Kit to Fox

By devilsamist

206K 7.2K 1.9K

The war is over, classes have started back accident takes place when Neville's potion goes wrong and exploded... More

Chapter 1: Rewritten
Chapter 2: Rewritten
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Big Decision

Chapter 4

13.2K 466 173
By devilsamist

The first place Draco and Harry was Honeydukes. When Harry saw all the candy his eyes lit up as though it were Christmas day. It took all Draco had to hold Harry back from running off and stealing the loads of candy. By the end of the visit, Draco was loaded with five bags full of pure candy, three of them full of nothing but blood lollys. Harry stole a lolly from the bag and shoved it in his mouth before running off to their next destination, Draco struggling from behind to keep up. As they went from shop to shop, looking at all the interesting things for sale, the crowd of both men and women grew and followed, each trying to get a look at the young Harry Potter and trying to touch his ears or pet his tail.

When Draco lost sight of Harry he began to panic. Looking around, he tried to find the five year old kit but through the large crowd he couldn't see five feet ahead of him. When he heard a familiar yip, Draco automatically shot off in that direction in hopes of that yip belonging to his beloved. Draco almost paused as he wondered where the thought had appeared from. Why would he call his rival for seven years his beloved. He shrugged it off as him being the mate to the young kit or that he was simply falling for the boy's charms. Never did he think that he was falling for Harry himself.

When he pushed through the crowd, he found Harry with a little girl who was curiously pulling on one of his tails. Draco released the girl's grasp of Harry's tail and handed her to her mother, making sure to give her a bone chilling glare.

When Harry looked up at him with tears in his eyes, Draco felt his heart break in two. He looked back at the mother of the girl and his gaze hardened.

"You should have more control over your child! What kind of a mother are you? Are you teaching your kids that it's okay to go and touch people who don't want to be touch, especially when they're obviously show their discontent?!" The woman grabbed her child and left with tears streaming down her face. "And what are the rest of you looking at. Go do your own thing. If you don't leave us alone I will not be responsible for my own actions." The people only stared. "Leave!" He bellowed. Everybody scampered off. He sighed in relief of getting rid of a major problem and turned to face Harry. Draco knelt down and gathered the kit into his arms.

"You alright, luv?" He asked softly. The little boy sniffled but nodded none the less.

"Yeah, I just did not like it when she touched my tail." His tails twitched a bit as he said this. Draco moved his hands over to the tail that was hurt and began to softly massage the irritated tail.

"Here?" He asked. Harry gave a small nod as he moaned with pleasure and began to purr lightly. Draco marveled at this. It must be something only a mate can do, he realized. It's probably a privilege only given to the mate and only the mate can give him pleasure like this. Draco didn't care that he was in public or the fact that he currently looked like a pedophile even though the actual age of the kit was eight-teen years old. He was currently in awe world of his own and immensely enjoying the reactions that he was receiving from Harry.

When he decided that it was time to stop and go they went on their way to WWW. On their way over to the shop they never noticed the two pair of eyes that were latched on the two the whole time, or more specifically, Harry. When the owners of the said pairs of eyes figured that Draco was currently paying the least amount of attention they decided to strike.

Two pairs of arms shot around Harry and pulled him into a sandwich embrace. When Draco noticed that Harry was no longer in front of him, Draco quickly raised his want at the culprits. When he saw who had their arms around Harry he lowered his wand and almost aw'd at the sight.

There, in front of him, was Fred and George embracing Harry into a tight bear hug, silently cooing at how adorable he is. Harry, not knowing how to react, just stood there as straight as a pole, unmoving.

When Draco saw Harry look at him pleadingly, the older boy only smirked. When Harry saw this he pouted and tears came to his eyes making him look something like an angel.

"So this is the adorable," Fred began.

"Kid Harry we've heard so much about." George finished. Draco raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow at their display of twinness. (Please do excuse my English, I may be a native born of America but I often make my own words up or and letters to words and spell them completely wrong because I say them wrong. If I do in fact do this, please do not hesitate to inform me. Except for my twinness)

"How do you guys know about Harry?" Draco asked incredulously.

"Our foolish little brother." Fred said heatedly as his grip on Harry tightens.

