Potens ▹ Golden Trio Era

By O-Obliviate-

21.9K 787 546

The story of Harry Potter, the boy who lived, with a twist; thanks to a black haired beauty who came in with... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty

chapter four

986 38 44
By O-Obliviate-


The chosen ones

'It's fine. Nobody really cares anyway.'
~Hanna Marin


31st October 1994

Early in the morning, Headmaster Karkaroff woke his students ushering them out of bed and forcing them into their best cloaks and hats where he then lead them outside and, the students of Durmstrag began on their journey towards the great hall.

The headmaster had forced any seventeen-year-olds and older to write their names on a small piece of parchment so that they could then enter the tournament; if the students decided they weren't going to enter (if they were eligible of course) he had announced he would be sending them back to Durmstrang the moment the names had been drawn.

Due to the early start in the day, the headmaster now gave himself plenty of time to harass the students on the boat, he quizzed all students seventeen or not on all spells; mostly making sure nobody would embarrass him for not being able to cast an acceptable Confundus Charm.

As the sky began to grow dark later in the afternoon, the students put their cloaks back on; walking to the Great Hall following behind their Headmaster who was dragging Viktor beside him (who was sneezing vigorously from his cold), "Бързо бързо!" ("Hurry up, hurry up!") Karkaroff tutted, his steps so large the students were in a slow jog behind him - apart from Viktor who was still being dragged beside Karkaroff, "Можете ли да си представите смущението, ако закъсняхме? Вече видях Beauxbatons да се изправи, ако не беше Полякоф да не може да намери наметалото си, ние вече щяхме да сме там." ("Can you imagine the embarrassment if we were late? I've already seen Beauxbatons head up if it wasn't for Poliakoff not being able to find his cloak, we would already be there.") The headmaster glared at the seventh year who looked down at his fur boots blushing furiously from all the attention off of the other student.

Once they were outside the closed doors of Great Hall, Karkaroff stopped and composed himself. He turned his head slightly to Viktor and nodded before turning around his eyes zeroing onto Poliakoff, "Do not embarrass me," He spoke in English now, most likely due to him being calmer than he was moments before. He then turned to the two fifth years who stood towards the edge of the crowd, "and you two, stop creating a bad reputation."

Neveah stifled a laugh, "How-"

Karfaroff cut in, "Stop calling that boy 'dragon'. Do you know who his father is, and what he would do if he found out two of my students have been mocking him, huh?"

Neveah used Raven for support as she laughed silently out of the headmasters' view, Raven gulped - a small smile playing on her lips, "Sorry." Karkaroff nodded, spinning on his heel and entering the Great Hall in his usual dramatic style. Neveah quickly composed herself as they followed behind him.

The candlelit Great Hall was almost full when the Durmstrang students entered, except perhaps for a few straggling Hogwarts students who still lingered in the castle corridors. The Goblet now stood proudly in front of Dumbleodres chair at the staffing table - towards the front of the hall - where Karkaroff headed once he strode into the hall. Students' eyes pried into the Durmstrang students as they ascended towards the Slytherin table once more - making sure not to sit by the blond git and his friends like they did yesterday.

Like yesterday the tables were filled with exquisite foods, this time most likely for the Halloween feast. Students where impatiently straining their necks and fidgeting to see when the champions' names were going to be drawn. Whilst nervous, the Durmstrang students continued to chatter politely with each other picking at the food anxiously before them. Neveah (who had a s=rather large sweet tooth), seemed particularly excited when the puddings appeared on the table, alongside bowls of muggle and wizard sweets, and continued to stuff her face; seeming to not have picked up yet on the tense atmosphere surrounding her.

After a while - just like yesterday - the golden plates returned to their original spotless state; causing a sharp upswing within the Hall. Dumbledore rose to his feet - each teacher looking just as tense as the next; that is, except, Ludo Bagman, who sat at the table beaming a crooked smile and winking at various students excitedly.

"Well, the goblet is almost ready to make its decision," Dumbledore began, looking at the students in pride, "I estimate that it requires one more minute. Now, when the champions' names are called, I would ask them to please come to the top of the hall, walk along the staff table, and go through into the next chamber" Dumbledore indicated to a door behind the staff table, Raven shook Viktors shoulder - who sat beside her - excitedly, "where they will be receiving their first instructions."

