Princess Alaina of Voltron

By Raiayuki

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In this rewrite of Voltron, Allura isn't the only royal Altean left. Her younger sister, Second Princess of A... More

~The Rise of Voltron Part 1~
~The Rise of Voltron Part 2~
~Some Assembly Required~
~Memories of the Gladiator~
~Attack on the Castle~
~Castle Take Off~
~Return to the Balmera~
~Training Exercise~
~A Monster Appetite~
~Two Princesses and A Dragon~
~The Great Sphinx~
~Eye of the Beholder~
~Bonus: Kingdom Wars~
~Crystal Venom~
~Collection and Harvest~
~Into the Lion's den~
~Across the Universe~
~The Cold Depths~
~Unexpected Allies~

~The Castle Takeback~

870 17 13
By Raiayuki

"I want whoever's on this ship found and terminated!" Sendak demands angrily. Everything had been going so swell. He had taken the Castle, and captured all the lions, even two of the Paladins, the Champion and the Second Altean Princess. But just as they were about to take off and head back to the Empire for their reward, an intruder, another Paladin, got in and shut down the system.

"Commander, I've intercepted a transmission broadcasting from somewhere in the Castle." Haxus reported.

"There's not much time before they get the running again. You must deactivate the particle barrier quickly so we can get in." Allura's voice said over the coms.

"You got it. Let me know what to do." Pidge's voice replied, and the Princess's voice began instructing her.

"The First Princess is telling the intruder how to how take down the defenses." The Galra Lieutenant informed.

"Yes, but she is also giving away his location." Sendak replied. "Find that room, and kill the paladin where he stands!" He ordered.

"No!" Shouted Shiro, who had just regained consciousness and heard everything. One of the sentries knocks him down, before leaving with the other three.

"Repair the engine." Sendak says to Haxus. "Emperor Zarkon has commanded us to bring him Voltron, and the prisoners. This ship will rise before the day's end." He declared.

~Alaina of Voltron~

Meanwhile, across the universe, Coran and Hunk, who had gone to the nearest Balmera for a new crystal, were in a bit of a pickle.

"Okay! Don't come any closer! I don't, know how to use this very well." Hunk said as he aimed his cannon bayard at, whatever was coming toward them. The things step out, revealing creatures with rock-like skin, helmet like heads with horns and pure yellow eyes. "Wait a minute. You're not Galra." The Yellow Paladin realized.

"Nor are you." One of the creatures, female judging from the voice, said. Suddenly, a humming sound was heard, and everyone looked up to see a strange object descending the shaft.

"A patrol!" the other, male, creature said. "Shay, we must take leave from these ones, now." He said to the female, Shay apparently.

"Wait, please!" Coran called. "We need your help." He pleaded. "IF the Galra find us, they'll kill us." He said as Hunk backed up to him.

"Or torture us." He added.

"Or keep us as some sort of creepy pet to play with as they please." Coran added. (AN: Wow, that's a line I never thought I'd write. Especially it's implication. Ew.)

"Not our problem, Hairy Lip." The male creature jabbed, referring to Coran's mustache. "Galra see us near you and they kill us both." He added and turns to the female. "Shay, exeunt!" He said and began leaving.

"No!" Shay said, making the male stop. "These many years, only Galra have been seen here. I will not turn my back on the skylings." She said. Coran and Hunk smile at her gratefully. Her male companion looks up at the drone.

"Vex!" He seems to curse, and rushes over to the two, Shay follows. "Grab a side." He said and grabs a side of the pod. "In here. Hurry!" With that, they moved the pod into the cave, successfully hiding from the drone.

"Thank you, for saving us. I'm Hunk." Hunk says and introduces himself.

"Shay, and this one is my brother Rax." The female introduced. "How did you fall to us?" She asked.

"Well, we came looking for something." Hunk answered. "And you guys might be the right people to help us find it." He added.

~Alaina of Voltron~

Meanwhile, back on planet Arus, in the Castle of Lions.

"Pidge, have you made it to the generator room yet?" Allura asked.

