
By Tasha334

21.1K 662 121

Bella's just opened up her new Bar with the money that she got from Charlie's life insurance, she meets Edwa... More

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chater 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 35

392 11 2
By Tasha334


I know I over stepped With Aro I couldn't help it, I knew Edward was worried about it kicking off when he saw him. After the screaming match he had with Rosalie his temper was already frayed, he was on edge from the minute he got out the car. By the time he spotted Aro in the church I knew he was holding himself back with everything in him. I couldn't really tell what the priest was talking about, I was to busy watching Edward..I could literally see the wheels turning in his head..Finding all the ways he could destroy him and make him pay.

By the time we were stood face to face with Aro, I could see the sinister smile on his face and see the smugness in his eye's...he was fucking gloating..I wanted to fucking kill him for what he did to Edward, he had no right taking away something Edward loved because he couldn't get what he wanted.

Edward was gonna lose it at any moment I could see it in his eyes...So I did what I had to do and made myself a target..I couldn't out right kill him in front of a church full of people..I could make him look like a fool..I knew she was his girlfriend...she was fucking young was disgusting . I saw the look in his eyes as he leered at me and jumped in before Edward could say anything he may regret later..didn't matter so much about me. I liked watching his face turn red with anger...but I was also glad his focus was on me and not Edward...I knew he'd be pissed later when we got home for making him look like an idiot..but better an idiot than a dead idiot.

I know I pushed him to far when he told me he would send me home...not his home but mine, It actually broke my heart a little he didn't realise I was trying to help...but he'd pay for talking to me like that later when I fucked off home and left him stood there, I've put him first every single time...and this time was no fucking different.

I stood there at his said being the fucking submissive little bitch he wanted me to be, I didn't talk unless spoken to, I gave the fake smiles when needed...all the while I was fucking stewing I could feel the anger burning below the surface..and it was gonna fucking blow as soon as this was over.

I thought I'd be glad when the last people arrived, I wasn't even gonna fucking talk but when he said Renee..I felt my blood run cold, I literally thought my head was gonna fall over when I snapped it up to get a look at the people stood in front of me. And there she was...she looked a little older definitely had some work done but I could tell it was her... she had the same blue eyes, same light brown wavy hair, she haven't really changed over the years from what I remembered and seeing her here accompanied with the anger I was feeling from earlier, I wanted to fucking smash her face right in.

"What the fuck is she doing here?" I snapped, I know I said I was gonna keep my mouth shut and act as I should but this was special circumstances...I'd dreamed many times over the years what I'd say if I ever saw this bitch again, all I could picture was my fathers broken look when he thought I wasn't watching..he loved her with everything and she just walked away without a word..leaving me behind.

"Watch how you talk to my fucking wife young lady?" I looked up and the guy stood next to her, he was built like Edward, green eyes, short dark hair..what stood out to me though...was he was about 5 or 6 years younger than her. I saw the dark shadow cross his face, but I didn't give a shit.

"I'll talk to your fucking wife how ever I like" I hissed back and turned to face Renée, she was looking at me like she was trying to figure out where she knew me from, guess I changed a bit in the last 14 years, My temper was so fucking close to boiling over..I could feel my fist's clenched so tight I was starting to shake.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking too" She hissed at me, she even sounded the same...I wanted to wrap my fucking hands round her neck and never let go, I wanted her to pay for everything she'd done, the mess she left my father in...I wasn't so bothered about me, it was him I kept picturing.

"Well, you of course mother" I spat with all the venom I could muster.

"What?" I heard both the douche and Edward say, I could see pure shock written across their faces.

"Isabella" She whispers shocked, I wanted to knock that fucking look off her face, she didn't have a right to be shocked. I loved watching the blood drain from her face as she looked at the douche from the corner of her eye and I had a feeling she hadn't mentioned me at all since they'd been together.

"I'd imagine I look different from when I was 10...and you left in the middle of the fucking night without a word" I hissed at her, I stepped forward I really wanted to get my fucking hands on her...But of course Edward would wanna ruin my fun.

