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1949 - Lana Del Rey

"How was your first day?" Harry asks, Lolita getting in the small boat, almost falling into the water.

Harry had requested Lolita to have a boat ride with him, at a small lake near their house and she agreed.

"Good, I made a lot of friends." She says, twirling her gum with her fingers.

"Thats nice, what'd you guys do?" Harry asks curiously, moving the oar back and fourth.

"Mr. Horan didnt make us do work today." She smiles widely.

"Mr? Horan?" Harry furrows his eyebrows.

"Yes, my proffesor." She speaks, softly.


Silence fills the area, just the sound of the wave stumbling and splashing, making a repeat sound of power.

"Do you miss mother?" Lolita asks, her eyebrows furrowed.

Harry softly cringes at the thought of his deceased spouse.

"Yes." He lies.

Charlotte was a selfish greedy women, and even though he was the cause of her death, he didn't regret it one bit (no ragrets)

"I miss her so much." Lolita sighs, looking down at the sparkling water.

"Shes in a better place now."

She remembers when she had seen her mother that day.

She looked like death. Her eyes were puffy from crying, when Lolita had entered her mothers room, she looked at Lo with absolute hatred.

Lo was indecisive on whether or not asking her what was wrong, but her mother shut the door on her before she could even utter a vowel.

"Do you know why she did it?" Lo asks Harry,

"No." He breathes.

Of course he knows. He had smiled when he walked through the door, and saw Charlotte with wide eyes and small ragged gasps escaping her throat.

Her looking as if reality had came back as she clawed at the rope,trying to break free, but it was too late.

"I feel like it was all my fault." She mumbles, wiping a tear from her eye.

Harry shakes his head, letting go off the oar and sits next to her.

"No its not, don't say that." He hugs her,kissing her softly.

"I love you so much Harry, you don't know how much you mean to me." She sobs into his shirt, Harry caressing her.

"You too, sweetheart." He smiles softly.

I'm super sorry i haven't been updating but I've been really stressed lately w school and my ex is such an ass and i really hate everything rn , except for you all ofc. but yeah I'm so sorry, i just haven't had to motivation to write and idek what to write abt anymore so this really sucks, but this story will get deeper and darker soon just pls keep reading! Vote and comment!
-johanna xo

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