Plea2e dont leavve (erisol sa...

By erisolshipper

244K 8.2K 9.6K

Act 1 Eridan is tired of everyone thinking he's nothing and a mistake to life. so he is deciding to give the... More

Plea2e Dont Leavve (erisol sadstuck )
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
To my readers....
Chapter 6
My readers...
Chapter 7
Part 2 coming soon!
Part 2 chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Authors Note
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Important and Last AN

Chapter 29

5.5K 211 217
By erisolshipper

•Picture: Scene at the end of this chapter

Ever since that day, Eridan had been spending his time with Dave and John, to cease his loneliness. He had to admit, it did help at some times... But all he ever really did think about was Sollux and with each passing day, as Christmas came along... He grew fearful that his worst nightmare would come true...

That Sollux would never wake up.

Day by day, he hoped....

Night by night, he hoped...

The Prince of Hope, still had a small portion of hope left in his heart, for his Mage of Doom to awake from his coma.

Sollux, on the other hand, only wished for his sweet prince to be happy if he didn't wake up.

As the the came closer...

He was starting to plan things...

Now John and Dave being able to communicate with Sollux, reason still unknown to them..

Sollux was planning with them, for a surprise gift to Eridan.. If his time of waking up, would never come...

He had to do this...

It meant everything..

And when time passed, and as the others came to visit, Dave had told them about his ability to see and speak with the dead and people who were spirits like Sollux...

He tells them all but Eridan.

Aradia had realized that her abilities had gone to Dave. It was strange for all of them to process..

Dave all made them promise not to tell Eridan that he was able to talk to Sollux.

At that time..... Everyone was able to see Sollux for the first time since the party... Meaning, Eridan can too.

"It Is Really You Sollux?"

"Yeah... Iit2 me..."

"W)(ale... We are all so )(appy to sea you!"

"FF, don't cry.. Plea2e.... II actually have a favor to a2k of all of you..."

Everyone was at Daves place, again, except for Eridan. This was the day before the Christmas Party....

Christmas EVE...

"WHAT IS IT?" Karkat was holding Nepetas hand, standing close to her.

"IIm Beeiing taken off liife 2uport tomorrow, riight beefore the clock hiit2 twelve am... II want two giive ED a pre2ent... But II need all of your guy2 help...."


"True... IIm not able two touch you, we already know that when you all triied huggiing me... But... I can touch object2..."

It was true.. Sollux was able to fully touch objects as if he was still awake and living freely. Since Everyone can see him now, he wanted to do a big reveal to Eridan.

"Kanaya, do you and Ro2e 2tiill have that piiano?"

Solluxs POV:

"No! What iif he-"

"Dude, it's you that we are talking about here. He will not freak out... He'll be fucking surprised.. But I know he won't run."

"Me too! Eridan will actually be amazed!"

"II hope 2o...." I sighed and put down the pen.

"What iif he doe2nt liike iit?"

"He'll love it dude. Especially since I am helping with this. A strider never fails once it comes to music."

"Dave, you don't even play the piano... And didn't Sollux beat you in that Rap off though Dave?"

"You're getting off subject egbert."

I laughed. "Ye2 II Diid.."

"Well, we have to leave in a while.... "

"Why? We have to help Sollux with this?"

"Because we promised Eridan we would hang out today, remember?"

"Oh yeah."

"IIt2 okay guy2. II thiink II have two practiice thii2 for my2elf anyway2..."

"But we also won't be able to see you until the party tomorrow.. We promised we would sleep over.."

"Great! More tiime for me two practiice and not get dii2tracted."

"Alright dude, we'll see Ya tomorrow."


And with that, John and Dave left me alone. Perfect.

Gog, I never knew playing the piano could be so hard... Thank Gog John taught me how to play the piano..

I looked at the piano keys and began playing.

So much playing to do..

So little time until tomorrow..

Eridans POV:

I quickly hurried to my door and opened it, seeing Dave and John.

"Wwhats up guys?"


"Sup, ready to have some fucking fun?"

"Yeah, I guess." I rubbed my arm lightly as I let them into my home.

"Holy shit, your place is huge."

"WWhale Wwhat did you expect it to be? "

"Hehe! Come on! Let's have some fun!"

John laughed and put his things down by the couch. I closed the door and smiled.

Gog, I'm really thankful I have these guys... They're really fun to hang out with..

"So what are we going to do?" John asked excited.
"Wwhale I wwas thinkin' wwe could all Wwatch some movvies or play some games and just.. Y'knoww... Talk I guess."

"Okay! What movie!?"
"God, please don't let it be Con-Air, Titanic, or any other fucking movie related to Nic Cage and Kitkats shitty romcoms."

"Hehe! It's wwont be Nic Cage related."

