lolita// styles

By pimpjohanna

121K 3.3K 713

I loved you. I was a pentapod monster, but I loved you. I was despicable and brutal, and turpid, and everythi... More

lolita// styles
authors note
should i continue???
hey ya


7.6K 256 40
By pimpjohanna


scarface- lana del rey

"My name is Dolores, im fifteen years old, my favorite color is blue, and I enjoy food." She speaks, as all her other girl classmates giggle, sharing about themselves waiting for their proffesor to arrive.

"Hey, you guys, I heard the proffesor is a hottiemc hottie." Her friend, Julissa tells all the other girls.

As the girls continue talking about the new proffesor, Lolita's mind wanders of to Harry and what he had happened earlier.

"Goodmorning everyone, I'm Proffesor Horan." She's snapped out of her thoughts, when she notices a man with blonde hair facing the board, writing his name on it.

"You can always adress by my first name, Niall." He turns around, and Lolita's cheeks flush noticing he was the man she had met at the carnival.

His eyes meet hers, and he smirks, keeping them on her.

She starts getting uncomfortable and looks away, opening up her notebook.

"Okay, lets get started. I have a list of all the supplies you will need and the class schedule. Would anyone like to hand them out?" He smiles, when he notices all the girls in the class raise their hands, except for Lolita.

"Lo, isnt it? Why dont you hand it out?" Lolita mentally sighs, getting up and grabbing the papers.

She hands them out, feeling Niall's intense gaze on her. When shes finished she takes her time before sitting.

"Well since today is the first day, I'm going to let you guys settle in, so ask me any questions you'd like." He smiles, as he notices all the girls in the class raise their hand, except Lolita.

He picks on a girl in the back. "Are you single?" She asks, twirling her hair, and her and her classmates start giggling.

"Yes, but I have a baby son." The girls start awing and whispering.

The whole class period is everyone asking the proffesor stupid questions and Lolita chewing her gum loud and obnoxiously, staring at Niall.

When the bell rings, the girls rush out, hoping not to be late for Gym, but Lolita doesnt care, taking her dear time.

"You know, you never took me out for Ice cream, I'm kinda craving it." She bites her lip, still in her seat, staring intently at Niall.

"You never called. I was hoping on taking you somewhere more exciting, maybe my house." He smirks, winking at her.

'What a cocky bastard' She thinks.

"Mhmm." She gets up, grabbing his tie, pulling on it.

His breathing starts getting heavier, their faces inches apart from each other.

"You have a son?" She backs away, smirking.

"Such a tease, but yes, I do."

"Whats his name?" She asks, interested in learning more about him.

"Adrien, hes three years old." He smiles softly at him self, his mind wandering of to his baby.

"Aw how cute." She chirps, grabbing his coffee mug, and smelling it. He furrows his eyebrows, confusement spreading towards this girl.

"Wheres his mom?" She asks, subconsciously.

"I dont know honestly." He sighs.

"I have to go, see you later Niall." She kisses his cheek, running out of the door.

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