My Own Prince | A JinxBTS Fan...

By Mellifluous_Paradox

56.4K 1.8K 261

When Kim Seokjin gets kicked out of his own house, he decides to audition to work for the royal family that r... More

Chapter 1 - Out of the House
Chapter 2 - Auditions Held
Chapter 3 - Contesting
Chapter 4 - The Choosing of Silverware
Chapter 5 - Lonely Garden Stroll
Chapter 6 - Dance Practice
Author's Note #001
Chapter 7 - Misfortunes Bring Fortune
Chapter 9 - The Mess of the Letters
Chapter 10 - New Dormmates
Chapter 12 - The Word Goes Around
Chapter 12 - The Fixer-Upper
Author's Note #003
Chapter 13 - Talk of the Black Swans
Author's Note #004
Chapter 14 - Meeting the Last Prince
Chapter 15 - Taking Candy from a Baby
Chapter 16 - Yoongi-hyung, I Suggest
Chapter 17 - Titles
Chapter 18 - Announcing To the World
Chapter 19 - Duties Fit for a King
Chapter 20 - Back in Town
Chapter 21 - Visiting Friend
Chapter 22 - Who?
Author's Note #005
no more chapters

Chapter 8 - Cleanliness

2.2K 97 13
By Mellifluous_Paradox

(Author-nim is lazy and doesn't want repetition so just pretend he woke up, did his regular things, and is currently on his way to the next competition)

(3rd PoV)

     "Oi there Seokjin~" Chinhae said while grabbing Jin's shoulder. Jin was sort of used to being surprised, as he wasn't as shocked compared to the first time. Jin just turned around and returned a smile

     "I never got to have a formal conversation with you, so I was hoping you would be here, and of course you are!" 

     Because Jin had arrived early for the first time in forever, they actually had the time to talk. They talked about what they have been up to; events, interactions, and some personal things. When Seokjin told Chinhae about encountering Jimin 2 times outside of the competition and Jungkook once, Chinhae was shook because they didn't even spare him a glance.

     As if time sped up, they already used up 20 minutes just to talk with each other. The room was filling up more and more, and the last two were Sanghyun and Songsu. When the duo looked around, they were surprised that Seokjin came before them.

    "Seokjin, how come you're so early today prior to the others~" Sanghyun teased, "or maybe it's because someone favourites a certain prince~"

     Seokjin's face flushed. "I-I do not! I like them all fairly!"

     "Oh~ So someone's in love~ why didn't you tell us sooner?~"

     "I-I do not!"

     Just then, a security officer came over to the group of people. The officer warned that they were talking too loud, or yelling in that case, and they would all be eliminated if they were warned about the same issue on the same day. 

     No one noticed that Chinhae slipped away however. They were too busy arguing quietly until the announcer made the announcement.

     "Future Butlers may your attention shift to me!" The announcer said, "Today's competition is about cleanliness. As butlers, you are expected to take care and clean up after your princes, so we'll have a prince with cleanliness specialty look over your care. Please welcome, Prince Jung Hoseok!"

     Everyone in the room was shook once Hoseok went into the room. His nose was sharp, his smile was to die for, and his face shone brighter than the sun. It was as if he put a spell on everybody, or if they were just caught in amazement. 

     "Welcome Yoongi's future butlers! I'm Prince Hoseok, but I would like you to call me Hobi like how my family calls me. Now, select a station to work at. Since there was an error in the system only half of the tables were prepared, so please partner up. Do be aware that after this your ability to clean will be kept as a recording and will be judge upon as it is now the middle of the competition and we need to cut the volume in half."

     Faster than the speed of light, Sanghyun grabbed Songsu's arm and brought him over to Station #6. Chinhae did the same with Seokjin but instead went over to station #11.

     The stations consisted of an messy closet and a twin loft desk bed like the ones they were given in their dorms. The mission was to sort the things according to colour for the first round and style for the second round. The third round consisted of each station getting an assigned style and they have to run around and place the stuff in the correct station. The first half of the teams that do it the least messiest but still are considerably fast will pass. 

     "On your marks, get set, go!"

     Seokjin and Chinhae took a minute or so to decide what they would do. Seokjin was better at folding and Chinhae was better at running, however both were equally as good when deciding on where things go. They went through the mess with ease for both rounds. What they didn't know was that Hoseok was watching them proudly.

     The third round was a little more complicated.They were assigned a pastel-ly sort, but most of their stuff is considered minimalistic. They head over to Sanghyun and Songsu's station and they happen to have pastel coloured things. They swap, and in around 17 minutes both teams were done.

     After the contest, they all head back to Seokjin's dorm. They gave each other high fives, pats, and hugs, and bid their farewell to Chinhae.

=Hoseok's PoV=

     "Alright guys, you can come out now."

     Jungkook and Jimin emerged from a hidden room. They told me that they wanted to keep watch for the contestants, but I highly doubt it.

     "Hyung, did you see a pretty boy with big shoulders and plump lips?"

     Now that I think about it, yeah, I did. I caught him in the corner of my eye, and he also made me very proud along with his partner. 

     "Yeah, I did, how come?"

     "Well.... I was hoping to spend more time with him; get to know him better, maybe even sweep him away from Yoongi-hyung. Jungkook also agrees." Jimin says, with Jungkook nodding and making an 'mhm' sound. 

    "Sure, I'll help you Jimin and Jungkook.... I also want to know more about him."

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