"Damn it!" John pouted.

"And I'm not in the romance mood right noww.."
"Oh right.. Sorry.."
"It's okay! I just... Yeah..." I faded out really not trying to think about romance.

Well that's going to be fucking hard having a couple with me to hang out.

"Howw about wwe wwatch Taken? I heard a neww one is comin' out soon! Wwe can Wwatch the other ones!"

"Hell yeah, what about you John?"
"Sure! I haven't seen the second one yet though.."

"It's okay! I havve them both! Second one?"

"Sure." Dave said shrugging and John nodded happily.
I smiled and walked over to my DVD shelf, looking for the DVD case.

"Found it!" I took the case out and turned around, only to see John and Dave making small kisses to each other.

"Um..." I said quietly and they pulled apart blushing.

"No no, it's okay.. Just.. Um..."

"L-Let's watch the movie!" John suggested. Both me and Dave nodded.

I put the movie onto the DVD player and I sat on the couch.

They both sat next to each other on my left. I played the movie.

~towards the end~

My eyes kept constantly trying to fall to sleep.

I glanced over at the two of them.
Dave was giving John quiet kisses all over his face.
John giggled. I smiled seeing the two of them smiling.

I sighed quietly and looked back at the screen.

I wonder what's going to happen at the party tomorrow...
I mean, it's the first time everyone would be together at a party again... Well.... ALMOST everyone...

Fuck, what if Sol doesn't wake up? Cod damn it Eridan! Stop thinkin' like that! No losing hope! He's going to be okay!!

"Eridan, are you okay? You're crying.." I heard John say, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Wwhat?" I sat myself up and wiped my eyes. Yeah, I was crying damn it..

"You okay dude?"

"I-I'm fine.. S-sorry..."

"Is it about... Um..." John looked down.

"Yeah.." I sighed. Fuck, I didn't even notice I was crying.

"Maybe you'll see him tomorrow." Dave said.

"Wwhale, I do plan on vvisitin' him tomorroww... Before they..."

"No, I mean like.. Actually see him, as in talk person to person... Him being erm... Awake.."

"Wwhy did you go 'erm' wwhen you said that?"

"I don't really know.." Dave shrugged.

"Wwhale... Hopefully he Wwill be awwake...."


Solluxs POV:

"II got iit!" I smiled in victory as I finally hit the last key perfectly.

Damn, I didn't think I could learn how to play the piano in just a few days.
Hopefully Eridan will love it...

And thank Gog John taught me this.. I don't know what I would do if he didn't help me.
And Dave was... Someway of a help.. He wants me to sing, but I'm so bad at it... Plus my stupid lisp...

Maybe I should go check on Eridan along with John and Dave. I have the song down and memorized perfectly.

I look at the clock and it's already 1 a.m.

"Maybee they're awake 2tiill?"

I shrug and head out.
And of course, it was snowing..
It wasn't bad, it actually looked calming and beautiful.

I quickly went to Eridans house and saw lights from the window. I went inside and saw them sleeping on the floor.

John was laying over the side of the couch and Eridan was wrapped up in his cape.
I smiled and walked over to Eridan smiling.

"2o cute..." I smiled. He was so cute when he slept. His cheeks were somewhat squished, making him 10 times adorable.

Fuck, I wanna hug him.


I looked up and saw Dave walking out of what I believe is Eridans Bathroom.


"What are you doing?"

"Ju2t came two check on you two and ED."

"Practice the piano?"

"II got iit down perfectly.."


"IIm 2o nervou2 for twomorrow..."

"Don't be.. It's going to be okay."

>Christmas Day - Approximately 8 P.M.<

Solluxs POV:

"I Just Got A Call From Dave. He Said They Are Almost Here."

"Okay." I nodded to Kanaya and started pacing back and forth.


"IIt2 not me playiing the piiano IIm worriied about.."

"Then what's it about Pawllux?" Nepeta asked hopping onto Karkats back.

"IIm Beeiing taken off liife 2upport today.."

Nepeta started tearing up.
"KITTY, DONT CRY.." Karkat made her get off of his back so he could hug her tightly.

"S-sorry..." She wiped her eyes. "A-At least we get to spend Christmas together..."

I smiled.

Shit, I have not thought about that.

"Fuck.." I put my hands to my head, walking over to the piano in the Living Room.

What if I can't stay like this? If I don't wake up... How would I stay? Where would I go? Shit...

"S0llux..." I turned around and saw AA walking up holding a cup.

"Hey AA.."
"Listen... If.. Y0u d0nt wake up.. I just wanted t0 say thank y0u.."

"Thank you for what?"
"Just... Being a part 0f all 0f 0ur lives... And making it a bit happier.. and helping us fix 0ur c0mputers when we needed it."

