Love only knows broken ends

By cynthia8358

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"Look at my boobs, Xhey." She commanded. I just couldn't. I honestly couldn't. I was quite turned on. She ra... More

Chapter 1- Thoughts
Chapter 2- New Family
Chapter 3- The story never ends
Chapter 4- Bracelet
Chapter 5- Girls like you
Chapter 6- Conversations in the dark
Chapter 7- Sleepover
Chapter 8- Chasing parties
Chapter 9- UNO and catching feelings
Chapter 10- Fuck, l'm lonely
Chapter 11- Fuck buddy?
Chapter 12- Can we date?
Chapter 13- I like me better when I'm with you
Chapter 14- Making more memories
Chapter 15- Confused
Chapter 17- Break up with your boyfriend, I'm bored
Chapter 18- I'm right here
Chapter 19- Night drive
Chapter 20- Can we kiss forever?
Chapter 21- Is it me or her?
Chapter 22- Hardest decision
Chapter 23- Regrets
Chapter 24- Enemies
Chapter 25- I fucking miss you
Chapter 26- Secrets revealed
Chapter 27- Getting addicted
Chapter 28- Drug reactions
Chapter 29- Wedding day or not?
Chapter 30- Girls aint shit
Chapter 31- Just let me be
Chapter 32- Broken
Chapter 33- Nothing like us
Final Chapter (34) - Sinning with you
About the Author & Note

Chapter 16- Meet my friends

410 86 17
By cynthia8358

Thought I was straight,
Turns out I was wrong.
All the girls came a running to me
And at first, I was scared.
Said they were bi-curious
Didn't matter to me.
One taught me rage,
One made me anxious,
And one gave me weed.
Oh, look what they taught me!
At least I've got practice.

                                - Keara Graves

For this chapter, listen to call by joe boy.

"Well then. I guess I gotta go now." He saddened a bit.

We had finally arrived at Lindsey's when he spoke up.

"Don't you want to enter inside and have some breakfast?" I asked.

"No it's fine. I'll have something to eat when I'm at work. Don't worry."

I looked at him with a faint smile. "Thank you... thank you for dropping me. I'm grateful."

"You don't need to thank me. You're my girlfriend and I'm obliged to do anything you want me to do. No need to worry."

I removed my guitar from the back seat and got out of the car.

"Xhey... wait."

I turned around and looked at Yosef. He walked up to me slowly and pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms around me. His embrace was warm, and his big, strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around my frail body. The world around me melted away as I squeezed him back, not wanting the moment to end. Hugs could never be long enough for me when I was with him. I was safe and my worries disappeared like rain on summer earth.

"I love you, babe." He whispered in my ear.

"I love you too, hun." I said pulling away from him.

Our fingers were still intertwined like we would die if we let go.

"Are you busy tonight?" He inquired.

"Not really, Why?"

"See you tonight then."

I furrowed my brows. What plans did he have tonight? He just smiled and let go of my hand and walked back to his car. He started his engine, smiled at me again and drove off.

I smiled back as I watched his car leave my sight. I sighed and raked a hand through my hair as I walked towards Lindsey's door. I knocked it and immediately the lady I last met at her house opened it, welcoming me.

"Is Lindsey around?" I asked her.

"Yes she is, in the living room." With all the respect, she led me there. I don't mean to sound rude or something, but this was weird. I knew every corner  in this house, so I didn't need to be shown where to go.

I faked a smile to her when we got to the living room. She returned one back, though hers was more real and walked back to the hall way.

"Lindsey." I shouted after removing my fake smile.

"I saw everythingggg." She put on wide smile on her face while she stood up from the couch.

Confused, I asked. "Why you mean?"

She walked close to me and gave me a tight hug.

"I saw Mr. Handsome giving you this hug outside, five minutes ago. Tell me, are you guys dating now?" She sounded hyper.

"Maybe." My cheeks brought out a blush.

She widened her eyes and clutched her cheeks with her mouth wide open. "Nooo wayyyyy. Aaaaahhh, I'm screaming."

"Oh shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"When did this all start?" Her questions started to pile up.


"Wow, dreams do come true.... But wait, you said you lost feelings for him and now you're dating him? I'm confused." 

"I got them back, lol."  I laughed at her.

"You're so unbelievable." She rolled her eyes.

"So, what's for breakfast. I'm hungry."

"Bacon and beef sausages."

The thought of sausages made my stomach growl, proving my point of hunger. We got to the kitchen when the maid placed a plate and cup of coffee in front of me and Lindsey. After serving us, she found her way out of the kitchen giving us some privacy.

