See it now? (Chenry)

By UNI112233

3K 199 104

Henry is getting jealous of Jack Swaggars date with Charlotte but with a unexpected visitor with a huge secre... More

Chapter 1:Her again
Chapter 2: Reviled secrets
Chapter 3: I'll always care
Chapter 5: Is it 15:00?
Chapter 6: Friend or foe?
Chapter 7: Ray's Choice
Chapter 8: The invention
Chapter 9: The text
Chapter 10: The 'b' in Benry
Chapter 11: End of Danger?
Chapter 12: Fortune teller
Chapter 13: Miss you...
Chapter 14: He's back
Chapter 15: Love or Leave?
New Book
Chapter 16: Job and school troubles
Lies unfolded

Chapter 4: Bye...

249 15 14
By UNI112233

Henry's POV:
"You wait here while I go check on Ray!" I said about to get up and leave, but then Charlotte grabbed my hand and looked up at me.

"Be careful Henry..."

"I will" I said releasing from the grip and running downstairs. I saw Ray lying on the floor with his hand covered in dark red blood. His arm had crimson red blood dripping down from it with a pool of his blood on the floor. I looked across the room to see 5 men, 4 had sharp blades while one had a gun. I looked and saw that they were all carrying some type of jar with liquid inside it. It must be some tears of the jolly beetle.

"Ahh...look who came to join us Kid Danger. You have no chance now, look at Captain man on the floor" the guy with the gun laughed at me.

"Hey, you shut it!" I yelled at them walking towards them.

"Good luck with that...Henry Hart!" He said aiming the gun towards me.

"Wha-! How do you know my name?" I said

"Oh, we have associates. So Henry what's it gonna be you or your useless boss Ray?" He said pointing the gun back and fourth towards me and Ray.

"Hey...kid..." Ray said trying to get up, "I'll risk have a whole life to live."

"Ray, I am gonna do what I do to every criminal," I said looking straight in their bloodshot eyes "Fight..." I used my laser to shoot 3 of them down until they smacked my laser out of my hand. They tried to punch me but I dodged it managing to quickly grab my weapon from all the way across the room next to Ray. I aimed it at the guy with the blade and he went smashing through the window.

"Hey! Why don't you hurry up already," said the guy with the gun.

"I will get you trust me I will," I was about to shoot him but he shot me with his gun. All I remember is falling to the ground then everything went black.
Charlotte's POV:
All I heard was crashing and banging the whole time. I knew the whole time that Henry was defeating them. But then suddenly the banging sropted and I waited for 10 minutes and Henry still hadn't come back upstairs. I knew that something was wrong.
I went downstairs to see Ray lying on the floor hurt badly. Henry was shot, right in his chest. I tried to wake up Ray, luckily he did.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" I asked worried about them both.

"I don't know I was attacked and...and yeah."

"Ray! Look at the state of your arm!" Ray looked and saw a huge cut. I ran upstairs to get the medical kit then came back down.

"Is Henry ok?" he asked looking at him.

"I'm not sure...let me check. Here are some bandages and a damp cloth." I said passing it to him, he smiled in appreciation. I knew that Henry shouldn't have gone down here alone. I went to Henry and tried to wake him up but he wouldn't.

"Henry? Henry? Henry?!" I yelled over and over again hoping he could hear me. Ray walked over next to me and sat down of the floor as well. I saw that he had the bandage on.

"Charlotte..." he said sadly.

"What..." I said knowing what he was going to say.

"He...he might not wakeup..."

"He will eventually!" I said starting to cry a bit. Ray pulled out his phone but it was broken, probably from the fight. He called the cops. Then blasted Henry with something that made Henry get up.

"This device takes all the energy inside one person and forces it all out at once. Hopefully we have enough time for Henry to blow a bubble." Said Ray. Ray took out Henry's gum and put it in his hand. Henry then blew a bubble and changed into his normal clothes without saying a word. He then collapsed on the ground again.

"Ray..." I asked hoping he would hear me properly.

"Yeah Charlotte," he answered

"Will he ever wake up?" Ray didn't answer I knew what he was going to say. I heard loud footsteps from behind me. I turned around to see the cops.

