Bad Intentions {TVD}

By SammyjVega

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Alina Gilbert is one of those people that you can't tell is hurting, but her twin sister, Elena? She basks in... More

{Season 1}
I. The beginning
II. The Falls
III. Okay?
IV. Brother Salvatore
V. Young love
VI. Dinner parties suck.
VII. Football and Fights
VIII. Wrong
IX. Not afraid
X. Death
XI. Mistakes
XII. Okay
XIII. Ruin Me
XIV. All i can do is grieve
XV. Hear me
XVI. Adopted.
XVII. It'll be alright
XVIII. No rest for the wicked
XIX. What trickery
XX. The Bachelors
XXI. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood
XXII. Open Doors
XXIII. Who is in control
XXIV. Pageant queens
XXV. Family
XXVI. The she-devil
XXVII.Founders Day
-- Season 2 --
XXVIII. Ding dong the bitch is back
XXIX. Survival of the fittest
XXX. A full moon
XXXI. All the good times
XXXII. Kill or Be Killed
XXXIII. Always have a backup
XXXIV. Hide and Seek
XXXV. A flower
XXXVI. The Evil Doppel-bitch
XXXVII. Till death do we part
XXXVIII. A Full Moon
XXXIX. And All Hell Broke Loose
XL. Daddy Issues
XLI. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
XLII. Family Dinner
XLIII. The Unwelcomed Guest
XLIV. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer
XLV. A dance to remember
XLVI. Klaus
XLVII. Last Chance
XLVIII. A new dawn
XLIX. A new day
L. If i lay here
~Season 3~
LI. Blow out your candles
LII. The hybrid dick
LIII. The moral of the story
LIV. Temper tantrums
LV. And the truth comes out
LVI. Teenage dream
LVII. The other side
LVIII. Day to Daylife
LIX. Another Dance
LX. Read the Fine Print
LXI. This Town
LXII. Bonds will be broken
LXIII. The Living Dead
LXIV. Danger Comes in All Shapes and Sizes
LXV. The Mikaelsons
LXVI. 1912
LXVII. Come on in
LXVIII. Murder for one
LXIX. Jar of Hearts
LXX. Don't be so Soft
LXXII. Dearly Departed
-- Season 4 --
LXXIII. Out With the Old, in With the New
LXXIV. In Loving Memory
LXXV. Back from the Dead
LXXVI. The Brotherhood of the Five
LXXVII. Murder was the Case That They Gave Me
LXXVIII. As Crazy as the Mad Hatter
LXXIX. The Keeper of Keys
LXXX. New Orleans
LXXXI. Faith and Hope Suck
LXXXII. Detention
LXXXIII. Run, Run as Fast as You Can
LXXXIV. Murder's a common occurrence
LXXXV. Where the Wild Things Are
LXXXVI. Way down we go
LXXXVII. Please Stay
LXXXIX. Cheerleader
XC. Nightfall
XCI. A second chance
XCII. Photographs
XCIII. Humanity for the win
XCIV. A game of survival
XCV. Cap n' Gown
!!New Book!!

LXXI. And the Sun Sets

432 12 4
By SammyjVega

I furrow my brows when i see Caroline's name on my screen, "Hello?" I ask cautiously, i hadn't really talked to her since I've come home and Tyler was turned into a hybrid.

"H-Hey..." Caroline said shakily. I frown, sitting up from the couch, "Are you alone?" She squeaked out.

"Yeah," I nodded even though she couldn't see me. I hear a small amount of static, frowning.

"Hello, Alina." I gasp at the voice, tears slightly coming to my eyes. "Wow, for once you're quiet."

"Ric?" I whisper. How the hell is he alive, he shouldn't be alive... unless he completed the transition.

"I need you to listen very carefully, Caroline's here, and i know you. You're not going to leave her alone here, with me. If you aren't in my class within the next..." he hums, "Thirty minutes, I'll kill her."

"Ric, wai-" The line goes dead and i drop my hand shakily. Tyler walks into the room and i jump. "Tyler?"

"Alina?" He questions, carrying a box.

"What are you doing here?" I frown.

"Aren't you and Klaus leaving town?" I nod slowly and he gives me a look as i should know. I give him a look, telling him i don't know. "I'm moving your guys' stuff for you." He sighs.

"Oh, um, thank you?" I say quickly, getting up. "I'll see you later i guess."

"Where are you going?" He asks. I stop in my tracks, tilting my head and then turning to face Tyler.

"I'm hungry." I nod, rushing out of the house.


