
De ShannonRobinson9

346K 10.6K 403

*Fan fiction inspired from the Netflix series The Witcher* Geralt of Rivia is a Witcher. For many years he h... Mais

The Reunion
Authors Note


7.1K 230 14
De ShannonRobinson9

After opening herself back up the world, Elena began to learn more and more under Nenneke's careful guidance. Her powers were stronger than ever. In six months she had learned how to harness the weather, changing it from summer to winter in minutes. She healed a great many of sick people and managed to swiftly bring an end to the sweating fever in a nearby village. She learned to see inside the minds of animals, they didn't have thoughts like humans, but she could hear their needs and wants, and she could calm their restless minds. She was amazed that she could do the same with creatures that the druids had considered monsters. The most amazing thing she done, was bring a child back from the dead. Just like she had done with the dove. It took many days for her to recover but the child lived. And she was healthy and happy once more because of Elena. It filled her with pride and gratefulness for her powers. She grew to respect them more, and slowly began to understand that she had been placed on this earth for a purpose. It was to save and help these humans.

Although she was happy and strong, and very much at peace with Nenneke. She missed her small home and her meadow.
And she missed Geralt. It didn't hurt as much to think of him now. Not that the pain has lessened, but rather that she had grown stronger. And learned to be thankful for their time together, rather than dwell on the fact that he wasn't hers anymore. But part of her secretly knew he always would be hers. She had seen inside his heart and his mind. And he loved her, maybe just as much as she loved him. He left her so she could fulfil her destiny. He knew that she would choose him over everything, that she wasn't strong enough to make the right decision. So he made it for her. Even though it meant he'd be ripping his own heart out. He done it for her, so she could be where she is today. And it made it impossible for her to be angry with him. He sacrificed his happiness for her. If the shoe were on the other foot, and she felt she was holding him back, she knew she would have done the same. Geralt only wanted the very best for her, even if it meant he didn't get to be a part of it.
Pure and selfless love.
He still starred in most of her dreams. She didn't wake up screaming anymore. She simply lay in bed awake and thought of him. She sometimes tried to reach out with her mind and see if she could find him, but she never could. She hoped he was safe and happy. She hoped one day she would see him again.

From Nenneke's tireless studies, Elena learned that she had no memories of childhood because she had came to earth already in adult form. She was technically eight years old. But she would live for centuries, if she was careful. The thought of living that long terrified her but it meant that the chances of crossing paths with Geralt were very much in her favour.

Elena was in her favourite place in the garden. She was sat on a grey marble bench, which was placed a stones throw away from the great, stone fountain. The water that poured from the stone koi's mouths, bubbled into the pool of water, making the water lilies swirl.
It was so peaceful here. She closed her eyes and listened to the sounds of birds speaking to one another in their musical voices.
"You know, Geralt loved to come her too," Nenneke's voice coming from behind her,  tinged with nostalgia. Elena opened her eyes and smiled warmly at her friend, as Nenneke scooted onto the bench beside her. She had grown to love and care for Nenneke very much. "He used to sit here and brood for hours." Elena gave small laugh, her head shaking slightly. "I still think he's a giant oaf for leaving!" Nenneke tutted. "Bloody Geralt! Always trying to be the hero. You'd think he would have learned by now."
"Now, now Nenneke... He's just a man after all," Elena chided her friend playfully.
"Yes. A great, big, stupid man!" Nenneke drawled. Elena laughed loudly. Nenneke still hadn't forgiven Geralt for leaving. And she didn't blame her. It had been Nenneke who had to watch Elena's pain and try and pick up the pieces. She wouldn't grudge her a few angry words at his expense. Truth be told, a small part of her secretly enjoyed it.

"I think we should do a little seance with Iola again. I'm intrigued to see what your destiny holds now. Being on the path that you are," Nenneke said nonchalantly.
"I don't see why not," Elena said, shrugging her dainty shoulders. "It's been a while since I've shown you two who's the master telepath in this Temple." Elena anticipating Nenneke's playful swat, dodged it easily.
"You insolent little swine!" Nenneke teased, as she chased Elena back into the temple. They always laughed and joked this way with one another. They drifted along the corridor, hand in hand as they made their way towards Iola's chambers.