"I'm in." Pidge confirmed as she entered. "This technology is so advanced, I don't know if I'll able to figure it out." She added, felling a little overwhelmed.

"Yes, you can. The lives of your fellow paladins are at stake. You can't just give up. Please, save them, and Alaina." Allura replied, then pleaded. Pidge looked down, realizing how worried the princess was for her sister. She understood the feeling. All too well in fact.


"Hope you enjoy this home-cooked meal, Matt. After our launch to Kerberos tomorrow, we'll be eating freeze-dried peas for the next two months." Said her Father, Sam Holt, at one of their usual family dinners, before the mission.

"Don't lie. I know you love those peas, Dad." Matt, her older brother, said.

"It's true. Those Garrison chefs really know how to genetically manufacture a delicious vegetable." The man admitted.

"I wish I was going up with you guys." Pidge, back then known as Katie, sighed.

"Just you wait, kiddo. Somethings tells me you're going to have your own crew someday, and you're to fly with them to worlds so far away, we can't even imagine." Her dad encouraged. "I bet my bottom dollar that you're going to be a part of something that will make the whole universe sit up and take notice." He added and Katie smiled at him.

It was a happy time, but that happiness was lost, 5 months later, when the Galaxy Garrison reported that the Kerberos mission was a failure, and all crew members were believed to be dead. They said it was pilot error, but Katie didn't believe it. So she broke into the Garrison and hacked Iverson's computer to find the real truth.

"You again?" Said instructor says when he found her in his office. "Get off my computer! How did you get past the guards?" He said as he approached.

"You said the spacecraft went down die to pilot error. I saw the video feeds from your probes. There's no evidence of a crash anywhere on Kerberos!" She said back.

"Those feeds are classified! I could charge you with treason for hacking into them." The Garrison Commander said and drags her out of her office.

"Where's my family?" Katie grunts as Iverson unhands her.

"Escort Miss Holt off the premises, and make sure every guard knows she's never allowed on Garrison property ever again!" He orders a guard, who grabs her.

"You can't keep me out! I'll find the truth! I'll never stop!" She declares back.

-Flashback End-

"Okay. Talk me through it, Allura." Pidge says.

"Shutting down the barrier from this room can be dangerous." The Princess responds. "Remember, the barrier is also a weapon. So stay away from the energy arcs." She then warns.

"Don't touch the giant lightning bolts. Got it." Pidge says.

"Now, what I'm going to need you to do is--" Just before the Princess says it, Rover flies and pushes Pidge out of the way of an incoming shot. "Pidge? Hello?! Are you there?" The Princess asks when she hears the commotion.

~Alaina of Voltron~

Outside the Castle, Keith, Allura and Amue were still outside the particle barrier.

"Pidge, what's going on?" The Altean Princess asks, then loses contact.

"What's going on?" Keith asks.

"I don't know. I just lost contact with Pidge." Allura answers.

"What do we do? How are we going to deactivate the particle barrier and get inside without Pidge?" Amue asks next, worriedly.

"I-I'm unsure." Allura replies, but then gets an idea. "The mice maybe they can help." She says, then closes her eyes and concentrates. "Friends." She calls out with her mind, hoping their link would be enough. "We need your help." She says.

~Alaina of Voltron~

Back in the Castle, Pidge and Rover duct behind a pillar as the Galra sentries shot at them. Pidge brought up her holoscreen and scanned the area, looking for an escape route, and finds it. Only...

"Seriously? My only way out is two floors up?" She says then screams as she avoids another attack. "Let's try this." She says and taps away on her screen.

The sentry approach, when Pidge jumps. They immediately start shooting at her, only to find it actually a hologram, and instead hit the energy arc, causing a spark to strike back knocking three of the six sentries down. 

The real Pidge comes out from behind the pillar and, along with Rover, manage to get by the other sentries and, using her bayard's grappling hook mode, got up to the air vent to escape.

"Whoa! Can't believe that worked!" Pidge said in amazement, then dodges another attack and crawls into the vents.