I slam my car door, looking around the empty parking lot. I take a deep breath, speeding into the school. I slowly walk through the halls, knowing if i make a lot of noise, he'll know I'm here.
An idea pops into my head and i slam my hand into a locker, then rushing in the opposite direction, Ric is a new vampire with the same urges, he'll think I'm taunting him, which i am, and he'll come to find me. When i get to his room, i see he isn't in there, but i do see Caroline.

She has two pencils stabbed into her hands and a cloth around her mouth, i can see the burns on the sides of her face and i know there's Vervain on it. I rush over, holding a finger to my mouth, telling her to be quiet. I easily pull out the pencils when i feel someone behind me. I spin around, seeing Ric. I throw my foot up, kicking him back. He groans, starting to stand. I try to untie the cloth, the Vervain burning my hands.
I groan, flinching every time i touch it. I gasp, feeling myself being pulled back.

"You're never easy, are you?" Ric growls, snapping my neck.


I groan, my head nodding as i look around. I try to move my hands but i groan when i feel them stabbed to the desk, pencils. I groan, instantly feeling the pain in my neck. I look over seeing Caroline looking at me sadly. 'I'm sorry.' I mouth. I look up, seeing Ric.
"Finally, you're awake." He smirks, pulling out his phone.

'Whoever this is, it's not funny.' I hear Elena growl on the other end.

"Who else would it be?" Ric smirks, a sinister tone in her voice.

'Ric?' She whispers in shock, yep, he got me there too sister.

'Listen closely. I'm at school. I have Caroline and Alina." He boasts, "And if you want to keep them alive, i need you to get into your car and come down here, right away." He demands. "If you tell anyone where you are going, Alina dies first." I stare at him in shock as he just stares at me.

"Klaus will kill you." I glare.

"Not unless i kill him first." He threatens. My face falls at the thought of him killing Klaus, and i have no way to warn him. "I have your phone, so even if you get free, you can't do anything." He smirks.

I frown, looking down, i think today is that day i actually die, for good.


I stiffen when i hear the school door open, Elena's here. Caroline starts gasping and i frown, looking over to her. "Right on time," Ric smirks. I hear her footsteps pick up, she's running. I try to lift my hands off the table but the pencils are in deep.
"Alina... Caroline..." Elena gasps, i look up to her with a frown, "Let them go, Alaric." Elena demands. He gestures over to us and she furrows her brows.

"Free them yourself." He urges her. Elena walks over but i look over to Caroline, telling her to free her first. She nods slowly, walking over to her as i start to wiggle my hands-free. It hurts like hell, but if i want to get out of here, i need to do it. I keep my groans of pain in, as Elena moves to pull out the pencils. I finally get them free as Elena starts to pull them out. I rush Alaric, pinning him to the wall, cutting off his airflow.

"Elena, hurry up! I don't know how much longer i can hold him." I grit out as he pushes against me. I hear Caroline scream out and then footsteps running away. He growls, pulling a stake out of his pocket, stabbing me with it. I scream out in pain, falling to the floor. I look over to the door, seeing Elena running back. "Elena, go!" I grit out.

"You leave and i will rip out her heart, right here, right now," Alaric growls. Elena slowly walks back into the room, eyeing me carefully. Alaric pulls it out and i let out another little scream.

"You said that you'd let them go!" Elena argues.

"How many times do i have to tell you, Elena. Stop trusting vampires!" He growls as he hoists me up. He drags me over to the desk sitting me in it. Grabbing the pencils and stabbing them in my hand again. I groan in pain, leaning back. "Now sit down." He orders.

Elena slowly moves into the desk next to me, he smirks as i groan in pain again, Elena lightly taking my hand. He pulls out his phone and i frown, who's he calling now. 'Alaric.' I hear Stefan sigh and i frown.

'Who is it?' Elena mouths.

'Stefan.' I mouth back with a frown.

"Obviously," Alaric smirks with a scoff.

'What do you want?' Stefan demands.

"I have your girls here. I'll rip Elena apart and make you watch as i tear Alina's heart out." Ric threatens, "So tell Klaus to hand himself over, tell him i have both girls if you need to, but I'm pretty sure he'll come willingly at the mention of Alina." Ric hangs up and i glare at him.

"I'm gonna rip your heart out," I growl. Ric chuckles, walking over to me, stabbing the stake in my thigh, i let out a scream and he laughs, pulling it out. He raises her hand again, ready to stab me again.

"Stop!" Elena pleads, "Just let her go..."

"Stop talking." He growls. Elena flinches sitting back at the desk. He moves the stake away from me and i sigh in relief.

"Why are you doing this?" Elena asks shakily.

