Mortal Kombat: Mileena's Reco...

By Infinitii_FGC

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(Sequel to Mileena's Fate) The memory of Mileena has been haunting her fellow warriors for two centuries. Nei... More

Chapter One: Starting Anew
Chapter Two: The Fallen
Chapter Three: Old Bonds
Chapter Four: Darkness
Chapter Five: Old Hatreds
Chapter Six: The Journey
Chapter Seven: The Mission
Chapter Eight: Homecoming
Chapter Nine: The Plan
Chapter Ten: Chaotic Order
Chapter Twelve: Reuniting?
Chapter Thirteen: The Objective
Chapter Fourteen: Ressurections
Chapter Fifteen: Recollections
Chapter Sixteen: Trust
Chapter Seventeen: Enenra
Chapter Eighteen: To Live
Chapter Nineteen: Puzzling
Chapter Twenty: Conflicting
Chapter Twenty-One: Choices
Chapter Twenty-two: Sisterhood
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Battle
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Kahnum
Chapter Twenty-Five: War of The Realms
Final Chapter

Chapter Eleven: Retaliation

101 1 0
By Infinitii_FGC


Mileena and Nitara proceed through the realm by air. Nitara's hands grip Mileena's shoulders as they soar in the skies of the Order Realm. Mileena is skeptical of Nitara and has many questions for her, one especially being how she was aware of her future treachery. She never recalled one of the emperor's servants being a Moroi. The most exotic of beings serving as his mere servant would be the Kytinn, D'Vorah. Other than that, this Nitara seems to be a...mystery.

Mileena's eyes scan the terrain hundreds of feet below and she spots what appears to be a large crowd holding off the Seidan guard.

"Down there!" Mileena points to the ground below.

"I see them, shall we?" Nitara asks.

Mileena merely nods. She knows trickery when she sees it, therefore Nitara will have to prove her worth quite greatly. Though, if she was a mere servant of the emperor and did not inform him of her intentions, perhaps she also plots treachery. Intriguing...this Nitara.

Nitara swoops downward, the flapping of her wings increasing the closer they come to the ground. Shouting from the rebels and Seidan guards fills the air and as does the clashing of metal. Some of the Seiden guard spot them and shouts followed by arrows begin to fling into the sky toward their direction. The Seidan guards are each draped in the same navy blue armor, outlined in gold with helmets to match. All of the opposing forces are draped in bronze and navy armor, though not as mighty as the Seidan guards' armor. Nitara swerves out of their way, keeping a good grip on Mileena to ensure she does not fall.

Mileena's hands travel to her sais, unsheathing them from her back straps anxiously as Nitara continues down to the stone terrain. As they come to land, Mileena tosses her sai at a Seidan guard that pierces directly through his neck, quelling his existence instantly. The blood flies as Mileena vanishes in magenta bliss from Nitara's grasp and reappears in front of her victim. She quickly removes her sai from his neck which causes the blood to spill over and she kicks him to the ground with no remorse.

She charges to the nearest Seidan guard with a sadistic smile as Nitara lands behind Mileena. Her eyes land on a rebel being attacked by two guards. Without thinking, she flaps her wings slightly, charging toward him. Just as one of the guards attempt to swing his blade at the rebel Nitara pounces onto him from the back and bites into his carotid artery, absorbing his blood swiftly. His shouts attract the attention of the other guard that aimed to attack the rebel. He turns to Nitara with eyes of fear.

"By the Gods..." he mumbles with wide eyes.

Nitara drains the guard quickly, just before going airborne with him in her arms and throwing his body to the remaining guard. She lands back on the ground gracefully and turns to the rebel with a smile who eyes her in awe. She then takes off toward Mileena.

Mileena uses her sais to rapidly slice the armor of the Seidan guards. Each who dared to approach met a swift death, and those apart of the rebellious forces took note of the two women who slayed more guards than even they. The number of guards were greatly reducing within a short amount of time, much shorter than usual. Most run and attempt to surround Mileena. She twists her sais with grace as the crowd of guards surround her completely. Without warning they each charge at her.

