By silvyline86

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Hi everyone. Its my 3rd story that I have started to write. Please support me guys as I really need your enco... More

Character sketch #1
Character sketch #2
Chapter #1
chapter #2
Chapter #3
Chapter #4
Chapter #5
Chapter #6(Flashback)
Chapter #7 (Flashback)
Chapter #8 (Flashback)
Not An Update
Not an update
Thank you so much
Note: Gift (# Not an update)
CHAPTER - 32(a)
CHAPTER - 32(b)


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By silvyline86

Happy Eid my dear baby angel Baby_Angel_0 and to all my readers who are celebrating Eid.

This sply for you my dear baby angel and do watch the video as it's dedicated to you spl. Once again happy Ramadan to you my angel.


Rajveer's Dad: Ok will speak to her after 1week as she need to settle down from all these chaos. I guess you guys are really tired. You guys go and take rest, while taking a deep silent breath. I and my daughter will handle him hereafter, while helping his daughter to settle Rajveer's dangling paralyzed body into the wheelchair.

Aditya: We were just walking out of the building and my mind started to play the scene of last 24 hours. The recall itself bought goosebumps to my soul. Don't know how my Biwi will be??? Surely she would be in shock state but won't express that and I will surely bring her out of that. Suddenly my chain of thoughts were broken by Shawn as he was shouting for help. When I turned around, I just couldn't stop smiling at these mad people. Really without these guys I wouldn't have succeeded nor wouldn't have protected my Biwi on time.

Shaun: Help!!! Help!!! Sir please help me otherwise these people will turn me into Shaun tandoori today itself, while being swinged by Mithilesh and Vinod. Mithilesh was holding both his hands and Vinod was holding both his legs. They were swinging him in, to and fro motion.

Aditya: I just jogged towards them with a smile on my face. Guys what are you doing???

Mithilesh: Punishing him for his mistakes sir.

Aditya: What mistake he did??

Vinod: Doubted us sir.... Doubted our loyality towards you sir.

Shaun: It was a mistake. But please leave me.

Vinod: It was your decision to suffer like this.

Aditya: What his decision, while looking confused???

Mithilesh: Sir we gave him multiple choice punishment. And he chose this.

Shaun: Sir don't believe them. They just tricked me into it. They gave super stupid 4 so called multiple options like:

Option A: you should not eat for a week. If I choose this naturally will die.

Option B: you should not speak to Mili for a month. If I choose this she will kill me.

Option C: You have to give your 3 months salary as our treat. If I choose this then how I will survive???

Option D: we will lift you and swing you till we are satisfied. So I felt this is better sir.

Aditya: Haha... Funny guys. Release him guys. He must be tired and it must be paining.

Shaun: Hun hun..., with a sad face.

Mithilesh & Vinod: Sir what about the pain we underwent, when he doubted us. But since you are saying we will release him. Now stop your overacting Shaun. Today we are leaving you. But remember, next time if you repeat then you know the consequence, with a warning tone while releasing his legs and hands slowly.

Shaun: Ufff...will never ever repeat it, while shaking his legs and rotating his hands slowly.

Aditya: Come soon guys. It's already late.

Boys: Ya sir it's already too too late, in a teasing tone.

Aditya: Stop it guys.

Mithilesh: Hai hai...sir you are blushing...

Vinod: Obviously after a long time sir is going to be with his Biwi. I guess sir will give us good news soon, in a happy teasing tone.

Aditya: Ahhh guys...stop it. If you guys forgot then lemme remind you, that my Biwi has put me in friendzone, .

Shaun: Ohhh friendzone!!!

Aditya: Ya friendzone, while rolling eyes.

Shaun: Already we got a demo of that friendzoneeee sir, with a teasing tone.

Aditya: You guys are impossible. If you want you guys stay here. I can't be here. Already very tired.

Shaun: Guys can't you see, our sir is soooo tired already. So come let's go guys, in a teasing tone.

Mithilesh & Vinod: Ya ya..Sirrrrrr is veeyyyyyy tired before the actual action itself, in laughing teasing tone while starting the bike.