She ventures through vents until she comes to a hatch. Quickly using her bayard, she opens it to find herself on the training deck. She gets out of the vent and makes her way across, when two of the sentries jump from the control room. She activates her shield as the robots start shooting at her, again, and pulls up her holoscreen to access the room's systems.

"The invisible maze. Let's see them get through this." She says and activates the maze. She jumps through the sentries, one tries to catch her, only to have its arm lopped off by a maze wall. The other follows, but is trapped by the walls.

Pidge then opens a hatch and ducks back into the vent system. The sentry manages to escape and follow her into the vents, chasing her down. Pidge maneuvers through the vents, while avoiding the sentry's shots.

She ducks to avoid another attack, slipping down a shaft, the sentry behind her. The robot shoots at her again, taking out part of her jetpack and causing her to fall into a downward shaft. Pidge manages to use her bayard grappling hook mode to catch herself, then pull the sentry down. 

She jumps out of the way as the robot comes tumbling down. She sighs, then bot hits the ground and explodes, causing a small rumble that causes Pidge to lose her balance and almost fall.

"Rover. Nice save, buddy." She said to her little bot friend, who luckily manage to catch her in time.

~Alaina of Voltron~

Meanwhile, on the Balmera, the locals, the Balmerans, invited Hunk and Coran down into the cave for shelter and a meal.

"Thanks for the delicious soup. Are these potatoes in here?" Hunk thanks then asks.

"Grandma's special dish for special visitors." Shay says. "Cave-root for the skin. Cave bugs for the soul." She added and Hunk nearly retches, but manages to swallow. Coran was equally surprised.

"Oh. Thank you for the bugs." The advisor said a little stilted. Said Grandma then pours more soup into his bowl. "Oh, uh. Okay, I think that's too much." The man tried to refuse politely.

"So, how many of you are down here?" Hunk asks them.

"There are thousands of us here on Balmera." Replied an older male Balmeran, Rax and Shay's father presumably. "We work and live in these mines." He added.

"We harvest crystals, for Zarkon." Shay added.

"Zarkon." Hunk whispered. "That's so, sad that he has enslaved your entire planet like this." He says.

"While Zarkon may rule, we still have family. That's where true happiness comes from." Shay's father states. Just then Rax, who had been siting off to the side, stood up with a low grunt.

"Galra would tear our family asunder if they found these ones down here." He says. "Everyone comes to Balmera and teaks, but none give back in return." He adds bitterly.

"In the past, those who took Balmera's crystals would replenish her with energy. It was an equal exchange." Shay explained, then presses her hand to the ground. "But the Galra only take. It is no wonder we can feel her suffering." She says as the spot where her hand was glowed, and a faint sound, like a moaning whale in pain, was heard.

"I'm sorry we put your family in danger like this, but we need help. Our friend is seriously hurt and we need a crystal to heal her. The faster we get the crystal and get out, the sooner we'll be out of your hair." Hunk explained.

"We're looking for a battleship-class crystal." Coran said next.

"Battleship-class? Those are most rare. Galra soldiers guard them ceaselessly until harvested. Your quest is in vain." Shay's father informs.

"There is one. It was found only weeks ago, and is almost excavated." Shay spoke.

"Quiet!" Rax interrupted. "Even if they could steal the crystal from the Galra, battle patrols wait to take down their ship. These ones have no chance of getting out of here alive, with the crystal or without the crystal." He says, rather blunt.

"So basically this crystal is the hardest thing to get in the universe." Hunk says.

"Well, I don't about it being the hardest per say, but yes, this seems to be pretty difficult." Coran agreed.

"You may stay here until Balmera gives another crystal. One hidden from Galra eyes." Shay offered.

"We don't have time. Our friend Lana, is in really bad condition. We need a crystal to power the healing pod in order to save her, or else, she might not make it." Hunk said.

"Alright. Hunk, you fix the pod. I'm going to do some reconnaissance and see if I can come up with a plan." Coran said and got up to do just that.