"Oh Shit" I heard Edward say as he dragged me out the doors into the was empty so I assume everyone was making their way to the wake...I was thinking about giving it a fucking miss now.

"Isabella" I heard being called, I spun around coming face to face with a very fucking pale Renée.

"Don't even fucking talk to me, stay the hell away from me" I hissed.

"I...I just wanted to see how you Charlie was that's all I don't want to cause trouble'' She said in a small voice.

"Oh fuck" I heard from Edward..the worst thing she could have done was bring up my farther.

I kicked Edward in the leg so he'd let go of me, as soon as his grip loosened I punched her in the face with my good hand "You don't mention my Fathers fucking you understand me you little bitch..if you hadn't left like a fucking coward you'd know that he died years ago...and that I was left on my own with no Parents while you lived the fucking high life" I spat, I could feel liquid running down my arm, I know what I'd fucking done.

I didn't take my eyes off Renée as she sat the on the floor holding her cheek with tears rolling down her face...I actually felt pretty good seeing her like that, The douche decided to help her up, he looked like he wanted to fucking murder me...I had a fucking right after everything she did to us.

" still got the hanky thing?" I asked without removing my glare from them.

"Yeah why?" He said pulling it from my pocket.

"Cos I just broke some stitches" I said.

He walked over to me and pulled the front of my dress, I watched as he pulled the bandage back, It wasn't so bad I'd need to get another stitch "For fuck sake Bella" he said shaking his head.

"Just fucking fix it so I can go home" I snapped at him...I saw the douche looking over Edwards Shoulder to get a good look.

"You were fucking shot?" He said in disbelief.

"Get your fucking eyes off my Princess" Edward hissed at him

I watched him pull back "Sorry, how the fuck did she get shot?" He asked still shocked.

"Aro..that's fucking how" He spat.

"Just fucking sort this and get the hell out my face...all of you" I said looking up at Edward, he hurt look that crossed his have nearly made me change my mind... but I'd had enough for one fucking day.

"You are going nowhere without you understand?" His eyes turned cold and his voice hard...but he forgot I'm not scared of this Edward.

"I don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to...but you ain't my boss and you sure as shit ain't gonna treat me like on of your boys...Now are you gonna fix this or am I gonna go somewhere else and get it done" I said with a raised brow.

"You better watch your fucking mouth" He hissed.

I grabbed his balls as tight as I could as I pulled him closer to me "I have had enough of you said stop you from killing Aro...I did that by making myself a fucking target so you could get your shit together and not do something stupid...I put you fucking first again as always...then you snap at me in front of everyone and act like your embarrassed about being with me, tried to gain your respect from people you don't even like by treating me like made me look like a fucking idiot and then to top it all off I come face to face with this bitch" I snapped pointing at Renée " I've had enough for one you will leave me the fuck alone for a few days...because I don't want to look at you" I said as I let him go and walked down the steps towards the main road...I didn't look back when he called me I just hailed a cab, I needed to go back to Edwards quickly I knew he wouldn't turn up there as he was obligated to got to the wake...I'd grab my shit and go to the bar. I'd sleep in the apartment upstairs, Alice had worked on it over the last few weeks, it's not finished but it will do for a few days.



I knew I'd fucked up even before we were faced with Renée and Phil...but finding out the reason she acted like she did...I felt like a compete fucking asshole. I know it was partly my fault for not explaining properly...and I knew damn well she'd have trouble keeping her mouth shut..but to put herself in the line of fire to save my ass from loosing it both made me love her more and pissed off at the same time...but for her to think I was embarrassed about being seen with her was complete shit, she was right about me making her look like and idiot to save face in front all these fucking people I don't even like...looking back at it now I should have just laughed it off and been thankful and spoke to her when we got home...but she still doesn't realise what she's done with Aro though...I've lived this life everyday I know how it works, she don't have a clue..only what I've told her..again that's my she has a big fat fucking target on her...I can't fucking loose her.