In that same moment, I thought of how to tell Lindsey about my dream. And telling her about it meant telling her that me and Kiana were fuck buddies.

My brows creased and my face tensed. "I need to tell you something."

With coffee in her hand, she asked. "What's up?" Her tone was casual and light.

"I'm confused." I sighed.

She took a sip out of her coffee cup and continued with a weird confused expression on her face. "Huh? What do you mean?"

"I think I like Kiana."

She froze and placed her cup slowly on the table immediately I yapped. "And what makes you think that?"

"It's a long story." I lowered my head.

"And how about Yosef? You don't love him?"

"I do. Honestly I do. That's why I'm saying, I'm confused. I like both of them, and it's scaring the fuck out of me. Yesterday I dreamt of Kiana and shouted her name when I woke up, and guess what?"

"What?" She went pale.

"Yosef was sitted on the bed when I opened my eyes. And I freaked out."

"Woah." She blinked her eyes non stop.
"Did he ask who Kiana is?"

"No, he didn't. He looked quite confused, I should say."

She stood up from her seat and started pacing forth and back in the kitchen, like she was thinking of a plan. She turned back to face me.

"I think you're gay." She snapped placing her hands on the table infront of her.

I stood up too and trailed my fingers in my hair. "No, I'm not. I can't be gay."

"Then you're bisexual. Cause you like Kiana and Yosef too...I knew it from the very start. You were so gay from the moment you started hanging out with Kiana."  She smirked and folded her arms below her chest.

I just continued gazing at her, quiet like a dummy.

"So what did you dream about Kiana?" She sounded curious.

"Just gay stuff. Nothing more."

"So you fucked her... in your dream?" A smile played on her lips.

"Yeah, I did. Now quit asking me that, it's uncomfortable." I rolled my eyes and sat down on the chair.

"Stay away from her." She commanded.

"What? Are you crazy?" I knitted my brows and walked towards her. "I can't do that."

"And why not? Because, if you continue to hang out with her, you'll end up real fucking."

"Well that's useless now, cause we already fucked." My mouth betrayed me. I closed it with my hands asap and walked next to the sink. I stood there and thought of what lie I could concoct before Lindsey continued to question me.

"Are there more secrets you're keeping from me apart from that?" Her voice was so calm I couldn't believe it.

I turned around and she was standing near the table, glaring at me. Her eyes were narrowed, rigid and sad.  I let out a sigh,

"We just fuck buddies, that's all. Nothing serious... I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I was just too ashamed of how I could tell you this. It was just so fast. We met and hang out, then boom, we became fuck buddies."

"So Kiana's gay?" She questioned.

"Yeah, she is."

Then my phone rang. I pulled it out of my jean pocket and checked the caller. It was Kiana. I glanced back at Lindsey whose gaze was so stiff on me.

"Who's that?" She asked.


"Pick it up."

"You're sure?" I asked quite tensed.

"You're fuck buddies, so why not? lol....Excuse me." She rolled her eyes and left the kitchen.

Immediately she left, I picked up the call and heard the voice that always turns me on.
"Hey, I miss you."

"I miss you too." I replied.

"You didn't pick up any of my calls yesterday." She sounded sad.

"Was quite busy yesterday. But I'll see you soon."

"Can you come over today?"

"Well uhm," I  stopped to take in a deep breath, and let it all out in one sigh, watching it float off like smoke in the warm air. "I have plans tonight."

"Can I be apart of them?"

"I'll see you tomorrow, ok. Bye." I hang up and got out of the kitchen.

I walked to the living room and Lindsey wasn't there. I guessed she was in her bedroom. I walked to the hallway then climbed the stairs to her room. I opened the door and there she was, on her bed, cosy in the blanket, glued to the laptop, eyes almost turning square, gormless expression, blank staring face, transfixed goggling, face inches from the flickering screen, volume turned up so loud the windows were vibrating, had the subtitles on, a movie full of drama, laughing wildly with tears streaming down her face, snickering.

"Hey, whatchu watching?" I questioned while approaching her.

"Sex education." Her eyes didn't leave the laptop.

"Can we watch together?" I asked trying to get her attention. I knew she was angry at me and I had to do anything to make her forgive me.

"Yeah, sure. Come sit next to me." She said placing her hand on the bed for emphasis.

I climbed up the bed and sat next to her. I tried to follow the series, but I was lost. I didn't laugh when she did. I didn't feel any tension during the drama, because I barely followed the plot.

I picked the Oreo packet next to her, opened it and started eating. She didn't notice because she was glued to the series. I also started following it and to my surprise, I finished the Oreos with a blink of an eye.

