My Forbidden Fruits (August...

By TheSilentGenie-Us

4.2M 173K 76K

Phe-Phe has a past that not much people know about , she becomes a Kindergarten teacher and catches the eye o... More

A Story, Simply.
1.[Where Not Only Her Students Find Her Likeable]
2.[Where She Finds Herself Soaked]
3.[Where She Is Unaware Of Whom and What]
4.[Where She Is Not Flattered]
5.[ Where She Finds Her Self Being Courted]
6.[Where She Loves Him Not]
7. [Where She Bonds With His Offspring]
8.[Where She Is Scared Straight]
9.[Where She Is Put in A Bad Position]
10.[Where She Is Convinced He is A Ho Ho Ho]
11. [Where She Is Told To Come]
12.[ Where She Is Between A Rock And A Hard Place]
13.[Where She Has Caught Something Other Than Feelings]
14.[Where She Opens Up]
15.[Where She Rants About How She Feels]
15. [Where She Was In The Right Place At the Wrong Time]
16.[Where She Pretends Not To Care]
17.[Where She Has A War In Her Mind]
18.[Where She Holds His Best Interest]
19.[Where She Is Bamboozled]
20.[Where She Tries To Make Amends]
21.[Where She Is Blindsided]
22.[Where She Has Hooked Two, Too Many Romeos]
23.[Where She Apparently Has A Get-Together]
24.[Where She Cleans Up And Clears the Air, Barely]
25.[Where She Meets Him Halfway, In the Field Of Likes]
26.[Where She Finds Comfort Though Stuck In A Rut]
27.[Where She Is Underwater, And Not At All Breathing Fine]
28.[Where She Is Busy Falling Apart]
29.[Where She Allows Him To Woo Her] Part I
30.[Where She Allows Him To Woo Her] Part II
31.[Where Her Heart Malfunctions,Slightly]
32.[Where She Is Compelled to Stare At A Brick Wall]
33.[Where She Acknowledges Her Fondness]
34.[Where She Contradicts With Her Lover...]
35.[Where She Obliges To Let Him Adorn Her]
36.[Where She Becomes His Canvas]
37.[Where She Seems To Be Handcuffed To Turmoil]
38.[Where She Climbs Aboard The Pity Train]
39.[Where She Realizes The Tables Have Turned]
40.[Where Her Intentions Are Made Known]
41.[Where She Is Traumatized Into A Blur]
42.[Where She Concludes What Her Heart Desires]
43.[Where She Seems Relentless To His Rue]
44.[Where She Is His Punctured Canvas,Only For Now]
45.[Where She Is Somewhat Uncertain Towards His Affections]
46.[Where She Is Bound To Be Merely Devastated]
Part II [Indulgence]
47.[Where She Is Thrown With This Seeming Reverie]
48. [Where She Seems Lost Without Her Baybeh]
49.[Where She Is Mortified Though Such A Celebration ]
50.[Where She Tries to Burn Bridges, For Her Lover]
For The Unaware

17.[Where She Has To Inform]

48K 1.7K 46
By TheSilentGenie-Us

To my loves,

I'm going to always trick you in order for y'all to read my A/N because I know readers usually skip over these, so get used to it. Now I thought this was an important thing for y'all to know before this novel continues.

Now Travis will still be his brother in this...BUT that will be his only brother.

I didn't want to add in Mel in here because, I've read so many of stories which talk about the devastating death of his brother and personally,I would rather not write about that because I haven't lost somebody that close to me except for my friend who passed away a few months ago. But a friend and a brother or sister are totally different and I don't think I'd be able to captivate how he should feel or does feel about his loss very well, that's why I made Kayden ,August's daughter.

I know its apart of his reality but I want to make this a Fan-FICTION and totally create a different August in this book.

Is that Okay?

Travis Is his brother, Kayden is his Daughter ,Mama Sheila is still his Mama,Sneak will be his cousin.

But he will have no sisters, seeing as to why Kaitlyn has no mother figure besides her grandmother and a lot of his family will enter the story later.

I hope you guys understand my reasons for this, but this is just my choice. I just want to keep you on your toes and allow Phoebe and August to have an unpredictable relationship! I'm not just writing for so, but to teach lessons on how true love and relationships form and how they should be along with many bumps on the road there.

Love it or loathe it, your choice.

You'll have an update by tonight. I'd advise you to Follow me and add to your libraries in case future chapters are made private.

Don't worry , no more Author Notes after this. Lol

Happy Sunday.

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