She somersaults and impales the nearest guard in the abdomen, leaving her sai planted into his flesh just before rolling toward another enemy with her signature magenta energies engulfing her, knocking her enemies off of their feet. She uses her hands to flip onto the shoulders of another, stabbing through his helmet and cranium with her sai before withdrawing it. She then vanishes and reappears in the air, delivering a kick to yet another guard. Her heel punctures through their helmet and skull, paralyzing them as she brings him to the ground. She removes her heel swiftly as she prepares for another attack.

Another approaching guard swings his blade, nearly cutting Mileena. She teleports to the sai she left behind in the flesh of a perished guard. The guard feels confused and turns only to meet Nitara. A ball of blood erupts from her mouth and shoots forward to the guard's face. He then becomes distorted, attempting to get the blood off of his skin which increases in acidic levels. It begins sizzling and burning his eyes causing him to shout and frantically run. After a moment he falls to the ground in an agonizing scream.

As a random guard attempts to approach Mileena once more, Nitara flaps her wings and dashes to him. She catches him before he manages to swing his pike and drains his blood from the left side of his neck from behind. Mileena smiles at this.

"How pleasant...she feasts upon her enemies such as I," Mileena considers in her head.

The other guards spot this and as if in seconds a loud voice booms, "Retreat!" and their forces begin to fall back.

A loud cheer begins to erupt from the crowd as Nitara continues to feast in front of Mileena. She retracts her teeth from the guard who is now nearly dead.

"Care to taste?" Nitara states with a sinister grin on her bloody lips.

Mileena sends the same look back as her features divert to Tarkatan. She closes the distance and takes a bite into his flesh on the other side of his neck. Nitara then continues along with Mileena, though Mileena chews on the flesh and drinks the crimson substance rather than merely settling for the blood alone like Nitara.

Seconds pass as the guard's body falls completely limp and his skin begins to dry quickly, resembling a raisin. As if in unison they drop the body and face each other in delight.

"Perhaps your worth was underestimated," Mileena  hypothesizes, coming to somewhat change her opinion on Nitara.

Nitara enjoys hearing such words, eager to make Mileena see in any way the only harm she wishes to inflict is harm against the emperor. Little did they notice the crowd of rebels were each facing them in awe. One steps forward, coming toward the two women with high curiosity. They turn toward the man, remembering the task at hand.

"Why by the Gods, I have yet to see such a seductive duo grace the battle field such as this!" he sheathes his weapons and bows. "I am known as Darrius, and I lead what you see before you known as the Seidan Resistance," he introduces.

He resembles the image Mileena was given earlier. She knows this is the man Shinnok has his sights on. His forces wear the same, or very similar gear, that he does. Though his wide shades, goatee and bald head do stand out. His armor seems to be sturdier as well.

"Darrius you say? Just the one I was searching for," Mileena comes closer earning a curious grin from him.

"You search for me?"

"Indeed. I have come to offer you a deal," she states.

He listens closely, as does his forces.

"Shinnok, the one you may know as the fallen Elder God which resides in the Nether Realm, would like to ask for your partnership. I come to bear the message," Mileena explains.

He raises an eyebrow.

"An alliance?"

"Yes, a partnership between the Nether Realm and the Order Realm, strictly for the Seidan Resistance, your forces, and the Nether Realm forces under the Brotherhood of Shadow lead by Shinnok," she adds.

He begins to rub his chin in wonder.

"Such a huge offer on such short notice. What say my forces?" he turns to the crowd, questioning them.

The crowd erupts into cheer with many sounding positive. With that, Darrius turns his attention back to the two women.

"It seems as though I have decided. Judging by how well you two handled yourselves on the battlefield against the Seidan Guard, I assume your forces must share that same strength," he compliments. "I agree to your terms, however I request warriors to assist us in the revolt against the general of the Seidan Guard, Hotaru, in exchange for my partnership."

