I Transmigrated into an otome...

By Liliana_York

199K 5.6K 1.8K

Kameko has a perfect life; a loving family, people she could truly trust and herself, a beautiful and strong... More

Author's Note
1. I died in an 'accident'
2. Reincarnated? Meh? Into an Otome game?!,
3. Oh well
4. Crown Prince
5. Guest
6. Lets get along, brother
7. Debut
8. K
9. What's with this world?
10. Two Identity.
Not An Update!
11. Characters
12. Mind game: The Queen, The Joker and The King Part 1
13. The Queen, The Joker and The King Part2
14. Lawless
The Author has something to say
16. His Obsession
17. Little innocent lamb
Special Chapter
18. "Who are you?"
You don't need to read as it's extra
19. Narcissari
This Author is really thankful≧﹏≦
20. SevenKin
The Author has something to say: 2
21. Dream
22. The Unexpected(s)
23. Truth?
This Author's Boring Thoughts
24. Beauty causes distruction
25. Her precious!
26. Birthday
Thank you for Understanding.
27. Home!
28. A play

15. Lady's Lazy Life

2.4K 96 0
By Liliana_York

A/N: New chapter, enjoy~


Amerllyis was escorted by her brother to her dorm. She, of course was frustrated by the fact that Zero wouldn't tell her the reason why he had been ignoring her.

"Zero nii, are you really not gonna tell me why?" She asked again and again but all she got in reply was a faint smile that had been seen only by her.

"Well now, goodnight Lady Scarlet" Zero gave a peck on the back of her hand as he departed without waiting for a reply and walked away elegantly.

"The hell was that for? Goodnight" Amerllyis could do nothing but go back to her room pouting and cursing this otome game for confusing her to the max.

'Otome games are so f***ing annoying. Why is it so confusing? I may have photographic memory but hell, I'm not someone who can understand human mind? Wait, these characters, are they even human? They are duh, it's an otome game but aren't I living in this game? They feel like human beings'

Through the night, Amerllyis kept grumbling to herself until she could finally sleep.

The next day, she had to wake up early since she couldn't sleep out of habit. She spent 30 minutes in her bathtub, her mind full of thoughts one couldn't fathom.

"🎵Oh~ when they see my
Face, the whole world
stops and stares for a while
'Cause I'm amazing just the
Way I am~
And when I smile...🎵"
(A/N: Sang by: Bruno Mars.
Just changed the lyrics (◕ᴗ◕✿)

All in all, she wasted an hour in bathroom. She wasn't the type to waste her time but thinking about her boring academic life with all those young girls either ignoring her out of fear that she most might get angry and go on a killing spree if they offend her or just kept their distance since she wasn't likable (?)

She couldn't understand these girls at all. In short, she had no girlfriends, not that she was desperate but having one to share her boring thoughts wouldn't be bad. Well, for all she cared, she was just going with the flow.

'Wherever my fate takes me, I'll go.
Whatever my destiny is, I'll accept.
Just follow the flow' Was her motto.

"What should I do today?"

Amerllyis skipped her classes as her mage teacher was so busy that he couldn't come nor did she have any interest or wanted to learn magic. She had already learnt how to use it so it was of no use, none could blame her for being a mage prodigy.

She finally came to a decision that she would go out to play. Do some shopping, eat an extravagant lunch, watch people etc. And yes, she was going with her only friend, Lyllia.

Lyllia was her personal maid who had followed her to the academy and only had few screen time but still, she was the only female excluding her (Amerllyis) mother.

'I could make myself a harem of men with these males surrounding me'

"Come Lyll honey, let's go on a date" Amerllyis smiled cheerily as she linked her arm with Lyll only to get rejected.

"Dates can only be with your fiancée, my lady. Not with me"

"Bleh, how boring can you get Lyll?"

"You cannot not go out without the permission from the academy, my lady" Lyllia reminded politely maintaining a distance for she was a maid and her Lady was the Duke's only princess who had lived under protection for 14 years.

Their status was clear and she did not want to tarnish her lady's reputation by being close to her. Lyllia knew that there were rumors of her lady not having friends.

'Lady Scarlet does not have social relationship with the other noble's daughter because of her arrogance and pride. She only has her personal maid as her friend and nobody, haha'

Such were the words Lyllia overheard from the other nobles. That rumor was wild spread that even came to her Lady's ears but couldn't afford to pay attention to it as she (Amerllyis) was lazy.

Yes, her only lady was lazy that she wouldn't go out to socialize with any one and would spend her time in her bedroom doing, who knows what.

There were times where her lady would be energetic and cheerful like any other girl at her age but that would only last for a few hours and would loose her interest.

Just like the dilemma she was facing now. Her lady was back to her energetic mode.

"Pleawse go out with me" Amerllyis pouted with a pitiful look that could win anyone except for Lyllia.

"No. You shouldn't talk like a baby, my lady. You should act like the lady you are"

"Wahhh, seriously Lyll? Why do you keep nagging all the time? I just asked you out on a date, is that a problem? I can't even go out with my girlfriend now that I'm in these academy?" 'Why did it sound weird?'

"My lady should try to talk to other noble ladies in these academy" Lyllia sighed internally, taking care of her lady was hard.

"Sthap calling me 'My Lady' just call me Amerllyis for heaven and his Majesty's sake" Amerllyis exaggerated her facial expression with a frown as she sighed shaking her head helplessly.

"...Lady Amerllyis should ask for permission to go out"


"Lady Amerllyis should ask for permission.."

"I know, I know" Amerllyis sighed. She had to agree after all it was of no use to continue this conversation.

No one could change Lyllia's decision once she decided. She even wondered how Lyllia became so stubborn.

'She wasn't so stubborn when we fort met but now..'

Little did Amerllyis know that it her her influence that Lyllia became stubborn.

"How do I get the permission?" She did not know anything about the academy, hell, she was to lazy to even read the rules. Less, know about the academy.

"Lady Amerllyis can get the permission from the student council"

The academy had rules that the student council had power in the academy, just second to the higher ups and therefore, any necessary stuff or questions should be asked to the council.

Thus, Amerllyis headed to the council's in her own leisure without making any appointment.

'Knock knock' She went in only to see sight she never expected to see. She didn't want to see the scene either.

And yes, it was not a sight of two guys making out. No. (Amerllyis: Dirty minded beings *Sigh*)

"K?" She subconsciously voiced out getting the attention of the guys in the room.



"Lady Scarlet?

"Hey, wanna go out on a date~?"

Amerllyis: ... Bleh, I'm going back. This sight annoys me. Bye!

She left the room as she shut the door with a loud 'thud!'


A/N: I know this chapter was boring, but well, sorry. Haha.

Gotta watch Kdrama!


Author out

Word Count: 1150

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