"Oh my!" Said one of the cops, she was holding out her taser and started to walk around the house on the look out, "This looks bad, really bad! I will get an ambulance to come get this boy." She called the hospital and just in minutes an ambulance came. I was scared I didn't know when I would ever see Henry again, or if I would ever see him again. I went upstairs to check on my mum and she was lying in bed still a bit dizzy.


"Yes mum," I said sitting next to her on the bed.

"Is it alright if you stay with the Hart's for a few days? The police came upstairs and told me what happened. I am glad you not hurt..."

"I can call them up and ask! What about dad?" I asked her

"I am gonna ask him to come back a bit early to pick you up and take you to Border town. I won't tell him what happened since I don't want him to gt worried." She said smiling at me lightly.

"I will get the paramedics mum don't worry!" I ran downstairs and they went upstairs. They talked to my mum and my mum explained how I was going to stay with the Hart's for a few days. I went downstairs to Ray and I told him where I was going to stay.

"Ok...just be careful!" He said warning me. I nodded my head then texted on the Man Cave group chat:

🔵🔴🔵🔴 Man Cave 🔴🔵🔴🔵

Piper: Hey, guys! 😄


Piper: Yeah, no🤣

Jasper: 😞

Piper: Hey it shows Charlotte's online but she's not saying anything



Me: Yeah...

Piper: What's up?

Me: Guys come to my house! Now!

Piper: You ok

Jasper: ❓

Piper: What's going on

Me: Nothing, just come

Jasper: Ok...

I put down my phone and let out a big sigh. How would I explain it? Especially to Piper!?

"Piper and Jasper should be here soon," I told Ray, he looked and me and forced a smile on his face.
Piper's POV:
"JASPER HURY UP ALREADY!" I yelled from across the Man cave. I was worried about Charlotte. She wasn't giving us any detail of what happened to her.

"I'm here!" Jasper yelled out putting his sweaty hand on my shoulder panting out loud.


"Sorry" said Jasper, he will be sorry "Come on let's go." We walked to the elevator and went up. I was screaming my head of while Jasper was standing there like it was normal. We ran out the door and started running towards Charlotte's house.

"The doors open!"

"Yeah Jasper, I can see that cause I am standing RIGHT NEXT TO YOU!" I yelled, this boy makes no sense. We both walked in to see Charlotte's mum on the couch and Chatlotte was walking down the stairs. We saw that the house was a complete mess!

"What happened?" Jasper asked.

"I'll explain it to you outside," Charlotte towards us and went outside locking the door so her mum was locked inside.
Charlotte's POV:
"So..." I said looking at the ground.

"So?" Piper said.

"So, I was just in my house helping my mum decide what colour we would do for the kitchen which Jasper, Henry and Ray burnt" I said, I looked directly at Jasper.

"Well I wasn't holding the flare!" Jasper said trying to avoid the argument.

Piper let out a huge sigh, "Just...just carry on."

"After there was a huge smash from upstairs. My mum told me to stay downstairs while she went upstairs to see what it was. I then went upstairs to check on her and she was lying on the ground. I managed to get her to get up and go to her bed. I don't remember much from after that." I said, they all looked worried.

"So then you called Henry and Ray right?" Piper asked, I nodded my head.

"Then after a while they came and Ray was downstairs while Henry came upstairs. He said that I had a huge cut on my neck. That's the reason I have this huge plaster. See?" I said showing them the plaster.

"Yeah, I see it."

"The J-train can see it to!"

"Seriously," me and Piper said simultaneously.

"Anyways, Henry helped me then we heard a crash from downstairs. Henry told me to stay upstairs while he went downstairs. After a while I went downstairs to see Ray and Henry on the floor. Ray had this huge cut on his arm and Henry..." I said my voice breaking a bit.

"What happened to Henry?" Said Piper franticly, I don't blame her.

"Henry...was shot...with a gun..." I said I saw Piper beginning to cry a bit.

"On his arm?" Piper asked me, if I said on his arm she would eventually calm down but if I told her on his chest she wouldn't.