On top of every thing else there was Renée...I did not see that on coming, I looked up at her to see tears streaming down her face...I don't normally hit women but I wanted to hurt her so bad, the pain in my princess eyes although she was angry, I saw the fuck do you leave a kid at 10 years old without a word, I shook my head at in disgust.

"Don't look at me like don't know what it was like" She actually rolled her fucking eyes at me.

"You couldn't have fucking told her you was gonna leave? just go in the middle of the night..that's it?" I asked in disgust.

"Edward" Phil warned.

"No" I said looking up at me "Did you see the fucking pain in my girls have no fucking Idea what she's been through...she needed a fucking mother...where the fuck were you huh?" I shouted at her...she made me sick.

"I left a note" She sobbed.

"A fucking note...who the fuck does that" I stepped closer to her "If you wasn't married to'd be fucking dead for what you did to put that look on her face" I was shaking...she left a fucking note...what the hell does that even mean to a 10-year-old for fuck sake. "Did you know about Bella?" I asked Phil.

"No" he said looking at Renée in a new light.

"I'm sorry" She whimpered "I didn't want to cause her pain, but I couldn't live like that anymore, I wasn't cut out to be a mother at the time"

"Everything thing that's come out your fucking mouth has been about you,you, and you...what about her" I shouted pointing to where Bella walked off "What did you think this was gonna do to her...her mummy just ups and fucking leaves...that shit scares a fucking child" I said, the way I felt about her was written all over my face, my disgust and my hatred for what she done. I sat on the top step pulling my hair and trying to come up with a way to fix this mess, not just the Renée mess but the mess I caused too..I'd hurt her fucking bad as well.

"How did she get shot Edward" Phil said as he sat next to me.

"Aro set me up, got me out my place and set men to my apartment, told Bella they were my boys...she was to pack a bag and go with them under the impression she was coming to me" I said shaking my head." Mental bitch called to chew me out for sending men when I couldn't do it myself" I said with a chuckle remembering how pissed she was.

"What the fuck is he up too" Phil through his teeth.

"I'll find out soon enough...anyway, when I told her I didn't send em, shit hit the fan she was trying to hold em off till I got there..but they got impatient and pulled a gun on her" I said and dropped my head "She took em both out you know?" I said with a smile...I was proud of my fucking girl. "one straight to the dome, the other trying to save her friend, got him straight in the chest...but the fucker let one-off before he went down" I said.

"Jesus Christ..we'll have to work together here Edward...we're probably almost like family now" Phil said while giving Renée the stink eye, I watched her shirk under his stare..good, bitch deserves it.

"I wouldn't let Bella hear you say that..she'll take off your fucking Princess has a mean temper, she'll go toe to toe with any fucker, don't matter who they are...Just ask Aro" I said with a dark chuckle and explained what happened with him earlier, he let out a booming laughter, I even saw a small smile on Renee's face.

"He's not gonna let that go you know?...she's gonna have a target on her now" Phil said in a serious voice, he knew what I did and how Aro worked.

"I know, that's why got pissed at her, she doesn't realise what she's done..I didn't mean to lose it with her" I said and dropped my head again with a sigh.

"How did Charlie die?" Renée asked in a small voice.

"Got shot by the same fucker Aro paid to kill my parents" I spat, I didn't wanna answer her fucking questions the woman made me feel sick...she didn't have a right to care now after all this time.

"Bloody hell, it keep's getting worse" Phil sighed.

"Do you think she'll let me apologise?" Renée said, I looked over at her, her eyes filled with tears.

"No" I said bluntly "Bella ain't like she used to, she told me she was a meek, timid and a shy person growing up until she got to college, she got shit on one to many changed her. she has a wall around her heart the size of fucking fort knox...took me weeks to get her to agree to one date" I said with a laugh. "I sent her flowers everyday for week hoping she'd give in...then she sent me a picture of them sat on a random graves and still told me no" I said and laughed a little harder.

"Your joking" Phil laughed with me.