Aditya: Actually there teasing was building desires in me. Now I just wanted to cuddle her, kiss her completely and do many more things. But I know it wont happen, atlest not for today, but surely in future I will make it happen. But I want to embrace her this very night and then sleep in the same style every night here after, while driving the bike slowly such that his hairs were stroked linearly continuously by the wind which lead to a beautiful relaxed smile on face with a twinkle in his eyes.

Finally we all reached my house to find it deadly silent. I was completely shocked at the moment, as no one was there. I had just skipped few heart beats, when I heard the laughing sound of girls which was coming from the bedroom. We all went to source of laughter only to see all of them were settled comfortably while sipping their coffee. As the laughter died the silence prevailed once again as they were keenly listening to my Biwi's narration.

Ahem ahem, while clearing my throat. Seems pretty fresh ladies are busy with their kitty party already.

Zoya: Aditya, while getting up from bed and running towards him, but halted at some distance creating a huge distance, as though she remembered something in the mid way. You came Aditya, with tight lipped smile as though trying to control her smile. Actually I was telling about our past.

Aditya: What past, with a confused look???

Zoya: Our school and college days and also about our past love story Aditya, while avoiding to look at him.

Aditya: My heart is in great pain now, when she said our love as past love story. How can she think our love failed, while making a fist. But then I controlled myself in fraction of seconds and continued to sink with her words flow. Because I need to get her back. For that I need to be calm. Ahhh ya those days were really beautiful golden days Biwi, while looking into her eyes deeply.

Zoya: Ya I do agree Aditya, beautiful yesterday, while realising herself from his deep gaze. But don't worry I will give you a beautiful tomorrow by arranging yours and Mili's marriage. I will take the responsibility of it, with a confident smile.

Aditya: I saw Mili and Shaun's eyes popping out and their smile was depleted from their face. I know how they are feeling. But I was helpless at the moment. Immediately I said, Biwi we can discuss that later, while running fingers in the hairs and giving a deadly tired weak smile.

Zoya: Ok you guys must be tired. We guys will go out so that you guys can fresh up. After that I will serve coffee, by then dinner will also arrive, as I already ordered food in Zomato, with a smile on face. While the hidden feel behind this smile was continuously noticed by Aditya.

Aditya: That's perfect Biwi. We guys got freshed up and had our coffee. Finally food also arrived. Actually after yesterday's lunch I am eating now only. Infact the most peaceful dinner after a long time. Here after I can eat peacefully. I almost completed my dinner when she posed a question to me.

Zoya: So when I have to go to police station Aditya, while clearing the table as everyone had completed the dinner.

Aditya: But why you want to go to police station Biwi, with a confused cool look while washing hands.

Zoya: To case file against Rajveer, as she said the statement Aditya just spat the water down in shock and the boys eyes popped out.

Aditya your habit of drinking water in urgent has not changed a bit. See what happened, you just choked.

Aditya: I just drank the remaining water in one complete go but my Biwi was not ready to spare me I guess.

Zoya: Aditya tell me when I have to go, with eager eyes??

Aditya: Biwi actually Errr mmmm Rajveer escaped, while turning away from her.

Zoya: What, in a shocked voice!!!! Now what to do Aditya. What if he tries the same thing??? What if he attacks you??? What if he harms you all guys??? It's all cause of my stupidity. Now I have risked everyone's life and profession, while covering her mouth. Yeah Allah!!! what I have done to all. I agree that I have always bought problems to you, but this time I bought problems to these innocent guys also, while walking towards Aditya. I am really very sorry. I know my sorry won't solve the problem but try to forgive me Aditya. Please forgive my stupidity Aditya.... please, while clenching his arms tightly and pleading sorry to him continuously. But with Aditya's hissing sound she finally stopped for a moment

Aditya: Ahhhh, it's paining Biwi while hissing in pain.

Zoya: Oh I am really sorry. I guess I hold you too tight. Tell me where it's paining Aditya. Is it paining here, while pointing the finger towards his arm and asking him in a panicked tone.

Aditya: It's paining here, while pulling her finger to touch his chest. Boys were shocked by his acting whereas girls were feeling shy to see the romance.

Zoya: What, with a confused look.

