Straight to the Punch (Yang X...

By CruderPlace13

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After a successful universe save and an accidental universe hop, C wakes up to see a shattered Moon and he ju... More

Rewrite Announcement
Book 1: Cutting Threads Recap
Chapter 1: Vale
Chapter 2: Beacon
Chapter 3: One of the Drunks
Chapter 4: The Cookie Monster of Remnant
Chapter 5: Caloric Overload
Chapter 6: It's time to D-D-Duel!
Chapter 7: Night On the Town
Chapter 8: Preparing for the Dance
Chapter 9: First Day on the Job
Chapter 10: The Dance
Chapter 11: First Mission
New thing
Chapter 13: The Vytal Festival Begins
Chapter 14: A Dusty Old Qrow
Chapter 15: Team COLR Round 2
Chapter 16: Team RWBY vs. FNKI
Chapter 17: First Round of Finals
Chapter 18: The Fall
Chapter 19: The Loss
Chapter 20: Recovery (Lemon)
Chapter 21: Gifts
Chapter 22: The Return
Chapter 23: Grimm on a Train
Chapter 24: Journey to Argus
Chapter 25: Seeing Red
Chapter 26: Leviathan Stomper
Chapter 27: Death to the Wicked Witch
We now have a Discord server
Extra Chapter: Bloopers

Chapter 12: Team RWBY vs C

306 7 2
By CruderPlace13

POV Change

Ruby POV

It's been a couple days since our first mission and we've been given one more day off to rest up. Well I say we but in all honesty C is the only one who's really been resting. He couldn't even leave the bed two days ago. He says his body is super sore and his normal powers that keep him rested and well were used to much on us during our big mission that and he said he used it too much in his big fight in the tunnels. Yesterday though he was walking around so that's something. He just can't really do anything to crazy. He can't even run, but he should be good by tomorrow. Today he was able to lift up Yang when she hugged him. So everything is working out, and for the past couple of days Blake, Weiss, and I have been trying to find ways to get C and Yang together. So far we haven't had any major breakthroughs.

Flashback brought to you by sleepy chibi RWBY & COLR

Ruby: C'mon Onii-chan get up we want breakfast.

C: Imoto. I. Can't.

Ruby: Quit being lazy.

C: No I physically can't move.

Ruby: What?

C: I cannot get my body to move.

I climb into his and Yang's bed and push him out of it. He hits the floor with a solid thunk.

C: Thanks, Petals. I really appreciate it.

Ruby: Well now you're out of bed.

C: I still can't move. All you've done is made me a tripping hazard.

The team then walks through the door.

Weiss: Are we getting breakfast or not?

C: I can't move.

Blake: You can't move?

C: I feel like a broken record, yes I cannot move. My body will not respond to me.

Yang: So how'd you get in the floor.

C: Ask Thorns

Ruby: Um...well...ya see...

C: She pushed me out.

Ruby: Yeah. That.

Yang: I gotcha, handsome.

She walks over and picks him up. She then puts him back in bed.

C: Thank you, Goldilocks.

She gets down.

Yang: I'll bring you back some breakfast from the cafeteria. Anything you want?

C: Surprise me. I trust you.

Yang: Okay I'll be right back.

She then leaves.

Blake: I think that was our que for breakfast.

After that we all followed her.

Yang POV

I got C and I a big bowl of oatmeal, some toast, and two glasses of milk. I walk back to the dorm room, but on my way I'm stopped by Professor Goodwitch.

Goodwitch: Miss Xiao Long. I hope you remember that you aren't supposed to take food out of the cafeteria.

Yang: Oh crap! It's the one person who I didn't need to run into right now! You got this Yang. Just tell her the truth.

Yang: It's for C. He can't get out of bed after yesterday's mission.

Ozpin: Well in that case, run along Miss Xiao Long.

Yang: Thank you Professor.

I leave with a sigh.

Yang: I got lucky Ozpin was there to bail me out.

I make it back to the dorm and open the door. I then close it and walk over to the bed. I climb up and look at C.

Yang: Hey. I got you something that should be easy to eat. Unfortunately, students are only allowed one plate per person, so I could only get the one bowl.

C: Don't worry about me, Sunshine. You eat it.

Yang: Nope. I got the biggest bowl of oatmeal possible, some toast, and milk.