Neveah - who sat on Ravens other side - leaned behind the girl to whack her brother on the back of the head, before looking off towards Dumbledore and pretending to be deeply immersed in watching as he took out his wand and blew out the candles (except those inside the carved pumpkins, which remained glowing) Viktor looked towards Raven who stifled a laugh her face highlighted with the pumpkin light, "It wasn't me." She whispered, pointing to Neveah who pretended to watch the Goblet of Fire intently as it shone brightly. Viktor smiled, shaking his head and looking back towards the Goblet, the blue flamed glowing vibrantly.

Suddenly, the flames inside the goblet began to spark a bloodred as a tongue of flame shot into the air, a charred piece of parchment fluttered out of it - the whole room noticeably tensed. Elegantly Dumbledore caught it and held it out almost boastingly, reading the name in the light emitted off the flame.

"The champion for Durmstrang," He read, his voice strong and clear, all of the students from the school leaned forward on the edge of their seats, "will be Viktor Krum." Raven, along with the rest of the students from their school rose from their seats, a storm of applause flooding the hall; Beauxbatons and Hogwarts joining it for good fellowship.

Viktor looked almost startled for a moment, then he rose from his seat; quickly hugging \Raven and Neveah - who cheered and whooped - before he began towards Dumbledore then disappearing through the door into the next chamber, "Bravo, Viktor!" Karkaroff boomed loudly, "Knew you had it in you!"

Neveah nudged Raven who looked at her friend questioningly, "Told you Viktor was his favourite." Raven only laughed in response, turning her attention back to Dumbeldore as the chatter and applause died down and the old headmaster approached the Goblet once more.

Once again it burned red, a second piece of parchment flying out and smoothly landing in the headmaster's hand, "The champion for Beauxbatons," Dumbeldore said once again, "is Fleur Delacour."

The Durmstrang students clapped politely, sniggering quietly at the remaining students from Beauxbatons who were sobbing and crying into each others arms, as their friend too disappeared into the chamber Viktor had gone into moments before, "That's pathetic." Poliakoff muttered, watching the crying students. Raven couldn't help but nod in agreement.

For one final time, the Goblet glowed red, and a charred piece of parchment shot out of it. Dumbledore grabbed it, the suspense high as each Hogwarts students (which was most of the hall) held their breath, "The Hgwarts champion," Dumbledore called, "is Cedric Diggory!"

They were a huge uproar of noise from the table to the one next to their as the students all jumped to their feet, clapping furiously and they screamed and stamped for their fellow student - who was a handsome boy with a contagious grin - as he strutted down the aisle between the tables towards the chambers, "That was a bit dramatic," Raven muttered looking around at the excited students, "Nothing exciting must ever happen around here."

Eventually, the applauding died down and Dumbledore continued his speech, "Excellent! Well, we now have our three champions. I am sure I can count upon all of you, including the remaining students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, to give your champions every ounce of support you can muster. By cheering your champion on, you will contribute in a very real -"

Suddenly, Dumbledorestopped speaking as the goblet glowed red again. Sparks were spat out viciously as a long flame suddenly shot up into the humid air. Another piece of parchment fluttered out of it - Dumbledore reaching for it. For a moment, Dumbledore held it out and stared at the name on it. Then Dumbledore cleared his throat and read out two words that would change a life forever.

"Raven Howendale."

Students murmured, most unsure of who the girl was as they looked around the hall trying to identify who it could be, only when the they noticed the Durmstrang students looking at one of their own trembling in shock, did more people begin to look towards the girl. An older teacher - Professor McGonagall - had got to her feet and towards Professor Dumbledore, whispering something urgently in his ear.

Raven turned to Neveah, her hands uncontrollably shaking, "I didn't-" She began, tears swelling in her eyes, "You know I didn't."

"Raven Howendale!" Dumbledore called, "Raven! Up here, if you please!" Raven looked at her friend tears leaking out of her eyes as her lip trembled, Neveah smiled slightly placing a hand on her arm and nodding towards Professor Dumbledore.

Raven stood, her legs weak and her hands shaking fiercely. She stumbled slightly as she began her walk towards the top table, hundreds of prying eyes resting upon her. Once she approached the old headmaster, who handed her a charred piece of parchment, sure enough, it read: Raven Howendale - Durmstrang, "Well....through the door, Raven," Dumbledore said.

Moving as quickly as her weak legs would allow her, her eyes directed down in hope to avoid the astonished stares as she passed by the Professor. Exiting the hall through the doors the other champion has recently passed through, into a smaller chamber located at the back of the hall.

