
By Tasha334

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Bella's just opened up her new Bar with the money that she got from Charlie's life insurance, she meets Edwa... More

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chater 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 8

507 18 1
By Tasha334


I was still sat watching her while Emmett and Jasper were still laughing at me. Jasper stopped suddenly and lent over and said "Who's that?"

"Who are you talking about?" I said.

"The one who just came back in with the black spiky hair." He said with a look of pure lust that had just clouded his face.

"Why?" I said with a smirk.

"Just tell who the fuck it is" He demanded

"OH HO! You're not fucking laughing at me now are ya?" I said with a laugh.

"Come on boss...who is she", It sounded like a whine and I didn't know he had it in him. It just made me laugh harder. It was OK to laugh if it wasn't at my expense.

"That my friend is Alice if I remember correctly she is one of Bella's friends. She was with her last week at the Chinese place I ate at." I said.

"Fuck me, you mean I could have had her last week?" He looked like someone just smacked his fucking puppy. Guess I ain't the only one whipped without the pussy huh.

Emmett must have been on the same of thinking cos we both looked at each other than back at Jasper and shouted "Whipped" the bust into a fit of laughter. All we got in return was a raised brow, a lazy smirk and then he shrugged his shoulders before he went back to looking at Alice at the end of the bar. I looked at Emmett and raised my brow. He just shook his head at me with a smile.

I had just taken a mouthful of my Jack when a hand shot in between me and Emmett. I felt myself frown. I followed the soft, pale looking skin right up to the face of its owner, who turned out to be my fucking angel in all her glory and I had to smirk back...time for some fun.

"What can I get ya angel?" I said.

"Payment" She said with her hand still held out for what I assume was money. I looked into her eyes saw they had dilated and glazed over with lust. Fuck that look looked good on her and I felt my smirk get wider not to mention I could feel myself getting hard.

" just want me for my money?" I rasped out and I didn't even fucking recognize my voice at the moment because it had turned deep as fuck. I had to clear my throat a little.

"Of course" She said with a straight face. Well shit at least she told the truth right? Yeah then she started laughing, she wasn't the only one either, Emmett was the loudest of course.

"Fuck got a mute button?" She said with a raised brow and slapped her hand over his mouth, Emmett must have seen the look on my face because he batted her hand away pretty fast and she started to laugh. I was happy she was getting on with Emmett but the thought of her touching anyone but be made my fucking blood run cold and ball my hands into fists until I could feel my nails breaking through my skin and my knuckles turn white. She was not touching anyone else but me and if anyone thinks about touching what's mine he's pretty much a fucking dead man.

"What's up Mr. Green-eyes" She said with the biggest smile I had ever seen on her face. She knew bloody well what she was doing little fucking minx.

"You want my card or what?" I didn't mean to be a prick about it. Just images of her and some faceless dude in my head pissed me the fuck off. I shook my head to get rid of them and looked up at her to see she was looking around the table. She took another look around and stiffened. I looked at her eyes which looked weary.

"You good?" I asked her. I just wanted to know what had spooked her. She looked like she was contemplating something, like her brain was battling with something.

She lifted her hand and ran her fingers through my hair and shit if it was anyone else I would have taken their fucking hand right off, but this shit felt so good. When she tugged it and put her mouth next to me ear I could feel her hot breath on my neck. I suppressed a shiver and willed my cock to go down...shit she hardly touching me.

"I'm good are you?" She asked in a breath...Jesus fucking Christ.

"I'm pretty fucking good at the moment angel" And before my brain could catch up with my hand it was already on her hip giving her a squeeze fuck was she soft. I mean she had a bit more meat than I was used too so I had something I could hold onto. You seriously don't wanna know the shit going on in my head now.

"Good enough to know you got a cop sat at your table?" I didn't register what she said at first so I sat there a second. I felt my hand squeezing harder. I didn't have control over it. When the words finally registered I stiffened and pulled my head up and locked my eyes with hers. She looked right back at me. I know I had only seen her a few times and everything but as far as I could tell what comes out of her mouth is the truth. I could see it in her eyes; she had no reason to lie to me. As if she could tell what I'm thinking she nods her head slightly and moved her eyes over to Mikey then back to me and nodded again...Fuck! I didn't know I was squeezing too hard until her hand left my hair and tapped on my hand lightly. I looked at my hand and saw my knuckles had gone white...shit that was gonna leave a mark. I let go quick and pulled her onto my lap in one swift move. I would have laughed at the little squeak that left her mouth if I wasn't trying to get everything thing straight that was running a mile a minute in my head. I buried my face in her hair and took a deep breath, fuck me strawberries. That shit she smells so good.

