh, that's so nice of you, but my teammates are all kind of... introverted.

C: Or they just can't keep up this facade as well as you can.

Emerald: Really socially awkward.

Yang: Ooooh, yeahhhh... I can see that.

C: And your comment makes her feel so much better.

Yang elbows him in the stomach.

C: Ow.

Emerald: So yeah, looks like Merc and I are gonna be moving on to the doubles round. What about you guys?

C: No way they actually tell her right?

Ruby: Well as the leader of this team,

C: You've gotta be fuckin kidding me.

C steps up and covers Ruby's mouth.

C: Although we appreciate you telling us who you're sending to the doubles. It would be in our best interest to keep it to ourselves. The whole element of surprise and all that. I'm sure you understand.

Emerald looks pissed for a split second, but she quickly brings back her positive demeanor.

Emerald: Of course! I completely get it. Enjoy your meal guys.

With that she leaves and C removes his hand from Ruby as he glares holes into the backs of Emerald and Mercury.

Ruby: Uh..why did you do that?

C: I don't trust them. At all.

Weiss: I'm sure you're just overreacting.

C: I can control time, space, and gravity, but all my power would be worthless if I couldn't tell who was evil and who is good. They reek of evil intent. It corrupts their very souls.

C brings his own soul out for dramatic effect.

Yang: You sure?

C: The way I see it, there are two possibilities. One, they are just bullies and two they are actually evil. My money is on the latter. Even Cardin and his team, despite how awful they are, aren't corrupted like they are.

With that C turns away from the retreating figures of Emerald and Mercury.

C: Let's get some food.

Yang: Come on.

She leads them to a booth for what seems to be a noodle shop. They all sit down with C sitting beside Yang.

Yang: I'll have a bowl of the regular please.

The guys gives her an absolutely huge noodle bowl, like the size of her torso huge.

Ruby: Oohhhhhh.... I'll take the same.

She gets herself a bowl.

Weiss: Do you have anything with a low salt...

She gets the exact same size bowl.

Weiss: Um...okay..

Blake simply nods at the guy running the booth and be nods back before running to the back and bringing Blake out the same size bowl, but her's has fish in it as well.

Arsenic: Do you have anything spicy?

The guy gives Arsenic the same size bowl as everyone else, but his noodles are slightly orange.

C: Make mine a double with a little bit of lemon juice.

Everyone looks at him like he's insane as he gets an even bigger bowl with a lemon wedge on the side of it. Weiss gives the guy her credit card.

Yang: Aw, Weiss! What's the occasion?!

Weiss: Consider it thanks for sending me to the doubles round.

Her card is thrown into the bar in front of her. And the guy running the booth and shows that the card was declined.

Weiss: What?! How can my card be declined?! I was barely into my monthly allowance.

C: Excuse me sir. I've got the money for our meal and theirs.

C gestures to Team JNPR who just so happen to walk up.

Jaune: How did you see us? You weren't even facing us.

C: I'm basically all powerful. Don't question how I know things. Anyways pop a squat and order. I'm paying for everything.

Yang: Aww! Thanks, Hot Stuff!

She kisses his cheek and C blushes while pulling out his wallet from his void.

C: Yeah yeah. Think nothing of it, Bombshell.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Yang and Chibi C accidentally reenacting the most famous scene from Lady and the Tramp.

After everyone was done with their food. Ren asks a pretty important question.

Ren: Are you sure it's wise to have eaten before a fight?

Pyrrha: Of course! It will give us energy.

Nora unleashes a mighty burp. As Jaune puts his head down.

Jaune: Ughhh...if I barf I'm blaming you.

Nora: Oh! Aim it at the enemy!

Ren: Nora! That's disgusting.

C: But it is effective.

They all look at C.

C: Oh! Is it story time? Okay so this one is actually pretty... interesting...

Flashback brought to you by Chibi Breed being led by Chibi C

C: I feel sick.

Noth: I told you not to eat all those s'mores especially while drinking that whiskey. We are literally about to go and fight off a entire syndicate of drug runners, murderers and rapist. And you decided to stuff your face and drink out of my flask.

C: I didn't know it was alcohol!

Noth: shut up before you get us caught.

C: Let's just get em. I have a plan...

C then stumbles into the rooms all Willy nilly.

C: Hey guys. Have you seen my dog? He's a golden dalmatian.

