In the deep

By Writer_Sanna

815 231 475

To some, freedom was a need: a necessity like food and water. But for Hephzibah, freedom was a luxury: someth... More

Chapter 1~Hazel
Chapter 2~Scar
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 3~Emmie

92 33 57
By Writer_Sanna

We walked out of our dorm room in the name of Hazel showing us around. Well, I'd be leaving them soon because my best friend called and asked me to wait outside the freshmen dorm that she was on her way to pick me.

I'd not seen my Best friend since I came in yesterday. She said she was busy trying to sort somethings out so she couldn't make it to my dorm.

This place gave me the creeps.

It mesmerised me sometimes because it was turning out to beat my expectations with all the fancy, but It had this eery feeling attached to the mesmerization.

I walked behind Hazel and Debby with my head down. I looked at my black sandals and imagined what it'd be like if I had pants and sneakers on.

Suddenly, it felt like I was being followed. The hairs on my hand stood up.

I hope it's not that Evelyn weirdo following me again.

I spun to inspect the nude walls but saw no one. My feet continued walking and there the feeling was again.

My stomach felt sick.

I walked faster and it felt like whoever it was equally moved faster. Increasing my speed, it felt like that person was going to grab me from behind. My neck unconsciously turned to see who was behind me, but I tripped on a stool and landed on the floor.

Debby and Hazel helped me off the floor. "What happened?" Debby laughed.


"I just felt like glueing my butt to the floor." I sarcastically replied and rolled my eyes. I got to my feet and brushed the dust off my butt.

"Don't you feel like you're being followed?" I whispered into Debby's ear and earned a frown from her.

"Don't be silly. It's just us here." She waved me off and continued chitchatting with Hazel.

"Hazel." I stopped Hazel in her tracks.

She was blabbing about her high school best memories to Debby who laughed her eyes the entire time.

Hazel Swiftly turned her head and her eyes fell on my small statue before her dimples became visible.

"Oh!" She placed her right hand on her chest, over her orange top. "You startled me."

I startled her? Didn't she know I was right behind her? I must admit, I thought she was going to break her neck from the way she spun.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I apologized for the supposed startling.

"It's fine. You got any problem?" She shoved her hands into the pockets of her jeans skirt.

"ER..." I scratched my baby blonde hair that was packed in a high donut. "I wanted to ask where you went. I mean, you disappeared into thin air when we went to the bathroom together."

"I went for a blood meeting." She glared crossly at me, clearly trying to scare me. "Just kidding! I went to Ava's room to cause some shenanigans." She beamed.

What a very unnecessary joke. Who cracks lame jokes with who they just met?

They walked ahead of me again and halted beside a white door that was wide open.

"This is like a living room where we can all sit and hangout." She pointed into the room and I peered my head to see what she looked all excited for. Boy! This school was like a university haven, I liked what I saw because I never expected this.

My eyes scanned the purple wine walls and white luxury vinyl flooring. Picturing myself sitting on the biggest brown sofa in the room with a coffee in a black mug and the bolgara series in my hand, I smiled at how cozied up I appeared in my head.

"Uhm, you might want to get that creepy smile off your face and catch up with us!" Debby yelled and I realized I got lost in my thoughts again. They were way ahead of me that I had to jog to catch up with them.

The tour in our dorm was over and we were outside now. The living room felt like it was alive. The temperature in that room was cold, but I assumed it was because nobody was in it.

The school was surrounded with a lot of new and returning students dragging heavy boxes into their various dorms.

Debby and Hazel talked to other freshmen and gave the lost ones directions, while I stood behind them, clearly overwhelmed with shyness.

I felt sad because I was not where my dreams wanted me to be. I was scared too because I'd never been this far from home without adults around. I didn't know what college would be like, I didn't know if I'd make friends or if I'd just fit in.

I stood, watching a black Jeep drop a girl with rich chocolate hair off. Suddenly, a memory of yesterday when mother dropped us in front of our dorm slapped me hard in the face.

