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A little death- The Neighborhood

"Harry, can I get some cotton candy?" Lolita asked, quietly.

Harry just sighed. "Lolita, you know that stuff is bad for you, and your teeth will rot."

"Please, I won't ever eat cotton candy again." She pleaded and pleaded and Harry finally gave up.

As they were making their way to the concession stand, Lolita notices almost all the people at the fair staring at her. She lets go of Harry's hand.

She turns again and notices they're still staring. What is wrong with her?

"Nevermind, can we just uh- go home? I'm kind of tired." Lolita feels naceous and everything is spinning.

"Are you okay Lolita, baby?"

" I have to use the bathroom." She leaves Harry next to the concession stands and turns, walking to the restroom area.

Once she's inside, away from Harry she turns on the sink, and washes her hands.

When she's done she walks out but bumps into someone big.

"I'm sorry dear, are you okay?" He's a tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"I'm so sorry." She says rapidly.

"No no it's fine. I'm Niall, and you are?"

"I-I'm Lo." She likes people to call her Lo, which is what everyone calls her, even her mother used to call her by that, but Harry likes to call her lolita for some reason.

His lolita.

"Well then Lo, how would you like me to take you out one day? Maybe get ice cream or anything?" He smiles and hands her a piece of paper.

"Just call me." He grabs her hand and softly kisses it.

"O-okay." Lolita finds him extremely attractive and blushes.

"Goodbye beautiful." He turns around and starts walking the opposite direction of her.

She runs, hoping that Harry doesn't get mad at her for taking so long. She notices him pacing in circles, looking worried.

"Harry." She breathes and he turns around.

"Where in gods heavens have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you!" He screams, grabbing her arm harshly.

"I'm sorry." She whimpers and notices people looking their way.

"Where the heck were you?" He shakes her and she removes him from his tight grip.

"Stop!" She screams, running away from him. She doesn't care about all the people watching her right now, she doesn't care about the punishment she gets by Harry, she doesn't care about any of that. She just wants to be away from him.

He runs after her and grabs her.

"Let's just go home okay?" He whispers and she nods, tears brimming her eyes.

As they make their way to his car, she notices Niall looking at them in a far distance, smirking.

my boyfriend is more tumblr than you. he literally uses "kms" 24'7. I taught him well.

but omg you do not know how much ily all! I have already 1.39k reads and I just made this story this week. you don't know how happy I am. Please vote and comment! But yeah I'm tired and it's 1:46 am and I have to go to school tmw so bye !

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