"I'm fucking not, I started showing up at the bar she owns to bug the shit out of her until she said yes...that and to nick her food cos that woman can fucking cook" I said with a dreamy sigh...damn, how am I gonna fix this with her, I'm hoping by the time she gets home she'll calm down and come back..she must see it from my point of view too surely?

"You love her?" Renée asked looking at me.

"With every fiber of my being" I said and stared her straight in the yes, not that I needed to prove anything to her "You'll do well to keep Charlie's name out your mouth if she see's you again...he is still a very sore subject for her, she'll lash put as soon as you say his name" I said.
I watched her nod meekly.

"So what happens now?" Phil asked...his guess is as good as mine.

"Well I gotta wake to go to..then I've some groveling to do..cos apparently I fucked up...again" I said with a huff.

"Good luck with that" Phil laughed.

"You laugh..I'm gonna need it...that's twice she's had me by the ball's..I'm gonna have to start wearing a fucking cup...bitch is mental when she's pissed" I said as I stood up. "Guess I better go show my face for half hour and hope to go she's still at home when I get there."

"Well what do I do until then" I looked at Renée like she was fucking stupid.

" fucking wait for she waited for 14 years while you were off doing god knows what, I bet you didn't even give her a second thought did you?" I asked her, the look on her face told me everything I needed to know "Do you have anymore kids?" I asked and looked at Phil.

"We have a son" Phil said quietly, he knew where this was going.

I hissed at Renée, "Well that's gonna fuck her up more...she's gonna think she weren't fucking good enough for you to stay around for...but it was OK for you to have a kid with someone else..and you fucking stayed" I said shaking my head..keeps getting better and better. "I'm gonna go before I do something cause a war between us..thanks for coming" I said as I walked away from them towards the car.



By the time I went to Edwards to get my stuff and get back to the bar I was knackered it was nearly 5, but I decided to work tonight, save me sitting upstairs wallowing, it'd give me something to get my mind busy...I didn't want to be thinking right now.

I knew Alice had worked on the place this week, but there was no furniture here, I didn't realise that...shit, looks like I'll be sleeping in my office...I'm not stupid, I didn't know who knew my address so I wasn't gonna stay there..I didn't need any unwelcome visitors...but then I suppose they could easily find out that I own a bar...I didn't really think this through..oops. Fuck it, I'd work and then when I close up I'd find a hotel, I don't really feel like getting killed tonight.

I decided to clean the bar..I'm talking fucking scrub the place for the next 2 hours before I have a strip down wash and change my clothes in time for opening. I locked all the doors, put some tunes on the jukebox louder so I couldn't hear anything including my own thoughts and put my phone on silent...fuck everyone else..they could wait till I was ready.

First I polished all the tables and chairs then the bar, I removed all the glasses from the shelves and cleaned those to while singing my heart out..I sounded pretty fucking good. I polished the mirrors behind the bar and scrubbed the floor while dancing with the mop...people would pay to see this shit...I was on fire.

No matter, how much I tried to forget what went down today..I couldn't, did I go to far even though I was only trying to help?...he thinks I don't know what I've done, I know damn well that Aro will be coming after me..I'm not stupid, but I figured he was after me anyway..I mean he did send men to Edward place..I'm no better off now than I was yesterday or the day before that...I was involved in this shit the minute I started dating Edward, but he don't realise that.

Then there was Renee I didn't even know what to do about her, part of me wanted to do fuck all...a big fucking part of me...but the other part wanted to know why we weren't enough, I mean it was a small part but I had a right to know..It wasn't like I could fucking Ignore her now..she's married to someone Edward does dealing's with...or his pop's did. A little part of me wanted to know if I have any brothers or sisters, how long did she wait to get married after she left us...did she cheat on my father?...the more I thought about it the more pissed off I got...why the fuck do I want to know this shit..she didn't give a shit about me, so why the fuck should I bother after what she did...I fucking shouldn't. I was getting pissed off with myself for keep going over again and again.

