BBC Merlin Fanfic Book 2 - Fe...

By xKatnipx

36.8K 874 78

The adventure and fulfilment of destiny's continue in this book! (Based upon season 2 BBC Merlin series)! Rea... More

Before Reading!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 17

1K 27 0
By xKatnipx

Rows POV:

The warning bells startled me awake as I leapt out of bed running to my window in search of finding the cause. Outside the knights and sentries of Camelot were hastily running and patrolling the courtyard. Loud footsteps sounded down my hall and without any doubts I sped towards my door bolting it shut and put whatever furniture I could carry in front of it.

I did not know if those steps were Camelot guards or the intruders, but I sat in my bed hugging my knees together hands trembling. It was going to be ok; it was all going to be fine I kept repeating until a loud thud came from my door causing a squeal to escape my lips. Another thud and then a voice "It's just me Row are you ok?" the door handle twisted but obviously due to my makeshift barricade refused. "One second!" I shouted back while removing whatever I had used.

Arthur then burst through the door's eyes scanning the room checking everything was in place. "I thought you were an intruder Arthur don't scare me like that." He nodded taking my hands in his. "I'm sorry, I came as quickly as I could, I wanted to make sure you were alright." I nodded. It was then I realised I was only in my nightdress and quickly darted to my closet in search of a night gown and proved successful.

He looked exhausted, the dark circles under his eyes visible. "We still have yet to find the intruders but whatever you do keep this door shut and put your lovely makeshift barricade up. They are apparently using knights armour, so I don't want you opening this door to anyone except myself, Gwen... and I suppose Merlin". I nodded and kissed his cheek. "Stay safe". The smile that formed was contagious "I will, just for you." I giggled and with that he left to carry on with his duties once again. Quickly I followed what he had said.

Those blasted bells carried on for the duration of the night and well into the morning. The brightening sky was my way of watching time slowly pass by. I had decided to sit by my window the entirety of the night with my bed sheets wrapped around me as I watched the busy guards and knights patrolling. How had these people managed to get Camelot knight uniforms? Where were they hiding?

Gwen had not arrived today, and I could tell they were keeping everyone inside the castle as well as not letting anyone else enter. So I decided to get out of my nightdress at whatever late hour it was and picked out a simple pattern dress in a light shade of blue with flowers stitched onto the bodice i then braided my hair and let it fall down my back.

There was not much to do really during the day, I could not go for my usual walk so wandering over to my bookshelf my hand fell on the book I picked up once and completely forgot to carry on with. Well when was there a better time than now to get engrossed with a story.

I didn't even here the knock on the door that was how into the story I had gotten until the worried voice of Merlin called "Row? Are you alright in there?" I quickly put my bookmark in the book and put it back on the shelf. "Yes! I am quite alright, just let me move this..." within a few minutes everything was back to where it belonged, and I undid the latch on the wooden door to reveal a sleepy looking Merlin.

He was resting his body against the stone wall beside my door and quickly jumped up as if he did not want me to see something behind his back. "Arthur was wondering if you would join him for dinner?" and with that Merlin presented a bouquet of wildflowers whilst bowing. I giggled at his over exaggerated movements but took the beautiful group of flowers gladly placing them on my dressing table, I would need to get a vase and water for them later!

"I gladly accept his offer!" I called. "What time was he wanting me there?" by the time I had finished my sentence I was next to him again. "Umm" his big bright eyes looked up and his bottom lip was between his teeth as he thought. "Believe he said now!" Merlin's hand wrapped round my wrist as he quickly shut the door behind him before running with me to Arthurs room I presumed. Guards and sentries looked at us with furrowed eyebrows which caused me to laugh. No doubt it was heard throughout the entire castle! With what seemed like a few seconds we were in front of the double doors of Arthurs chambers where Merlin attempted to open it however it was done before he could reach the handle causing him to be laying in a heap on the floor. "Ow!"

My hand reached my mouth "Are you alright?" I giggled; his arm raised in the air before he gave me a thumbs up. He had literally faceplanted the floor! "Merlin you idiot get up!" Arthurs irritated voice rang out which made the situation even more funny. Poor Merlin could not get up quick enough before the Prince of Camelot grabbed the collar of his jacket and heaved him up practically pushing him in to the room.

"Sorry about him Row..." his extended his hand out to me his frown was gone and now replaced with a small smile and I gladly accepted. "You forget I grew up with him" my eyes wondered around the room to the raven-haired boy who was squinting at me. "You do know I can hear you right?" I hummed getting an annoyed sigh from him.

Arthur led me to the table and pulled a chair out for me before tucking me in. Instead of sitting opposite me as usual, he decided to sit beside me which was a pleasant surprise. "So what's the occasion?" a strand of my hair that had escaped my ribbon tied braid fell in my face, but Arthur was quick to push it behind my ear. "Does there always have to be an occasion? Perhaps I just missed your company?" Merlin coughed and the two of us turned to look at him. "Is something the matter with you?" the young serving boy slyly looked towards Arthur "oh no! just admiring how much of a softie you are with Row." Arthur eye twitched from irritation and before he could reply Merlin shouted, "Dinners Up!"

