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Still- Daughter

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"Lolita my dear?" Harry calls through the big house.

He hears her before he sees her.

"Hi." She chirps, smiling widely at him, and hugs him from behind.

She lets go a while after, and quickly pecks his mouth. Harry gets a bit startled but kisses her back.

Harry can feel her minty bubblegum that shes always chewing, her sweet tongue swirling wih his.

She runs to the couch, going back to watching her favorite show 'the powerpuff girls.'

"How was your day lolita?" Harry asks, setting his suitcase on the hallway.

"Great, i learned how to ride a bike." She says exitedly but her face immediately pales.

"What? you went outside with out my permission? with who?" Harry stomps, standing in front if her.

"U-um, with tony." Lolita looks down, scared of what his reaction will be.

Harry has never liked tony around because he finds him perverted and not a good influence for lolita.

Hell, he doesnt want any man near Lolita.

His lolita, only his.

Harry chews on his lip, trying to keep calm.

"I know youre mad but you have no reason to be-Tony's a nice guy-"

He cuts her off by yelling.

"Nonsense, he's a ho.rny, stupid little boy that wants to get with you."

"You don't know him." she sneers.

"Quiet lolita i dont want you near that boy again, y'hear?" He speaks roughly, tilting her chin up, forcing her to look at him.

"At least hes my age, and not an old pedo." She responds. she doesnt know what possesed her to say that, but as soon as she does, she regrets it.

Before she can even apolagize, her cheek is burning, he slapped her.

They've gotten into many arguments but harry never got physical with her.

"I hate you, i- i hate you so much! youre just mad because you know im saying the truth, you could be my dad for all i know, you did have sex with my mother didnt you? you're a disgusting man, I hate you!" at the sound of her trembling voice, harrys hands dropped to the side, lifeless, like as if all energy had been drained out of him.

"Lolita, im sorry" he walks back to her, pulling her in for a hug, she flinches but then starts to relax.

"I love you so much." he whispers, her fisting and sobbing onto his shirt.

He just wishes his lolita could love him as much as he loves her.

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