The Abused Diaries

By BiasNadia

434 33 17

Four previously abused teens seek fame by publishing there diaries, filled with years of documented abuse. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Seven

18 1 0
By BiasNadia


I woke up to bright lights shining painfully in my eyes, i insantly felt a warm hand in mine. I look over expecting my mom to be there instead, I found a teary-eyed hispanic boy sitting besides me.

I snatch my hand away scared, "Who are you!" I yell. He turns his head to me and i insantly reconized him, as the boy who sits behind Sally in group.

"Thanks, for being here," I whisper, feeling guilty for yelling. He looks at me, and for a momment i cant tell what emotion he was feeling, but when i looked in his eyes i reconized hurt, i had seen it in Sarahs eyes many times before.

He snarls and than yells "And to think i felt sorry for you!"

"You dont deserve her kindness! The only reason im here is because. Sarah went to the bathroom and she didnt want you to be alone if you woke up!" He spit.

"Well i didnt ask her to do that!" I snapped back. Guilty reriseing from ths sound of Sarahs name, and her kind deed.

"And that's why shes a good friend! Beacuase she here! Anyone else would have laeft you lonly just as tou did her when she needed you," Than it click, i understood his hurt, i didnt deserve Sarah.


I listen to the doctor red eyed and emotionally drained.

"She has minor brain damage, but if she dosnt have a surgery to remove a clot in her brain, it will bust and it will kill her," The doctor explained rubbing my arm to confort me, as the tears start racing yet again.

"But she can have the surgery, right?" I asked hopefully, but my heart dropped just as the doctors face did.

"Her insurance, covers only a small portion of what we need to get the specailist from nigeria to come,"

"How much is the big portion," i asked jokingly, but the doctor still held the sad frown on his face.

"Twenty five thousand," i heard a battle cry behind me as i saw justices mother fall to the ground. Had she been there the whole time? I wonder to myself.


Short i know dont hate me! My laptop broke, so im writing on my phone ;(

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