Mileena nods.

"And that you shall have. I shall inform Shinnok."

He grins and takes a few steps back.

"I shall open a portal back to the realm for you, a show of appreciation for assisting us in this skirmish," Darrius says with a smile.

"I thank you," Mileena states as he begins to use a device to open the portal before them.

Mileena turns to Nitara with eyes of intrigue.

"You on the other hand have sparked my interest. I will see you again," Mileena states.

Not wanting her to follow or have difficulty locating her in Outworld once she returns, Mileena thinks of the one thing a Moroi uses to track. She extends her hand, creates a small cut on the side of her palm and lets the blood drip onto Nitara's hand.

"I shall return to Outworld soon, you will locate me," Mileena says just as she turns her attention back to Darrius who stands near the newly opened portal.

She walks through with a smile to Darrius, and arrives back in Nekros. The civilians of Nekros watch the portal with awe and once Mileena steps through they continue to go about their business, wanting to avoid certain death. This pleases Mileena.

"Eventually this will be Outworld gazing upon me in fear," she thinks to herself in delight.

All of a sudden flames engulf her body and she vanishes, reappearing in front of the throne of Shinnok. She stands at attention, ready to inform him of Darrius' decision.

"What of the Order Realm?" Shinnok inquires as he sits upon his throne.

"Darrius was more than eager to comply, yet asks for reinforcements from the Nether Realm to assist in his revolt against the Seidan Guard," Mileena replies.

"That is no issue, I suppose I shall send mere oni to assist," Shinnok grins at this, as does Mileena. "Great work my sweet, I shall send you on your way to Outworld to begin assisting more in the progress of our plan," Shinnok says.

"What of Kitana? Only at certain times does my mind seem to access her own. I have no clue what rock she hides beneath. I demand to know her location," Mileena's gaze hardens.

Shinnok takes to his feet as he opens the portal and then begins to approach Mileena casually.

"And her location you shall have as we agreed. Her thoughts will enter your mind more the closer you are to her," he says, maintaining his grin.

Mileena begins to think. Should that be the case, when has she managed to access Kitana's innermost thoughts the most? Mileena peers at Shinnok as her mind concentrates on her mental question at hand. She has heard Kitana's thoughts before in the Nether Realm, though other than that most of the links to her past and access to Kitana's thoughts have all mostly occurred in Outworld. Outworld! Kitana must be in Outworld, but why when the emperor hunts for her head?

"Yes, I see. I shall return to Outworld," she says quickly as she ventures through the portal without another word.

That was the only lead she needed. Now once she meets with the two sorcerers and discusses her plan with Tanya she can possibly seek her vengeance much more quickly than expected.

She arrives in the middle of the fortress, the main lobby of many lobbies the fortress possesses, mere feet away from Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. She approaches them as they conversate and stand near the capsule containing the soul of her 'mother.' They spot her and turn to her.

"Ah, Mileena. Arriving from the Nether Realm?" Quan Chi questions.

"Yes, what of the progress of the plan?" she asks.

"The sorcery is ready to take effect, however the emperor is gathering the finest of his forces to ensure the Earth Realm raid shall not fail," Shang Tsung cuts in.

Loud footsteps are heard approaching and they all turn to meet none other than the emperor himself. He is accompanied by Kano, Tanya, and a group of about twenty Black Dragon clan members. The look on the emperor's face shows one of annoyance as they come closer.

"Emperor," Quan Chi and Shang Tsung bow their heads.

"Sorcerers, daughter. I have been informed that assassins have infiltrated my realm. I demand each of their lives, however many there are, taken. We cannot afford any interruptions at such a time as this!" the emperor's anger displays itself.

"Yeah, I ain't too keen on people killin' off my clan!" Kano adds, earning a small cheer from his clan.