Druggy: Don't dalmatians only come in white with spots?

C: Shit! Noth they're on to us!

Noth jumps around the corner and starts beating the shit out of the crooks. He cuts short all their lives but not before one of them fires a shot alerting the rest of the gang below them. Noth cuts that guy in half and C then bumps into the stairway banister before vomiting his guts out all over the guys running up the stairs blinding them and making them fall down. Turns out due to how much alcohol was in his vomit it was very flammable and Noth set fire to it before grabbing C and jumping out the window. The entire building exploded after the fire spread to the meth labs in the bottom of the stairwell. Noth and C then picked off any stragglers trying to escape.

Flashback End

C: So yeah...

Weiss: That's disgusting.

C simply shrugs with an amused look on his face. Suddenly the intercom goes off.

Port: Would team JNPR please to the battle grounds immediately-

Oobleck: Yes! Like they were scheduled to, several minutes ago.

C: I gotcha guys. Grab on.

They all put a hand on C and he teleports them into the locker room.

C: Go! Fight! Win!

With that cheer he disappears back to his teammates.

C: So...are we going to go watch?

Ruby: Duh. Let's go!

She then takes off.

C:...How long till you think she remembers I can teleport?

Yang: Not until she gets to the coliseum.

C: Well. We're taking the easy way.

They grab onto C and he takes them to the stands.

C: Go find us some seats, and I'll bring over Ruby. Make sure to save two spots.

Yang: Okay. See you then, Rockstar.

She kisses him on the cheek and walks off with Weiss, Blake, and Arsenic. After a few minutes of waiting Ruby walks up to the stands and sees C.

Ruby: How did you-?!

C: Teleportation.


C: C'mon.

C activates his soul and then spots Yang's. It's yellow version of her emblem and it radiates positivity.

C: This way.

He leads Ruby to where he feels Yang. When he's close he sees something or rather he sees someone who seems to be trying to strike it up with Yang.

Man: Come on, Baby. If your boyfriend is so great then why are you here without him?

Yang: Because he went to make sure my little sister knew where to find us. Back off. I'm not interested.

He reaches out for her.

Man: At least-

C grabs his wrist and the guy looks up at him.

C: The lady isn't interested. Leave.

Man: I don't suppose you're the boyfriend.

C: Yeah I am the boyfriend. The same boyfriend who's gonna break his foot off in your ass if you even try to touch my girl after she told you to piss off.

Man: Look, I'm sorry.

C: If you're gonna apologize to anyone apologize to her.

Man: I'm sorry Miss.

With that C let's go of the guy and he walks away. C calms down and they all look at him.

C: You okay?

Yang: Yeah. I could have taken care of it, you know. Not that I don't appreciate it.

C: Yeah well your version of "taking care of it" would have resulted in us being kicked out of this place for the day.

Yang: Maybe.

C: So where's my seat?

Ruby had taken the empty seat by Yang during the commotion. All the other seats were full.

Yang: Here.

Yang stands up and C takes her seat. She then sits in his lap and snuggles up to his bare chest.

Weiss: Aren't you a little cold walking around shirtless?

C: Nah I've got my own personal pun making heater.

He says as he wraps his arms around Yang pulling her closer. She smiles at him as he kisses her head.

C: Besides no one has complained about it yet.

Yang: And I'm certainly not going to be the first.

Yang says as she looks up at him and wiggles her eyebrows. C chuckles and squeezes her making her laugh.

Port: Team JNPR of Beacon versus team BRNZ of Shade.

The holographic roulette display stops showing some trees and a mountain with storm clouds over it. One side of the arena becomes a lush plant filled forest and the other has a mountain rise up.


With that the three male members of Team BRNZ rush team JNPR as the female of the team heads to the treeline prepping her sniper rifle. After Pyrrha blocks the hit of the black haired boy and Nora misses her hit on the brunette the sniper shoots a rock beside Ren making the thing break off a piece and getting his attention. Jaune blocks a hit from the dark skinned boy with cornrows and then he sees a bullet fly past him. He spots the sniper in the trees.


Team JNPR take off behind some rocks with Pyrrha and Jaune blocking shots with their shields.

Pyrrha: What do we do?

Jaune: Spread out! Try to keep moving!

