Mortal Kombat: Mileena's Reco...

Oleh Infinitii_FGC

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(Sequel to Mileena's Fate) The memory of Mileena has been haunting her fellow warriors for two centuries. Nei... Lebih Banyak

Chapter One: Starting Anew
Chapter Two: The Fallen
Chapter Three: Old Bonds
Chapter Four: Darkness
Chapter Five: Old Hatreds
Chapter Six: The Journey
Chapter Seven: The Mission
Chapter Eight: Homecoming
Chapter Nine: The Plan
Chapter Eleven: Retaliation
Chapter Twelve: Reuniting?
Chapter Thirteen: The Objective
Chapter Fourteen: Ressurections
Chapter Fifteen: Recollections
Chapter Sixteen: Trust
Chapter Seventeen: Enenra
Chapter Eighteen: To Live
Chapter Nineteen: Puzzling
Chapter Twenty: Conflicting
Chapter Twenty-One: Choices
Chapter Twenty-two: Sisterhood
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Battle
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Kahnum
Chapter Twenty-Five: War of The Realms
Final Chapter

Chapter Ten: Chaotic Order

117 3 0
Oleh Infinitii_FGC

~Mileena POV~

I travel down the spiral staircase leading deeper into the Flesh Pits. Shame on the emperor to entrust me more when I aim to end his reign rather than before when all my motives were to blindly serve him.

On my way to see Quan Chi, Reiko summoned me to the emperor's side. There he officially crowned me heir to the throne of Outworld, princess Mileena Kahnum. The crowd was not large, though consisted of his closest warriors, dearest Tanya included. Never has he done any of the sorts for Kitana before. It lasted few hours, as he explained to his forces the plan of invasion. He also began preparing his army, assuring when the time comes Earth Realm shall fall to his mercy.

How late he realizes my true potential. The throne shall be mine regardless if he is alive and well or rotting in the Nether Realm. He no longer has a true supportive heir, assuming Kitana will not end her traitorous ways.

I now walk through the Flesh Pits, peering at all of the abominations Shang Tsung has created. To think that I was one of them, that my existence began in a mere test tube and not from the queen as I always believed. It never was simple to accept, to know I was merely appointed as the heir and not a true heir. However, decree is as thick as blood in this realm.

I continue to walk as I spot Quan Chi and Shang Tsung chanting around the soul in question that would quell the ward protecting Earth Realm. I wonder who exactly this soul is that shall be resurrected.

"Ah, Mileena," Quan Chi spots me and pauses his chanting.

"Yes," I speak calmly as I come face to face with he, Shang Tsung, the floating soul and a random portal.

"Shinnok would like to see you, I summoned a portal to your left in anticipation," he explains.

"I see, I shall return soon," I state.

He sends a nod as I advance to the portal. Before stepping through I turn around and shift my gaze from the soul back to Quan Chi.

"Out of curiosity...who exactly are we resurrecting?" I inquire.

They continue to chant, yet this time Shang Tsung pauses.

"The soul is no other than the queen, Sindel, your mother," he replies, his hands illuminating shades of red.

My eyes widen at bit at this revelation. It all makes sense, the emperor never did want to engage in conversation about her. All I knew was that she was dead. Never would I have guessed she was the soul that prevented my father from a simple merger. Well, it shall indeed be interesting to see 'mother' rise from the grave.

Hearing this, I turn back to the portal and walk through. As if in seconds there I was before the shimmering throne of Shinnok and he watching me with anticipation. I stand straight.

"Everything is in motion. Quan Chi and Shang Tsung have already progressed in the spell and the emperor considers me his daughter once more."

Shinnok grins devilishly.

"Then the Order Realm awaits my sweet. Locate Darrius at all costs," he commands.

I nod, not wishing to degrade myself further by addressing him as lord once again, as he opens a portal to my right. Eager to leave his presence, I waste no time in walking through the portal. As I pass through, flashes of bright light strike my eyes and random fragments of memories cloud my mind. It all too fast to pick a certain specific memory from, yet I feel as if I now contain a better understanding of my past self. Without even realizing, I had arrived on the other side on the portal. A gasp escapes my lips as I peer around anxiously.