Aditya: Actually before escaping Rajveer punched me at various place. So where ever you touch it's paining here only more, while giving a painful smile.

Zoya: Yah Allah!!! Come let's go to doctor Aditya.

Aditya: Not required Biwi. You just apply that pain relief gel with your magical hands and my pain will surely vanish, with a pleading eyes.

Zoya: Ok I will get that now, while rushing inside the room in a hurry.

Shaun: Guys let's go so that Sirrrr can enjoy his friendzone in solitude.

Aditya: Nothing like that Shaun, while controlling the naughty smile.

Akansha: Shaun we must leave

Mona: So that sir gets his treatment

Mili: From his Biwiiii....

Vinod: Bye Sirrrrr. Enjoy the friendzoneee

Mithilesh: Massage on your painful chest.

Mahi: Actually our poor eyes need some rest from the friendzone scenes, while giggling.

Aditya: Guys leave now, while laughing at their naughtiness.

All together: Bye Sirrrrr. Enjoyyyyy friendzone, while running from there.

Aditya: Ufff these guys are impossible. My Biwi came with the pain relief gel. But she was looking confused.

Zoya: Aditya, where they all went??

Aditya: Obviously home.

Zoya: Even Mili too.

Aditya: Ya Biwi. Why???

Zoya: Cause she is orphan and residing in single apartment.

Aditya: Actually Biwi she doesn't want to be with me alone before marriage. So she went. Otherwise I would have stayed with her, in her place itself, instead of giving you trouble like this by staying at your house, with a sad face.

Zoya: It's not trouble Aditya and this is your house too, while slapping his arm.

Aditya: Ahhhh, hissing in fake pain. Seriously guys I had no other option to divert my innocent Biwi. So only acted like having pain. But in real, you guys already know that, I am perfectly fine.

Zoya: Is it paining too much??

Aditya: Hun hun...,while giving a fake sad smile.

Zoya: Ok I am going to apply this powerful pain relief gel. It will burn but will cure soon. Now you sit here on this chair comfortably, while removing his shirt buttons.

Aditya: I don't know what happened to me, but when she opened my shirt buttons, even my desires started to open. I am sure that more than the pain relief gel burning my skin, her touch will burn me completely tonight. Now her body was little bit inclined towards me, due to which her face was so close to my eyesight. When her soft hands started working on my chest slowly, my heart beat increased rationally with every stroke of hers. My hands now itched to touch her face but they know their limits for tonight. Ya that face which has that rosy pink lips, which need to be tasted on urgent basis. But I was pulled out of my thoughts by her question.

Zoya: Aditya any where else I should apply, while looking at him with concern??

Aditya: Ahhh ahhhh hmmmm hmmm, ufff I really escaped from being caught in my drooling act. But actually I want to see her more. I want to touch her atlest by my looks for tonight. Common guys I am her bloody husband. Atlest I have the rights to see her. Who else has the rights to see her like this??? So I decided to give into my desire. Now you guys don't label it as lust. What I am doing is love and I want to love her more. She snapped her fingers at me to get my attention.

Zoya: What happened Aditya??? You seem to be lost. Is it paining a lot.

Aditya: Yaaa, while nodding the head. If you don't mind can you apply on my shoulders too.

Zoya: Ok Aditya. No problem. But please remove your shirt.

Aditya: Ahhh what I suggest is can we go to bedroom cause after shoulder I want you to apply on my back also. Please if you don't mind, with a secret seductive look.

Zoya: Ok Aditya. That will be good Infact.

Aditya: Now I am just lying on the bed, that too half naked. I just pulled the duvet till my waist to prevent the showcasing of the proof in my lower region, which is erect due to her soft touches. Now she sat besides my arm and started to rub the gel on my shoulders gently. Now my love struck eyes travelled from her lips to her soft neck. Still she is wearing the symbol of our marriage which gave me immense confident that she is mine, only mine. Then my eyes travelled to her collar bone. I realized that she is too fair. Her skin is so soft. I feel like pinching them to make it red. As my eyes were traveling it got stuck at her slightly exposed bust line. My eyes wanted to get more access, but her less revealing loose dress was not allowing that. Immediately I hissed in pain and indicated her to apply gel on my right shoulder. Now she turned a little bit and bent little more to reach my right shoulder. Now I got little more access towards her bust. My eyes were getting more greedy. They wanted more Infact complete herself, as my eyes wanted to worship her and my skin wanted to shower love to her skin. But when she pulled her dress a little bit up my desires stopped. I just closed my eyes immediately by the fear of being caught. After getting no angry response from her I slightly opened my eyes to meet her beautiful eyes.

