Here By Your Side | Younghoon

By your_maje

6.8K 183 33

《To be or not to be, staying beside you through up and downs is worth risking for.》 A The Boyz inspired book! More

Cross path
fan meeting
way pt. 2
that beautiful view
The meet up
are we on?
love is in the air
His place
circus pt. 2
Eunice meet Tan
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
official first date
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 26

99 2 0
By your_maje


Tired and exhausted as I lay my back on my bed.

We just continue on our daily routine on doing a live streaming about a fun game. And speaking of a fun game, it is indeed a tiring one.

I shut my eyes for a seconds when I felt my phone vibrated.

I didn't mind on reading the caller ID and just answered the call.

"Like what you see?"

I frowned at that voice then check the caller ID, it was Eunice.

"What do you want again this time huh?" I asked out of irritation.

She chuckled, that laugh that would really annoy everyone even the babies, "well, I don't know?" She sounds so sarcastic. "I thought you checked your social media accounts though" she added.

I was about to answer her when Hwall barged into my room.

"You gotta see this!" Then he hurriedly showed me his phone.

"See? I'm serious when I said I want it that way and you acted fine with that way. Then, enjoy" she sweetly said before ending the call.

It was indeed a bad move. Fuck!

"Who did that?" I said while clenching my fist.

"Of course no one would know! Not even our manager! But he said he can't promise to have it under control since you and Jia is already trending in any social media platforms!" Hwall said.

They hate her now. So many mean comments and hatred.

'What happened to Eunice? I want her for Younghoon! This girl is nothing!'

'Maybe just a friend?' Well this one's not bad.

"They're kissing! Wait is this Younghoon's new girl? Or it is just someone that he needs for man's daily needs? Xoxo'

Many more comments and I'm fucking loosing every shit I got inside me.

"She don't deserve this. Not now that she's stepping ahead towards her dream" i whispered to myself.

Hwall tapped my shoulder, "it will be a bumpy road ahead, goodluck man" and he stayed silent.

The other members, and even manager-nim went in into my room. They looked worry while manager-nim is doing everything just to keep our social media accounts safe from tagging or mentioning from any mean comments.

I was still in dazed and thinking of possible solution when my phone rang again.

I looked at my phone before glancing at the people inside my room.

"Go take it." Manager-nim who looks stressed said.

I nodded and answered the phone while walking out from my room.

"Hello sir" I politely greet.

"I saw the pictures" damn those voice. A total opposite of how sweet and calm the voice of Jia.

"I'm sorry" i muttered, I know it was all my fault.

Her daddy let out a deep sigh, "what's your plan now? You know I hate meddling with my daughter's relationship but for heaven's sake! Protect my Jia from all of these." He pleaded and it hurts me.

Hearing a dad beg just to keep his child safe if a heart touching for me.

"I was planning on keeping it as a secret to Jia. Maybe to keep her away from the media" I said in a low voice.

"I know you'll hate my plan but I couldn't think of any possible thing to help Jia on this matter. I'll deal with it and make things better for her. Then when, uh, somehow the situation is calm. I'll inform her about this." I sigh, "i don't like keeping secrets from her dad."

Her dad became silent for a couple of seconds, "good that you know how bad it is to keep a secret. I'll be monitoring my daughter. That's the least I could do for you, either way this situation would really hurt her, but at least you stay with her side."

"Of course, I will" i replied back.

"Good. I'll hang up now." Her dad bid goodbye.

I sigh and enter the room once again.

They all looked at me. I gave them a thumbs up, and they sigh in relief.

I seriously need to protect Jia.


Everything went well according to the plan.

Now, I get people sympathy, and pretend like I was a victim here.

Of course I am!.

"Eunice, the pres-con will start in a minute by now. Let's go?" My manager asked and help me with my things.

"I'm glad you think of doing this to clarify things Eunice." Manager-nim said.

Of course I will. In my own terms manager.

I smirk.

As I step outside the backstage, the cameras won't stop from flashing. The reporters keep on asking so many questions.

"Are you okay with the rumours about Younghoon dating a non-showbiz girl?" Of course not!

"What can you say about the girl miss Eunice?" She's a whore, a pathetic and useless sister.

The questions keeps on flooding like there's no tomorrow.

Gone the proud and fierce look, here, sitting in front of every reporters, the innocent, kind and gentle look.

Should I give a tip to the makeup artist?


The press conference started and I keep on answering questions.

"Was the rumour true about that girl and Younghoon?" A reporter asked.