It was no shock landing eyes on such an organized realm being that it is known as the Order Realm. Buildings in the distance were sorted by size, color, and the terrain was a smooth surface with the sturdiness of cement. I stand upon what appears to be a sidewalk, yet the entire landform is suspended in the air and circular. It is as if this realm is a much neater version of the Chaos Realm and much more calm. The architecture shares the same neon color scheme yet much more futuristic, especially the medium skyscrapers in the distance.

Not many civilians tread in the area in which I have arrived, none except a woman mere feet ahead walking toward what may be her home. Violet robes cover her figure, long brown hair reaches her mid-back and what looks like a scarf, also of violet, is wrapped around her head. I sense great familiarity from her appearance...yet I fail to comprehend why. I feel as if I know who she is, therefore I cannot resist to find out whether or not I do. I begin to follow her, trailing her every step fluently. I do not bother concealing my intentions, for I do not intend to invoke harm to her. Perhaps if I saw her face, and she mine, the memory would come back stronger. I know every memory risks my being as a specter but I care little. I must remember all of who I was if I am going to continue to be Mileena.

I pick up the pace, catching up to her in what seems like mere seconds. She suddenly stops, then turns to meet my curious gaze. Her facial features do not strike me as familiar, but her overall appearance and her way of presenting herself cannot elude my thoughts.

"Hello?" she speaks.

I cannot seem to concentrate, for my mind floods with memories.

"You know, there's more to you that meets the eye Mileena. I wish I was more like you," she says in a serious tone and sits on the bed.

"What do you mean? We are very alike," I say.

"Yes, but you are so clever, so misleading to even your own forces, I really admire it," she looks up at me smiling. I join her on the bed, sitting next to her.

I gasp as I peer at the woman in front of me. She was familiar no doubt, yet the one in my vision was not her. Who the woman was however, I may never know. She may be in my recollection yet...I seem not to know her at all.

"Are you alright?" the woman asks me.

I snap out of my dreary state and place a false smile on my face.

"Yes, you appeared familiar. My apologies," I state.

"It is fine," the woman smiles back, eager to engage in conversation.

Shinnok mentioned Darrius is a rebel of the Seidan guard, therefore she must know something about him. All citizens must, most likely.

"May I ask you a question?"

"Sure," she gives me her undivided attention and a gentle smile.

"Do you know the location of a man by the name of Darrius?" I question.

She gasps and her eyes slightly widen.

"Why of course! He is rebelling in the west as we speak!" she states. "I assume you wish to claim the bounty placed on him for his dead or alive capture in the name of order?"

I raise an eyebrow. I was unaware there was an award for his capture. This makes it even easier to locate him. However I shall not bring him harm unless he refuses the offer I have to deliver.

"Yes," I lie, earning an admirable glance from her.

She suddenly reaches into a pocket of her robe, pulls out what looks like a scroll and places it into my hands gently.

"This was given to me mere hours ago by the Seidan guard. I feel as though you could use it much more than I," she smiles.

I begin to unravel the scroll, viewing what I assume to be a portrait of Darrius as well as a large koin reward. I examine the image closely. His skin appears to be ebony and his bald head along with his goatee make him appear as an average mortal. Interesting. A name, location and a visual shall greatly improve the speed of my mission.

"I thank you," I tell her.

She continues to smile, displaying more kindness than a typical Earth Realmer would.

"It is my pleasure. Those who cause injustice deserve to be brought to order."

I nod, misleading her of my true intentions.

"Of course, I shall depart," I say with a smirk just before aiming to hunt this Darrius.

"Good luck!" I hear her shout to me as I continue.

He is currently rebelling in the west, which means that is where I shall go.