C: Yang, seriously. Eat up, it wouldn't be the first time I went without. I grew up dirt poor, there were some days where I let my family eat before me. I'll be fine with not eating for a day.

Yang: No. I'm not letting this one slide. You did so much yesterday there is no way I'm going to let you sit in bed and not eat. So...

She helps C sit up. She then takes the spoon and holds it out to his mouth.

Yang: Open up.

C complies with a small blush on his cheeks. I see the blush on his face and smile at him. It just makes his blush deepen. I take a spoonful of the oatmeal myself. After little bit we finish off the food.

C: I like how you never even considered the fact I could have a disease or something that you could catch.

Yang: Do you?

C: No, but still.

Yang: I figured you'd be fine.

I then lay down on his lap.

C: I'd pet your hair, but still can't move.

Yang: Oh right.

I sit up and trade places with him. I lay him against my chest. I stroke his hair feeling the soft brown curls wrap around my fingers whenever I put my hand into it.

Yang: Your hair is soft.

C: Much like my lips?

Yang: Yep.

C: Yours aren't too shabby either.

Yang: The hair or the lips?

C: Yes.

We both chuckle at that. We sit there like that until eventually C falls asleep. I move around a little, get to the point where I lay down next to C, and drift off to sleep.

Narrator POV

Ruby, Weiss, Arsenic, and Blake all walk in the room and see Yang and C sleeping. Ruby squeals quietly.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Yang taking care of Chibi C.

The next day C got out of bed and even made breakfast for everyone. While he was cooking Yang came up from behind him and hugged him.

Yang: Feeling better?

C: A little stiff and sore, but thanks to you, yes.

Yang: Good to hear. Want some help?

C: Sure.

They both cook some eggs, bacon, and pancakes. Once they're done they plate everything and take the plates to teams JNPR, RWBY, and Arsenic. Nora's reaction was a little bit... much to say the least. Everyone else appreciated the food in a much more toned down fashion. C was still barely able to walk, so Yang stayed with him to make sure he wouldn't overexert himself. Still, C wouldn't let Yang do everything for him, but he was rather grateful for Yang's help. Blake had made a plan to get them together by giving them both as much time together as possible, so the team would all give them space.

Flashback End

Ruby had a very sneaky plan for tonight. Once it got dark she would suggest a horror movie for everyone to watch. While they were watching she would set everything up so that C and Yang would end up sitting beside each other. Yang would get scared and she would cuddle up to C making it, so that he'll hold her and boom they'll end up together. At least that's what Ruby thought would happen. She wasn't very knowledgeable in the love department, but she was confident. Once everything was dark she informed Weiss and Blake of her plan. They agree and they put Ruby's plan into action. Ruby runs into the dorm room and see C and Yang playing a game on their scrolls as Arsenic is taking a shower before heading to bed.

Ruby: Let's watch a movie guys!

Yang: Okay.

C: Sure thing, Imoto.

Ruby, Yang, and C went to the common room and met with Weiss and Blake. C sits on the left side of the couch Weiss sits on the right with Blake to her left. Yang takes the last seat beside C. In fact Ruby squeezes in-between Yang and Weiss making Yang scoot even closer to C.

C: So what are we watching?

Ruby: Possession!

C: Never heard of that one. Is it a play on the whole demon movies that came up in the 2010s of my world?

Yang: You sure Ruby? I heard that movie is pretty intense.

Ruby: Yep.

She puts the movie on the TV and they started watching. Unlike most movies from C's world this one had actual horror, not that cheap jump scare fest most of the movies he had seen were. Weiss and Ruby would jump the most. Blake and C were the most unaffected by the movie. Yang's eyes would widen occasionally, but she hadn't jumped. Ruby was worried that her plan would fail until a very effective jump scare got everybody. Yang jumped and ended up pushing herself into C. He instinctively pulled her closer. She looked at him and he smiled. She blushes as she leans into him resting her head on his shoulder and he rests his on top of her's. Ruby sees this and internally squeals. They finish the movie and Ruby looks over and sees both Yang and C asleep. Ruby signals to Weiss and Blake. They nod and the three leave after putting a cover over them. Later on that night C woke up and saw that they were still on the couch. He picks Yang up bridal style and in her sleep she lays close to his neck. He feels her warm breath tickle his neck as he walks back to the dorm room. He walks in lays Yang down beside him after removing both of their shoes. He drifts off to sleep, but right before completely falling asleep Yang tosses and turns. Almost like she is having a nightmare. C instinctively pulls her into his embrace. He pets her hair as he whispers into her ear.

