
By Tasha334

21.1K 662 121

Bella's just opened up her new Bar with the money that she got from Charlie's life insurance, she meets Edwa... More

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chater 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 12

516 15 2
By Tasha334


I figured I could win her over with flowers as I didn't hear anything from her, I mean the note was a bit of a piss take, I didn't really expect her to drop everything and call, but I was hoping. So when I didn't hear anything I had a bunch of flowers sent each day. But I had a plan, I mean I could get what I wanted if I had one of my Tech guys get the info I needed but I figured if I pissed her off enough, she would either contact me or just give in to make me piss off, But what she didn't know was I would get what I wanted and that was a fuck. Although I had a feeling if I had her once then I'd probably want her again. I'd cross that bridge when I come to it. I set up the florist to send a bunch everyday and just charge it to my card, she would contact me soon enough and then I would have her number.

The first thing I did after I picked her daily card and flowers was, have peter one of our Tech guys come over to my club and do a sweep through. I would meet him the in about an hour, I'd already done it this week, I weren't taking any chances, I do it about once a month normally on random days and times, I don't want to get in to a routine, being predictable will get you in trouble in this job I'll be damned if I'm gonna get fucked over. But with what's going on at the moment I'm doing it every week on the quite.

I downed the rest my coffee and jumped in the shower, I didn't have time to rub one out, I was in a hurry today. I scrubbed myself clean and washed my hair, turned off the shower and pulled a towel around my waist as I towel dried my hair. I just ran my hand through it, It's pointless trying to do anything else with it. I put on dark blue button down with a skinny black tie to match with my black Armani suit, I didn't bother shaving so I had days worth of stubble that was starting to itch, I'll sort that later.

I grabbed my phone, keys, wallet and made sure to tuck my 9 in the back of my trousers, You never know who you're gonna meet. I was out the door and in my Aston Martin within 5 min's, damn I loved this car, I could listen to the purr of the engine all day. I arrived at the club with a few minutes to spare. I unlocked the door as I made my way to my office and unlocked it, I didn't leave anything to chance all my shit's locked up, and it's rare that I leave anything illegal in the grounds you never know when you might get visitors.

I was just starting to work on the payroll for this month when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" I called.

The door opened and peter stuck his head in, I put my finger to my lips to tell him to be quite and nodded him to get on with it. He pulled out with bug sweeper and started to go over every surface of my office, I damn near had a heart attack when the thing started going off like a fucking fire alarm, Then I realised what that noise meant. I was fucking pissed, I was more that pissed, I was damn right livid.

"Un fottuto bastardo, attendere che ottengo le mie mani su di lui" I shouted when peter had disconnected it for the chair opposite my desk. I gave peter my phone and made him check it over. thankfully it was clean, It's not often I leave it lying around for someone to snatch up and mess with it. I took the bug off Peter and checked it over, defo one of the FBI's the little pricks I crushed it under my foot and dialed Emmett.


"Where you at?" I didn't bother with pleasantries.

"On my way to pick up some of the lads" he answered puzzled.

"Stop at a payphone and call me back" I said and hung up.

He's spent more time with Mikey than I have, and I don't know if he got a hold of Emmett's phone, The little fucker managed to get busy in my office.

"Peter, go over the rest of the club, don't miss nothing or it's your ass" I snapped, it's not like it's him that planted it. It's probably safer for him out there than in here with me by the way I was feeling at the moment. My phone rang and I answered on the second ring.

"Yeah" I snapped.


"Someone been busy in my office with fed bugs" I said. I could feel my body shaking with anger and my knuckles were white.

"Shit, I was hoping she was wrong" He muttered, I don't think he was talking to me or himself.

"Don't use your phone, there ain't no telling what else the fucker has got hold of, have peter check when you get here. I'm gonna ice that little bastard." I say fuming.

"I'll be second in line" he said with a sigh.

"I got big plans for that fanook" I seethed "Pull Jazz aside if and let him know, I'm off" I said as I hung up.

I sat back in my chair and ran my hand over my face, then decided that there weren't much to do until I had the call from the old man with the info I was pretty sure was gonna come, So I went back to the payroll, I hated this part of owning a club, There were about 20 girls that worked for me on the floor and in the private rooms, not to mention the bar staff, I had a manager that did this for me most of the time, she was good at her job, but I was here and it took my mind off the other shit going on so I decided to do to fill up my time.