~Alaina of Voltron~

Back on Arus, in the Castle of Lions, Pidge got out of the vents and finds herself in the castle hallways. She peeks out from behind a pillar to see the cost was clear. She sighed in relief and sunk down to the floor, her back against the pillar while taking off her helmet. She notices her hair and fingers it, remembering how she cut it before going to the Garrison.

After being band, she decided to go undercover to find the truth. She applied under a fake name, "Pidge Gunderson", the nickname her brother, Matt, called her, cut her hair and donned the glasses Matt gave her before he left. 

It worked to disguise herself, with not even Iverson recognizing her. At the Garrison, she met Hunk as they were assigned to the same team. Though they had also got partnered with some douche named James Griffin.

Needless to say, Pidge and him didn't get along. She preferred to hang with Hunk anyway, who he is often insulted, stating he was fat. Which pissed her off to no end. The guy was pretty egotistical and had a serious inferiority complex towards Keith, who had already been kicked out of the school by the time she enrolled in.

On the night Shiro returned, she had gone up to the roof to listen to radio chatter she had picked up, using a computer she build from parts she found lying around the Garrison. Hunk, who had snuck out for a midnight snack, saw her go up to the roof and followed her. She explained to him about the alien radio and the talk of something called "Voltron".

It was then the Garrison alarms went off and they saw something approaching the area. A ship, but not one of theirs. The two went to investigate, where they discovered Shiro, alive and well, well-ish. He said Voltron and that intrigued them, then he was put under. It was then Keith came in, and the two helped him in getting Shiro out of there. The rest was pretty much history.

They arrived at Keith's shack, he told them about the energy and event thing, they built the Geiger counter and found the Blue Lion. The lion took them off Earth and to Arus, they met the Alteans, found out what Voltron was and that they were destined to pilot. Along with Alaina.

Pidge's heart clenches at the thought of her. She loved her brother, but she had always wondered what having a big sister would be like. Lana was the answer.


Pidge stood outside of the training, Rover hovering near her. It was a day after successfully forming Voltron, and she was wondering what to next.

"Hey, Green." The young girl turned to see the Second Altean Princess. She was dressed in her battler outfit, not her paladin armor, her hair in the braid bun and Jaga resting on her shoulder. "Something up?" She asked.

"Just..." Pidge trailed off. "I thought I could use some more training. We successfully formed Voltron, but I realized we won't always be fighting in Voltron. At least not all the time, so I thought I'd get some practice in." She explained.

"Mind if I join you then?" Alaina asked. Pidge agreed and the two girls went into the training room.

Lana teaching Pidge on moves to do and how to dodge incoming attacks, such as shots and sword swings. In between, Lana would surprising makes some jokes and hilarious commentary that made Pidge generally laugh, helping to ease tension in the room. Lana really was like an older sister, despite technically being a younger sister. Guess that was another thing Pidge and her had in common.

-Flashback End-

Alaina was amazing. Looking out for all of them like that and able to keep on that bright smile that rivaled the stars, especially considering how she'd lost so much. Pidge reaches up and touches her forehead, the same place that the Altean Princess had kissed a while back. Feeling warm from the memory. Now Lana was hurt, helpless, and in the clutches of the Galra. 

"You know, Rover. I haven't always been there for my team." She admitted to the bot and put her helmet back on. "But this time, I will be." She promised. "Come on." She said and they took off.

~Alaina of Voltron~

Meanwhile in the Castle vents, Allura's mice were making their way through, heading for the particle barrier generator room.

~Alaina of Voltron~

Back across the universe on the Balmera, Hunk was fixing the Altean pod, with Shay curiosity watching him.

"Tell me, what is the sky like?" She suddenly asked.

"The sky? You mean you've never actually seen the sky?" Hunk asked surprised.

"No... but, at night, I sneak up as high as I dare, trying to imagine what it's like." The female Balmeran replied as she climbed up the pod. "Oh, lucky you are to fly this machine to worlds far from here." She said.

"Well, it doesn't have to be like this. You can be free, too." Hunk tells her.

"Free?" Shay asks, not understanding what he means.

