Soul Link

By Mondogecko12345

230 21 14

Heya, just a thing from the writer of this story... CUT ME SOME SLACK. I'm 16. I know nothing about writing s... More

Day Out
Sudden Realization
Killer Instinct
The Nightmare
Bonding Time
Leaked Information
House Party

The Visit

94 3 13
By Mondogecko12345

A/N: Heya reader I'm here to tell you a head of time I'm a huge Undertale fan so most of the things in this book are Undertale related or heavily changed the story. But you don't need to know anything about Undertale to enjoy it just saying this so people don't say crap in the comments also if you didn't already please read the description on the front page. OK that's about it please enjoy

The sound of my alarm clock breaks through the quiet and dark room. I turn it off so I don't have to hear the sound of nails on a chalkboard any longer. Sitting up in my bed I open my eyes and grab my glasses. And get ready to start the day when. After my eyes have adjusted to the dark I see a girl sitting at the end of my bed. If any horror movie has taught me anything i'm about to die. I know it's not Lilie. I'm the one who wakes her up for school. I don't blame her. It is 5:45 but still who is this?

"... ummmm heya... so....who the hell are you? and why are you in my room?"
Please don't kill me. Just then she turns toward me and inches from my face her eyes are pitch black with glowing red slits like a cat's eye with black fluid flowing from her eyes and mouth. Thank god it's not dripping on my bed. But that is least of my worries

"Greetings MY name is chara and i am a ghost from hell with the soul purpose to get you to kill yourself."



"am i half asleep because you do realize how dumb that sounds right?"

"Dumb! how is it dumb and why are you not scared of me!"
Is this girl for real? Is she really a ghost?...crap I still have to get ready for school!

"ummmm...could you get off me please?"

"Why are you scared?"
As if..

"no it's just that...well you're pinning a guy who's in his underwear in his bed inches away from his face."
After saying that the whole mood changed. And her eyes changed to a normal tint of red color and her eyes and mouth stopped leaking black stuff.

Even her voice changed to a less demonic voice to a normal sounding girl. As she screams she floats into the air and I can see that she is blushing. I guess she really is a ghost.

"Uggh get your mind out of the gutter you perv!"

"pffft hehehehe"

She is clearly embarrassed.

"sorry sorry i didn't mean to spook you" I say pretty happy at the pun I made.

"This might be harder than I thought"
she says this while floating in the middle of my room with her legs and arms crossed still blushing. "I really want to hit you, right now"

"ha to bad you can't you're a ghost you can't hi—" Just as i'm about to finish my cocky statement she punches me in the arm. She hit me? How?

"Ghost's aren't like the ones in your stories. Ghosts can only interact with the person their soul is linked to and that can only happen when they are assigned to get them to commit" This is no joke. I know I'm not dreaming or half asleep. Just before anything else can be said my door opens.

"Fred are you ok it's time to get up, oh you're awake. Get dressed"
My sister Lilie opens the door to check on me. That's right I usually wake her up

"yeah, yeah sorry"

"By the way who were you talking to?"
Crap she heard me!

"oh sorry i think i might have been thinking out loud sorry"
Good save Fred. Why thank you Fred. Oh stop I could not have done it without Fred's help. Oh stop you're going to make me blush.

"Ok whatever"
she then leaves closing the door behind her. With that I get out of bed and start to get dressed ready to start the day...WAIT!

"how come lilie couldn't see you?"

"Are you that brain dead remember we are soul linked I can only interact with you and you alone"
Oh yeah that's right. How long does she plan to stay anyway? Well it does not matter I need to start the day I have wasted too much time as it is.

A/N: this if Fred's casual school clothes

As the school day goes on Chara is always looming over my shoulder making me very uncomfortable. I can't take it anymore. And I ask to use the bathroom. This will be a good chance to get some answers. When we enter the bathroom Chara enters with me blushing and looking down and the ground.

"ok first of all why did you enter the bathroom with me and second i need some answers and third... well there is no third but i thought it would sound cool."
She looks at me and sighs.

"Well if you are asking I need to be within a close range of you 24/7, they're happy" Well that makes sense.

"ok also why me. why try to get me to kill myself, and why not just kill me why do i have to do it?"

"I don't know this is my first job. I don't know why I was assigned to you or why they want you to die but I do know the reason I can't just kill you is because that would be breaking the rules."
Ok it does make sense that rules would be put in place so the dead can't interact with the living.

"ok one more thing"


"tell me more about yourself" after saying that her mode changed completely.

"W-wh-why do you care!"

"well since we are going to be with each other for a long time might as well get to know each other"

"Long time what do you mean!"
She's inches from my face. She looks really pissed. Why did I say something wrong?

"well I don't plan on killing myself anytime soon and being around you doesn't sound like the worst thing ever. maybe if i could get to know you better we could be... friends" I look up at her and she looks really...pissed.

"Friends...Friends! You think I would want to be friends with a loser like you! ghosts to do our research to the person we are trying to kill. And you are a loser. And to think you're insane enough to be friends with a horrible demon like me. You really are an idiot.." She's doing her creepy face to me and the things she said hurt but still I want to get to know her. I don't know why for some reason I just do. And for some reason I don't believe she meant the things she said. "What are you falling in love with me? Are you that desperate for love that you are willing to go for a demon hahaha you are a sad excuse for a human!" Love? Where did she get that from? I mean sure the whole get to know you was pretty corny but still. I don't think love is a good thing to begin with all it does is get people hurt.