About 11 the phone call came that I was waiting for, I picked up as someone knocked on the door.

"One minute pop's" I answered.

"Come in" I shouted. Emmett and Jasper came in and I waved them over to the chairs in front of my desk, I motioned to close the door and put the call on load speaker.

"Who's here?" I asked.

"Just Emmett and me, Peter is still out there, he just went over our phones, both clean" He said I nodded and pointed to the bug still on the floor. They looked about as pissed as I did.

"Go on pop's" I muttered.

"Well I had Tony check on the info you gave me, turns out his name is Micheal Newton, worked for the FBI for five years but has been MIA for the last 2, his record was sealed but Tony cut through the tape, lo and behold he's undercover, How the fuck did we miss this?" The way my pop's spoke to anyone that didn't know him, he would come across as calm, but that's when he's at his deadliest..then watch out.

"Che stupido a piccola madr" I sighed "We've been round these fucker's for years, How the fuck did he get through, I mean we all missed this, then my girl takes one look at him and can tell straight away, we all need to pull our heads out our asses and pay better attention, this was a fucking rookie mistake" I said.

"Son calm down, we just have to figure out what we do with this information now" My pop said.

"Calm down he says" I mutter to my self "I got plans for this fanook, I say we put him in a place with the rest of his family...down the docks" I say with a big fucking cheesy grin on my face.

Both my boys had been quite up until now when Emmett starts cracking up and Jasper chuckled.

"You fucker, you wanna put him with the rats?" he manages to get out between his laughter and trying to breathe.

"Damn straight, Right where he belongs, they'll notice he gone, I say 24hrs with the rats after a bit of torture and the maybe a car accident...whad'ya say?" I was actually getting excited.

"I'm with ya man" Jasper says, I know he wants in on this, I don't blame him, he fooled us all and being a rat is about as bad as it gets in the Borgata.

"Alright boys, He's due to call in tomorrow, when he's made the call we'll snatch him up..I want to talk to him before he visits with his family" He said with a chuckle. I was a bit surprised as were my boys, it's not often my pops get's involved with this part of the job anymore, must be a special occasion. I smile at the thought. My father was still on the line when I received a txt, I quickly said goodbye and ended the call, I checked the txt as Emmett and Jasper started talking between them.

I opened the message from a number I didn't know, it took a second to open , and when it did I laughed out loud until I had tears streaming down my face. There in the picture was the flowers I'd sent to my angel sitting on some random person's grave, The fucking cheek of this woman I both loved and hated it. Just below the pic was a little msg that said I hate flowers stop sending them...they found a better home...B

"Boss you OK?" Jasper asked.

"Fuck this woman's gonna be the death of me" I muttered " I been sending Bella flowers all week, I think she's had enough" I say with a smile and show them the pic on my phone, it takes them a second to figure out what's going on...and the they crack the fuck up as well. I decided to txt her back not that I have her number, Part one complete.

That's not nice angel YOU WILL GIVE IN, It's only a matter of time...E

"Fuck skip you got your work cut out with his one" Emmett said wiping his face with his hands.

"It'll be worth it when I get her" I say when I receive a txt back.

You wish fucker, ain't gonna happen...give in already...B

Not likely sweetheart, I ALWAYS get what I want, and that happens to be you...E


She is so fucking stubborn...Here goes I think to myself.

One date and I'll leave you alone?...E

She didn't txt back then, I was trying to think of something else to get her, something she would like or maybe something I want to see her in...I'm an not thinking dirty thoughts...That's a fucking lie and we all know it.

"Boss we're off...laters" Jasper said clicking away on his phone, He had been out a few times with Alice, he ain't none to happy she's making him work just as Bella is me, she wont put out, I'm glad I ain't the only one not getting any, My shit still don't work for anyone but her, I hope to god that changes after I've had her.

About an hour later I was browsing the web trying to come up with something for Bella when I stumbled on the Doc martin web page and spotted a sexy pair of black boots...fuck she'd look hot in them. After ringing 3 different stores in the area I manged to get a pair in her size in stock, after dropping my name, they were gonna deliver. I wasn't happy about having to practically beg Jasper to get her shoe size from Alice.

