Her Touch (Jill Valentine X f...

By GayDaydreams

37.4K 934 353

A collection of oneshots regarding Jill Valentine and a fem!reader. Explicit stories will be marked with "18+... More

Safe and Sound (1)
Lessons (1)
Lessons (2)
Lessons (3)
(18+) Careless
Rush hour
Stormy Nights (1)
(18+) Stormy Nights (2)
(18+) A Happy End

Safe and Sound (2)

3K 108 39
By GayDaydreams

I am not good at writing fighting scenes. I apologize if it sounds stiff.


(Name) didn't know how long her and Jill had been on the run now. They only had roughly half an hour to escape Raccoon City before it would get vaporized by the missile strike.

The search for more vaccines had failed. They quickly learned that it had been Nikolai who sabotaged them the whole time, made them fight the Nemesis over and over again, just to take the last specimen of the vaccine with him, and with it the hope that Raccoon City might get spared.

Jill and (Name) were out for revenge. ... And also, for Nikolai's head.

Not once since they left the hospital did they find time to discuss what happened back there, and as much as (Name) wanted to think about it and sort out their feelings, this situation did not allow her. It would be selfish to ask the brunette what they were now while they were busy chasing Nikolai down.

She stared at Jills back while they tried to find the exit of the underground facility they had risked their lives in countless of times. Both of them were covered in blood and Nemesis-gut, reeking like death itself. If they got out of here, first thing (Name) would do was to take a shower and burn the clothes she was wearing.

"(Name), looks like we found our exit."

The other female lifted her head, seeing that the brunette pointing ahead of them.

"The elevator... Thank goodness, I was starting to feel claustrophobic down here", (Name) sighed, as they hurried to the device that would bring them back to the surface.

"We still can reach him in time. Hopefully, Carlos has caught up to him", Jill stated as they reached the elevator, activating it.

"I won't let Nikolai escape with the vaccine" the brunette then added with a growl.

(Name) only nodded, taking a deep breath. Everything inside of her screamed to take these last quiet moments to somehow ask Jill what the kiss she gave her truly meant. But that anticipated moment never came. The elevator stopped at the surface, and the two women bolted out, taking the last few steps to the top of the building.

"Oh no... "

The first thing they saw upon stepping onto the concrete floor was Carlos, lying unconscious in front of a shut down helicopter. The two women feared the worst as they ran towards the motionless body of the Umbrella soldier.

"No that can't be."

Jill kneeled down next to the black-haired man, examining him for wounds, while (Name) stayed in the background, the grip around her pistol tightening. It was quiet. Way too quiet.

Before (Name) could grasp what happened, she got kicked into the back, groaning in pain while letting go of her weapon as she stumbled forward to the ground. Jill turned around, seeing her partner getting assaulted by no one else but...


His name left Jills lips like a poisonous arrow. She jumped up, pointing her rifle towards the white-haired man. In the meantime, Nikolai hat pulled (Name) up forcefully, strangling her with his tight grip. The brunette could spot something violet in his back pocket. He still had the vaccine! And (Name)...

Nikolai acted quick. While securing (Name), who tried her best to fight herself out of his grasp with one hand, he reached back into his pocket to pull out the canister with the life saving vaccine. Jills body was completely tensed.

"You're not going to stop me!", his voice hallowed over the rooftop, "Promised you this, didn't I?"

He held up the canister.

"Seems like you have to choose now, Miss Valentine. Either the vaccine... Or your friend here."

He motioned towards (Name) who was still struggling, trying to pull off the 'step on your feet when you're not paying attention' trick, but Nikolai was smarter than that.

"Don't even try to think about it!", (Name) called out, her voice hoarse, "My life isn't worth the lives we can save with this vaccine!"

"Are you completely out of your mind??"

Jill was desperate, even though she had already made her decision. Never would she sacrifice (Name)s life. Not now when they finally took a step closer towards each other.

She dropped her weapon.

Without another word Nikolai released (Name) who stumbled into Jills direction while he simultaneously let go of the vaccine. Within a second he pulled out his own gun, destroying the canister with one well aimed shot before pointing it at Jills partner in the same heartbeat.

"(Name) watch o- "

It was just her luck the female had fast reflexes. The bullet that was destined to puncture right through her middle only grazed her arm, but the pain was enough for her to writhe in pain.

