The Gray Family: Legacies✔️(W...

By angel48183

122K 6.1K 2K

The Gray Family has dealt with a lot through different generations throughout the years. They encountered som... More

Starting over
The next day
Girl's night
New partner
Sweet dreams
Guess who?
Apple orchard shenanigans
Hanging out with the brothers
Nixon to the rescue
A new normal
It's a college thing
Expect the unexpected
It's all relative
The Gray Brothers and The Gray Sisters
Back at it again
Ice cream
A blast from the past
Crazy doesn't even cover it
Halloween festival
It's a brother thing
Help from the Gray Brothers
A crazy date
Let's talk about sex
Listen, crazy-ass
Dinner with the Chief aka Dad
You have crazy, then there's Kaylee
The quints face-off
It's beginning to look lot likes Christmas
A Gray style Christmas
Returning to school
Revisiting the past
The day after
All hell breaks loose
Meet the new employee
A romantic Valentine's Day
Brother time
Spring break
Spring break fun
Happy anniversary, Patty and Nate
A letter to the readers


2.3K 115 26
By angel48183


We showed up at the station for a substantial portion of our testing. Caleb made us dress in full gear and go through different scenarios. The physical part of the test is the most difficult. I remember the first time I did it.

"Gray! You're up!" Caleb announced. He blew a whistle, and I had to move fast with the hose along with searching for a person. I ran up flights, dropped the tube, then grabbed an ax while carrying my medical gear.

I went to a door, felt it, then used the ax to bust open the door. Caleb made sure the electricity was off, and a smoke machine blew smoke into a building. He wanted it as realistic as possible.

"Gray!" Kaylee yelled.

I didn't turn as I continued. "What are you doing?" I yelled.

"I'm having your back! We're partners!" Kaylee yelled.

We made our way through the building, checking until we found the person. I lifted and carried them back as Kaylee followed. When we exited the building, we got to work, performing our routine check until the body signaled they were alive.

"Lindsey and Cass, you're up!" Caleb announced as Cass groaned. Kaylee and I laughed. Cass needs to lay off the donuts.

We went downstairs and removed our gear. I looked at Kaylee and shook my head.

"What?" Kaylee asked.

"You can't run after me all the time," I answered.

"I know, but an excellent partner doesn't leave the other partner behind," Kaylee reminded me.

I pulled off my boots. "So, I was thinking of seeing a movie later," I mentioned.

"A movie sounds good. We aren't having date crashers, are we?" Kaylee asked, referring to my family.

"No, they went home, thank god," I said, making Kaylee laugh.

We hung up our gear and went back upstairs, watching others do the physical portion of the test. It's hilarious to watch the crew retest since they hadn't done in a while. I thought Caleb's vein would pop out of his forehead.

"Christ, we're never finishing at this rate. All right, that's enough for today. Tomorrow we pick up again," Caleb told everyone.

"Hayes and Gray, I want to see you in my office," Caleb told Kaylee and me. We looked at each other and followed Caleb to the office. Usually, when the chief yelled to see me, it was never pleasant.

We walked in, and Caleb gestured to two chairs. "Take a seat," Caleb said to us.

We sat down as he opened a folder.

"I reviewed your testing from other stations along with your school grades," Caleb mentioned, closing the file. He looked at Kaylee. "I sent Gray into a burning building to rescue someone, then watched you gear up and join him. Why?"

"Because when you are partners, you cover each other and have your partner's back. It's about trust and knowing you can depend on them," Kaylee answered.

Caleb looked at Kaylee. "I like that you didn't hesitate to jump in and help Gray, but understand that sometimes you need to stay back," Caleb explained.

"Yes, Captain," Kaylee agreed.

Caleb looked at me. "Did you look and notice Kaylee following you?" He asked me.

"No, not until Hayes yelled, but I kept looking forward," I answered.

"Why?" Caleb asked.

"Because the person trapped is my priority. I'm there to rescue and treat them. My partner knows that," I replied.