The warriors proceed through the desert like terrain. The mountains Blanche informed them of are visibly close ahead. Sub-Zero walks alongside Kung Lao and Li Mei who are led by Smoke. Kitana and Jade linger behind as always, wanting to avoid Smoke as fluently as possible during the duration of this mission to reclaim Edenia.

"I believe we could make it there in a matter of days. Our biggest obstacle is this mountain range," Sub-Zero states.

"It seems so," Li Mei replies, continuing her conversation between he and Kung Lao.

Smoke remains quiet for the most part, left alone to his thoughts. His mind ventures back to when Kitana had catered to his paralyzed state. It made his blood boil how the one person's life he yearns to take saved his own. Him being a man of honor feels as though he is somewhat indebted to her. Though, most of his being feels as though she has a lot more making up to do. Should he manage to bring Mileena back, and should she want revenge, he will not prevent her from taking it. Hell, he may even assist her. As of now, he still holds onto their grudge.

"Blanche...she assisted in raising me," Kitana explains to Jade in a low voice.

"Did she? How noble...did she ever know your mother, Sindel?"

Kitana turns to her with heavy hearted eyes.

"Indeed. She informed me that she took her own life to secure my soul," she explains.

Jade expresses a look of worry for Kitana. She places a hand amongst her shoulder.

"I deeply apologize Kitana. I never would have hypothesized she left this world in such a way."

Kitana smiles lightly.

"Neither would I."

Smoke comes to a halt as they approach the foot of the mountain. The terrain of it appears rather ragged, sandy and rocky, but a sandy trail leads all the way up the mountain. His eyes shift upward, analyzing the mountain and the somewhat narrow sandy trail that leads to the top. He wastes no time, immediately proceeding to the trail that leads upward to continue their quest.

The other warriors see this and attempt to catch up. However, Kitana analyzes the very top. The mountain is particularly high and contains more than one trail to the top, it would probably extend the trip merely climbing to the top. Then once at the top, one must travel across the peak until one climbs right back down on the other side, which may also take quite some time.

"Wait!" she decides to speak on it.

She approaches Smoke, brushing past Jade and the others. Surprisingly he pauses, turning to meet her eyes. Instead of acknowledging her with words he merely raises an eyebrow. The other warriors watch on in curiosity as the now afternoon sun beams down onto their backs.

"Why are you heading up the mountain? It would be less pestering should we merely go around. We know not of what lies at the top," Kitana declares.

Smoke lets out a frustrated sigh. He is tired of listening to his enemies' suggestions.

"No, we continue through the mountains. Why go around and waste time? We are better off going straight through without stopping," Smoke replies calmly, yet still holds a threatening tone.

Kitana's eyes narrow at his boldness.

"Going through this mountain could take up to two days, going around could be accomplished in merely one," her voice is stern.

Smoke confrontationally closes the distance between them, his aggression not going unnoticed.

"You get no say in what we do, let alone myself!" he shouts, his anger for Kitana still more than evident.

"You are not our leader! You never discuss a plan with the likes of any of us! We merely follow your lead due to your stubbornness!" she shoots back.

"We would not be here had it not been for your poorly placed judgement against your own sister!"

"Your foolish infatuation with the likes of Mileena is what got you here! Not my taking her life!"

Smoke draws a dagger and wraps his hand around her throat viciously as his breathing picks up the pace. Jade is the first to begin to rush to Kitana's aid, however she is held back by Li Mei.

"You will let her fight her own battles from this point on," Li Mei threatens, facing Jade with her hand cuffing the handle of her blade.

"You will not stand in my way," Jade replies with her glaive in hand.

"You stood in mine when it came to my sister, reap what you sew vile Edenian," she draws her blade, aiming it at Jade.

Jade attempts to toss her glaive at Li Mei in anger, which was only blocked by a hat toss from none other than Kung Lao.

"You will not bring harm to her," his eyes widen threatenly as his hat travels back to his grasp.