Nobody had a happy face when we got down from the car. We let the men dressed in blue check our boxes at the gate before Debby and I got back into mother's Mercedes and drove to the front of our dorm. After taking my box to my room, it was time for mother to say goodbye then she started crying and that made me cry too.

I just hugged mom tightly and felt so sorry for her because she'd be alone with her nagging husband. I sighed and said goodbye before leaving Debby and my parents. I went to our room and watched them from the window.

"Heph!" A feathery familiar voiced jolted me back from my thoughts.

"Emi!" I grinned and pulled my best friend in for a hug. "Oh, I've missed you. "

"I've missed you more!" Her beautiful gun metal blue eyes had a gleam of delight in them.

"I have a lot to tell you!" She gushed and flipped her wavy, sun-kissed hair.

Emi was the cheerful kind of best friend that socialized more and made you happy whenever life threw lemons at you.

Debby and Emi hugged, while Hazel said a brief hi before flashing her a smile. Boys must die for this girl's dimples, like how could someone look this perfect?

Emi took me to her dorm where I met and socialized with some of her mates. I met the weird girl that came to introduce herself yesterday. She was awfully nice and it felt like home.

"I don't want to go to my dorm," said by a familiar voice. I looked up and saw the girl that joined me in the shower earlier today.

My skin crept.

"Hephzibah, this is Annie." Emmie introduced me to the chocolate hair I saw not quite long.

I gave her and uneasy smile and shook her hand. Her hooded Jade eyes had shyness in them. I remembered her, her parents dropped her off a while ago.

I sat on Emmie's bed and digested everything that happened around me.

Annie was an aspiring lawyer just like me so we'd be having the same classes. I was glad I at least knew somebody.

"Evelyn, you can't sleep here. You have to be in the freshmen dorm." A red hair said to Evelyn who looked like she saw a demon.

What is it with this girl?

My throat became dry and I downed a half bottle of water Emmie gave to me. I was asked to walk Annie and Evelyn back to our dorm.

I met Hazel and my twin still interacting in front of our dorm. My eyes unconsciously traveled to the window of our room.

The blindfolds were all up and our half curtain was moving like a fan was directly placed in front of it. I stared at it longly and my eyes widened when I saw someone raising the curtains.

She looked white and pale. I was sick to the stomach and it suddenly felt like the place was choked up like someone sucked in all the oxygen.

The black look she was giving me didn't help the nausea I felt and her glare drilled a very deep hole in my head. She had the eeriest ebony eyes I had ever seen.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and couldn't break the glare battle we were having. I mean, fear had a tight grip on me.

"Hi, are you okay?" A warm hand touched my shoulders, I flinched and did the most unreasonable thing ever.

I puked on his shoes and he gave me a murderous look.

I puked more on the floor.

Evelyn patted my back, but I flinched again because her touch repelled me. The nice boy, the first boy that said hi to me was gone.

"Is anyone up in our room?" I questioned Hazel who was asking me about what I ate.

"Thanks for puking on my shoes." He threw his Adidas at me and my face turned crimson.

I ran into our dorm and heaved a sigh of relief. I smelt like vomit.

My conscience judged me for puking on his shoes. I never really got the chance to know what he looked like, not even the color of his eyes.

I heard the sound of a door opening, causing me to psych out.

The adidas slipped from my hand to the floor. Slowly, I turned my head to the direction of the door that creaked open.

"Okay, there's absolutely nothing to worry about." I muttered to myself. "It's just a freshman like me."

The place began to stink to high heavens. I sniffed myself and yes I smelt like vomit, but the smell in this dorm was nothing compared to it.

It smelt like something dead and decayed.

Fretfully, I bent to pick the shoe that fell from my hand. The two legs I saw from in between my legs made me scared stiff.

Terror stricken, I picked it up and I could feel my body shaking.

Who could that be?

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