"Yes. He told us all that had happened. The whole thing! Though he did leave a few things out." George said while looking at his extra appendages. "We were so pissed at him."

Harry, being smothered by the two, tried to make himself be as little as possible and shrank in on himself. The twins noticing this, released their embrace of him, but instead swung him up on their shoulders. Harry released a shriek of surprise.

"Let's go inside the shop so we can privately discuss things" Fred suggested as the two started for their store, not waiting for Draco's answer. When they got to the store the twins put Harry down and George went and switched the shop sign to closed. The twins then led them to the back of the shop and they gathered around the sitting room. As the adults exchanged pleasantries, nobody noticed as Harry slipped away and out the back door.

As Harry escaped from the notice of the adults, he felt something calling for him. Following his instinct he left the safety of the shop and into the small alley behind the shop. Without realizing where he was going, he led himself to a small corner in the dark alley until he same across a bundle of fur.

"Hello, young one."

"So would you like to explain how this happened from your side? I know Ron is awfully biased." George said. Draco explained the potions accident.

"I don't know what that idiot told you but he actually attacked me. Harry tried to protect me and got punched in the face for me but when Ron when at me again, Harry lost it. When he came to, he fled. Ron didn't know what hit him." The twins thought over the information that he'd just given him.

"I'm his mate." Draco murmured practically inaudibly. The twins' eyes shot up to look at his but there was no surprise shown in them.

Fred sighed. "There's no surprise their, mate."

"Yeah. It only makes sense with your guys' behavior in the past." George continued.

"By the way, where is our foxy little angel?" Fred questioned.

"What?!" Draco practically shouted. It wasn't very Malfoyish but who cares? His mate was missing and he had no idea where he is. Is he injured? Raped? Dead? He shook himself from that train of thought. No good would come from a thought process like that and it would only add fuel to the fire.

"We need to find him before something else does and I dread the results if that were to happen." Draco worried. They each scouted the town in search for the young kit who has now been missing for at least thirty minutes. They each were getting increasingly worried when they hadn't seen hide nor hair of Harry. When they began to search the alleyways, a couple of turns and corners later they came across a sight that shocked them into silence.

"Hello, young one." Harry had said to the young kit that was curled up on the floor of the alley. The kit looked up and its shockingly green eye met Harry's own. The young fox had ebony fur and was tiny, much like Harry himself. The kit had three tails wrapped around his body. Harry could just see himself when he was with the Dursley's.

"Hello, my lord. How are you faring today." The fox replied, his voice seemed to be laced with hurt as it cracked in the end.

"I'm doing well, and please, just call me Harry. What's your name?"

"I have not a name. I don't deserve one."

"Now that shall not do. Where are your parents?"

"My parents abandoned me. I was considered a 'freak' to the eyes of demon foxes. I have not the correct fur or eye color of that of a normal fox. They were embarrassed and so left me to defend myself against Pan's children."

Harry thought back to when the Dursley's had done the same thing practically to him and felt for the kit.

"I completely understand. I have family who had done everything but abandon me. I think the only reason they didn't do that was because they enjoyed giving me pain. Tell me, do you also change into a human?"

"Yes, Lord Harry, though my true form is what you see." Harry was thoughtful for a minute.

"I see. Well how about I give you a name. Would you like that? And like I told you before, no lord business, just Harry."

"I would indeed. It would be an honour, Lo- Harry."

"Hmm. How about Kokuran? I think it would suit you well."

"I love it!" The kit was genuinely happy. He hadn't felt this way in such a long time. It was at that moment that Harry came to a decision and he would follow through with it no matter what Drake said.

"Now, Ran, I can call you Ran for short right?" At the kit's nod, he continued. "How would you like to come with me and become my familiar? We can do so many things together!"

The kit's eyes widened at the invitation and he would have jumped with joy had his leg not of been injured. "I would be delighted to!"

When Harry saw the fox try to stand up and walk over to him with his leg up in the air, limping over until he fell. Harry's eyes widened and he walked over and picked the fox up and placed him into his lap. "I'm going to heal you. Do I have your permission?" Harry asked.

"Of course." Harry placed his clawed hand over the kit's injured hind right leg and a red glow started to emit from his hand.

A few minutes into the healing process Harry heard footsteps. When he looked up, he found the trio frozen in their steps, staring at them.

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