Playing The Surfer

By Murffiee

874K 14.3K 6.3K

"Does this feel real enough?" He grabbed my face delicately in his hands, the rain runs down our foreheads to... More

Editing Schedule Updates and Plan
characters | visuals
PART 1 | kenji
PART 2 | our tradition
PART 3 | big sister card
PART 4 | my locker
PART 5 | twisted his knickers
PART 6 | this girl
PART 7 | to familiar
PART 8 | willy
PART 9 | cliche movie players
PART 10 | australian babe
PART 11 | truth or dare
PART 12 | detention
Covers | :)
PART 13 | my ex
PART 14 | pirates
PART 15 | so stupid
PART 16 | dribble
PART 17 | all gender toilet
PART 19 | he never cries
PART 20 | cooties
PART 21 | a photo
PART 22 | sam
PART 23 | good thing
PART 24 | the ocean
PART 25 | the tea
PART 26 | uncomfortable
PART 27 | im hungry too
PART 28| sweet-filled delight
PART 29 | so whipped
PART 30| come and find me
PART 31 | text message
PART 32 | boys and their desires
PART 33 | Qual Point
PART 34 | patience grasshopper
authors note
PART 35 | princess
PART 36 | the cinema
PART 37 | nancy drew
PART 38 | found it
PART 39 | live a little
PART 40 | lips collide
PART 41 | promposal
PART 42 | she's magic
PART 43 | real enough?
PART 44 | oh, shit
PART 45 | I'll be here
PART 46 | heartache
authors note
PART 47 | if it was love

PART 18 | tough gal

16.4K 298 95
By Murffiee

Caiden's P.O.V

WE GET INTO my car and I turn on the heater.

"Wanna play 20 questions?" I ask her, my eyes glued on the road in front of me as I pull out of the stadium.

It's a bit further from here to Food Garage, so we might as well get something out of it.

She folds her legs up on seat, the way we used to when were we little. Don't know how she can do that.

"Sure. You first."

"Favourite colour?"

She laughs, "Out of all the questions in the world. You ask me my favourite colour."

I smile. "Why not?"

Kennedy smiles back. "Orange."

I furrow my brows together. "That's a really odd colour to have as your favourite."

She rolls her eyes. "It reminds me of home."

I don't question it. "What's your  favourite colour?"

I straighten out in my seat. "Green."

She nods. "Why?"

I glance across at her, "We're not very good at the one question at a time are we?"

She grins and shakes her head.

I inhale slowly and look at her quickly before turning back to the road. "I like green because your eyes are green."

She's quiet for a minute. "Thank you."

The silence grows and I lick my dry lips. "What do you miss about Australia?"

Kennedy twiddles with her thumbs and averts her gaze to the scenery outside the window. "I miss the waves. I guess that's kind of stupid though because there are waves here in America... but we lived right on the beach and the waves were just so... familiar."

I keep my mouth sealed. It feels as if she's about to tell me a big part of herself, and I should definitely shut up.

"Every night I would fall asleep, the pattern of the waves, memorized in my brain. But here," she gestures to the road. "Here the sound and pattern of the waves seem so foreign."

Kennedy smiles suddenly, and a sparkle glints her beautiful eyes. I can't look away, she's so stunning. She really must love surfing.

"But when I'm on my board, the ocean surrounding me. I feel like I'm home again."

Taking my eyes back off the road I look at the girl beside me. She's different when she talks about the ocean. I'm beginning to love that.

"What? Is there something on my face?" She asks when she notices me looking at her for too long.

Shaking my head I softly say, "You seem so happy when you talk about Surfing. As if nothing else in the world could ever matter more."

Kennedy just looks at me, her head cocked to the side. "It's so unnatural to me when you're serious."

Chuckling, I tell her, "It's a once in lifetime thing, don't get used to it."

Now it's her turn to ask me. "What about basketball? Did your parents teach you?"

My grip on the steering wheel tightens. "I don't want to talk about them."

She must realise the question hit a sore spot, so her tone of voice changes to something more calming and soothing.
"Why?" Was all she asks.

I can't look at her. So I keep my eyes steady on the road.

Silence grows again. Should I tell her? Or more like Do I want to tell her?

I decide to just tell her. And anyways, I feel like I should. "Cancer took my mother, and my father has never been the same since."

I try to keep the emotion hidden from my face. But Kennedy brings it out when she places her hand on my knee.

Her warmth flows through me and I can tell by her silence, that she's listening.

I take a deep breath and speak, "I was 15 when she died. After that my father grieved every day and busied himself with drinking and work. He came to forget about me, and how I was young and never delt with grief before. I was in our big house all alone for those years, though every so often he'd come home late at random nights, yell at me for the partying I'd been doing and the girls I'd been doing, but it was just how I came to deal with the loss because I had no guidence. It was the only way I could forget."

She squeezes my knee slightly, causing me to look over at her.

With the moonlight shining through the window, shadowing parts of her face. I see my mum in Kennedy. Not just physically but mentally too. "You remind me of her."

Her eyes widen a little, "I do?"

The corners of my mouth turn upwards. "She was beautiful, and tough. She always knew what to say at the right times."

Kennedy laughs gently. "I'm not beautiful and I don't say things at the right times."
Then she looks up at the roof thinking for a second. "Though I am a tough gal."

I grin and turn into the Food Garage carpark. "Your beautiful to me," I mumble under my breath.

"WASSUP WILLY!" Someone comes up and bangs on the car window just as I shift it into park.

I groan. "Guys my name is not Willy."

Kennedy gets out of the car. "It is to us," she winks.

Jersey and King are standing beside my car while Julie, Michelle and Hayley are off to the side whispering about something. Kennedy joins them.

"Last one inside pays for the food!" Shouts Kingston, the king of eating.

Me and Jersey race inside after him, the girls soon following in behind.

We take a seat at the closest booth, the girls joining us.

I watch with a raised eyebrow as Kennedy pushes Julie into the seat next to Jersey then Michelle hurry's in beside her.

It's as if they're trying to get them back together.

King and I exchange a look. He must be  thinking the same thing.

"Congrats on the first win guys!" Hayley said as Kingston holds out an arm for her to come sit with him.

"Thanks, but Jersey was the one who broke the tie," I say and nod toward Jersey.

"Yeah, outstanding lay up dude!" Kingston slaps him on the shoulder.

Jersey grins and puffs out his chest. "I did do pretty well aye?"

The girls all nod.

"I haven't seen you play in ages," Julie mumbles.

Everyone's eyes widen and our mouths drop open. That's the first time Julie has willingly talked to Jersey in years.

Jersey clears his throat awkwardly and looks down at her. "Um th-thanks."

Beside me I see Kennedy and Michelle fist bump under the table. Is that what they were whispering about? Did they tell her to finally speak to him?

Julie looks up at Jersey. She looks sad.

Kingston and I look at each other both our expressions filled with guilt.

We knew how much he loved her and she must've loved him the same.

"Can we talk?" Jersey said his voice low and directed only to Julie. Though we could all hear him.
Julie looks at Michelle and Kennedy, who look back at her gesturing for her to go with him.

They slide out of the booth together, and head out to the car park.

A/N: next chapter is Julie's P.O.V!!!!

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