"You know who I am?" I asked her.

"Yeah" She said in a firm tone. Yeah she didn't give a shit who I was and that was a first for me. All the other birds came onto me to get fucked and see what they would get out of me but she didn't give a toss. I liked it.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked. I had switched over to boss mode. I could see Jasper giving me a look out the corner of my eye but I ignored him.

"I hate the bacon...they didn't help me when I needed it, let's just say a little bit of pay back" She said, her voice could rival mine at the minute. I pulled back and looked at her again. I don't know what I was looking for, but the way she was looking at me I felt as though I could trust her. Like she could see me, the real me, with just one look and that scared the shit out of me.

"How do you know?" I asked looking over at my lads, they were almost like family, well they were family I knew them all well, and at least I thought I did. Mikey has been with us for two years now, if he turned out to be a cop then he was a fucking dead man. There was no telling what that fucker had let slip to the feds. I was trying to recall what the prick had seen over the last few years, not that it mattered. What pissed me off more is that I had a rat and didn't even fucking suspect it. That shit's not right and if I had been on top of my game I would have seen but I wasn't...and then it takes one look from my angel and she could tell right away...fuck.

She leaned in again and said "My dad was a cop...I got a built-in fucking radar for that shit"

I couldn't help it I threw my head back and laughed again loudly. I gave her a squeeze, and then I felt her wiggle against my dick, which happened to sit up and take notice. I forgot she was on my lap up until that point and I could feel the lust pour over me like a bucket of cold water. I shifted my hips and may or may not have rubbed my dick against her ass and fuck it felt good too. I had to smirk at her. I could feel the heat from her core through her jeans. She wanted it as much as I did of that I was sure. Mikey was all but forgotten for a minute.

"Lemme take you out?' I asked. My voice sounded like it did earlier deep as shit, god could she get me going.

"Oh I dunno I have a lot to do?" It came out like a question, I could tell she was trying to be coy she also looked amused; OK I'll play your game for now angel.

"Oh yeah, and what's that?" I asked. I shifted my hips again, fuck I was gonna jizz in my pants at this point, the moan I was suppressing let loose. Thank god it wasn't too loud.

"Well I have a bar to run, and I have to wash my hair" She said with a chuckle.

"Oh ho I see how it is, but I know you wanna, all you have to do is say yes" I said. I knew she would give in if I gave her the Cullen charm.

"Don't fancy being one of your whore's sorry about that sweet-cheeks" She said, and this time it was the fucking bucket of cold water that hit me. Fuck no one ever said no to me. I could feel myself closing up as I looked at her.

"Who said you would be one of my whore's?" I asked her. I was pissed I never said anything of the sort.

"I know how men like you operate. You are never with just one bird. You are what's called a man whore. You have the looks. You have that air about you that can get you just about anything you want. But I'm telling you right now I won't be one of them." she said looking me square in the eyes, and I knew, she had me pegged. And to be honest that shit stung a bit even though everything she just said was the truth, but I didn't want her to see me that way for some odd reason, I'll look into that more later...bring it back Cullen.

"Well're what they call a tough fucking cookie. I'll just have to wear you down that's all." I said and I will. When I set myself a challenge I stop at nothing to until I get it...It's on! She wiggled on my lap again and she did that on purpose judging by the smirk on her face as she held out her hand out again. I knew what she wanted so I gave it to her.

She got off my lap and leaned in and said in a voice that was to die for "Good luck with that"...Fuck I was hard again. I tried to get comfortable as she walked away but had to adjust. When I looked up she was looking over her shoulder laughing at me...of course she saw...bitch. When I got her, she was gonna get it good. That thought brought a smile to my face. I looked at her. She was beautiful, she locked her eyes with my mine a tipped her glass to me a downed it, then went back to work.

I looked over a Mikey again with a scowl, he wasn't looking my way but I could feel myself getting pissed off again as my hands gripped the table until my knuckles turned white again. I had to look away before he was let onto what I think I know or was told or how I didn't think anything until today.

"What's up boss?" Jasper said. Emmett heard and lent over to get in on the conversation. I took my phone out my pocket and typed. I didn't want this getting out until I knew for sure.

Bella thinks Mikey's a cop!

I showed them. I heard a gush of air from them both as I deleted what I just wrote.

"No shit" They looked like they had been punched in the gut. I knew how they felt because I thought I knew all my boy's. If it turned out that he was a cop then there was a special place in hell with his name on it.

"Yeah" I muttered.

"How can she tell" Jasper said.