"Well we are starving over here!" two bowls of what looked like stew were placed before myself and Arthur. "Well you know what they say don't you? Good food takes time." The charming Prince observed it questionably while fiddling with the spoon in his hand. "And this... taste sensation took exactly how long to prepare?" Merlin stood to Arthurs side with his arms crossed looking impressed. "Maybe.... 5 minutes!" my eyes widened. "Wait a minute you made this Merlin?" The two men looked to me. "Uh yes Row is something wrong?"

"Well um I might be wrong but uh you can't cook!" Arthur had taken a sip from his goblet and nearly choked from shock. "Row, I will have you know since living in Ealdor my cooking has improved greatly!" His face lit up with pride and I picked my spoon up ready to try whatever this mixture was and then looked back to him. "Well seeing as you never touched a saucepan in the village I'm not too sure how this will turn out but lets see how this goes." I joked.

"I just can't win with either of you" he huffed. I dipped my spoon into the concoction and daringly tried it. I do not even know where to start with the taste let alone the texture. "How long did you say you cooked this for? I asked. "Believe it was 5 minutes".

"Oh, I see and pray tell how you knew to do if for that exact amount of time?" He began to fiddle with his hands nervously. "well i had Uh to umm let it thicken". I looked to the Prince beside me with a smirk "to let it thicken..." Arthur repeated. The two of us laughed while Merlin sulked but were interrupted as usual by the sound of the warning bell starting again. "Why does this always happen?" i asked to no one in particular. Arthur quickly rose from his chair and placed a hand on my shoulder while signalling for Merlin to grab his sword.

At this moment, a guard entered the room, he quickly bowed acknowledging his Prince "Sire! The royal vaults have been broken into!" Well I wasn't going to just sit around so I rose from my chair and before Arthur could say anything, I just gave him the usual look and he took my hand as we began to walk with the guards. "Come along Merlin!"

We walked down what seemed like hundreds of steps before we reached the basement in which the royal vaults were. The gate that should have been locked shut was no open. Arthur picked up a lit torch and walked into the room with Merlin and I trailing behind. The two guards who accompanied us stood patiently outside.

Arthur walked toward the back of the room where another gate was open and from where I stood, I noticed the empty spot on a red and gold velvet cushion. "The crystal of neahtid" he took a step back to examine the gate he just walked through "the locks are not damaged..." There was no hiding the concern on his face. "What does that tell you?" Merlin asked. "It tells me that someone stole my keys!"

"Was it precious this crystal?" Once again Merlin piped up, his face was emotionless... he knew something. "Of course, it was precious, it wouldn't be down here otherwise would it!" the frustration was clear in his voice and Merlin replied with "right". With one last look around the room he turned around. "Who ever it was knew what they were looking for."

"Apparently" Merlin answered.... Oh, dear not a good move as Arthurs angry eyes met his servants. "Apparently? Is that all you have to say Merlin? Tell me Merlin whose job is it to ensure that my chambers are locked at all times? Whose job is it to ensure that something like this NEVER happens!" his voiced boomed in the stone chamber making me jump slightly.

Arthur took the lit flame with him and angrily walked out of the chamber leaving Merlin and I alone. "Sorry!" he shouted back to the Prince. I punched his arm "really Merlin? Just keep quite please!" Pulling him out of the vault I decided to take him back to my room and ask him some questions. I know he is hiding something.

My heels echoed through the castle halls until we arrived at my room, we spoke no words the whole way up. As soon as he was in a closed the door behind me and told him to sit down. "Merlin, I know your hiding something I can tell. You didn't even seem that surprised down there?" His gaze was fixed on the floor. "I'm not angry with you Merlin but I need to know what you have seen or heard so that we can find a solution together." He then looked up and opened his mouth as if he was going to reply but then closed it once again.

I took a set back from him feeling hurt. "Do you not trust me anymore? Has this different life really caused us to not have the same bond as we did in Ealdor?" I let out a sigh and sat on my bed looking away from him. I heard his heavy footsteps approach until he too was sat on my bed. "It's not that Row, it's just I don't know what I saw and if it could be what happened. I don't want to do or say anything unless I'm certain". He placed his hand on my back and rubbed it soothingly. "I just feel like you never share anything with me anymore, and maybe I'm the same with you but, I just miss our old life and our bond back home. This life now is so fruitful and I'm so thankful, but I can't help but miss our old life back home".

He hummed in agreeance. "I know, I do too but just know that you will always be the one I confide in and once I know for sure you'll be the first to know". He gave me a tight hug before bidding me a goodnight.

Sighing again I then just let myself fall back onto my mattress not even bothering to change from my dress. Perhaps tonight we could all get some sleep without that bell ringing. 

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