He comes in front of Li Mei defensively, ready to attack Jade should she try anything more. Jade faces him with enraged eyes, feeling incomplete for not being able to assist her closest ally. Her worried eyes find Kitana. Sub-Zero quickly advances to Smoke's left side, taking hold of his arm that threatens Kitana while the other clenches his dagger. His arm pulls on Smoke, fighting him to let her go.

"Foolish infatuation!?" Smoke's voice distorts and his eyes begin to illuminate a deep white, reflecting off of his dagger. "You have no clue who she was or what she meant to me! She plotted to murder you, attempted to countless times! I saved your life, pointed her in a new direction, converted her to our forces! She was becoming a better person and for what!? Merely for all her progress to be taken from her!"

"Smoke! Release her!" Sub-Zero shouts while increasing his grip on his arm.

Jade, Li Mei, and Kung Lao keep their attention glued to the struggle at hand. Jade's expression continues to display worry as she watches on while plotting to go to Kitana's side the first chance she could get.

Kitana's eyes widen at her very life on the line, as well as at Smoke's revelation. He stopped Mileena from coming for her life? Her hands attempt to ply Smoke's hands from around her neck as she gasps for air. Her nails scratch at the surface his skin, leaving small traces of blood. Yet, it seems as though he cannot feel it.

Her eyes meet his, which never seemed more unfamiliar. They hold rage, rage and no true emotion as they seem to illuminate even brighter. Soon enough she finds her feet off of the ground as Smoke's grip increases. Sub-Zero faces Smoke, this current state he slips into also never seen before by him. What Smoke has become completely eludes him. Feeling as though this is no longer Smoke he releases his grip from his arm and swings with half of his might. He strikes his face, causing him to let go and fall back.

As if in mere seconds his eyes divert back to their normal state as well as his behavior. Kitana catches her breath as Jade slips past Li Mei and Kung Lao, coming to her aid. Jade places her hand on Kitana's shoulder.

"Kitana, are you injured?" Jade asks with concern in her voice.

Over coughs Kitana replies, "No, I am fine."

Smoke analyzes what he has done, though he was confused on what he did. He turns to Sub-Zero who watches him with a raised eyebrow, confused on whether or not Smoke may attack him as well. Smoke groans as he places a hand on his head that now seems to throb in slight pain.

"Smoke?" Sub-Zero questions his condition in a single word.

Smoke continues to stare his way.

"I...I am alright..." he states, though the certainty in his voice states otherwise.

That state he found himself in was quite new. Whether it was an ability new to his knowledge he could not tell, for he found himself so full of rage he cared little of his actions. As long as the threat was eliminated in anyway he knew how. It peaks his curiosity as well as continues to confuse him. Could it have been...the poison? An effect of it? No, there is no way.

Kitana locks eyes with Smoke, her expression also displaying vengeance.

"So this is how you treat those who save your life?" she remarks in spite.

The warriors face Smoke is surprise. They were unaware of such an event.

"What is the use in saving the life whom you have taken life from? You have much more redeeming to do in order to even slightly phase me," he replies in even more spite than she.

Guilt for his actions he does not feel. Knowing her life was in his control delivered a thrill he has been seeking since his beloved's death.

"Enough of this!" Kung Lao steps in. "We continue through the mountain. After all, that is what Blanche informed us to do. We shall follow through with what she told us word for word," he finalizes.

Kitana recovers and Jade stands to her side. Sub-Zero nods, agreeing with Kung Lao's plan. Li Mei does the same along with the rest of the warriors.

"Perhaps you should lead the way," Sub-Zero suggests, seeing as though Kung Lao seems to be the peacemaker of their small guild.

Seeing as though everyone agrees, Kung Lao nods and then begins to walk forward up the mountain range. Jade and Kitana follow in close proximity behind him, followed by Li Mei, Sub-Zero and Smoke.


"Woolay!" Quan Chi chants.