C: it's okay I'm here.

She calms down and pushes herself as close as possible to him. C holds her tightly as she intertwines her legs with his. He continues to pet her hair as her forehead rest against his chest and he drifts off to sleep.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Arsenic moving rocks around

So far the day back in normality is just that... normal. Aside from the occasional Breed fan stopping and asking C about the band. A couple of girls also tried to ask if he was single, but Yang wasn't having any of it. She would immediately walk up and make him wrap his arms around her all the while giving C pet names like stud muffin, hot stuff, Rockstar, sexy, and whatever other thing came to her mind. If the girl still seemed a little persistent she would seal the deal with a kiss making any of their advances crumble to dust. Not that C minded, in fact he was grateful for it. The way he saw it was that those girls were only after the status that dating him would give them, well that and the money. So anytime Yang would commence operation "BEGONE THOT!" C would play along. Eventually combat class rolled around making C smirk.

Goodwitch: Alright any volunteers?

C: Me.

Goodwitch: And who would you like to challenge?

C: Team RWBY.

Goodwitch: Team RWBY do you accept?

Ruby: Yes.

Goodwitch: Very well. Combatants get ready.

C heads to a locker room as the other's do the same. A couple of minutes later they all walk out with team RWBY in their normal outfits and C in his standard outfit with replacement gloves and shoes on. He stands on one side of the arena opposite of RWBY as he thinks of his plan.

C: Ruby and Yang will rush in first. While Blake and Weiss will stay in the back trying to play a support role. I know Ruby isn't good at hand-to-hand, so disarming her quickly is my best bet. Blake and Weiss will be annoying if I don't get rid of them after I take care of one of the sisters. Alright I got it.

Yang: Hey C? How about a wager?

C: What did you have in mind, Goldilocks?

Yang: Remember our old wager? That is what I was thinking.

C: I'll make it better. If anyone of you somehow beats me, then I'll owe all of you one favor. Anything you want, I'll get you. I'll make it even easier, I won't use my soul to replenish my aura.

Goodwitch: Are the fighters ready?

C: Yep.

Ruby: Yes.

Goodwitch: Then begin.

Ruby and Yang immediately rush in at C just as he thought. Ruby swings her scythe, so C leans back dodging the slice. Yang then rushes in and swings. C catches the punch and delivers a quick blow to her stomach. Ruby goes for another slice, but C backflip kicks the scythe straight up. Blake starts taking shots at C as he catches Crescent Rose and cuts all the bullets out the air with an expert spin of the weapon. Everyone was a little shocked at C's use of the weapon, and not even C knew how he did it, but he looks at the little part of the scar exposed on his left middle finger. It's glowing it's dark grey color. He looks over at Ruby and slices at her. She flies back and Weiss rushes in to take her place in the fight. C blocks Weiss's attack and goes for a leg sweep. Weiss jumps over it and jumps back. C cocks Crescent Rose and fires shots at Blake. Blake uses her semblance to dodge the shots as Ruby slams into C with her semblance taking the weapon from him. Yang rushes in and swings, but C sweeps her legs, grabs her by the feet, and spins around before launching her at Ruby. They both go flying back as C rushes in at Blake. Blake slices at him, but C teleports behind her and delivers a quick kick to her ass. She falls forward, but quickly handsprings back on to her feet. C then dodges a stab from Weiss. He slams his elbow into her stomach before grabbing her by the throat and slamming her into the floor. He then runs up to Yang and goes for a roundhouse, but she grabs his leg and lifts him over her head and slamming him into the floor. She fires a point blank shot dead in his face. He pops up and headbutts her before delivering an uppercut sending her flying and almost out off bounds, but she fires a shot behind her launching her back at C. He spin kicks her dead in the stomach knocking her to the floor. Blake runs in and throws her chain sickle at C. He lets the weapon wrap around his arm. He then pulls the ribbon launching Blake right at him. He lariats her, grabs her by the foot, slams her into the floor, and delivers a hard kick to the ribs breaking her aura and sending her out of the arena. Ruby dashes in and slices at him, but he grabs the blade of Crescent Rose before spinning around and launching her into the air. Yang delivers a quick hook to C's face and sends him flying. Weiss dashes past him delivering quick precise strikes. She then stabs the ground making a glyph appear under C's feet. His legs slowly start freezing over.