Mileena locks eyes with Tanya as the others continue.

"I would be more than happy to end this pathetic threat," Shang Tsung announces harshly.

The emperor turns his hard gaze to him.

"No, I have an alternative idea," he then turns his attention to Mileena. "I am sending Kano and his forces to bring back their heads, as well as Mileena and Tanya. They shall know the error of their ways," the emperor pronounces. He begins to pace back and forth angrily. "Last I was informed by my forces, it was stated that they are crossing over the mountains in the east. That is where I shall send each of you," he finalizes.

As if it were on queue, Quan Chi begins to chant and open the designated portal.

"Daughter, the merger is on its way to completion. Once you return from your duties you shall lead a militia of my finest warriors into battle against Earth Realm," he states.

Mileena nods.

"Yes father," it pains her to allow that title to escape her lips.

Quan Chi opens the olive portal swiftly and steps to the right allowing the Black Dragon forces to begin walking through as the emperor turns his attention to Kano.

"Do not fail me," the emperor warns solely him just before heading back to his throne room, leaving his forces.

Kano's expression displays his rather large ego, as well as his slight concern of possible failure. Tanya approaches Mileena with a smile and they both proceed to walk through the portal with Kano following behind. Their surroundings become hazy momentarily and they soon find themselves atop of the mountain range. The Black Dragon clan members already wander, preparing for an ambush.

Though this is no ordinary mountain range. Many cliffs make up the center of the mountain and the only way to cross it would be to use the narrow bridge walkways that connect to each cliff. The center cliff seems to be the largest. Venturing around does not seem to be an option either, for gaps in the mountain grace each side. Once the assassins make it up, they will be noticed without a doubt.

Mileena, Tanya, and Kano stand upon the center cliff. Mileena walks near the edge and peers downward only to find spikes that appear to be sharpened from the mountain itself hundreds of feet below, most stained with blood and appear crimson. Several bodies linger down there, some caught head first on a spike and others impaled through the abdomen. Mileena grins at this just before turning to her comrades.

"Should these unknown assassins happen to defeat us, their chances of traveling across this complicated terrain with death waiting below their feet is slim," she concludes.

Kano peers down the cliff to land eyes on what Mileena was referring to. Seeing the astronomical amount of bodies and deathtraps he lets out a long whistle, only to hear it echo back to him. He chuckles.

"You're right about that baby! They'll be gone in a jiffy!" he almost shouts as he turns to the two with a smug grin. "I'll take point over there with my forces, you two stay right here."

Tanya and Mileena nod as he begins to use one of the narrow bridges to catch up to his forces. He crosses it with ease and begins shouting commands to his warriors to better form their ambush.

Mileena then faces Tanya with curiosity.

"Any progress on our plan?" Mileena questions in a low voice.

"But of course, I am one to accomplish things quickly," she says as she comes closer with a grin. "I hired services to locate information on the unmerging of realms. Fortunately for us this was no ordinary thief, he was even a member of the Black Dragon," Tanya states.

"Was?" Mileena's eyes hold interest as a smile graces her face. "Continue."

"A book was stolen from the emperor's possession that I thought no longer existed, or at least not many issues of it for that matter. The text is ancient, yet reveals the science behind a realm merger as well as how to reverse it," Tanya explains.

"That is splendid," Mileena raises an eyebrow, "this means we can finalize our plans." Mileena realizes as she raises an eyebrow in interest. "Where is it?"

"Safely hidden within my quarters. Though deciphering it takes time, therefore I have not gotten the pleasure to read each of its contents yet. It did however mention that when a realm is merged, an orb is created. These orbs are what hold a realm together," she adds.

Mileena takes this information in.

"How interesting..." she begins to think. "Once we complete this mission for the emperor we must return quickly to finish the script and formulate the rest of our plan. This could mean...everything," Mileena says in awe.