His hands illuminate in a bright olive aura as he moves them in a circular motion, mere feet away from Shang Tsung who repeats the same action. They begin to chant in unison and using their hand motions to guide the summoning. The emperor watches on with pride, standing up straight with his hands balled into fists and mounted on his hips. A devious smirk graces his face like no other.

Suddenly, the soul begins to circle the room. Its essence is of a deep blue and a light draft of wind begins to circulate, following the spirit. The soul comes in between the two sorcerers who then proceed to capture it by placing it into a small capsule constructed in the Flesh Pits. Their chanting comes to a stop as they both face the emperor.

"This is stage one, securing the soul for resurrection. We can now move on to the next step of our plan," Quan Chi explains before turning to meet the emperor's eyes.

The emperor crosses his arms, smiling wickedly at this. Unaware to the emperor, Tanya overhears this from one of many of the Flesh Pit's entrances. Realizing where they are in the plan while implying Mileena's prior knowledge keeps her one step ahead of them, or at least for now. She de-materializes into gold-like dust, vanishing to the fortress above.


Mileena proceeds through the realm calmly, not wanting to attract the Seidan guard anymore than she will once she locates Darrius. Instead of headed directly through the city and then west, she heads west first to avoid publicity. She runs along the outskirts of the current landform she stands upon. Most of the realm seems to be a highland made up of endless narrow, bridge-like roads. The highland seems to rest upon merely the atmosphere. Lengthy trees appear to grow from the bottom of the roads, water fountains grace every corner, and small streams of water flow off of the landform into non-existence.

The sun shines rather brightly, even while it is close to setting. Many buildings, as well as houses, rest upon narrow walkways leading from the bridge-like roads that serve as the realm's transportation. Judging by the occasional civilians Mileena passes in her pursuit for Darrius, they appear to be adapted to this oddly designed realm well.

Mileena continues to run westward steadily and eventually no civilians grace her with their futile presence. A good feeling it is until the sense of presence unknown to her overrides her mind. She ignores it and continues on, making good time in her mission. She peers at the sky, seeing a black object in the distance.

"A bird?" she thinks. "I have had yet to see one inside this realm until now..."

She hears a noise and turns around quickly as she continues running, seeing nothing. An odd feeling of deja vu comes over her, and she feels as though she is being watched. She pauses her advance and turns in each direction frantically to see nothing, no signs of life, not even in the distance. She faces the object in the sky once more, which seems to get closer and closer oddly enough.

Mileena begins to back away, until the object picks up the pace. Her ears pick up sound behind her yet again, causing her to turn to nothing once more and distorting her sense of direction.

"What has become of me?" she thinks to herself.

Mileena then redirects her eyes to the now absent black object in the sky. She stares frantically at the sky, her eyes searching for any proof that she was not going mad. She then breaks eye contact with the sky, deciding to put her possible insanity out of her mind in order to get her mission over with.

Mileena begins to run again until a force unknown to her tackles her down to the ground. Mileena begins to fight off whatever or whoever it could be. Her eyes land on a black hood, the hooded figure she has been spotting around Kahn's fortress. Though this time, wings spread across their back. Mileena fights them off, wrapping her arm around their arm and managing to twist it. This must have done damage, for Mileena manages to use her legs to flip their stance, pinning whoever it is to the ground on their back as she continues applying pressure to their arm. Mileena quickly removes the hood revealing a woman with pitch black shoulder length hair, a red scarf-like blindfold covering her left eye and tanned skin.

"You have costed me my sanity for far too long! Who are you and why have you been following me!?" Mileena interrogates while her Tarkatan features give a quick flash due to her anger outburst.

The woman begins to laugh.

"So the rumor of Shao Kahn's treacherous daughter that is both Edenian and Tarkatan is true," she states humorously.

Mileena raises an eyebrow in confusion. How could she have known so much? She has never laid eyes on this warrior. Mileena then inhales the woman's scent. It feels as though ages have passed since Mileena has last feasted on the life of another. Her blood sparked a different aroma however. Different, yet quite familiar.