"To make it easier in you when you put her out of her misery." He sighs, stabbing me in the shoulder. I cry out, shaking as he pulls it out.

"What? No!" Elena argues.

"Isn't this what you wanted, Elena? For me to teach you how to kill a vampire?" He questions. "Well, here's a vampire, Elena." Pointing the stake at me, i flinch away from it and he chuckles, moving it over to Elena. "Kill her."

"This isn't what i want." Elena frowns, shaking her head.

"Of course it is." Alaric smirks, "All those hours you spent training, getting stronger... you could be a hunter, Elena. But you've never actually staked a vampire through the heart."

"I am not killing my sister." Elena glares. Ric chuckles, glaring at Elena. "Why are you doing this?" She grits out again.

"Because you need me." He smirks, "Because you're an eighteen-year-old girl without parents or guidance or any sense of right and wrong anymore."

"Look at you." Elena scoffs. "How is this right?"

"She's a murderer. She told me she killed someone and liked it. Now how is that right?" Ric glares. "See, Elena... your parents led the council." I frown at the mention of my parents, "It was their life's mission to keep this town safe. They weren't dead six months before you two undid it all."

"You don't know anything about them."I grit out. Alaric growls, stabbing the stake into my other shoulder.

"Why, am i wrong? Do you actually think... that they'd be proud of how you two turned out?" My heart drops, tears coming to my eyes. He pulls it out and i groan. He turns to Elena, "If you don't side with the're just at bad as them. Now kill her. Or I'll do it for you. And I'll make it hurt."
Elena sits there, doing nothing. He growls, pulling her up, Elena gasping. He pulls Elena in front of me, shoving the stake in her hands. She stands there, tears in her eyes, whimpering.

"She'd kill you if she had the chance," Alaric whispers in her ear. Elena growls, turning and trying to stab Alaric, but he quickly grabs her arm. "I thought i taught you better than that."

"You did." She whimpers, grabbing the glass of Vervain water and smashing it on his face. Alaric screams, hunching over. She moves over to me, pulling the pencils out of my hands again and helping me up. I push Elena to the door.

"Get help!" I demand. I gasp when Alaric's hand wraps around my throat. I listen as Elena runs off. "I told you, I'll kill you, "I growl, pushing him off of me. He rushes me, throwing me into the lockers.

"I should have killed you the second you turned into a vampire." He growls, lifting me up, wrapping a hand around my throat. "I should've killed you the second you walked into the room, I should gut you like Brian Walters, Bill Forbes and all the other cowards i plan in ripping apart."

"Then how am i a coward standing here, ready to kill you?" I growl, pushing him away, the stake drops to the floor and i grab it. "If I'm so bad, why am i still alive!? There's nothing left of the Ric i loved. So what's stopping you?" I ask moving towards him.

"What's stopping you?" he smirks, "You have the weapon to kill me, so why don't you!" I rush forward, the stake above Ric's heart. "You can't kill me." He smirks, the switches our positions, the stake above my heart. The wood slowly enters my skin as i start to scream, but suddenly he's off me. I sit up, pushing myself against the lockers, seeing Stefan and Damon holding Alaric.

"Do it now!" Damon grunts. Alaric pushes him away, turning to Stefan and snapping his spine. "Run." He tells me. I start to run off, hearing Damon's neck being snapped. I let out a scream when i feel myself being pulled.

"Shh, it's okay, it's okay, you're safe." Klaus whispers, "Stay here and hide." I nod, as he speeds away. I hear Klaus scream in pain and i flinch, Don't be stupid Alina, do what you're told and stay here. I tell myself. I groan, peeking out seeing Alaric holding the white oak stake above Klaus. Before i rush out, Elena jumps out of a classroom, a shard of glass to her neck.

"Stop!" She screams, "Let him go or I'll kill myself." She threatens.

"Put it down, Elena." Alaric orders.

"Why?" She glares, "Because you still need me alive? There's a reason why Esther used Alina and i to make you, isn't there? She used her so you'll be as strong as her, you needed vampire blood in your system, hers. She didn't want you to be immortal. So she tied your life span to a human on, mine. That way you only have one lifespan to kill all the vampires and then you'll be gone. So when i die, you die, too. That's it! It had to be." She looks up at me motioning to Alaric.

If Esther used my blood to create him, I'm older than him, I'm stronger than him. I silently move away towards them. "You're wrong."Alaric grits out.

"Am i?" Elena challenges. I rush him, holding him to the lockers. Elena starts to slowly drag the glass across her throat and i hum at the smell of blood.

"Stop, stop, stop, stop!" Alaric says, trying to get away from me. Klaus moves me, grabbing my arm and running with Elena and i.