We both laughed.
"No problem.."

"uH,, g-gUYS! t-tHEYRE HERE!"
"Aw, shit. Sol bro, ready to go?"

"A2 ready a2 II'll ever bee..."

Eridans POV:

I got out of the car and slammed the door shut.
"Ready dude?" Dave asked me, taking John's hand after they exited the car.
"Yeah... Oh, and guys?"
"Yeah Eridan?" John asked, scooting closer to Dave.

"Merry Christmas.."

"Merry Christmas." They both said simultaneously.

"Wwhale... Let's go in.."

We walked up to the door, and before I could knock, the door was opened by Vriska.

"Hey guys."

"Oh, Hey VVrisk."

We walked inside and I was greeted by Kanaya in a warm hug.

"How Are You Feeling Dear?"
"Okay I guess..."
"Oh, Well, That Is Good.."
"WWheres Rose?"

"Oh... She's Not Feeling Very Well. She's In Bed Upstairs."

"Mister Ampurra!" Nepeta gave me a hug as soon as Kanaya let go.

"WWhoa! Hey Nep." I smiled and hugged her back. She pulled away after a while and the next to hug me was Kar.

"Merry Christmas Kar." I smiled. Wow, I can't believe I got so used to saying Christmas instead of 12th Perigees... Hm.. Weird..

"Miss Maryam.." I turned around and saw Eq begin to say to Kan.
"Miss Lalonde is starting to walk down the stairs.."

"Rose! Darling! You Should Be In Bed!" She rushed to the stairs helping her.

"N-no... I heard Eridans v-voice..." I saw Rose come down the stairs...

Oh cod...

"H-hey Rose.." I said walking over to her.
"Hey Eridan.."
"You reely should be in bed.."
"I'm in pain, yes.. But that doesn't mean I can't say hi to a friend.. And.. I have very important things to discuss with you.. "

"Like wwhat?"


"F1RST.. SOM3BODY H4S A G1FT FOR YOU..." I heard Terezi say, and that's when I heard it.

I heard a piano playing...

I looked at everyone surrounding me. They were all here..

Who's playing the piano?

"I t)(ink you s)(ould go take a look..." Fef said, pointing me towards the living room.

I looked at all of them confused, but I slowly walked to the living room.

The song was beautiful...
I've never heard anyone play a piano like this before other than John.. But it couldn't be him.
He was standing at the door.

I took a turn and walked into the living room.

My eyes widened and I put my hand to my mouth, covering it.

It couldn't possibly be...
But.... How?

It ... It can't be him!

My eyes filled with tears as I slowly approached the clear, but visible figure sitting at the piano.

His fingers moving swiftly across the keyboard. He didn't look at me, he knew I was there.

I watched him play, and the Violet tears streamed down my face.

I turned around and saw everyone watching, with tears filling their eyes as well. I looked back at him.

A small beautiful smile playing across his face.

I put my hand over my heart.
It was beating fast.


My sol.. Playing the piano...

Right in front of my eyes.

How is he even touching it?

Who cares...

I can't believe it's him....

He was slowing down on the keyboard.
I knew the ending to the song was near.
His fingers played against the last few keys and I saw tears starting to come from his eyes as he stopped playing.

He stood up slowly and turned to look at me.

"Hey ED..."


"IIt2 me.."
"Merry Chrii2tma2..."

The tears falling down my face wouldn't stop.
"I-I can't believve it's you.." I walked up to him and hugged him.

I heard gasps from behind me and them all mumbling how I was able to touch him.

I looked up and saw I was hugging sol.

My eyes widened.
He smiled and hugged me back tightly.

"II love you Ed.."
"I lovve you too sol.."

When that happened, he took my hands into his. I blushes lightly and looked at him.

"I.. I-I miss you..."
"You have no iidea how badly II do two.."

"GUYS, LOOK." Kar said, and everyone gasped again.

I was confused, until I looked down at mine and Sol's hands.

His were starting to glow, and he was slowly fading away .

"S-sol! W-WWhats goin on?"

"II-II don't know."

I heard running, and I looked seeing Kanaya on the phone, running into the living room where we were.

"It's The Hospital... They said Sollux Is Starting To Show Signs Of Waking Up!"

I stared at her in shock, and looked back at Sollux.

He smiled and looked at me in the eyes.

"II'll 2ee you 2oon okay?"

"Okay ... Sol?"

"Yeah ED?"

"I lovve you."

"II love you two."

And with that, Sol had completely faded away.

Sol was waking up...

Only one final chapter left.
Thank you all so much for sticking with this crazy ride...
I'll see you in the next and final chapter of this Sadstuck:
"Plea2e Don't Leave."

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