C: Oh that's just col-

His entire body is encased in ice.

Weiss: Too easy.

The ice starts to crack.

Yang: You had to say something didn't you?

The ice explodes off of C and he smirks.

C: I don't take kindly to the cold-shoulder.

His lips and fingertips go blue as he launches the ice at Weiss and Yang. Weiss uses the fire dust in Myrtenaster to melt the ice, but the flames then shoot over to C wrap around him before he launches them at Weiss. She makes an ice dome around herself as Yang dodges. Weiss sits in the dome waiting until she gets a tap on her shoulder. She turns and C grabs her by the face, slams her through the dome and into the floor before yeeting her out of the arena. Yang hits him in the back with a shot from Ember Celica. He turns around only to be met with a series of punches from Yang. She delivers a combo and finished it with a kick to his chest. He lands in a super hero landing, but then Yang fires off eight shots from her Ember Celica. The shots all hit their target and kick up dust. C's aura is now close to red. Which doesn't seem that impressive due to him starting at half aura, but still. Through the dust red eyes appear. Suddenly the dust blows away and C stands there with red eyes and blonde hair. He takes off his jacket and tosses it out of the arena. He rips off his destroyed shirt. He slams his left fist into his right palm.

C: Burn!

C's hair ignites and he glares at Yang.

C: Let's go Bombshell.

They rush at each other and C blocks Yang's attack. He then delivers a quick blow to her stomach and her face launching her back. She stops herself at the edge of the arena and glares at C. Her eyes go red and she punches her fists together making her hair ignite. They both rush in and Yang swings at him only for him to catch her fist and throws her over his shoulder and into the floor. She quickly rolls before C could stomp on her and she jumps up. She sweeps his legs, but C catches himself with both his hands and launches himself at Yang with a high kick. She barely dodges it and C lands on his feet. They exchange some blows until C slips past Yang. The second she turned around she was met with a huge right to the jaw that knocked her off balance. He tackles her to the floor and delivers two quick blows to the face that broke her aura. C gets up and backs off leaving Yang to rub her jaw. C looks around and he seems confused.

C: Where is-!

Ruby dashes from the ceiling and slices at C's chest. He holds his chest and rushes in at Ruby to deliver a blow that would end the fight, but before he can a horn signals the end of the fight.

Goodwitch: That's the match.

C looks up at the aura bars and sees his aura in the red with Ruby's only one hit away from the red. C sighs, and walks over to his jacket. He puts it on and helps the other three members of Team RWBY up.

C: Good match girls. Looks like I owe each of you a favor.

The bell rings signaling the end of class.

Goodwitch: That's all the time we have for today. Prepare for the Vytal Festival in the morning.

The class walks out, but Yang stops C.

C: What's up?

Yang: Can I talk to you in private?

C: Sure.

She leads him to the garage where most people don't go due to not owning a vehicle. Once there Yang pushes C against the wall and slams her lips into his. He's taken off-guard, but before he can do much she pulls away.

Yang: I know what I want to spend my favor on.

C: Yang?

Yang: I want you to be my boyfriend.

C: What?

Yang: I know you have someone important to you, but I've never felt this way for anyone before. It might be selfish, but I- Mmph!

C pushes his lips against her's and although she is taken off-guard she kisses back. They separate and look at each other.

C: I promised you a favor, and I don't break promises. If you're sure about this then I'll do it.

Yang doesn't respond, but instead wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him passionately. He picks her up by the thighs as her hands gently push into his hair. C squeezes her thighs as the kiss continues. Yang slips her tongue in his mouth as she deepens the kiss by pulling his head closer to her. They eventually have to separate for air. C gives her a kiss on the jaw where he hit her making Yang smile.

C: Let's head back to the dorm.

Yang: Alright.

C let's her down and she takes his hand in her's as they walk to the dorm. Once there Ruby looks over and sees the two of them holding hands.

Ruby: Are you two together?!

Yang leans up and kisses C answering her sister's question. Ruby squeals as Weiss and Blake smile.

Ruby: This is great!

Arsenic: I don't get it.

C: You will when you're older.

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