I decided to head home, I'd had enough with sitting in the office all day, I wanted to get in the shower and dress in something more like me, perhaps I might stop by the bar later.

45 min's later I was walking through the door and dropped my keys on the table just inside the door when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out and felt my lips smile as my phone lit up with Bella's name.

I had every intention of throwing the bx at you head the next time I see you next because I can't be brought...But when I opened it, I decided to be nice and accept them, I've after these for a while, and don't get all smug...I'm not saying thank you.

So fucking stubborn, I know she's getting me back for the latter I left on her desk, That said I wont say thank to her a face to face. Yep defo making a trip to the bar.

I went to my room and Grabbed a pair of jeans and one of my band tee's and made my way to the bathroom and jumped in the shower. I didn't bother to shave again I couldn't be bothered. After doing my teeth I got dressed and made my downstairs and grabbed wallet, phone, I grabbed my 9 and put it in the back of my trousers under my tee, didn't really want it to be seen. I picked up my keys on the way out the door.

15 min's later I was pulling up in front of her bar, I parked right outside and made my way in to see her sat at the bar eating what looked like a plate of lasagna and it smelled fucking lush I almost moaned load. I just stood there for a second and looked at her, she really was beautiful stuffing her face without a care in the world. I made my way over just as she was about to put another mouthful in when she noticed me walk up and sit in front of her, and I couldn't help it I leaned over as if to give her a kiss, she was sat frozen,as my hand slid up the hang holding the for fork and turning it away, which just happened to be right in front of my mouth and I had to taste it really, It smelt fucking great.

So while she was still not quite with it, I leaned down some more keeping my eyes on her as I put lips around her fork, This time I did moan out load as I sat back in the stool, I felt my eyes roll in the back of my head, Oh my god that's better than my mother, although I would never say that to my ma. she'd kick my ass.

When I opened my eye's Bella was looking at my lips as I licked them, I was gonna give some witty remark, but thought better of it so settled with...

"Jesus fucking Christ, where the hell did you get that from, that shits the best I've had" I said. Looking up to my eyes, hers narrowed, and I thought oh here we go, But I didn't come.

"I made it" she said with a slight blush.

"Na...for real, where did ya get...maybe they deliver" I muttered to myself. I heard Bella snort, It was shocking to hear that sound coming from her, but really nothing should surprise me anymore.

"I did make it, and no I don't deliver, Next time don't touch my food. I don't share" Ahh there she is I thought smirking to myself...because I can.

"Damn" I said a pouted, I actually felt like fucking sulking, It was really that good. "As you don't deliver, you'll have to make it up to me" I said with a grin.

"What now" She said with a huff, she looked like a fucking kitten.

"Go out on a date with me" I asked.

"No" And then she rolled her eyes at me.

"Don't make me beg, cos people will see, And I can't have people thinking I'm a pussy" I said with wide eyes and a pout.

"No" she said again, but there was a little smile on her face, I was winning her over.

"Come on Bella, I'll behave I swear, If after that date you want me to leave you alone I will"

"If I don't want to see you after one date, you'll leave me be?" she asked all hopeful and shit, I should have been upset by this, But I wasn't, I just had try to be the gentleman my mother thinks she raised.

"Sure" I said and nodded at her.

"Fine" she sighed, and my grin was fucking huge I assure you.

I leaned forward and whispered "Can I have something else?"

"No" she snapped, she actually looked fucking scary.

I sat back and folded my arms and raised a brow at her and said "I only wanted a Jack on the fucking rocks" I said with a smirk

"I'm gonna fucking regret this" She muttered as she went to make me my drink, I had to chuckle. I pulled out my phone and txt by boys, they thought I wouldn't get a wrong they were.

Has finally cracked her...where the fuck to I take her on a date?

Bella made her way over and put my drink on the bar I was quick to grab her hand and bring up to my lips and place a light kiss barely touching the skin while looking into her eyes.

"Thanks angel" I knew I was thanking her for more than a drink, and I think she knew to, She just gave me a nod and moved over to serve an old dude at the other end of the bar.

I sat back and took a sip of my drink trying to come up with somewhere to take her, she ain't fall for the usual that's for sure.

Fanook= homosexual

Ice= Kill

Skip= boss

Borgata= "Family"

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