"She said she got a built-in raider for that shit" I said with a chuckle.

"Can you trust her?" He asked.

"Watch your mouth" I snapped. I felt like I was breathing fire. I knew why he was asking, I mean I had only just met her and we had known Mikey for two years, but there was just something about her. I felt like I could trust her. Then again I felt like I could trust Mikey too...fuck.

"Sorry boss, I didn't mean to sound like an ass, but you did just meet her" He said.

"I know, I know...I just got a gut feeling now that it's be mentioned that she is right and I always go with my gut" I sighed.

"I'm gonna go make a call...OK?" I said to them both. They nodded. I didn't need to tell them to keep it quite they knew this shit couldn't get out till we had the facts. I walked over to the bar and caught the blonde's attention. She walked over swaying her hips. If she swayed any more she was likely to throw out a hip of something. I looked at her face, she was wearing way to much orange shit on her face and you couldn't see her eyes properly with all the black shit on them. I think she was trying to bat her eye lashes at me but they looked like they were getting stuck together. I had to chuckle, she was desperate...No thanks sweetheart.

"What can I get ya handsome?" She was trying to sound sexy but she just sounded like a twat for real. I scowled at her and looked over at Bella who happened to be looking our way with a scowl of her own. I pleaded with my eyes for help...she got the message and walked over like a normal person, only the sway of her hips was natural like the rest of her I'm sure...yum!

"Fuck off Lauren" She said with pure venom. I can feel my dick perk up...My angels jealous and it's a very good look for her I thought with a smirk.

"Angel, can I use your office a minute to make a call" I said while holding my hands up to show her my phone and swung my eyes to Mikey to then back again. She caught it.

"Sure" She said and walked to the side of the bar. I followed without a second glance at the blonde. She opened the door and let me in and I leaned down and gave her a small kiss on the cheek as I walked past her and said "Thanks"

She looked flustered for a second, and I smiled at her. I eyed her lips and licked my own then she pulled herself together, "Don't fucking touch anything, make your call and get out...cocky lil shit"

I put my hand over my heart and pouted and said "Ouch wound me." I tried to keep a straight face but the look she gave me made me chuckle. She wasn't falling for my shit. "OK, OK don't touch anything and get it" I said with a small smile and held my hands up. She gave one back and walked out the door shutting it behind her. I took a deep breath and dialed.

"Hello" He said.


"Son, what's up?" he said, although he was the boss I loved the shit out of him; He was my hero as sappy as that sounds.

"We secure pops?" I asked. He knew what I meant.

"Yeah...sounds serious, what's up?" He knew me. I wouldn't call if I could handle this myself. This needs to be dealt with just right.

"We may have a problem...a rat" I said

"It better not be fucking Jersey" He boomed...ahhh Jersey that's a story for another day.

"Nope not Jersey" I said

"Well who is it then" He said

"Feds" I said. All I got on the other end was silence for a moment.


"Mikey" I said full of hatred

"No way"

"I didn't think so either until it was brought to my attention tonight but I've been thinking about it and shit I didn't notice is coming back at me full force...It needs to be checked out...then he's a fucking dead man" I said with venom.

"Shit son, I'll get Eric to look into it but you can't just kill him. It needs to be done properly let's say with an accident" he said.

"I know...lemme know what you find." I said.

"Can you trust this person that brought it to your attention?" He asked. I know he didn't know Bella, but being questioned made me wanna snap but I would likely get a black eye when I saw him next...He's a great dad but he's always the boss first. This job goes above everyone and everything.

"Yes she can be trusted. Don't worry about it, you'll meet her soon enough" Shit why did I say that?

"OH Ho, will I?" He said with a chuckle.

"Hush it will ya. I don't want Ma knowing yet. She's different from the rest of them you know, she doesn't fall for my shit. I asked her out earlier and she said No!" I said still surprised

All I heard was laughing on the other end of the phone, and then an"ohhhh" before he carried on.

"Have you fucking finished" I said in a huff.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just wished I had seen your face. That's got to be a first." He was still laughing; I didn't find it very fucking funny.

"You ain't funny. I'll just have to try harder that's all. She'll give in, she wants me, she's just playing a game that's all...I'll play for now" I said with confidence.

"Go get her son" He said with a chuckle.

"I'm off, lemme know what comes back" I said

"You got it" He said then hung up.

I took a look around her office and noticed the notepad on her desk and decided to leave her message for a later then made my way back to the bar. I smirked and gave her a wink as I passed the bar. I watched her eyes narrow at me. I gave her an innocent look and shrugged my shoulders then gave her a big smile as I made my way back to my seat.

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