The three other champions; Viktor Krum, Cedric Diggory, and Fleur Delacour, were grouped around the roaring fire. Fleur looked up at the sound of the girls approaching footsteps, "What is it?" She asked, her accent stronger than both hers and Viktors, "Do zey want us back in ze Hall?"

"Raven?" Viktor asked, now looking up from the fire and towards the shaking girl, "What's wrong?"

Raven let out a shaking sob, "I didn't do it," Viktor came forward and embraced the sobbing girl into his arms, "I promise I didn't do it!"

At the sound of scurrying Raven pulled away, not giving Viktor enough time to ask what happened, as Ludo Bagman entered the room and looked at the girl in amazement, "Extraordinary! Absolutely extraordinary" Gentlemen....lady" He began walking over to the fireplace, Viktor following behind him - Raven by his side, "May I introduce - incerdible though it may seem - the fourth Triwizard champion?"

Viktor looked towards his friend in astonishment, "What?" Raven only weakly sobbed, fear invading her mind.

"Oh, vairy funny joke, Meester Bagman." Fleur Delacour laughed, tossing her silky hair over her shoulder.

"Joke?" Bagman seemed confused, "No, no, not at att! Raven's name just came out of the Goblet of Fire!"

Fleur frowned, "But evidently zair 'as been a mistake." She said, "Shee cannot compete. Shee is too young."

Ludo stuttered, "Well....it is amazing but, as you know, the age restriction is only imposed this year as an extra safety measure. And her name's come out of the goblet....I mean, I don't think there can be any ducking out at this stage...." Raven let out a sob, "It's down in the rules, you're obliged....Raven will just have to do the best she -"

Bagman was cut off when the door behind them opened again; a large group of professors entered the room. As the door was shut, the buzzing students chatting outside could no longer be heard. "Madame Maxime!" Fleur called out, striding over to her giant headmistress, "Zey are saying at is girl is to compete also!"

Raven looked at the giant headmistress, an overwhelming sense of dread washing over her as she noticed the cold glare, as she ignored the chandelier that occasionally hit the top of her head, "What is ze meaning of is, Dumbly-dorr?" She questioned, angrily.

Professor Karkaroff walked over to Viktor, before turning to Dumbledore, "I'd rather like to know myself, Dumbledore," He then proceeded to glare - although much more hatefully - at the small girl, "If she competes, it will surely take some of the attention off the true Durmstrang champion." Karkaroff placed his hand on Viktor's shoulder, showing where his support lied.

"C'est impossible," Madame Maxime said humorously, however, her stance showed no sign of her seeing this as anything close to funny, "'ou cannot 'ave two champions. It is most injust."

"We were under the impression that your Age Line would keep out younger contestants, Dumbledore," His cold eyes boring into his student, "Otherwise, we would, of course, have brought along a wider selection of candidates from our own schools."

"It's fine," Raven mumbled, looking down to ignore the sympathetic glances from Viktor and the old woman, who had proceeded to stand protectively next to the girl, "Nobody really cares anyway."

Karkaroff scoffed, looking at the fifteen-year-old in disgust, "Nobody cares-"

"Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire, Raven?" Dumbledore asked, calmly, cutting over the Durmstrang headmaster and the beginning of his rant.

"No," Raven said quickly, ignoring the scoffs of disbelief from several of the adults through the room, "Why would I even want to?"

"Ah, but of course 'he is lying!" Cried Madame Maxime.

"I believe, Miss. Howendale," The older woman said solemnly, "She could to have passed the age line, it is not possible -" The woman said, sharply.

"Mr. Crouch.... Mr. Bagman," Karkaroff interrupted, "You are our - er - objective judges. Surely you will agree that this is most irregular?"

Whilst, Mr. Bagman whipped his round face with his handkerchief looking at the other man, who was standing in the shadows out of the candlelight, crafting a skull-like appearance onto his old face, "We must follow the rules," Mr. Crouch finally spoken, after a moment of silence, and those rules state clearly that those people whose names come out of the Goblet of Fire are bound to compete in the tournament."

Raven looked at the man in fear, "They've all got to compete," growled a voice from near the door, a man with only half the features on his face stepped into the firelight, "The Binding Magical contract mean s they all have to compete." The man limped further into the firelight.

Mr. Crouch sighed tiredly, looking at all the people in the room, "Well that settles it," He said, stepping further forward into the light, "Miss. Howendale has no choice; she is, as of tonight, a Triwizard Champion."


Began Writing 04/05/20 17:40

Published 11/07/20 18:16

Stick with me, I know this chapter followed the book almost directly, except from a character change but the plot will separate from the book further through the book.

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