The information of the realms at the tip of their fingers. Mileena would have never thought she would be here betraying her false father so blindly. It gives her a sense of self accomplishment and relief.

" could," Tanya agrees.

Tanya keeps her eyes on Mileena's white orbs that begin to glow.

"Mileena?" she comes closer to a now docile Mileena.

Thoughts rush to Mileena's mind, overriding her senses.

"I wish Jade would get her rest...we have mere hours until we begin moving once more," Kitana's thoughts fill Mileena's head.

Mileena finds herself unable to concentrate on Tanya who stands in front of her with worried eyes. Tanya then begins to shake Mileena, hoping to break her away from such a state. Mileena gasps as her eyes divert back to their plain white form, ceasing to glow.

"What has been happening to you as of late?" Tanya worries.

Mileena finds herself unable to answer her, for not even she knows.

"Kitana's thoughts are linked to my mind. Shinnok gave me this ability. He also-" Mileena's eyes widen.

"What is it?" Tanya peers into her eyes.

"He also informed me the closer I am to her presence the more her thoughts will come rushing into my mind. That means the..."

"The assassins must be she and Jade!" Tanya concludes.

Tanya's eyes narrow at the thought of Jade, and Mileena smiles wickedly at the thought of ripping into the flesh of Kitana.

"They plan to move soon, we shall remain here until the sun rises," Mileena proposes.

"Splendid, a plus for once we capture both Edenia and Outworld," Tanya grins.

A whistling noise is then heard above their heads. They both face the sky, landing eyes on a woman with large bat-like wings, draped in a red leotard with one of her eyes concealed by a red scarf. Mileena smiles at this as she comes closer, recognizing her as Nitara. She lands on the center cliff before their eyes, placing her wings at rest.

"I found you as promised," Nitara states.

Tanya reaches for her kobu jutsu only to have Mileena place her arm in front of Tanya, indicating the Moroi is no threat.

"Indeed you have, now explain why you wish to oppose the emperor and how you knew of my plot," Mileena demands.

Tanya watches Mileena with a shocked expression. A third recruit out of random? Tanya does not like the odds of their plan now, nor did Mileena ever say anything of this warrior. Nitara sighs heavily just before readying herself to give an explanation.

"The emperor merged my realm, Vaeternus, with Outworld long ago. After the capture of my realm, my capture for wanting to resurrect my home came along with it. I attempted to do what I assumed was a way to unmerge my realm, which only ended up being a wild goose chase and for a millenia I was imprisoned down below in the emperor's fortress." Tanya and Mileena listen actively. "Where you came in...I infiltrated the emperor's forces under disguise in attempts to end his life. However when I overheard the two of you speaking in your quarters the night you returned, I knew there lie fates that will suit him much greater than death."

Mileena crosses her arms.

"How would we know whether or not you are secretly apart of his forces and attempting to catch us in the act of treason?" Tanya questions defensively.

Nitara's eyes travel to her figure.

"I despise that fool. I only ask for your assistance so I can also unmerge my realm, for I alone cannot get near him long enough to do so," Nitara's voice holds honesty.

Mileena's eyes turn to Tanya, her expression asking what she thinks of this.

"Perhaps you can be of use afterall. Should we successfully unmerge Edenia, followed by your realm, it could be more power for our forces," Tanya states. "However should I get the slightest idea you intend betrayal I shall make certain the unmerger of your realm is the least of your worries," her voice hardens along with her gaze.

Nitara nods her head.


Mileena then eases her posture and comes closer to Nitara.

"Assist us in our current mission for the emperor. However it is best you lie low out of his sight. We could use an ally in the shadows," she suggests.

"Agreed," Nitara says. "But what of your other allies?" Nitara questions, referencing the Black Dragon in the distance.

"They are of no importance. They follow koin, not loyalty," Mileena adds.

Tanya is still hesitant on trusting Nitara. As is Mileena, but true deceptionists never display true feelings. Nitara shall prove her worth to the two of them in due time.

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