Let's Play Basketball, Someda...

By scurvybluvy

40.4K 872 97

Kuroko stopped play basketball and leaving Seirin, for a reason. When the generation of miracles and Seirin f... More

Chapters 1
Chapter 2
Extra from Admin
Chapters 3
Chapters 4
Chapters 5
Chapters 6
Chapters 7
Extra For Shipper Fans
Extra for Shipper Fans
Chapters 8
Chapters 10
Chapters 11
Author Note
Chapters 12
Chapters 13
Chapters 14
Chapter 15
Chapters 16
Chapters 17
Chapters 18
Chapter 19

Chapters 9

1.2K 28 3
By scurvybluvy


Hello, Tetsuya. How was your slept? ”


“ Uncle.. ” Kuroko feeling dry in his throats, keep cough as his uncle frown seeing his nephew in the worse state and sigh quickly give a water that was nearby Kuroko on the table to Tetsuya

“ Uncle.. I'm not burden to you right...? ” Kuroko trying finding his voice and speaking for asked a question that he's been concern for a while.

“ Tetsuya. You are not burden to us. We love you like our own son too! I don't mind take care of you just like how aunty annie doesn't mind mostly. ” Uncle Shinsuke smile at him trying to be strong in front of him.

“ Thank you, Uncle. ” Even though his eyes look so empty but the way he speaking had a little bit of happiness after hearing a truth from uncle.


Somewhere in Hospital

A tall with a light brown hair arriving at the hospital, as he took a glance at the building of hospital that was writing the name is Midorima Hospital. The famous with talents doctors.

A deep sigh as he went inside hospital, automatically door glass open for him. He walk in till arriving at the door. That's it a room of Kuroko Tetsuya.

At the first he hesitate getting in but a voice just told him. A familiar voice, he turning his head where the voice come from which belongs to Aunty Annie.

“ Shige-kun? Isn't that you? It's been a while since the last time we meet when Tetsuya still in middle schools. How are you now? ”

Aunty asked him a question which he replied to her with respect words.

“ I'm doing fine, Aunty. I've come visit Tetsuya on my way now. ”

“ In a case, Tetsuya must be happy when you come visit him the most! Come in! ”

Aunty opened the door revealed Tetsuya and Uncle Shinsuke are still there with chatting.

“ Tetsuya! I bought a guest for you! Guess who!? ”

Both of them turn their head at her voice in a confused like “ Eh? ”

Aunty drag someone else entering to the room which it's Ogiwara Shigeru and smile

“ Here you go! ” Aunty push towards him forwards little bit

Tetsuya blinked in a shock at the familiar figure and cough a little

“ O-ogiwara-kun...? ”

“ Y-yo, Tetsuya-kun... ”

Aunty Annie took a glance at Mr Shinsuke as if they were having a secret conversation by eye. Uncle nodding and told Tetsuya that both of them need get lunch for them.

Once both of them out, Kuroko and Ogiwara was alone just two of them.


That's how two of them ended be alone after uncle and aunty left for their lunch and took a deep sigh.

Kuroko smile happy when his childhood friends finally come visit him after so many years the last time he come visit him was 4 years ago.

“ O-ogiwara-kun... Do you still love basketball now...? ”

Ogiwara blinked surprised at the bluenette's sudden question for him

“ Of course I do love and still play now! But... My school got burnt when I had a class cooking.”

Just that words made Kuroko laugh a little soft

“ S-seriously? ” Kuroko gave a blank look at Ogiwara

“ Yes, seriously. ” Ogiwara laugh at this words

“ Then what are you gonna do about next year? Looking for another school..? ”

“ Well... I gonna try applied your school if they'll accept me... ”

“ I'm nothing need more than happy  playing basketball with you again. ”

“ Of course! That's why you need get be healthy and better! So we can play together once you got discharged from this hospital! ”

“ I will-- ”

Before Kuroko finish his words, a knock door catch his attention “ Come in. ”

A doctor come in “ Tetsuya, we need give re-check on you as usual. I apologize for interrupt your reunion ”

Kuroko shook his head “ It's fine. It's about time I guess. ” Kuroko took a glance at Ogiwara who nodding at him and smile

“ Don't worry about me! Aunty and Uncle soon will come! I'm will waited here for you. ”

“ Thank you, Ogiwara-kun ”

Kuroko left while sitting on the wheel chair with a doctor

Ogiwara have a sat that was nearest bed and him


Somewhere in Maji Burger Shop

Seirin's Side


Aida : Yosh, after we finish eating, let's go visit Kuroko-kun

Hyuuga : Alright. But what are we gonna do about a gift for him?

Koganei : How about a milkshakes? He love it the most!

Aida : Idiot! That's unhealthy!

Koganei : /pout when his head getting hit by her fans/

Izuki : A gift like a gift to a smell.. /pun

Hyuuga : Shut up, Izuki

Fukuda : How about a fruit with a basket present?

Kawahara : I hear when people visit patient, they usual bring a fruit. I called it, Tradition a gift fruit for patient!

Kagami and Furihata was busy eating their food and nodding in agreement

Aida : Yosh, lets us buy a fruit first before heading to hospital!

When they are finish eating a meal, they are all went outside till someone of Seirin member bumping into someone else. Kawahara looked up to see who was it...

“ Murasakibara Atsushi...? ”

All of them's ear peaked like a dog and turn their head

Kise : Are? Isn't that Seirin member?

Aomine : Huh? Why am not surprised to see them here?

Akashi : After all, they are gonna plan visit Tetsuya after this.

All of Seirin member be like...

' How did he know? ' Seirin member's though in unison

Akashi : Because I know everything.

Seirin member sweetdrop as if Kiseki no Sedai's former captain know their mind and feeling pressure because their aura.

Midorima : Lets go Akashi. We're gonna keep Kuroko wait for us.

Murasakibara just finish shopping his things with a lot of bag and join come back to them.

Murasakibara : Aka-chin, I'm just done.

Akashi : Why we don't just go together since we are all together?

Aomine : Well... Isn't this right idea...?

Akashi : Any problem, Daiki?

Aomine : N-no.

Akashi smile and told them get in a car and drove to their next destination along with Seirin member with his car.


Continue soon update.

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