"Yeah, free. It means you can go wherever you want, be whatever you want, and do whatever you want. No Galra masters to tell what you what to do." The Yellow Paladin explains.

"It makes no sense. Zarkon controls everything." Shay says.

"Nope. Now things are changing." Hunk tell her. "You heard of Voltron?" He asks.

"A child's tale." Shay seemed to laugh a little. Hunk looked unimpressed.

"It's real, and I'm one of the Paladins. Voltron is going to defeat Zarkon." He says.

"You are?" Shay asked, a little hopeful. Just then Rax came in.

"Stop filling her head with your shadow show!" He shouted. "The caverns are our home. This will never change. Come." He told his sister and Shay follows him, while Hunk watches.

~Alaina of Voltron~

Back on Arus, down in the Castle of Lions' turbine room, Haxus had gone in.

"Powering sub panels." He announced.

"Sub panel energy transducer is a go." Sendak said over the coms.

"Aye, sir. Opening pathway to link with bridge." The lieutenant announced. Unknown to him, Pidge was climbing up the back wall, on some sort of ladder, watching. "Initializing main cluster reboot." He said, with the Green Paladin hearing him.

The young techie opens a hatch in the wall, and uses her wrist gauntlet to hack into the system. Her holoscreen showed it fully loaded, and she quickly connected to the system. Her screen displaying the same image that Haxus was looking at.

"Initializing complete. I'm set for main power up." The Galra lieutenant reported.

"The bridge is ready." Sendak replied.

"Powering up." Haxus said and began booting up the system. While Pidge was doing the same on her screen.

"And up, and up, and up..." She said as she boots up the system higher. "Man, I would not want to be touching a metal surface when this thing overloads." She adds, just as the alarms began blaring.

"Sir, something is wrong." Haxus says, only for the turbine to overload, releasing an electric pulse that the metal console conducted, shocking Haxus. Pidge quickly jumps from the ladder, gliding down with Rover's help, avoiding the electric pulse she also got fried. She lands on the ground, before Haxus.

"You're the one causing all this trouble? A child?" He asked in disbelief.

"I am not a child. I'm a Paladin of Voltron." Pidge stated.

"Let me tell you something, child." Haxus chuckled as he rose up, and pulled out a sword. "I am a soldier of the Galra Empire. Nothing stops me but triumph, or death!" he yells and charges. Pidge dodges his attacks, then attempts to tied him up, but the Galra catches her bayard and tosses her against the console.

"Nowhere left to run. Nowhere left to hide." He taunted as he prepared to strike her. Just then Rover beeped, distracting him enough for Pidge slide under him and use her bayard's cord to tie his ankle to knock off balance. The galra stumbled back to the edge of the turbine, Rover then flying in to knock him off. Haxus desperately grabbed the little bot to catch himself.

"Rover!" Pidge shouted. The bot began blinking about to turn itself off, meaning it would go down with Haxus, when a yowling was heard a blue blur flew by Pidge, landing on Haxus face. The Galra screamed, letting go of Rover and the blur jumped off as the galra fell down to his demise.

"Rover!" Pidge cried in relief as she coddled the robot to her chest. She heard a mewl and looked at the console to see a certain bleu alien cat. "Jaga!" She says and scooped up the cat. "Thank you." She said, the kitty meows in response.

"Haxus, report in." Sendak's voice was heard over the coms. Pidge let go the small bot and cat, and replies.

"Haxus is gone, and you're next!" The Green Paladin swore.

"You've slowed me down, but this ship is mine!" The Galra Commander yelled. "You will turn yourself over to me, immediately!" He demanded.

"Never!" Pidge refused.

"Well, then, maybe your leader can convince you." He said back and Pidge froze.

"What do you want?" Shiro's voice was heard over the coms.

"Your friend wanted to hear from you." Sendak replied.

"Shiro?" The Green Paladin called, a little scared.

"Pidge? Pidge, don't listen to--" the Black Paladin's scream cut himself off.

"No! Stop! Stop it!" Pidge shouted as she listens to her leader's pained screams.

"You can make it stop. Turn yourself in. His, and the Princess's suffering, are both in your hands." Sendak said and cuts communication.