I threw it's wrapper down and started concentrating again. Laughter covered up the room during some episodes we kept watching, tears forming in both our eyes. We watched till the end of the first season and to my surprise it was late evening. I guessed we were so interested to the point we didn't even realize time had gone.

I checked my phone and it was eight in the evening. A message popped up and it was from Yosef. He canceled the night plans we had tonight because of work, and I was sad. I thought we could have fun again, together. I put that at the back of my mind, and decided to sleep over at Lindsey's.


Days had passed by and it was now a Friday. Yosef called me and he said he's inviting me to some party of his friends. I agreed and took the whole day preparing myself, with of corse Lindsey's help.

"You have to look hot today." Her tone sounded serious like my mum.

"It's just a party. So I'm wearing my jeans." I smirked laying my back on the bed.

"No, your not. Have you seen Yosef's friends?"

"No." I rolled my eyes and stared up at the ceiling.

"Dude, THEY ARE SO HOTTT!" She exclaimed with gestures that prove her point.

"And how do you know that?" I asked now sitting up on the bed.

"I met them that day of his house party. They're slayers. I didn't talk to them though." She said with a sad tone.

"Oohhhh, look who's so sad now." I pouted.

"You don't believe me, check his Instagram." She frowned and grabbed my phone from me.

She opened his page and slid through his posts and showed me the one he had taken with some people. They did look hot like she said, but who cares.

"It's not that serious." I rolled my eyes at her.

"It is... that serious. Now, lets get you something so fast. Its 6 pm, we've got 2 hours left to get prepared."

She pulled me off the bed and we started looking for outfits in her closet. I spotted a black denim jacket and tried it on. It looked so cool on my body. I put it aside and continued searching for other outfits.

"How about you try this on." She said showing me a two piece dress, cream in color.

"Oh no, that's too exaggerated for me. Get something else."

"This is perfect. Stop being boring. Don't you want to impress Mr. Handsome?" Her green eyes brightened.

I thought for over two minutes, grabbed the dress from her and walked to the bathroom to get dressed. I undressed from the clothes I had on, to the two piece dress I grabbed from Lindsey. I slipped it onto my shoulders, peppering my body with soft, sensual kisses. The dress was brief, showing off some skin on my stomach and thighs too. At the top, it was an off shoulder. If I put on a bra, it would reveal half of my boobs. Like a lover, it seduced the senses and conveyed me with utmost skill the art of pleasing.

I got out of the bathroom and showed my look to Lindsey. She gave me a bug eyed expression.

"WHAT THE FUCKKK!" She scram in awe. "My best friend's so beautiful."

I smiled when she moved towards me to give me a hug. "This is perfect. Now let's get to your makeup." She continued.

I positioned myself in-front of the lengthed mirror in her room and took inventory. Makeup was minimal, reserved to a sweep of mascara. A little shape to the eyebrows, but what else was new? Lips could use some gloss. I licked my bottom lips giving it a wet shine.

My phone rang and I was sure, it was the love of my life calling. I picked it up.

"I'm outside." He spoke softly.

I smiled and hang up the call. "He's here." I smiled again at Lindsey.

"Great. Let's comb your hair and you can get going."

I wore my heels once my hair was done, and got out of the room.

"Wait, you forgot your jacket." Lindsey smirked as she handed it to me.

"Thank you." I replied. "But I wish you could come too."

"Naa, I'm cramping. Can't go to parties when it happens. You know that well. But anyways, have fun." She scratched her head.

I sloped down the stairs, got to the hallway and moved out of the front door.

I met Yosef outside and he was dressed casually as always. But I loved his jacket. It was so cool and expensive. And as always, he had that messy hair I loved.

"Babe." He pulled out a wide smile for me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You're a hot mess."

I blinked my eyes with all the confidence I had and held his hands. "This hot mess is all yours." I whispered near his face.

He smirked and rubbed his fingers lightly on my lips, making me close my eyes. I felt them get wet and realized it was his lips connected to mine. I parted my lips and kissed him while he pulled me close to his pine scented body. Fuck, I loved his perfume. It was so addictive. After 5 minutes, we pulled away from each other and entered the car.

A 20 minute ride was what took us to get to the party. Yosef opened for me the side of my door, and drew his hand closer to me. Like a princess, I let my legs out slowly and reached for his hand.

The music was so loud even from outside, that it made my skin tingle and lungs feel like mush. When we entered inside, the bass thumped in time with my heart beat as though they were one, filling me from head to toe with music. I liked this song.

Over the roar of music, a distant, hazy chatter could be heard. I couldn't make out any words, but laughter rang in my ears and wouldn't seem to stop.

My heart started beating fast. Well hello there to you too social anxiety!