"Moroi..." Mileena identifies, remembering her encounter with the likes of a Moroi in the Nether Realm.

Her Tarkatan features take full effect and her tangerine, crescent eyes lock to the woman's. Suddenly the woman flips Mileena over quickly, pins her to the ground and her fangs protrude from her mouth with a hiss. Though, she stops right before her fangs manage to find Mileena's carotid artery. To Mileena's surprise she stands and holds her hand outward, asking for Mileena to take it. She does so with a raised eyebrow and a higher peaked curiosity.

"I, Nitara, come today not to kombat, but to ask of a favor. I have seen you around the fortress and know of your plans. I wish to get close to the emperor and I feel as though you are the perfect person to help me do just that," the Moroi replies.

Mileena's facial features return to Edenian, revealing her cunning grin.

"Is that so?" Mileena crosses her arms. "What have I gotten out of you other than increased insanity? What will I get out of you other than possible betrayal?"

"This you will want to be apart of. Trust in me," Nitara states sincerely.

Mileena comes closer to her.

"Prove your worth and perhaps I shall consider it," she finalizes firmly.

Nitara nods, and they both continue heading west. Perhaps another possible ally wishing to overthrow the emperor is just what Mileena needs.


The sun is now beginning to set, preparing to deliver night skies to the realm. Tanya walks through the corridor leading to her room, proceeding past Ermac who stands engaging in conversation with Reptile. She turns a corner of the corridor and approaches a shadowy, hooded figure who stands idle in front of her door. She turns back to check for any indication of being followed and then quickens the pace, coming face to face with the mysterious being.

"Tanya," they greet, the masculinity of their voice not going unnoticed.

"Kobra. Did you obtain what I asked of you?" Tanya questions wanting to skip the formalities.

The man, Kobra, removes his hood and reveals his strongly carved face, blue eyes and blonde hair. He hands Tanya a rather thick book and she begins to flip through the pages.

"Inside contains all the info you seek, such as how one merges a realm, how one unmerges a realm, as well as everything in between," his strong voice explains.

Tanya's eyes scan some of the pages with a grin, the long passages and neatly sketched illustrations together make such info very valuable. A sheet of dust covers every page, especially the two covers, which brings Tanya to question her employed.

"How were you able to obtain this? Word has it only three of these sacred books are still in existence."

A cocky grin embrace's Kobra's features.

"My skill knows no bounds, which I am sure is why you chose me to carry out this mission and not another warrior," he displays his large ego.

Tanya lets out a small laugh at this, which earns a devious smile from the likes of him.

"Come, enter my quarters," she states as she opens her door quietly.

She heads inside first, leaving Kobra to enter behind her and close the door. She heads to her wardrobe, taking a small pouch into her hand. Kobra approaches her as she faces him and hands him the small pouch.

"Your pay as agreed," Tanya says. "I thank you for your services."

"Should there be something else you need, you now know how to reach me," Kobra states with a grin as his hand reaches out and caresses her cheek momentarily.

She gives him a smile as he turns and heads to the door. He rotates the doorknob with his right hand, finding it quite difficult to open the door. Had he accidentally locked it? A humorously petty mistake. He attempts to turn the doorknob once more, but is put to a stop by the piercing pain of a kobu jutsu blade stabbing through his back and pinning him to the wood of the door. A painful groan that is almost a shout escapes him as he finds himself unable to move without tearing through his own skin even more. Tanya approaches with a feeling of contentment and a devious smile gracing her face.

"There is one thing," she whispers coldly, "our plan can only be known to two people. You do not make the cut."

Blood spills from his mouth down onto his cheek as the corner of his eye finds Tanya. She extends her hand which illuminates and sparkles in the deepest shade of purple. She rotates her palm just before flinging it toward Kobra, which in turn causes his body to illuminate in the same sorcery. Unable to beg for his life he merely watches with wide eyes as his hands begin to twitch while Tanya works her pyromancy. The flame conjures in her hand as she flexes. Without warning she tosses a ball of flame that causes his skin and body to disintegrate into flame. Soon nothing but clean bone is visible.