~Alaina of Voltron~

Meanwhile, with Hunk and Coran on the Balmera.

"Is your ship repaired that you may depart our presence?" Rax asks, rather rudely.

"Uh, are you saying you want us to leave?" Hunk asks.

"Yes." Rax replied blatantly.

"Well, it's working, but we can't leave without the crystal." The Yellow Paladin replied and turns to Coran. "You come up with any ideas on how to get it?" He asks the Altean advisor.

"Actually, yes." Coran replied with a confident smirk.

That plan apparently, was to dress up as a Galra sentry and walk by to the crystal. Which, wasn't working out very well. The two were stacked on top each other and were very off-balance. They managed to get up the guards and shoot them down, able to get to the crystal they needed. Coran places his hands on the crystal and it began to glow a soft bright blue.

"What are you doing? We got to hurry!" Hunk urged.

"I'm not just gonna pry this out of here like some Galra monster." Coran replied. "The Balmera is a sacred being. You have to communicate with it. Let your life forces connect. This is the way it was done in our time." The Altean man explains.

"Whoa. You were really know your Balmeras." Hunk said impressed. The crystal stopped glowing and the ground that encased it literally sank in, releasing the it.

Unfortunately, Coran threw out his back trying to carry the heavy crystal and they were both captured right there and then.

~Alaina of Voltron~

Back on Arus, in the Castle of Lions, Sendak was looking down at his prisoners.

"I'm impressed that you managed to escape." He says to Shiro. "Perhaps it would be worth a trip to your planet to see if the rest of your kind has your spirit." He said. Unknown to him, Pidge was just outside the bridge, listening. "Of course, they will end up broken, just like you." He taunted.

"Now that we have Voltron, every planet, every race, all share the same fate." He states. Pidge continued to listen, Rover and Jaga with her. No. She wouldn't let that happened. To earth, or to any planet, or any race, in the universe. Not if she had anything to say about it.

Meanwhile, back with the Yellow Paladin and Altean Advisor on the Balmera.

"Quiznack! I can't believe they saw through our disguise." Coran groaned from the cell he and Hunk were thrown into when they got captured. The two suddenly heard footsteps approaching. They look out to see Shay, holding a broke Galra arm. The Balmeran uses the arm to deactivate the force filed, setting them free.

"Make haste to your pod. The crystal is prepared for departure." She tells them.

"How did you get the crystal?" Coran asks.

"I was assigned to take it to the upper levels, but instead I took it down." The female Balmeran replies. "Soon, they will discover my ruse. Time is short." She says and turns away, but Hunk stops her.

"Why are you helping us? You'll get in trouble." He asks her.

"Because your words touched my heart. I wish for freedom for all Balmera. Perhaps your Voltron can make it so." She admitted.

Shay then proceeded to lead them through the caverns, and to their ship. They rushed into the cave where the Altean pod was, only to find themselves at gun point from a group of sentries, and with Rax, who had apparently lead them here.

"No. Rax, why?" Shay asked, sounding heartbroken.

"These two bring only trouble to our family. It was the only way to protect you." He replies. Hunk growls and prepares to activate his bayard, but Shay stops him.

"No! The Balmera will save us." She says and leans down, pressing her hand to the Balmera's surface, the spot glowed a brilliant bright blue.

"Shay, no!" Rax shouts as he backs away. A sound like a whale was heard and the cave shook, the rocks hanging from the celling fall, crushing the sentries.

However, it also weekend the cave, causing it to start to collapse. The three make their way to the pod, the undamaged sentries shooting at them. One sentry shot a sort of wire at them, catching Shay, tying her up and pulling her to them.

"Shay!" Hunk shouts.

"Go! Make haste!" She shouts as the sentries reel her in.

"Let her go!" The Paladin shouts at them and prepares to charge.

"No, Hunk! We have to go!" Coran says, already in the pod. Hunk looks at Shay, more sentries filling in.

"I'll come back for you, Shay! I promise!" He says and gets in the pod. Coran starts up the ship, and flies out of the cave and up the shaft.