"Would you like a drink?" Yosef asked me.

"Maybe one for the meantime." I replied with a quick smile.

We walked inside the house and got to the kitchen. He picked up one glass of vodka and handed it to me. I drank it, feeling the burn in my throat, but it was ok.

"Want more?" He asked.

"Just one." I smiled.

He placed one more glass for me and we headed to the backyard. I didn't question him but continued to follow behind. When we got to the backyard, we moved closer to a group of people seated on chairs, drinking, smoking weed and talking. One girl came close to me and Yosef and hugged him.

"Yosef. I thought you wouldn't come." She said.

I traced my eyes on her. She was tall, slim in size but with perfect shape. Her brown hair was short, and they had curls, adding up to her look. She wore a white lower top revealing the abs on her tummy, with blue ripped jeans. She paired her outfit with white sneakers and stockings, making me wish to have worn jeans.

"I had to." He responded and pulled away from the embrace.

"We've all been waiting for you." Another voice from the group spoke. I glanced around and it was a girl with pink hair, seated next to some dude. She was smoking a blunt while she spoke and it choked her a little. Guess she puffed it wrongly.

The girl that approached Yosef got back to her chair and I couldn't help but see her ass. Her jeans were ripped around there, making her look more sexy. A dude offered Yosef a seat and same with me.

"And who's this hottie?" The girl with dark brown hair asked.

"Oh, this is Xhey, my girlfriend." He smiled pulling me close to him. I gave a half smile and lowered my head. I don't know why, but I felt uncomfortable. I just wanted to go back home, lay in bed with the duvet above my head and listen to sad songs and cry for absolutely no reason.

"Ohh, your girlfriend!" A dude with blonde hair exclaimed. He sounded sad but I didn't take it that serious.

"Hey, Xhey, wanna smoke some weed and talk a little?" The pink haired girl asked.

I gazed back at Yosef who gave me an assurance nod. He whispered in my ear before I went to seat next to that girl. "Be careful with her, she's feisty."

I chuckled nervously at that and went to sit next to the pink fairy. She was wearing a short black vest that looked transparent if you came close to her. You could see her nipples peeping through, but she didn't care. Down, she wore black pants that weren't ripped.

"I'm Lisa." She said making me look up at her face. She had a nose piercing.

I smiled at her. "Xhey."

"So Xhey, How did you meet Yosef?" She asked smoking another blunt.

"At my mum's party a month ago." I answered truthfully.

"Ohhh." She trailed her eyes at me from the top to bottom. "Wanna smoke some weed?"

"Noo, I'm fine with drinking."

"Just one blunt won't hurt." She insisted.

I sighed heavily as I accepted and smoked it. I didn't do it because I wanted, but because I was in a group of people who found this so cool and normal. So me not doing it, would make me look uncool. Plus, I just wanted to feel happy and comfortable around all of these people... because mentally I wasn't.

With a blunt in my hand, I glanced around and spotted the girl with dark brown hair. "Who's that?" I asked Lisa.

"She's called Kylie. You like her?" She asked with curiosity, like she knew I was bisexual.

"No, I was just asking."

"Ok, cool." Sounded like she didn't care.

I stared back at Kylie, who was talking to some guy. I was mesmerized by the deep hues of sky blue, and the small touch of hazel that colored her pupils. The golden black mascara on her half opened eyelids added a smoky and dramatic look. With her translucent colored eyes and long lashes, her eyes looked like a cat's.

Her feline features somehow matched her personality-silent and alert but almost unnoticed. When her sexy stare fell upon mine, I looked away, catching the eye of my boyfriend seated on the other side. He looked back at me and smiled. I smiled back at him when I'm startled by a figure in front of me.

I removed my stare from Yosef and slowly traced my eyes to the figure standing in front of me. To my surprise, it was Kylie.

"Come, let's go get some drinks." She said with a smile on her face.

I threw the blunt I was holding and followed behind her. When we got to the kitchen, she handed me a drink.

I smiled in appreciation while she also got herself a glass of vodka.

"I'm Kylie." She introduced herself.

"I already know your name." She widened her eyes in shock wondering how I got to know her name. "Actually Lisa told it to me." I defended myself.

"Oh, it's cool." She gave a beatific expression.

We found ourselves actually getting comfortable with each other, and started conversing. Our conversation was so much more than words. It was the smiles, the gentle shrugs and the light in our eyes. That we are both elevated by each other's presence was obvious and even the silences were comfortable.

She moved so close to me and held my waist. I kept my silence and felt every move she made. She played with her fingers behind my back, and a smirk formed on her lips. I bit my lower lip and held her waist too.

"Follow me." She whispered.

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