I sigh, "of course not. I don't know, even before Younghoon is very cold to me. I tried to understand him you know," then I let out a weak smile, "I did everything I can so we could be friends even not a couple but he still reject me" well that's true!

All the people inside that room started gossiping.

"He rejected you miss Eunice?" A girl reporter asked me.

I nodded in response, "though I'm not forcing things here. I want to focus on my career too."

"Are fine with the rumours if ever it is confirmed as true?" A chubby male reporter asked me.

I let out a smile, "Well, I like him. But I respect him too." Simple.

One thing I've learned in this industry is that, give people a vague answer and they'll make a story out from it.

It's time to go with the flow.


"We should think of Younghoon's girlfriend first." New suggested.

We are now gathered here tonight to help me plan on how to protect Jia from all of this.

"Yes, but bro, it's media! We can't easily escape that one." Hwall said and I agree with him.

I sigh, "she doesn't want to be exposed yet." I said as I try to complete the puzzle in front of me.

Maybe if she let me announce to the whole world who is she in my life, then there will be no more problem right?

But if her dad told me that she will be prepared by now, slowly. Her surgery will be next week on Thursday afternoon. I even cleared my schedule so I could be with her when she enter the operating room.

"Haaisst... I don't understand why we are formulating possible way to protect that girl. Why don't we just focus on our business instead? I mean, we are only making it bigger if we look like we are affected by it." Jacob said, "we could decline the issue. Simple. Not giving a damn and let the issue die just like a virus."

"Well, you're right. Let's just hope that Jia will never get a hold on this." Manager-nim said.

I smile at relief, thinking that they like Jia for me. To give their support and time to help me with my problem.

But when the moment I thought i got it under control. That's where I saw a crying Jia sitting in their living room.

I hurriedly went to her, "what's the problem baby?" I asked and scan her if she has any injury or what.

I saw her like this, 2 days before her operation. I got worried of course! She should be resting and stress free!

"No I'm fine" she said and removed my hands.

Worry consumed me. Why can't you tell me what's wrong baby?

I badly want to ask her that but instead I just hugged her.

"Sorry I got really really busy these days" I said while caressing her back.

She sobbed, "I hate you" she murmured.

I pulled myself from the hug, "y-you what?" Promise to God when it is really true.

"I hate you" she repeated.

I hugged her again, "Please baby, tell me what's wrong. Is it because I got busy? What? Tell me." I'm seriously asking like a mad lovesick fool.

I was busy these past few days because I was busy monitoring your surroundings so you won't get the chance to be drag into this chaotic industry. People hate her.

But maybe because of being busy keeping things away from her, I let her think that she's alone. Maybe i made her feel miserable after not choosing to be with her.


She let go from my hug then tried to wipe her tears away.

Jia's Pov:

I've been so patient and I have enough.

I follow every instructions and every recommendation from my doctors and from those people who sorrounds me.

One night after my daily test, I received a call from Eunice.

"It's been a while since she call" i said to myself and grab my phone.

"Hello my dear sister!" She greeted happily.

"Hi" hi happily replied too.

Since when did we have a better talk? It's been a while!

"Sorry to bother you but I hope you're doing fine with your relationship now." Then she teasingly laugh.

I smiled, "of course. So far so good. He keeps me updated and always check on me when he has a time. Why?"

Maybe a habit, I always end up saying that word, I find it really useful you know? Or maybe I get used to it that's why there is always "why" every after my sentence, especially when I'm curious.

"Nothing!, actually that's great. I heard from my fellow models that he is spotted with another singer? She's pretty hot you know? But don't  worry! Now that he keeps ypu updated I'm sure both of you had already talked about it." Then she chuckled.

No he didn't mention that to me. Is my baby keeping secrets from me?

"Of course, we talked about that. He also mention to me about working with another female. Maybe they meet up for business purposes" i reasoned out even deep inside, I know, we never talk about other girls.

He didn't mention any names of girl. Is he cheating? I lied to Eunice because I know if I say the truth, maybe she will look at me with pity and I seriously hate it. I may be blind but I can still sense it and i hate the feelings that it always give me.

Days passed and we barely talk, I found Dad very odd these past few days. He keeps on asking what are my plans for today. You know, it's very unusual but I'm find with it, he became my eyes when I can't see. He became my light when the death of mom took it with her.

But then the moment I tried to call Younghoon, of course to check on him.

3 rings and he pick up, "hello?" But instead of his voice, it was a female's voice.

"Hello?" The lady asked again.

I tried so bad to hold my breath and calm myself but it wasn't that effective at all.