"As a first responder, it's our job to risk our lives to help others. One mistake can impact many, which I know you're aware of on the job," Caleb said to me.

"Yes, Captain," I answered.

"Both of you have the ability and attitude for the job. You understand the different scenarios. Your test scores range in the ninety percentile range. I want to make sure the station operates like a well-oiled machine because people's lives depend on it," Caleb explained.

We nodded in agreement.

"Now, if I can get the rest of the crew in-line, then we're doing better," Caleb mentioned.

Kaylee and I tried not to laugh. Caleb dismissed us, and we got up to leave. I walked out of the office with her.

"That went better than I thought it would," I mentioned.

"How did you think it would go?" Kaylee asked.

"Oh, you know, yelling and telling me I'm a screw-up," I answered, making Kaylee laughed.

The thing about Caleb, even though we're family. With the job, he kept it professional. You can't let emotions cloud your judgment as a first responder. People's lives depend on it.

Now to figure out a movie to see with Kaylee.

After I left the station, I went home and changed, then went to the bakery. I saw Pax and Shaun working.

"How did the testing go?" Pax asked, leaning on the counter as I walked towards him.

"It went well, although Cass needs to lie off the donuts," I answered.

Pax laughed.

"I thought about taking Kaylee to the movies tonight. I mentioned it casually to her," I mentioned as Shaun walked over to us. "I figure it's less pressure."

"Does it worry you she'll say no?" Pax asked me.

"No," I hesitated.

Pax gave me a look.

"Okay, yeah, it does," I sighed.

"Presley, you worry too much like your brother," Shaun said, giving Pax a knowing look. Pax rolled his eyes. "If Kaylee didn't like you, she wouldn't have gone on a date with you."

"Yeah, I know, but I don't want to screw this up. It's not like I have the best history with women," I reasoned.

"No, shit. Didn't Grammy Pat make you write an essay about acting like a lothario?" Pax asked.

"Unfortunately," I mumbled.

"Plus, you always chased skirt. Parker had to rescue you from some chick's father, ruining his date and burning down the bakery," Pax reminded me.

"Wait. You dated chicks before coming out of the closet, if I remember correctly," I rebuked Pax.

"Yeah, but I did nothing with those girls - big difference. Plus, I was figuring out my sexuality. Stop changing the subject tool," Pax told me.

"Are you afraid that if you move too fast that you will repeat the same mistakes with Kaylee that you did with Eliza?" Shaun asked me.

"Mistakes? Oh, no, this boy made whoppers with Eliza, claiming he was acting friendly with other girls. It took her dumping his stupid ass to figure his shit out, unlike Payton, who did that shit on purpose," Pax answered, rolling his eyes.

"Payton and I aren't alike," I told Pax.

"No, you are worse," Pax retorted. "It took a girl to rebuff Payton to get him to change his ways. It takes angry fathers to chase you down, and you still act the same."

I looked at Pax with annoyance.

"The only person who had his shit together is Patton, and even that's iffy," Pax added.

Shaun chuckled.

"You're not helping," I told Pax.

Pax shrugged.

"When Eliza and I started dating, it was difficult. I never had a relationship before her. Then when we broke up, I didn't want anyone but Eliza. It put things into perspective. Then she dies, and I question everything. How does that work?" I asked Pax and Shaun, who looked at me.

"Because you found out you were better with Eliza in your life than not," Shaun answered.

"Maybe, but it's different with Kaylee. I don't feel the need to reassure her constantly," I reasoned.

"Because Kaylee isn't insecure," someone said. We turned and saw Patton walk over to us. "Eliza was insecure about everything. We saw it on spring break."

"That's because Eliza dated a guy who drove her into the ground. My reputation didn't help," I explained.

"It doesn't matter. If a girl is secure, she need not worry about your reputation. A secure girl will tell you to pound sand. Presley, it's not your job to save someone, then reinforce their insecurities. Look at Kaxon. He's the perfect example with dating," Patton told me.

"Kaxon never dated," Pax mentioned.