Zoya: I felt some kind of heat on my chest. When I looked my dress had slipped a bit to expose a little bit of my cleavage. I felt like Adi was looking at my little exposed cleavage. So I just adjusted my dress and looked at him only to find his closed eyes.

I felt bad for thinking like that. Till date he never took advantage of me. So why he will see me there, while mentally slapping myself. Suddenly he opened his eyes and I told him, "I completed applying on your shoulders". Now turn so that I can apply on your back too.

Aditya: I just nodded cause if I speak I might get heart attack. I let out a deep breath and turned to sleep on my front. She started to rub the gel slowly in a even pattern and I was enjoying that completely. Suddenly I turned due to which she jerked and fell on me. Her soft chest crashed on my hard chest and I could feel her soft breast. Also her soft lips touched my hard lips, due to which her eyes widened with shock and my body stiffened more due to this sudden intimate touch. Our lips touched each other, but none of the lips did any action as though it enjoyed only the simple plain touch. Maybe they are happy to be close then playing with eachother. My chain of thoughts were broken when she withdrew herself from me completely and started to see here and there and her both hands were kneeding each other with lots of tension.

Zoya: I I...I am sorry Aditya. It's just accidental. I had..

Aditya: Before she could continue further I started to speak. Biwi first of all it's my mistake, as I suddenly turned without giving any prior notice to you. So I am really sorry for that. Actually I turned to stop you, so that you can rest. Actually you are also very tired. You must take rest, while sitting on the bed.

Zoya: It's ok Aditya. I am not feeling tired. I will complete it.

Aditya: Shhh Biwi, while keeping his fingers on her lips. How much you speak. Come and sleep now. No more arguments, while holding her hands with a frown on face.

Zoya: Ok Baba. Will sleep now. Happy, while moving away from Aditya to take a pillow and blanket.

Aditya: That's like my Biwi. But I saw her taking her pillow and blanket. So immediately I caught her hand. What are you doing now Biwi??

Zoya: Going to sleep.

Aditya: Where??

Zoya: In hall only Aditya, with rolling eyes.

Aditya: Biwi do you trust me. If I ask will you do that??

Zoya: Yes Aditya. I trust you more than anyone. I will do what ever you say.

Aditya: Then sleep here with me. I promise I won't do anything. As a friend I just want to hug you and sleep till I stay here. Errr I am sorry if I hurt you or made you uncomfortable. I saw her thinking so I kept quiet to get her answer.

Zoya: I don't want to disappoint him. As a wife I had already disappointed him a lot. But now as a friend I should not disappoint him. Atlest I should give him some happiness. Ok Aditya I will sleep here only, while keeping the pillow next to him. The next moment he took me into his warm embrace and said, "now unleash your pain Biwi". Hereafter you should not cry. You should smile without any pain in your heart. Start a new beginning. The dark days have ended in your life.

He not only embraced me but embraced my pain too which I had masked it with my sweet smile. But as usual he found that.

Aditya: I could feel her tears trickling on my chest as I cooed her in my embrace. Let she cry as much as she want. I just want her to come out of that shock which she underwent. Yes I am her healer and she is my healer. I am sure that I have started my true first step towards my marriage life. Marriage is not only about having sex. It's about caring each other, curing each other, giving pain to each other, accepting each other, giving happiness to each other, comforting each other, missing each other, fighting with each other, hating each other and finally loving each other to the core. Marriage means everything which we need to shoulder it, so that we can be successful in not only in our martial life but in every aspect of life.

To be continued.....

What would be Aditya's next plan??? Will Zoya understand Aditya's love?? Will she be ready to give a chance to their relationship?

Hope everyone liked this update and hope I did not bore you guys.














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