"You bastard!", Jill cried, taking a few hurried steps towards (Name) to catch her before she made impact with the floor.

"God Jill why didn't you just take the vaccine and left?", (Name) groaned, holding her shoulder while the brunette helped her stand.

"I'm not going to loose you. Never. ... And you!"

Jill faced Nikolai.

"Do you have any idea what you've just done?"

"Don't know. Don't care. My client ordered me to reduce Umbrella to rubble."

'Ten minutes until missile impact.'

Jill grasped around (Name)s hand when they heard the automatic warning.

"The missile has launched... And that is my cue to leave", Nikolai announced with a smirk, before pointing his rifle at both women.

"Goodbye, Miss Valentine, Miss (last name). A shame you didn't listen to me when you had the chance."

The white-haired man barely had finished that sentence when a new force tried to knock him down. Nikolai was quick, though, answering the attack that Carlos had just tried to launch. Jill felt a heavy weight lift from her heart. At least he was not dead.

Jill took the chance to take up the gun she had left on the ground, aiming at both men, who were busy brawling. Carlos managed to kick away the rifle Nikolai had in his hand, and he answered with a punch kick in the face.

(Name) and Jill couldn't really do anything but to watch, while Jill was trying to steady her aim at Nikolai. Every time she thought she'd have a clear shot, Carlos ended up in the line.

Finally, the black-haired man managed to get the lead. With a few well-coordinated hits into Nikolais stomach, that made him stumble back, Carlos took the chance to strangle him. Of course he had seen that Jill had tried to shoot the other man, so now would be her chance.

"Jill! Shoot him!", he cried, desperately trying to keep Nikolai in his firm grasp.

"I can't! I might hit you!"

The brunette hesitated until she felt (Name)s warm hands on hers, grasping the rifle with her.

"Let's do it together."

While (Name) helped her to aim, Jill pulled the trigger, shooting directly thought Nikolais foot. He cried out, tipping over. Carlos got impacted as well, stumbling back before landing on the ground.

Both women made their way over to him, helping him up. (Name) was staring at Nikolai who was curled up on the ground, groaning in pain.

"What about him?", she asked.

While Carlos was entering the helicopter and readied it for take-off, Jill made her way over to the man on the pavement, glaring down at him coldly.

"Why'd you do it?"

Nikolai had trouble speaking.

"There is a price tag for everything. Even letting the world burn."

The brunette felt the anger boiling in her blood, kicking him into the stomach.

"Who are you working for?"

(Name), who waited at the helicopter could clearly hear the dry rage in her teammates voice. She glanced down to her bleeding arm, trying to cover it up with her hand while just waiting for Jill to put an end to this.

"I'll tell you if you get me out of here. I'll pay you whatever you want."

"So you can continue with this nonsense and shoot up my partner?", Jill spat out, her voice ice cold. In the meantime, the rotors of the helicopter started to move.

Jill stared at Nikolai, then back to the helicopter, then at (Name) who was still waiting. The brunette breathed out, smirking slightly. She would get her information elsewhere. This man was not worth risking their lives.

With calm and collected steps she made her way over to her partner, carefully helping her with getting into the helicopter before staring back at the man, that was still groaning in pain, calling her a fool.

Jill decided not to listen to anything else he said and entered their escape, sitting down next to (Name). Carlos started the engine, leaving Nikolai in his misery.

It wasn't until they were several hundreds of metres in the air when Jill finally spoke.

"Is your arm okay?"

"Yes... I think so... His shot just grazed it but... it's still bleeding a lot."

"I think I saw a first aid kit laying around here somewhere", Carlos called from the front seat.

"Well, I better look for that", the brunette smiled slightly, carefully standing up, which probably wasn't the best idea, given that the flight was shaky. The sun was already rising, illuminating Jills features. (Name) took the time to examine them, coming to the conclusion that the brunette had never looked better, even if her face and overall looks were beyond dirty. Jill still had that spark in her eyes and the tiny smirk on her lips that made (Name)s heart skip a beat. Before she could lose herself in her fantasies, the female caught herself staring again, which made her promptly avert her gaze.

"I'd still love to know who Nikolai has worked for", she started. Jill hummed.