"Because he didn't settle, and he's weird," Pat added, shrugging.

"I beg your pardon; I'm not weird. I have standards," Kaxon announced, walking towards us.

"Is that before or after the girls asked you out, and you declined?" Pat asked Kaxon.

"Have you met most of the girls that went to our school?" Kaxon asked.

"Britt and Shaun went to our school tool," Pax answered.

"Britt dressed as a dude to avoid her dad, and Shaun bullied you. These are two prominent examples," Kaxon retorted, rolling his eyes.

"So both have issues - big deal," Pax countered.

"You missed the point," Kaxon said.

"Can you get to the point before we're in a nursing home?" Pat asked with a look.

"My point is when you settle, you get what you get. If a girl is worth it, you know, or tell their dad you're marrying them. Said Dad wants to rip off your dick," Kaxon said, referring to Jesse and her dad.

"Kaylee's dad hates me," I mentioned.

"Then you found a good one. What father wants their daughter dating us? Have you met us?" Kaxon questioned.

"Good point," Pax agreed.

"It's true, Britt's dad not only hates me but our entire family," Pat told me.

"What about Selena and Josie's parents? They don't hate Parker and Payton," I reasoned.

The guys looked at each other and said, "Yeah, they do."

"I'm sure Payton is high on Josie's dad's list with his antics, and he tolerates Parker because Ma found Selena," Pax mentioned. "Oh, and Shaun's family hates us."

"That's disturbing," I mumbled.

"It might disturb, but it's the truth," Kaxon said, shrugging.

"You guys aren't making this easy on me," I told them.

"You know who you're talking to here? When have we ever made things easy for anyone?" Kaxon asked me.

"Your best bet is don't screw this up, or you deal with Ma," Pat told me.

I learned that my brothers and cousin are of no help. Not with matters of the heart. I left and went looking for Nora. At least I didn't have to listen to her degrade me about my poor love decisions.

I found Nora on campus.

"Did you screw things up with Kaylee yet?" Nora asked me.

"Did you admit your feelings for Matthew yet?" I countered.

Nora gave me a look. Well, I had to ask.

"There is no Matthew and me. There's no anyone and me," Nora replied.

"And there won't be if you keep denying your feelings," I reasoned.

"Who's denying anything? I admitted that I liked Matthew, and he left. When I called Matthew, he told me he hopes Mason and I are happy together," Nora said sarcastically.

"Damn, that's harsh," I said.

"Yeah, well, Mason hates me and shoots me daggers every chance he gets," Nora told me.

"Mason is a schmuck. Did you ever meet Aunt Luna and Uncle Major?" I asked.

"Yeah, it didn't go well," Nora answered.

"Picture an insecure twit having a baby with a major tool. You have Mason," I explained.

"That explains a lot," Nora said, giggling. "So, what are you planning with Kaylee?"

"I suggested a movie acting casual. Then I talked to my brothers and cousin, who didn't help," I mentioned.

"If I were you, I would stop talking to your family about your love life. No matter what you say, they'll have an opinion," Nora told me.

"What about you? Do you talk to your brother and sister about your love life?" I questioned.

"Yeah, and they tell me not to waste my time mooning over someone," Nora answered.

"Well, that sucks," I responded.

Nora shrugged. We talked more, and I left to pick up Kaylee to see a movie. We picked an action flick and bought refreshments. We found a seat in the middle of the theater because it gives you the ultimate viewing pleasure.

"If I forget to thank you later for the movie, thank you," Kaylee said to me.

"If I forget to mention it, I had a great time tonight," I replied, smiling.

Kaylee smiled, and the movie started. I know it's nothing major, but sometimes simple is better. I wasn't that kid that took a girl to a movie and spent more time making out with her than watching the video.

Eliza's death changed me in so many ways, but it made me realize that I didn't want to repeat past mistakes. Sometimes it takes the right person to put things into perspective. I had a feeling I would see a side of Kaylee that I wasn't expecting.

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