"No...near his heart..." I said wishing I could chance the past. Piper started to cry more then I gave her a hug.

"What it like the guns you have in the Man Cave? Like the ones that people don't die with?" Jasper asked stupidly.

"Well if it was why would I be making a big deal out of it?!" I yelled at Jasper, he looked down at the floor sadly.

"Is it ok if I stay with you for the next few days?" I asked Piper.

"Yeah sure, what about your mum and dad?"

"My dad is at a business trip and my mum told him to come pick me up. She said she wasn't going to tell my dad what happened till he got here since she doesn't want him to worry that much." I said to her.

"Makes sense, what about your mum?" Jasper asked.

"The hospital said that she can still stay at home but it will be hard for her to look after me for a few weeks." I answered, they both nodded. I then opened the door and let them inside.

"Hi Jasper, hi Piper." Said my mum.

"Hey Mrs Page!"

"Hey..." Piper said sadly.

"Piper, I am really proud of your brother..." said my mum trying to make her happy luckily it worked.

"Come on guys!" I said walking up the stairs. We got into my room and I started to pack everything for going to Piper's.

"Hey Jasper, didn't you say your mum wanted you to come home at 17:00? Well just to say it's 18:00 already" I said pointing at the clock.

"Oh man! Bye Char! Bye Piper!" Jasper said as he left the room.

"Hey" I said turning to Piper, "Do you blame me for anything that happened today?"

"C'mon, how could I stay angry and one of my best friends?" She said with a smile across her face.

"Anyways, I've finished packing so we better go!" I said lifting up my suitcase. I quickly took a quick look at my phone.

"Come on it's getting late now!" We both walked to the Hart's house. Piper opened the door and I saw Mr and Mrs Hart pacing around the floor panicking.

"Charlotte! Is Henry ok?" Mrs Hart said running towards me.

"He should be, he wasn't injured badly," I lied.

"Well that's good," Mr Hart said.

"Wait why aren't you at the hospital?" I asked confused.

"Well the hospital said that they can't let anyone come in since of the crime wave that's been going on. Lots of people have got injured and we can't go there today." Mrs Hart said.

"Oh...did Piper tell you that I was going to stay here?"

"Yeah, she did" answered Mr Hart.

"Come on Charlotte!" Piper yelled from upstairs. I walked up the stairs and went into Henry's room where Piper was.

"Is it ok if you sleep in Henry's room?" She asked.

"Yeah, I don't mind." I said putting my suitcase on the floor.


"Yeah" I answered

"Will Henry be ok?" She asked me

"I know he will, he is Kid Danger! He has got through many situations before and I know he will get through this." She smiled at me and started to cry a bit. I gave her a hug and she started to calm down.

"I'm going to find something to give to Henry tommorow." She left the room and went to her's. It was 18:45 when Piper came in my room and told me dinner was ready. We both went downstairs and on the table I could see a big homemade pizza on the table. We all sat down and nobody said anything for a while.

"Charlotte" said Mrs Hart I nodded at her looking up "I thought that you would be staying with your uncle."

"Well if you thought that then Piper definitely hasn't told you about the time when he was on our couch for about 6 months" I said and we all started laughing.

"Oh yeah, your uncle Rosco!" Said Piper. We all finished dinner then me and Piper watched a few episodes of dog judge, until Mrs Hart told us to go to bed since it was getting late. She said goodnight to both of us and we both went to bed. I could tell that Piper fell asleep fast since 1 hour later she was walking around sleep texting. I couldn't sleep at all, all I could think about was Henry. I was also in Henry's room so it was harder to forget about him. I decided to try and sleep. The faster I fell asleep the quicker I would be able to see Henry. After about 10 minutes I fell fast asleep waiting and waiting until tommorow...
Hey guys sorry this chapter took so long! It had a total of 2372 words! I can't believe it! Also I wanna say thank you all for reading my book and waiting for the updates. Chapter 5 coming out soon! If you have any questions just comment down below. Make sure you turn on thos notifications for more news and updates! Stay safe and happy, hope you all have a great day guys! See you soon, bye!

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