"love? hehehe man has it been a while since i heard that to be honest most people in this hell whole of a school hate me or think I'm a loser who the hell would ever love me so i have excepted the fact that i will die alone"
I have been hurt countless times from fake love that those words hurt something from my own mouth

that got her. Even her creepy face is going away. "My name is chara, I am 17, my brith day is march 20th and I am a demon/ghost with the job to try to get you to kill yourself I know nothing else. I know nothing of my past life I don't even know my last name"
Wow that is really sad...wait

"wait, you're older than me. i'm 16 turning 17 in june. Anyway you know alot about me anyway right?"

"Yup I did my homework on you don't worry and chill out. I'm only older by 3 months it's not that big a deal."

"ok, we cool?" I say letting out a sigh of defeat

"Sure but i'm still going to try to get you to killyourself"

"sure whatever you say" After that we go back to class school goes as normal until we go to my A.G class

"What wrong are you acting weird today?" Evan said. he's a good friend of mine but if you ask me he is kind of a megalomaniac.

"oh no i'm fine your just reading to much into things again"

"Ok if you say so"

"So that's the megalomaniac that back stabbed you during freshman year?"
Wait she knows about that. Wow I guess she really does do her homework. I nod my head not wanting to talk to her because I am sitting across from Evan so I don't want him to think I'm insane. I think Chara got the idea of that too.

"Hey Fred"


"Are you acting off because of a girl?"

"i- ummm-w-we-well you se-see"

I look over at Chara and she looks just as surprised that Evan got that.
"So who's the unlucky gal"

"You bastard what the hell do you mean unlucky"

"Relax, I'm messing with you, you're a great guy and you need to put yourself out there. You shut down after the whole Alli—"
I slam down on the table and give him a state of pure anger. He looked at me a little surprised I would stand up for myself to him of all people. Evan is one of the school's top wrestlers after all. I look over at Chara and she is stunned that I would do that to, I bet that outburst was not in any of her info on me. I'm usually laid back, did him almost saying her name really tip me over the edge that much. One thing is for sure I don't feel that way for her anymore. No matter

"Fred chill, I'm sorry... Do you still like her?"

"no, no i don't"

"Ok then so who is this lucky girl your after come on give me the details"

"ummmm well... you...see"
Just after I say that the bell rings and I am saved almost like someone was at a writers block...well i'm not going to put much thought into it. Nothing else happens for the rest of the day. So we go home and while in my room I'm chilling in my bed when Chara ask's something I knew was going to happen at some point.

"Soooooo doooooo you still like Allison"
I sit up in my bed and then remember she knows almost my whole life but out of all the things she knows about Allison.

"right you know about almost my whole life of course you know about her. and to answer your question no not anymore."

"Alright I believe you."

"so is it fun floating in circles because you have been doing that for a while now"

"Yeah it's like swimming so yeah it's fun" after some more bad and forth talk until it gets late.

"hey do you sleep"

"I don't need to but I do enjoy it"

"so where are you going to sleep"

"I'll think of something, trust me"

"alright goodnight"

"Yup you too"

I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of talking scared that someone broke in. I soon realized that it's Chara's voice. I try to find out where it is coming from. I soon realized that the sound was coming from outside my window on the roof. I decide to put on my clothes then go to take the screen off my window and climb out on the roof.

"What are you doing"

"sorry, when i saw you out here i was dead worried about you" that was a good one.


"You come out here to think?"

"Yeah I guess you could say that" We sit in silence for a while. It really is a nice night.

"you mind if i ask what you were thinking about, or no?" I ask hoping that she will open up to me more.

"Well... I was trying to remember my past life"

"any luck"

"A little I can remember I had a mom and a dad and a brother around the same age as me but I wish I could remember there names and their faces" It must suck not being able to remember your own family I don't think I would be able to live without my family let alone forget about them.

"well if you ever need someone to talk to i'm here. ok?" Her face now looks very confused.

"Why are you being so nice to me? You don't even know me and i'm trying to get you to killyourself remember?"

"someone once told me that even the worst person can change, that everyone can be a person if they just try. as for you, you don't seem like you want me to die. you seem like a great person who just wants someone to be around, or was forced to do this job and had no choice but to do it. so just know i'm here for you if you ever need it. I just want to lift your Spirits" After saying all that she looks stunned but also mad at the pun I made.

"You really are an idiot" And as she says that she gives me a hug, I can't believe she did this then I remember about the whole soul link nonsense that she can touch me. After the hug ends which was pretty fast I say good night climb though the window closing it gets undressed and hop back in bed happy to know I made an odd new friend.

✂☟⚐🕈 ✋☠❄☜☼☜💧❄✋☠☝ ❄☟✋💧 💧❄⚐☼✡ 👍⚐🕆☹👎 ❄🕆☼☠ ⚐🕆❄ ❄⚐ 👌☜ ✞☜☼✡ ☞🕆☠ ❄⚐ ☹⚐⚐😐 ✋☠❄⚐📪 ✋ ❄☟✋☠😐 ✋ 🕈✋☹☹ 💧❄✋👍😐 ✌☼⚐🕆☠👎 ❄⚐ ❄☟☜ ☜☠👎 🕈☟⚐ 😐☠⚐🕈💧 🕈☟✌❄ ☞🕆☠ ❄☟✋💧 👍⚐🕆☹👎 👌☜📬︎📬︎📬︎✂ I wake up from my dream not knowing what voice I just weird, hell I could barely understand him if only it could be translated.

A/N: alright that's the first day/chapter hope you enjoyed if you did that's great and I'm hoping to update it once every one to two week maybe three of things don't work out at home and I hope you continue to read my stuff thank you again.

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