Jaune blocks a hit as one of the boys walks up to Ren. The sniper shoots by Ren's feet making him have to dodge, but when he does he is hit by the boy who approached him. He gets shocked by the boys weapon which turns out to be a cattle prod.

Nora: Ren!

Nora swings her hammer, but the boy ducks under it and jams the cattle prod into her stomach. Nora smiles as she gets shocked.

Port: OH-HO! Looks like one of my favorite students, Nora Valkyrie, is charging up to use her semblance!

The boy looks up confused.

Boy: What?

Oobleck: Yes, Ms. Valkyrie's semblance let's her produce as well as channel, electrical energy straight into her muscles! This allows her to jump explosively into the air, wield her might hammer, or in this case, absorb Nolan's attack and send the young man flying!

Nolan: WHAT?!

Nora flexes her muscles as pink lightening dances around them and the crowd goes wild. With one swift move she rams the end of her hammer into him with enough force to send him through a boulder. Thunderclouds roll up at the top of the mountain.

Jaune: Nora! Get to the mountain!

Nora: You got it!

She dashes off with a salute.

Jaune: Ren, try and distract the sniper.

Said sniper misses a shot at Ren.

Ren: Sure. Why not...

Nora climbs the mountain as Pyrrha and Jaune run up to the rest of team BRNZ. The one with the cornrows throws his weapons at Jaune. Said weapons happen to be buzzsaws, which Jaune blocks, but they still hit with enough force to make his shield hit him in the face. Pyrrha runs up and blocks some hits from the boy. Jaune recovers from his little dizziness spell and goes to help.

Ruby: Yeah! Go get em Jaune!

Weiss: Well he's certainly improved.

Yang: Yeah, but he ain't got nothin' on Pyrrha!

Said girl just so happens to be fighting off two members of Team BRNZ on her own. Ren meanwhile rushes at the sniper, but along the way is stopped by Nolan. He clashes with the boy and ends up getting him in a lock and using him as a human shield. The sniper seeing her teammate in the way takes aim at Nora.

Ren: NORA!

Jaune clashes with the black haired boy and sees that Nora isn't at the top of the mountain yet.

Jaune: PYRRHA! UP!

Pyrrha rushes at Jaune, sliding under her opponents before getting on top of Jaune's shield. He pushes her up and she jumps. She then uses her shield to block the sniper's shot on Nora. Nora finally reaches the top of the mountain and lifts her hammer. Lightening strikes her hammer as she then turns it into it's grenade launcher form and aims at the trees. She fires it and the shots all turn into a huge heart. They hit the trees destroying a ton of them in the process, but the sniper managed to dodge the attack. The smoke from the charred mess of trees forces her to get on the ground. Her team looks backs as Nora jumps from the mountain and slams her hammer in front of them. The attack makes an explosion cracking the arena and sending the male trio of team BRNZ back towards the sniper.

Jaune: This is it guys. Let's finish them with team attacks! Ren, Nora, FLOWER POWER!

Nora: Wait, what?

Jaune: F-flower power...that's your team attack name.

Ren: Since when?

Jaune: Guys we went over this! Flower power is Ren and Nora. Ren brings the flower, Nora brings the power!

Ren: How do I bring a flower?

Nora: No, silly, not a flower. Flour, like in baking.

Ren: Why would I bring that?

Jaune: I-uh. No it's your symbol.

Pyrrha: So what are we?

Jaune: Pyrrha!

Pyrrha: Sorry, I just want to make sure it's clearly defined.

C: How long until they realize this isn't the time or place?

Jaune: Pyrrha, you and I are Arkos. It's the thing where we take our shields, remember?

Pyrrha: Arkos?

Jaune: Yeah! It's our names out together!

C: Yang. Let me up real quick.

Yang gets up and C walks forward to the railing. He plants a foot on the railing and takes a deep breath.


His voice is loud enough to carry throughout the entire stadium getting everyone's attention.


C then sits back down with Yang in his lap.

Jaune: Nora...just hit em with the hammer.

Nora: Got it.

Nora leaps in front of the four members of Team BRNZ and swings. The hit sends all four of them flying out of the arena and into the barrier protecting the audience.

Port: And with that it appears team JNPR wins by knockout! Literally! Can somebody go make sure they're okay?

Oobleck: Ah well Vacuo fans are sure to be hurting after that one, but this next round will have them on the edge of their seats.

(Author's Note: Too bad because I'm not writing this one in)

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