By the time I had everything cleaned and switched on, I ran up stairs had a quick wash and changed my clothes, I had a pair of white so tight jeans they could be a second skin, a black tank top, the doc's Edward brought me when he was trying to sway me to date him..I did my make-up a lot darker than normal, I went for the smoky look I wanted my make-up to show my mood..and it was very fucking dark, I finished it off with some lip gloss...time to work.

By the time people started coming in..It felt good to be back here, it felt normal to be back behind the bar..I'd missed it and I didn't realise just how much until I was here serving people again, Angela was surprised to see me again, I know she wanted to ask question about why I was here after saying I wasn't gonna be for a few weeks, she must have seen I didn't wanna talk about it so she didn't say anything..for that I was grateful.

An hour into opening I looked up to serve the next person and come face to face with Aro...I stopped mid-stride, I wanted to slap myself for being stupid and coming here alone, I don't know if Edwards men were still following me...I knew he wouldn't do anything in a bar full of people..but I still felt like a twat.

"What can I get ya" I said trying to keep my voice steady.

"Scotch" He said with a sinister smirk on his face, I wanted to punch it, I knew I wouldn't get away with it he had 2 big fucking men stood either side of him...what the hell is he planning I thought as I made his drink, I wanted to txt Edward to come and get me, but I didn't want to show that I was afraid of him.

I took it back to him and gave him his total, he handed me his I took it he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him, "You won't get away with what you did" He hissed at me.

"And neither will you" I spat back and stared him in the eye "Your men didn't stand a chance up against me and neither will you, you'll pay for what you've done...Tell James I'm looking for him, when I find him all hells gonna fucking let loose, it wasn't just Edwards parents he killed..he'll get what's coming to him, just like you will you disgusting drink your drink and get the fuck outta my bar" I said and snatched my arm away from him.

"What are you talking about" He said looking shocked.

"You think we don't know you paid James...little fucker's been spouting about he's working with the big leagues" I said, I even did the quote marks with my fingers "You put the fucking hit on Carlisle...but isn't it in the rules you don't touch wives huh?" I asked him. "I'm gonna enjoy watching you suffer as the light drains from your eyes...I'd watch your self, you've pissed off a lot of people" I said with a smirk, I saw a trace of fear in his eyes...I fucking loved it, James had done nothing as far as I know but I wanted him to worry a bit...It did what it was intended to, I know I shouldn't have said anything about knowing what he'd done but when his men start dropping he would know it was his turn soon.

"You should be careful what you're saying" He snapped.

"Why?...I'm not afraid of you" I said not removing my eyes from him.

"You should be" He hissed as he stood and leaned over the bar, I shit it a little, but I wasn't gonna show him that.

"Keep saying it, it may happen" I said with a smirk "See the thing with you Aro is you're a lot like a toddler, can't get what he wants so he throws a his toys out his pram and has a tantrum" I said as I walked close to him "People ain't afraid of you, your just some dick that pays other to do is dirty work and get the job done...but you ain't man enough to do it yourself because you'd fail." I could see him getting really pissed off, he'd turned red and was shaking...but everything I said was true...guess the truth hurts.

I gave him a big smile and looked as his men that stood beside him trying to cover their smile's, I gave them a wink and turned my back on him to serve the next person...I don't suppose many have done that either...I really needed to txt Edward and send someone to come get me and take me to a hotel, I didn't wanna disturb him though I knew he'd be busy with his guests at the wake, I knew he'd come himself if he knew Aro was here and I wasn't ready to see him yet.

To be honest I don't think Aro will do anything tonight, this is his way of letting me know that he knows how to find me when he's ready...sorta like a silent threat...Edward will not take to kindly to that, but we knew it was coming..well I did at least. I carried on serving, but I always had my eyes on him, I watched his every move from the corner of my eye...and he had his beady eyes watching me, where ever I went his eyes followed it was a bit unnerving to be honest, I was sure that's what he wanted.

I looked to the left and let out a sigh of relief when I saw Alice and Jasper sitting at the bar, I made my way over quickly "Thank fuck your here" I said to him, even though he wasn't my favorite person at the moment he was better than no one.