They make their way up said shaft, the Galra on their tail. Forcing Hunk to activate the engine booster, the one Coran said would cause the ship to explode, which he warns him about, but they didn't have much of a choice. Luckily, that didn't happen and they manage to make it out, and were on their way back to the Arus.

~Alaina of Voltron~

Back on said planet, in the Castle of Lions' particle barrier generator room. The Altean mice came in and took care of the sentry there. They then go over to the console and shut down the power. Outside, the barrier lowered and deactivated.

"It worked!" Keith said.

"They did it!" Allura added proud.

"Now let's go save everyone." Amue says next and they make their way into the now open Castle.

~Alaina of Voltron~

Meanwhile, on the Castle bridge, Sendak was checking over the systems, when the security showed him Pidge. He turns to see her in the doorway. Sendak attacks, with Pidge dodging and running away, Sendak giving chase. It reality, it was another hologram doppelganger and the real Pidge went into to bridge.

"Shiro, wake up. It's me, Pidge." She says to the dazed Paladin. Suddenly, she is grabbed by none other than Sendak, who lifts her up using his prosthetic arm.

"Did you really think your little hologram trick would work on me?" He said. Rover and Jaga both attack him. Sendak growls, then tosses both of them at the wall. He hears footsteps and turns to see Keith, Allura and Amue come in. 

"Stand back! Or your Paladin gets it." He threatens while holding up Pidge, the three were frozen, unable to do anything whilst Pidge get hurts, or worse.

Just then, he was shot from behind, causing him to drop Pidge, courtesy of none other than Alaina. Who had managed to regain conscious enough to activate her bayard and shoot the galra commander. 

Shiro gets up and charges at the Galran, but is knocked back. Keith goes in with his blade, managing to hit Sendak, but is tossed away. Amue and Allura make their way to the Bridge console. Pidge comes in and slashes the energy beam that connects Sendak's arm, separating it.

"No!" The Galra growls. The Red and Green Paladins fight him, while Allura types something on the console. Amue goes and checks over the other princess and the Black Paladin.

"Keith, now!" Allura shouts. Keith, who was currently engaged with Sendak, shoves the galra commander back to the platform and particle barrier rises, trapping him in. Pidge frees Shiro with Amue looking him over, while Allura and Keith both up check on Alaina.

"Lana, are you okay?" Keith ask as he leans down to her.

"We did it. We are a true team." The second princess says, with a genuine smile. Keith felt his heart flutter, then the princess passes out again.

"Alaina!" Allura says worriedly.

"I got her." Keith says and picks her up, princess style, and cradles her to his chest.

~Alaina of Voltron~

Later, Hunk and Coran returned and installed the new crystal, powering up the Castle, and Lana is quickly changed into a cryosuit and put into a pod.

"After a day in the pod she should be fully healed." Amue announced.

"Oh. Thank goodness." Allura sighed in utter relief. Shiro then turns to Pidge.

"Pidge, we can't thank you enough for all you did." He says. "I can't help but feel that you were meant to be a part of our team... but I understand if you want to leave." He adds.

"Dad used to tell me how close he was with his crew members. They were like family. Now, I understand what he was talking about." She says. "I'm staying with Voltron with you guys. Let's stop Zarkon, for all our families, and all the families in the universe." She declares.

"Good to have you back on the team." Keith says. "And..." He looks down. "I want to apologize for blowing up at you before." He says. "You were right. On Earth, I felt detached, like I didn't belong. 

"At some point, it wasn't a home anymore. So when we came here and became Paladins, I felt like I finally found a home after so long, I was a part of something, and I was scared to lose that." He admits.

"It's okay man. We understand." Hunk says. Keith turns to him.

"You were also right. I didn't mean it like that, but I was being rude. I guess I just suck at talking to people." He also admits.

"We'll fix that. Together." Shiro promises and everyone looks at Alaina.

AN: Sorry this took a bit, I was busy writing my other story. Anyway, I'll be focusing on this story for a bit, and updates might be faster. Till then!

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