Let's Play Basketball, Someda...

By scurvybluvy

40.5K 872 97

Kuroko stopped play basketball and leaving Seirin, for a reason. When the generation of miracles and Seirin f... More

Chapters 1
Chapter 2
Extra from Admin
Chapters 3
Chapters 4
Chapters 5
Chapters 6
Extra For Shipper Fans
Extra for Shipper Fans
Chapters 8
Chapters 9
Chapters 10
Chapters 11
Author Note
Chapters 12
Chapters 13
Chapters 14
Chapter 15
Chapters 16
Chapters 17
Chapters 18
Chapter 19

Chapters 7

2K 53 0
By scurvybluvy

In the morning...

No One's POV

The sky was clear. No rain. You see. There's a pair of blue hair coming visit Tetsuya. Right. It's was his parents. Finally they've come visit their son after Kuroko's uncle and aunty left for the work.

A mother of Tetsuya was feeling sad when she saw his son getting paler and hardly eating.

A father sitting on the next to her and comfort saying Tetsuya it's gonna be fine and we shouldn't give up on him

Tetsuya who still sleepy peaceful.
Last night, Tetsuya's heart almost stop. All of them expect his parents come to an emergency raid!

Shall we flashback! Here we come.



At almost 3 am, Kuroko's heart almost stop. Uncle who came visit Tetsuya was scream and hurrying get it  for nurse and doctors.

Doctors and nurse rush come in and checking on Tetsuya. After a three hour later. That's right. You could see GOM plus Kagami even Akashi was there.

Kagami who wearing half pajamas with slipper and his hair was mess

Midorima who was wearing his full pajamas and forgot his lucky item which he almost facing a danger. But good thing Akashi had his lucky item just to be safer

Kise on the other, wearing the pajamas clothes and the shorty pants.

Aomine's hair was mess and wearing a bit exposed.

Akashi is the only who wearing perfect at everything 

Uncle and Aunty was waiting for the news until he saw Tetsuya's friends and somehow shocked.

Uncle Shinsuke “ How do you'all know about this emergency? ”

“ I didn't know, ask Akashicchi. ”

“ It's was Akashi. ”

“ I hear from Akashi. ”

“ Aka-chin said so. ”

“ The dev-- It's was Akashi. ”

All of them turn towards Akashi and pondering about that how Akashi knows about this news.

Akashi who are feeling getting attention to him seems like their expression tell him about how he know about this.

Akashi deadpanned with straightforward “ That's because I know everything. ”

Most of them was about argue but the doctors just come out after a light green that was write on the symbol 'surgery success'

All of them are waiting for the news from the doors.

Aomine who are the most worried about his shadow and immediately launching towards grabbing doctor's collar “ How's he doctors? ”

“ Daiki. Let. Him. Go. ” Akashi threatened Aomine if he didn't let it go, he's gonna burn that idiot's collection magazine

That's was made Aomine let it go of doctors and try calm down.

Doctors fix his collars after getting out from it

“ I have unfortunately news for you all.. Tetsuya's heart are failing. I afraid he's cannot survive until the next year. ”

A dead silence was followed upon receive doctor's news about their Tetsuya

Uncle and Aunty the most family closer to Tetsuya was left in their care whether his parents are busier

All the room filling in crying, gloomy and sadness.

Doctors left. A big question is.. Why him? Out of all the among patients? He's a good boy. He's deserve receive a bless. God is a cruel.
We just want to find Tetsuya alive again in this world.


Back to Reality

On Saturday, finally Akashi is a free so he's took his time come visit his beloved boyfriend.

By the time he arriving. No one was there for Kuroko.

Looks like all of them are probably busy.

Akashi's POV

I took a seat that was nearest Tetsuya
I sigh it's seems like Tetsuya are getting thin. I remember the time Tetsuya about to eat, he's throwing up everything he putting something inside his mouth.

I frown not knowing to do for the first time but I haven't give up on looking for the donors who are willing for Tetsuya.

I approach Tetsuya's family and ask about Tetsuya's condition
Flashback to their conversation

“ Mr. Shinsuke.. ” Oh right Akashi approach Tetsuya's uncle. Both of them are now in a waiting room

It was after they've got news

“ Yes? Are you Akashi Seijurou? I hear from Tetsuya. He's always talking about you. ” - Mr Shinsuke

“ Yes I am. I'm here asking you about finding Tetsuya's donor. ”

Mr. Shinsuke doesn't answer him. Akashi always took this long silence as a bad news

“ Actually I would like offering my help  to you. ”

Mr. Shinsuke was surprised at this sudden out of blue.

“ That's--! ”

“ You should take a rest. I will keep trying looking for donor and let you know if I did find. ”

Mr. Shinsuke felt like being convinced by Akashi's words and pinch his bridge of nose and sigh

“ Alright. As you wish. Thank you for Tetsuya's sake. ”

“ I will do anything for Tetsuya. ”

With that their conversation end smoothly.

Back to Akashi's side


I stare my Tetsuya who are sleeping peacefully.

I learn down to kissing on his beautiful's soft lips

Hmm? Looks like Tetsuya woke up

When I hear his cough after trying sitting on the bed.

I offering a drink of water and give it to Tetsuya. He accept it and drink slowly.

I patting his back gently.

Tetsuya thanking me for helping

I said I don't mind

We chatting about an hour later

Looks like I have to go but I manage cancel the meeting last minutes.

Just one canceled meeting won't hurt me.

Tetsuya is a top priority here.



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