"What's the matter?" He said leaning closer, I looked at him like he was stupid and swung my eyes to Aro and noticed he was still looking at me, I knew when Jasper noticed him too cos he stiffened and went to pull out his phone.

"No don't call Edward, I don't wanna see him yet" I said quickly.

"Well that's why we're here, he's going fucking mental looking for you, he went to your place and you weren't there" He said. I saw Aro stand from the corner of my eye...good he was going..I hope, I couldn't help one last dig as I walked over and took his glass.

"Remember Aro keep your toys in your pram" I said with a smirk, I watched his pale face turn a funny shade of purple and his fists twitch, I knew he wanted to go for a gun.."Do it" I hissed at him "There are plenty of witnesses here, you'll be in jail being fucked in the ass before you can say...I didn't do it" I saw his men cover their laugh with a cough..but I out right laughed in his face and gave him a wink as I walked away again.

"Bella" Jasper snapped.

"Yeah" I said as I walked over.

"Are you trying to get your self killed" He hissed at me.

"Oh now you're worried...wasn't so fucking long ago you were accusing me of working for Aro..was you not?" I snapped with a raised brow.

"Jasper" Alice gasped out, looking at him in shock.

"I didn't mean it like that" He stuttered out.

"I've been Bella's best friend since before are you doubting me too?" Oops...But Alice made a good point with that though.

"What..NO of course not" He said frantically.

"Then how the hell can you suspect Bella..of all people" She did not look happy.

"Alice don't worry about it, I ain't " I said as I stacked some glasses in the dishwasher.

"Bella" I knew that fucking voice, I turned around to glare at Jasper, sitting there looking sheepish, I carried on working I didn't wanna fucking talk to him, I could still hear Alice jabbering on about him not trusting her, I didn't mean to start an argument between them.

"Bella" he said again.

"Fuck off Edward" I snapped at him, looking at him for the first time in hours, he looked like shit, his tie was hanging around his neck, his shirt was crumpled...don't get me started on the fucking hair, it was standing on end in every direction imaginable...but it was his eyes that got me..he looked so fucking sad..and sorry, I wanted to hug him and tell him we were cool, but he chose making himself look good in front of people who didn't really matter at my expense...I wasn't down with that so I just shook my head and went back to work.

"WHAT DO YOU FUCKING MEAN HE WAS HERE" I heard boomed, I jumped out my skin..guess Jasper told him Aro was here. "BELLA" He screamed at me.

I stormed over to him "You watch your fucking mouth, this is my bar and you will keep your fucking voice down or get the fuck out" I spat.

"You kick me out?" He asked in shock..was he fucking stupid?

"Would you make your self look good at my expense?...That's a big fat fucking Yes" I hissed at him, I watched his face fall, I felt kind of bad, that was a low blow..I know he's just worried.

"I'm sorry Princess, but you don't know what you've done...your a target now" He whispered, his eyes begging me to understand.

"I was a target when he sent his men to get me and Alice, Nothings really changed" I said back to him.

"Bella...I can't lose you too" He choked out, there was so much sadness across his face it made my eyes fill with tears, how does he do this to me, I saw him jump the bar and pull me into his arms, his head dropped into my neck to his lips were by my ear "I'm sorry..I'm so sorry...I just can't lose you, you're the one good thing in my life at the moment..I need you and I love the shit out of you" He said pulling me closer.

"If you ever do that to me again when all I'm trying to do is save your ass..I will take a knife to your balls" I said as the tears rolled down my cheek..I was gonna have make-up every where...fucking smoky eyes.

"You won't get a chance too, I I'm buying a balls have suffered enough at you hands" He said trying to lighten the mood..I wouldn't put it past him though.

"I'm gonna go cleaned up OK, I'll be back in a minute" I said as I wiped my fingers under my eye's to remove some of the make-up that I know has run.

"OK" he said giving me a sad smile and kissed me on the forehead, then I headed towards my office to get myself together.

OK there you have it..Review please..tell me what you think...Maybe they'll both be back you prefer the split chapters?

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