"Uh- " damn I hate it, it's not in the right time to tell this but damn! She picked up my call for him! "I'm,  uh- where is Younghoon?" Luckily i didn't stuttered on that one even I felt my ribcage cracking and almost giving up on holding my heart.

"Who are you please? " the other lady asked again.

Fine! "I'm his girlfriend" i said while playing with my nails.

I'm seriously so damn nervous, afraid to accept the fact that my mind has been pushing few minutes ago.

"Girlfriend? You sure? I'm his girlfriend miss" said the lady from the other line.

I froze. No! This can't be real! He promised me!

I really want to argue and protect my spot in Younghoon's life but who I am by the way?

I'm blind, I don't have so many activities since it is limited. I can't catch up with him and maybe it's his nature as a man who also have a needs and this girl right here, speaking and claiming that she is the girlfriend, gives that to him. The satisfaction.

"... many girls tried to claim him as their own boyfriend..." the she chuckle. "Pathetic, I guess you're one with them?" I bit my lower lip as I endure and process every words that she said.

"After all, you're not registered to his phone" she said and broke me into a million pieces.

I can't hold this anymore so I ended the call.

Maybe I'm just forcing him to like me. I'm hard to please and to be with.

Many scenarios came into my mind. Just like thinking of how that woman satisfy Younghoon in any ways that I can't.

What can I do? I'm just 17, not matured enough. Damn!

It went on and on. My overthinking kills me. I cried myself to sleep. Many scenarios always popped into my mind.

What's difficult is that to act calm and fine in front of your family members because you know, they'll blame themselves if they found out that you're not okay.

Now, right in front of me. After all those nightmares and self doubt.

Younghoon finally showed up, he explained and say sorry but why do I find his reason vague?

I want to ask so many things but one thing's for sure. He got trapped by this relationship we had.

Of course nothing last forever, not even promises.

And as I feel him like this, being exhausted everytime he faced me. Making so much effort just to make it up to me. My anger rose up. It's not like I want to be like this too.

Is he tired? Now because he realize that I can't do anything aside from sitting, washing plates and making music?

My heart hurt like crazy, i didn't know that thinking of a possible way to let go is this so damn hard.

I let go a deep sigh, "Younghoon," i called him one last time as tears can't stop from streaming down my cheeks.

" yes baby?" He sounds desperate and needy.

"You know I want what's best for the both of us. I want you to succeed, and i think that I'm going to be a hindrance to you if stay like this" this is also for you Younghoon. I don't want you to choose me because you feel guilty that I might get hurt if you're the one who's setting me free.

"What do you mean?" He asked and reached out for my hands.

"No. Please. Don't be like this. Are we breaking up?" Now he sounded so weak.

I can't help but cry and cry. I slowly nodded, "let's free each other" i said with finality.

"No!" And he hugged me tighter

"Younghoon" i let go of his arms but he's just too strong.

"Please I'm tired" i said, I'm just tired of drowning myself from my negative thoughts.

"I call you last night, a girl answered your phone." I said

"No please. What the fuck are you talking?" He asked and hug me even tighter.

"Please, let me go" and with all of my strength I pushed him. I was shock that he indeed let go fo me.

So he wants me out now? Really?

"So many times I called you but there's a girl answering for you." I laugh weakly. "Why does ot felt like the picture is only left to prove that you're really bedding women?" I tried not to accuse you but it turns like it. I'm sorry, my love.

Those nights, you never clarify things on me. You left me hanging.

He didn't say a thing. "Do you want space?" He asked, low and sounds tired as well.

I nodded, "yes. I'm setting you free Younghoon. We need to fix ourselves. I need to focus on my health and being with you, thinking of you and those girls only haunts me to sleep. You're my nightmare." But not really my love. Oh please forgive me!

I cry again.

"Fix yourself and I'll fix mine." He let out a deep sigh, "I want to face any trials with you. Do different things with you, but if you think you need this. I'll give it to you." Then he kissed my forehead.

"Come back to me ok?" Then i felt him hugged me, "nevermind, I'm comming back to you even if you don't come back to me" then i felt a hot liquid on my shoulder.

Mio dio! It hurts me more but I'm completely fucked up too.

I was clouded with so much frustration and jealousy.

I didn't move, i just let him hug me for the last time.

I'm going to miss you for sure.

"Take care" I whispered when I heard him close the door and heard his car's engine.

I love you.


Wassup, I should post 3 chapters for today but wattpad's bug took my remaining 2 chapters so I need to write it all over again 😭.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one. Love you all!

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