Anger Issues [ Ziam ]

By Unknowndirectioner1

103K 3.8K 408

Zayn doesn't mean to do it, really, he doesn't. Its just that, sometimes, it happens before he can think. An... More

Anger Issues
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chater Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
An Ending.

Chapter One

9.6K 397 76
By Unknowndirectioner1

Chapter one 

Zayn's pov:

*about a year later from where the prologue was set*

I sighed as I entered the house. My head continuously thumping in my head. Work hadn't been to good today. Being an English teacher can be hard. None of the children want to work, instead they want to run around and be really loud. 

"Hiya babe!" Liam yelled from the kitchen were he was possibly cooking dinner. 

"hey" I mumbled removing my shoes and coat before stumbling through to the living room and plopping myself down on the couch. 

"dinner'll be ready in about half an hour, k?" Liam called through causing my head to throb harder 

"alright" I called back before picking up the remote from the coffee table and switching the tv on hoping my headache would just fade away.


It didn't. In fact it increased. 

I groaned rubbing circles around on my temples "Liam honey, would you mind getting me a painkiller?" I called through. it was silent other than the clang of pots and pans and the television that played quietly in the background. "Liam did you hear me?" I asked my voice rising ever so slightly "Liiiiiiiiiam" I sang. Nothing. 

"Oh for fucks sake Liam could you get me a bloody painkiller!!" I screamed. Still no answer. I shot up from the couch and stormed into the kitchen where Liam stood rummaging through a cupboard. I marched over to him and pushed him up against the far wall.  

"next time I ask you to get me something you get it for me, first time, you get it" I sneered my face mere inches away from his face. He nodded his head, a mix of fear and pain evident in his eyes. "Good" I spat before throwing him onto the ground so he laid sprawled out on the floor. 

I walked over to the cupboard an brought out a couple of painkillers and grabbed a glass before filling it up with water from the tap and gulping down the pills. I sighed in relief and placed the glass in the sink ready to be cleaned up later. I then turned around to find Liam still on the floor but now sitting up with his back against the wall and his head buried in his hands as his shoulders shook uncontrollably. My heart sunk in my chest and I walked over to where he was sitting before kneeling down in front of him. I pulled his hands away from his face and looked him straight in the eyes. There usual sparkle had died out and his face was red a blotchy. I smiled sadly at him and he responded with a weak smile ."I'm sorry" I whispered before leaning over and giving him a sweet kiss on the lips. 

He nodded "its okay". I sat down next to him my back also pressed up against the wall. I moved my arm and slung it lightly around his shoulder. He flinched at first but soon relaxed into my touch. I smiled and kissed his hair.  

"I love you, you know that right?" I whispered nuzzling my nose into his hair and breathing in his sent. 

He nodded and readjusted himself into a more comfortable position his head snuggled deep into my chest. 

"Yeah" He whispered his voice only just loud enough for me to hear "I love you too....."

It always happened like that, I'd hurt Liam, I'd make him cry, make him feel miserable. And then I'd just tell him I was sorry and that I loved him, expecting him to forgive me, and he always did, always. I hated myself for hurting him, I'd never forgive myself like he forgave me, I'd never forgive him for always forgiving me, he should've just left while he could. But he didn't, he stayed, always...


A/N This chapters really short I know, and its a bit of a filler, but next chapters gonna have A LOT more drama. Louis gonna be welcomed into the story yaay!. So erm yeah. Comment. Vote. Fan:) tell me what you think I should do with this story..  

Okay then, Love you all! Thanks for reading 

byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xox

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