By AngelMinnu

1K 58 121

The early morning sunlight was irritating me to open my eyes and as usual being lazy I was rubbing my eyes to... More

His Outburst
Poor Boy or Teacher?
My New Friends
His Stare
Rian and Jass
Sleepy Classes!
Sudden Gesture
Principal's Office😉
Leave me in Peace!!
Friends then??
My Hero
We are cool
Crush as my Friend😊
Best Friend?
Balloon Pillow😊
Negative Vibe
His past
Crowded thoughts
Dislike without reason
The Shopping
Surprise surprise!!
Biggest Idiot
Mom and Dad<3
The Party
Really a Poet? 😊
Sunday funday
Date Me!
Long Weekend
Wills will!
The secret
Stuttering Flio😉
I said yes btw😊
Get off
Little planning
Kidney Stones😉
Cuteness unlimited
Boring to best..?
Unexpected friend
Little sister
Revelation(Part 1)
Revelation(Part 2)
The most awaiting day
The proposal

Food Fight

33 3 4
By AngelMinnu

When it was lunch we entered the canteen and sat at one empty table. I was surprised that as few people surrounded us talking to me and introducing themselves to me. I know the reason already coz everyone in the school tried hard to talk to Fillano, while I gave him hard time on my first day. Everyone again returned to their places to have lunch and I was taken aback when I found the introvert from my first class came out of no where and sat with us.

" Hey Jassy! Well I am William and u can call me Liam " he said smiling.

" I thought you would never speak to me Wills " I said sarcastically and he just rolled his eyes.

There was this girl whose name was Iya and she too was sitting with us chatting and all the while I could feel someone's eyes on me. But I was not sure who it was, so I just left it.

When I went to take my lunch, I Fillano holding his plate of food.

" Whoa! Someone is holding my favorite food " I chirped happily and before he could understand what was happening I just took my favorite sandwich and savored it happily.

" Don't you have minimal sense that you shouldn't take someone's food without their concern" he said gritting his teeth.

" Well food is food for me. Whether it is eaten with concern or without concern" I said and left to my place leaving him there.

" I think you don't let Fillano live in peace from on and I love it to be frank" Iya whispered in my ear winking at me.

" Then you must wait for few more days to know the actual meaning of peace" I said pointing towards Fillano who was sitting with some group of people and I could see some drama was going on and I know the drama queen over there.

" Yeah I can see that very clearly and I think she is coming...." She stopped mid-sentence and I found that Samaya was already storming towards us with anger flaring out of her.

" You! You little piece of shit. How dare you take my food huh? You just don't know about me. Stay out me and Fill you bitch. If I ever found you with Fill I am going to kill you " she yelled making everyone turn towards us and I found Iya gasping beside me while Joe and Wills were silent.

" Okay I agree that it was my mistake to take food from him but what about Fillano? Don't you trust him? Or do you think that this whole relationship thing is a fake thing and you are just acting to make this all show" I said to her not breaking my eye contact and I found her tensing with my words.

" And coming to shit... I don't think I have ever created any and I think I should create now to make your words true" I smirked at her and before she could register what was happening I took hold of the ketchup bottle in front of me and poured in her hair.

I did not stop there, I started pouring it on her beautiful dress and she was just staring at me as if I had hypnotized her. When Fillano came to her rescue I took the bottle and poured more on her shoes too. She took hold of other bottle but before she could throw it in my direction I just took my backpack and ran as fast as I could and while running I understood that remaining three people with me at the table too were with me. We found that we were out of everyone's eyes and took deep breaths to calm down. We looked at each other and it was the time we all started laughing.

We laughed recalling all her facial expressions and my stomach was paining laughing for long time and all were tumbling down on the floor laughing.

" You know Jass this is the first time I found myself laughing this much. And all thanks to you for that stunt and I hate her for the things she had done" she said a bit sadly with almost tears brimming I her eyes.

" Why? What happened? I don't hate her but the thing is she don't have any right to call me a bitch. that's why I did the unexpected " I said.

" You don't know about her Jass she is just powerful and she bullied me coz I am having a dark complexion and not only me but she does it to many so I advice you to be careful with her " she said with concern.

So this is how her lunch ended up with a fight...

Do you think Fillano or Samaya is going to do something about it?(Do comment)

Till then...Bye😊

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