Blood bonded

By moondash199

4.8K 276 152

(Don't read this unless ur okay with not good writing because i wrote this in like 11th grade and I was not g... More



271 15 14
By moondash199

Ok but, when he had the braids...👌

The family stood in silence for a minute, processing what they had just been told.

Jay's father was the first to go up and hug her "It's ok sweetheart, don't cry, your mother and I had a threesome once."

Jay's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets "Ew!" He yelled.

"Excuse me?" His mother stood up, glaring at him.

"No! I didn't mean- ugh." He sighed, "I mean you talking about your threesome is ew, not her being a lesbian."

"Oh" She coughed, looking back to face Indie, "Please know that we accept you sweetheart. We will always love you." She walked up to her, kiss the top of her head.

Indie smiled, relief settling on her face.

Jay watched his family hug each other as his parents whispered soothing things onto their daughter's ear.

He didn't expect them to be so supportive, he thought that everyone thought of homosexuality as a sin.

In a weird way, it made him feel comforted knowing that he would be accepted no matter what.

His thoughts flew to Freddy, and his heart broke, Jay was still angry at him, but he didn't even know why.

What had Freddy done to him, other than being gay?

Jay had acted ruthlessly towards gay people for years, now that he watched his sister come out, he didn't know what to do, he would never want to hurt her.

What he was most surprised about was his parents reactions. They didn't care. How could they not care?

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