Iola embraced them both warmly as soon as they entered her room. She didn't ever speak of course but Elena knew that Iola cared deeply for them. They sat on the floor together and took each other's hands wordlessly. Nenneke had learnt to let Elena lead, as it was impossible for either of them to get inside Elena without her sharing her life force with them. Elena had learned just how much to share without overwhelming them, and the three of them sat like this often, sharing one another's energy, love and thoughts. It wasn't long before Iola started to trance. Elena felt the girl twitch and let herself be pulled deeper into the girls mind. Iola's mind was usually calm, sweet and a generally nice place to be. But when she tranced it felt cold and strange, like it did now. Elena shuddered as the images started flowing through her mind. She gasped as she realised she was looking at Geralt. He looked strong and healthy but there was something so very sad about his eyes that almost broke her heart. But there was something else that frightened her more. He seemed wrong. He looked like her Geralt but there something very wrong inside him. He needed help. Elena very much wanted to reach into Iola's vision and make it all better. But just as suddenly as it appeared, it vanished.

The three women opened their eyes and looked at one another. Nenneke and Iola looking straight at Elena, their bodies tense, waiting for her to explode or breakdown. But their fear wasn't necessary. She wasn't upset, she felt oddly calm. Elena already knew what she needed to do. She had to help him. Why else would Iola have shown her this?
Suddenly her mind filled with the vision Iola has shown her long ago, the one of Geralt with black hair. She couldn't help but compare it to the Geralt she had seen today.
Oh! Of course! How did I not see this before? Realisation flooded through her hot and insistent. Elena knew exactly how she would help him. She got abruptly to her feet and dashed out of the chamber and towards the temples exit. Nenneke calling anxiously behind her, "Elena! Please wait!" She cried. And she did. Elena stopped running and turned to face them, she could feel the massive smile that was on her face. "Please, calm down Nenneke! I'm alright. I know what to do. Just trust me!"
"What do you mean you know what to do?" Nenneke panted, her round body exerted from the short sprint.
"Nenneke," Elena could hardly contain her excitement, as she placed her hands on the woman's shoulders and looked straight into her brown eyes. "I'm going to make Geralt human." Nenneke's mouth popped open in a surprised "O". Elena giggled gleefully, as she let her hands drop from her shoulders and she bounded away from her again.
"But wait! How will you find him?" Nenneke cried after her. Elena shrugged, she knew she would find him. There had been something she was meaning to try for a while and now seemed like the perfect time. She closed her eyes and simply thought one word... fly.
She felt something pull suddenly between her shoulder blades, and she rolled her shoulders at the feeling, and out popped two great, golden wings. They shimmered and pulsed like  they way Geralt had once described her powers to her. She was oddly glad that they weren't made of feathers. Elena screamed in delight as they seemed to move at her will effortlessly. They carried her easily up into to air and she looked down at her friends on the ground, she laughed as she heard their shocked screams.
She quickly shook off her elation of having wings and got back to the reason why she needed them.
Right... Now, I just need to find him.
She brought all her focus on the image Iola had shown her. Focusing on every detail of him so intensely it made her hands shake. Suddenly she felt something tugging gently at her chest. Her eyes flew open, and to her surprise, she saw a faint gold line that started from her heart and stretched on and on for miles in front of her. She didn't know how, but she knew it would lead her to him. Without a moments hesitation, she catapulted herself along it. The ground rushing below her at incredible speed.
I'm coming, Geralt.

The thought of seeing him again made her skin prickle in anticipation. She couldn't wait.
She didn't know how she knew that she could make him human. But she knew she could do it. Every fibre of her being was telling her that this is what needed to be done. She wasn't afraid. She felt exactly where she needed to be. The world spinning wildly past her, each mile bringing her closer to him. This was the choice she had needed to make all along.
It all made sense to her now.
She'd been sent here to save him. Geralt was her destiny.

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