chapter seventeen

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The Durmstrang Headmaster

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The Durmstrang Headmaster

'It's only denial if you're wrong.' - John B


22nd January 1995

Karkaroff's detentions were on a far different scale to McGonagall's, rather than the laughs and giggles they were shouts and serious work. After an hour-long lecture of why she was an embarrassment to the school, the Durmstrang headmaster has left the fifth year alone in his office, several cleaning supplies along with her.

The sun had already set, and she could hear the chatter of other students as they returned to the boat for the night, but when they were no sign of Karkaroff Raven began to grow bored.

The office was filled with many strange artefacts, lying around in peculiar places, it was almost as if they were asking her to look at them. The dusting at already perfection (from previous students detentions who had already cleaned the office) soon turned to curiosity scanning through certain old looking items.

Raven picked up a bulky looking compass and looked at the heavy object from a distance. The symbol of the Durmstrang institute was carved into the top, Raven placed it back down as she noticed a large scratch running across the top of it. However, as she placed it back down her eyes landed on the wrinkled paper inside a book that it had been resting on.

Placing the watch to the side she slowly picked up the piece of paper, her stormy eyes scanning across the old, cursive writing.

двадесет и трети юни, деветнайсет седемдесет и шест,

Игор,Получих писмото ви миналия вторник, но едва сега реших, че мислите ми са готови да ви пишат; Чел съм за тази новина за Тъмния лорд и силно ви обезсърчавам да следвате плановете си за присъединяване към него и неговите последователи на „Пожирателите на смъртта".

Новината за вашия близък приятел, Северус Снейп, който се присъединява към неговите редици, ми дава повече причини да ви убедя да се откажете от това ужасно решение. Мисля, че връщането у дома ще бъде най-сигурният ви вариант през тези времена - особено с войната, която се разраства на английски територии.С нечиста кръв в нашето семейство, ние ще се скрием след няколко месеца - когато той реши да се разпространи по целия свят. Искаме да защитим семейството си; надяваме се да се присъедините към нас.С цялата ми любов,Александър.

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