Tanya approaches the now skeleton, removing her kobu jutsu from the ribcage. As she does this, the bones turn to dust and the dust evaporates into nothingness. She exits her room with the ancient book and the koins still in her possession, eager to begin planning to unmerge Edenia.


The warriors have now slowed their pace, taking the conditions which seem to get harsher and harsher the father up the mountain they travel into heavy consideration. Kung Lao steps off of the trail onto a mountain base, which marks their journey up the mountain almost at the halfway mark.

Sweat builds at the very top of his forehead due to the mountains' temperatures rising at the later hours of the day. The sun is setting, though not much sun the realm receives to begin with. This makes it already appear as though it is night, especially with the mountain blocking most of the sun from view. The other warriors proceed behind Kung Lao, setting foot on the rather lengthy mid-base of the mountain. They slow their pace.

"I believe we should make stay here, the temperatures are increasing rather exponentially," Li Mei suggests.

"You are right, the best course of action will be to settle here until sunrise," Sub-Zero agrees.

Seeing as though everyone agrees, each warrior circles around an old bundle of twigs which may have been used for fire here once. Though it is warm enough, it must have merely been used for a source of light. Kung Lao sees this and removes his bag from his back, dropping it near the twigs as he comes to his knees in front of the twigs. He removes his hat and aims it at the wood.

Li Mei approaches him, catching wind of what he is doing. She draws her blade, striking his hat and causing sparks to fly and land on the bundle of sticks and twigs. As if in seconds, it ignites and the source of light is made. He places his hat back on his head and beams a smile upward at his beloved, earning one in return.

They each circle around the small fire made and sit casually without a word. Jade and Kitana sit in close proximity. Sub-Zero stations next to Kung Lao across the flames from Smoke, who watches the fire dance without a word. A conversation between Kung Lao and Sub-Zero starts.

Li Mei peers at Smoke whom she is worried about. She takes to her feet and joins him at his side.

"Smoke, how are you holding up?" she questions lowly.

He continues to peer at the flames until his eyes trail to his feet calmly. He gives off a faint sigh.

"I believe myself to be fine...though..." he stops.

She scoots closer and places a hand on his shoulder.

"What happened earlier," she finishes his thought, assuming that was his current issue.

His light brown eyes meet hers and for once without concealed anger or vengeance. They almost plea, releasing a deep confession.

"I do not know what I have become," his voice holds sincerity.

Li Mei, maintains strict eye contact.

"I do," she replies. "You have become stronger. You have become exactly who you were meant to. Mileena came and rearranged our lives for the better and you did the same for her."

Smoke eyes Li Mei, his eyes saying all that he cannot. She speaks the truth.

"Losing her may have destroyed us...but the mere thought of her coming back is enough to keep us going when all hope was lost," she adds.

Smoke nods at this.

"How amazing it would be to see her face once more. Even her snide comments about mortals was enough to brighten the darkest of days," Li Mei smiles.

This earns not only a smile from Smoke, but a small giggle from the memories he shared with his beloved during the tournament. Feeling successful in her attempts to make Smoke feel joy, her smile brightens further. She has not seen him display happiness in many years.

Smoke feels speechless, appreciating all the words which came from Li Mei this evening. A moment of content silence passes as they both peer at the dancing flames once again, slipping into individual thought.

"Such a thrill the thought of seeing her resurrected shall be," Li Mei states as she now gazes at the sky.

Smoke joins her in doing so.

"I will do everything in my power to ensure Raiden's mere offer becomes reality," Smoke's voice holds determination.

Li Mei turns to Smoke with mutual understanding. He faces her as well and places his arm around her. She rests her head against his shoulder, feeling relief that he still contains his humanity. She always has seen him as a brother, for he has protected her, been there for her and assisted her in becoming the warrior she is today. With a smile, her eyes drift back to the sky as each warrior contemplates the events to come.

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