"Well, I don't mind doing a little detective work. It's not going to be hard. ... Ah, here we are."

Jill turned around to (Name) with the first aid kit, smiling as she carefully made her way back. Movement outside made both women look up.

"The missile", Jill muttered, as the projectile shot past the helicopter windows. Sadness took over her as she looked back to Raccoon City. So much had happened there in so little time...

She was ripped out of her thoughts by the flashing light caused by the impact of the missile with the city. Both, Jill and (Name) got blinded by the light before the helicopter started to loose its course as the blast washed over them. Jill grabbed what she could to steady herself, almost ending up on top of (Name) who still sat directly in front of her. Her fingernails dug into the stuffing of the seat she was holding on to, baring her teeth and praying that they would stay in the air. Jill was not in the mood for a crash and then having to do this all over again.

There were still a few things left unsaid between her and (Name).

Fortunately, it didn't take Carlos long to steady the machine, and they gained altitude soon again.

Jill groaned as she let herself plop down into the seat next to (Name).

"Are we alright?", she heard Carlos ask, and both women only managed to hum weakly before Jill turned her attention to her teammate again.

"Sorry for that... I hope I didn't scare you?"

"Don't worry. Wouldn't be the first time you ended up on top of me. ... We had that situation often enough while we were still in training."

(Name) managed to chuckle weakly, and Jill followed suit.

"Give me your arm."

The other female watched as the brunette started patching up her wound. Jill was as delicate as ever, careful, not to hurt her teammate more. Now that she had the time to think about the situation, (Name) grew nervous. She still had no idea if the kiss had a deeper meaning than-



Jill finished with her arm and looked up at her, locking gazes. There it was again, that intense stare of the brunette that (Name) never could return for long.

This time was no exception, either. Before the female knew, she already stared at the ground.

Jill chuckled.

"There it is again. I never knew it were my eyes that made it impossible for you to look longer at me than five seconds... Always thought I had something on my nose."

That made (Name)s head perk up again.

"Huh? B-but I never told you that... I mean. Yes I did but..."

Jill gave a smile.

"Back in the hospital when you talked to me while I was poisoned. I... heard every single word you spoke."

(Name) turned red.

"Don't worry, I'll forgive you for eating my donuts", the brunette said with a chuckle.

"That's not what I'm worried about, Jill", (Name) muttered, embarrassed, "That means you..."

She didn't dare to speak further, but she didn't need to. (Name)s cheeks grew hotter when Jill gave her a slight nod.

As quick as she could, (Name) sat up straight, looking away from her teammate.

"I'm sorry."



The brunette couldn't help but to smile as she reached for (Name)s hand that was resting in her lap.

"If the feeling hadn't been mutual I wouldn't have kissed you in the first place. Your confession was just a bit... Sudden."

It was beyond the other female how Jill could stay so calm while saying that, but (Name) caught herself smiling. And her smile grew even wider when she saw the brunette scoot closer out of the corner of her eyes.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to notice", Jill muttered giving (Name)s hand a squeeze, "but now that I know what's going on..."

Both of their hearts started to race simultaneously as they locked eyes for a second time.

"Just promise me you won't look away from me ever again."

(Name) managed to nod weakly. The brunette slowly raised her free hand to her partners cheek, caressing it with her thumb.

"May I?"

Instead of giving her an answer, (Name) closed the gap between the two women on her own, planting her lips on Jills softly. She could feel the other female smile as she returned the kiss, first off a bit more chaste before the brunette found back to her bold ways.

They continued like this for a while, taking breaks because of their shortage of air to breathe before resuming, getting braver as they started to explore each other more and more. Words couldn't describe how (Name) felt in Jills loving embrace and she let out a soft gasp when she felt Jills tongue run over her bottom lip, asking for entrance.

(Name) would've been happy to oblige, but they soon got interrupted by an annoyed cough.

"I have nothing against love but... Would you ladies mind? Jeez, get a room."


Jill and (Name) spent the rest of the flight enjoying each other's company, stealing kisses from each other whenever Carlos seemed too busy with checking the controls and laughing whenever he sighed at the two love birds. Even though the circumstances weren't the best, both of them were glad to finally have found the last puzzle piece to make their lives complete.

And both were sure that from now on, they would always be safe and sound.

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