I groan, starting to move around, "Come on, Sweetheart, wake up." I hear someone whisper. I groan, opening my eyes. "Thank god..." I see Klaus' dark blue eyes and shoot up, wrapping my arms around him. "I was so worried..."

"Klaus..." I whisper relieved. "What happened?"

"He stabbed you one too many times." He frowns, he moves, holding a blood bag out to me, i drain it and sigh in relief. "When Stefan told me Klaus had you... i didn't know what to do."

"We need to leave, now." I urge him.

"We will, we will." he nods, "We just need to finish something first." He states. I frown, looking around. I see Elena hooked up to a needle.

"What are you doing to her?" I ask shakily.

"We're just taking a little." He assures me, "For my hybrids." I frown, sitting back, i know there's nothing i can to do stop him. Elena groan, sitting up. She flinches and the nurse jumps slightly.

"Careful, it hurts more when you move." She smiles, walking away.

Elena looks over to Klaus with a frown, "What are you doing to me? Alina? What's going on?"

"It's going to be okay." I nod, "He's only taking a little bit of your blood." I assure. Klaus hums, taking my hand and keeping me next to him.
I furrow my brows and then Tyler walks in.

"Elena?" He frowns.

"Tyler, help me." She begs. Tyler puts the box down, moving over to Elena.

"He can't," Klaus smirks. "He needs to go fetch me more empty blood bags. About three liters worth, please, Tyler." I look over to Klaus in shock.

"Tyler, please..." Elena begs. "Get Stefan, please."

"No, Tyler, get the bags." Klas orders.

"Klaus, that's a lot of bloo-" Klaus gives me a look, making me shut my mouth. What the hell is going on? Tyler rushes towards Elena, Klaus stopping him. I stand up in shock, looking between the three of them.

"Forget the girl and get the bags. Now." Klaus orders. Tyler walks out of the room and Elena looks over to me. I frown as Klaus walks over to her.

"So that's it? You're just going to bleed me dry?" Elena glares.

"No, just enough." Klaus smirks, "I'll need future doppelgangers." He whispers. I frown as he moves away from her, "Come along, sweetheart." he takes my hand, pulling me out of the room.


"Klaus, that's enough." I glare. He sighs, motioning for the nurses to stop.

"These last few liters will have to suffice." He sighs, "You see, by attempting to kill us, my mother strengthened the bond between my siblings and i. I don't need hybrids. I have my family, and i have love." He states looking over to me.

"If you believe that, then why take my blood at all?" Elena grits out. He stands there silently and i frown, "You want a back-up family. You know that your siblings will never trust you again, you'll screw up and my sister will eventually leave you." I frown, glaring at Elena slightly.

"You know Stefan blames me for trying to tear him from his brother? But i think we both know who really came between them." Klaus smirks. Deep down he's right, their love for Elena tore them apart. "You. That's why you won't choose. You know once you pick a Salvatore, you'll destroy their bond, just like you destroyed Alina and Damons, thank you for that by the way." He smirks.

Klaus rushes her and i flinch, taking a step forward. "Consider this me doing you a favor. Once we're gone, you won't have to worry about your sister. No more knowing you broke your sister's heart, your love triangle will stay intact." Elena groans, "But just between us, who would you have picked?"

"Rot in hell." Elena whispers.

Klaus hums, moving away from her, "You're welcome. Goodbye, Elena. It's been fun. Go get the last of your things darling, we leave within the hour." I shoot one last look at Elena, walking out of the room.


I sigh, starting to walk down the stairs, ready to leave. "Klaus?" I call out, i hear a struggle downstairs and i frown, speeding down. I pinned against the wall, Damon holding me. "Damon, let me go," I say, pushing him back. he pulls out a Vervain needle and i frown, "No... please don't..."

"It's just enough to weaken you." He frowns, "I'm sorry." He stabs it into me and i frown, feeling myself getting w weaker.

"Klaus..." I mumble, watching as Stefan shoves his hand into Klaus' chest. I hear Klaus' heart speeding up and i frown. "Stop... stop... what are you doing?" I gasp, tears rushing to my eyes as i start to see Klaus turn gray.

"No... No, no, no, no no!" I cry out. Damon leaves me moving over to Elena, Tyler moving over to me to stop me from moving. "Klaus, no!"

Klaus looks over to me and i frown, "I love you."

"I love you." I whimper, tears streaming down my face as he finally drops. I let out a sob, pushing Tyler away from me. The vervain wearing off.

"Alina..." He says shakily.

"Get away from me!" I scream, Damon rushes Elena out of the room and i rush over to Klaus' body. "No, no, no, wake up... come on." I cry.

"Alina, Alina," Stefan says, pulling my shoulder, i push him away, sitting there, "We have to get you somewhere safe..."

"Go away." I grit out, he tries to pull me away from Klaus. I try to fight him but he eventually pulls me up, giving me a sympathetic look.

"Alina, I'm sorry, okay, but he was going to kill Elena."

"No he wasn't... he wasn't going to kill her. He promised me, he doesn't lie to me." I cry.

"We need to get you home before the sun sets." He tells me, making me look at him. I look at Klaus one last time before Stefan pulls me away.


The whole car ride i was silent, Stefan opens my car door, holding his hand out. I don't take it and move towards the house, Stefan pulls me back, keeping me by the car. "We had to do it, Alina."

"Yeah, i get it." I nod, "As long as Elena's fine right?" I glare. "I'll wait in the car, you can say goodbye." I huff, opening the car door again, and sliding inside.

I sit there with my own thoughts, staring out the window. A few minutes later the front doors open and Stefan and Damon slide in. Damon looks at me through the mirror. "I'm sorry, Alina."

"Can we just go," I mutter shakily, the tears coming to my eyes again. Damon sighs, starting the car. I watch as the house passes and how my friends were all inside celebrating.


Damon looks back at me and i sigh, "What?" I glare.

"Wanna hear a joke?" I roll my eyes, looking forward, "How many desiccated hybrids does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" I give him a look and he sighs, "Too soon?"

"Too soon." Stefan nods. "Look, it had to be done. Klaus would've killed-"

"Killed Elena, yeah. It's not like i haven't heard you two say that before." I grumble.

"He would've killed Elena, and it would hurt you. No matter how much you say you hate her, you love her."

"Of course i love her, she's my sister." I scoff.

"So think of this as a win for her." Damon says, "A win that you get to have your annoying little sister around longer." I let out a little laugh and Damon and Stefan both look at me.

"There we go, we've made progress." Stefan smiles.

"Take this from someone who knows how you feel, Alina," Damon says looking back at me, "It's gonna hurt, for a while, but you'll get over it eventually, and maybe get him back one day." He smiles.

"You know, you two are making it really hard for me to hate you." I smile.

"You could never hate us, you love us too much." Stefan smiles. I roll my eyes, laying my head on the window. This is a win for them, but i don't know what this is for me.



Stefan and Damon Salvatore looked into the back seat to see Alina Gilbert asleep. "She's finally out." Damon sighed. "She's finally Alina again."Damon grinned.

"You're in a good mood." Stefan smiled.

"Yeah, I'm in a good mood." Damon stated in a duh tone, "Klaus is dead," he looked back quickly, seeing Alina still asleep, "My brother and the girl i love... loved love? Well, you and Alina are halfway sane, again, Give or take an immortal hunter that wants to kill us. We won, Stefan." Stefan hummed, nodding, "Come on, say it. Say it!"

"Shut up, you're gonna wake her up." Stefan sighed.

"Then say it."

"We won." Stefan sighs.

"Once more, with feeling." Damon laughed.

"We won." Stefan smiled.

"Thank you." Damon cheered. They were silent for a moment, Stefan sighing.

"No, you know what, thank you. Turns out we make a pretty good team, huh?"

"It only took a century and a half." Damon teased.

They were silent again until Stefan spoke up, "What happens when, uh... Elena makes her decision and Alina's still waiting for Klaus?"

"You know how these things pan out, Stefan. Alina will move on, and Elena, She'll make a list of pros and cons and at the end of the day, both will dump our asses."

"What if they don't?" Stefan frowns.

"The Alina will be eternally sad, and Elena picks one of us."

"Well, if she chooses you... I'll leave town, get Lina to come with me, we'll let you two be happy and unbothered."

"And in sixty years, we'll all reconnect and go back to being brothers and none of this will have mattered, right?" That was if Alina was still in love with Klaus and neither were in love with the older Gilbert twin.

'Yeah." Stefan chuckled.

Damon sighs, "Fine. If she chooses you, Alina and I, we'll leave town, see what happens." Stefan nodded slowly, not liking the sound of Damon and Alina leaving together either.

"And if she isn't in love with Klaus then?" Stefan sighed.

"Then it's her decision." Damon huffed, "All this over a set of twins..."

"They're a pretty special set of twins." Stefan corrected.

"Yeah, they are." Damon nodded. One thing was for sure, both Salvatore brothers were in love with both twins.

And there was probably nothing that would change that until there was a decison made.

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