
By Nim777

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What would you do if you could speak with those you'd loved and lost just one more time? Tori Locklear, a cos... More



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By Nim777

"What should I do?" Tori frets. "You're shivering!"

He's lost too much blood, she realizes. He must be having a hard time maintaining his body temperature. She's looked around diligently; there is nothing here to build a fire with. Of course, Changkyun continues to maintain that he is fine.

He's awoken a few times, each time his body temperature rises considerably. According to Changkyun, Dhee'li actually have a minor healing factor; he claims this is why he has become feverish and somewhat loopy. Apparently, the fever is doing strange things to his body, for he absolutely refuses to allow Tori to stand up. He holds her, straddled rather embarrassingly over his growing hard on. Is he addled? Has the blood loss gone to his head? Why is he getting a boner now of all times?

Everytime she tries to get off of him, his grip only intensifies. It isn't long before she begins to feel to bulbous tip of his cock tapping against her core. Changkyun sits, back to the wall and head thrown back; lips parted and pink. There is a promising flush in his cheeks; Tori notes with no small amount of relief that he seems to be improving. The air in this cavern is chilly, and he's had a fever for at least a few hours. His skin seems to have calmed somewhat.

Either that, or her skin has warmed up. Though her brain might tell her that this is an inappropriate time, the feeling of his heavy length rubbing so mercilessly against her thighs even through layers of clothes is maddening. It makes her feel strange; he is injured, and barely coherent at all, yet here he is thrusting his clothed hard on against the cleft of her vaginal slit. Tori would have thought that she shouldn't be able to feel it through the hard suit like this, but she does.

"Changkyun, " she tries to pull back, but her voice comes out a shallow moan. "Changkyun... stop, you need to rest..."

But no matter how hard she tries to wiggle away, his grip refuses to allow her to escape.

"Shh, " Changkyun sighs softly. "It's okay. I'm okay."

He has only just retained full consciousness once more. And honestly, waking up to the feeling of her soft flesh against his throbbing cock is too good to waste.

Maybe he's still a little loopy, he thinks, because suddenly he cares for very little aside from burying himself within his Da'vitan's perfect little cunt.

"You're awake!" Tori gasps.

There are fingers now digging into the fabric of her suit, even as another set make it their mission to undo her armor's zipper.

"This is hardly the time or place to-ah!"

Changkyuns smirks, lips against Tori's newly exposed collar bone. She's feeling it, no matter the words coming out of her mouth. Maybe she's right. Maybe it isn't the time or place. But he wants it, and clearly, so does she. So why not?

She doesn't try to stop him either. Though her mouth continues to say "no", Changkyun can hear her every thought. Her mind is much too honest, he thinks gleefully. It shows him everything that she desires. Images of his cock, glistening with her juices as he thrusts within like an animal. Images of fingers against flesh, pebbled nipples and-oh! The image of his lips, his tongue and teeth feasting upon those sensitive mounds of soft and milky flesh. So when he peels the hardsuit from her skin, a greedy moan upon his lips, Changkyun already knows just what to do to drive his lover wild.

He sets confident fingers against the hem of her strange bra, and lifts, giddy as those mounds fall free of the constraint. He lifts one, squeezing as his lips descend. The feeling of his tongue against her sensitive nipple causes Tori to buck, to grind down upon Changkyun's straining bulge. The telepath might have sworn, if not for his mouth being more than a little occupied. Instead, he sets to work making Tori's sudden fantasies reality.

The tourniquet tightly tied against his thigh has become more of a hindrance at this point; he is quick to remove it. Briefly, he wonders just how surprised Tori will be to discover that there is no longer even a hole in his flesh. When he says he is fine, he really means it. Unsatisfied with the amount of clothing between them, Changkyun pulls deviously at Tori's suit.

She's not stupid. Lust ridden, sure, but not stupid. Tori's brain has also registered the barrier that keeps him from being able to thrust up and into her. And she was lost the moment she felt his lips against her nipples.

That little voice that warns her this is a bad idea falls silent under the weight of the feeling of his bare cock slipping between her wet folds. He'd deftly slipped his own suit down and the feeling of his bare skin beneath her fingertips leaves Tori feeling charged. His fingers dig into her hips as he pulls her down, and onto his swollen length. It feels so heavenly, the curve of her ass against his balls, dick fully buried in her silken heat. The arms that she's wrapped around him are full of tender affection, and he feels her emotions, experiences her thoughts as if they were his own. Changkyun opens his heart to the experience, a low moan rising from his throat and escaping through parted lips.

"Da'vitan..." he groans.

The pleasure is so intense; like sparks dancing upon the skin, generated and conducted by touch. Tori hangs from his neck for dear life, overwhelmed by the torrents of pleasure within. This... emotion... it rises from within her heart, tender and pure. So pure, so fierce, that it nearly hurts.

She is in love with Changkyun.

For a moment, Tori feels as if they have truly become one. She is awash in so much exhilaration and adoration, and the pleasure of his touch has become unbearably intense. It's as if she is experiencing it twice. She feels the adoration that Changkyun has for her. It is in his touch, and in the flick of his tongue against her flesh. It is also there, in the way that he moans greedily, and in the way that he claims her mouth with his own.

He swallows the desperate cries that raise from her throat as she falls apart upon his cock. His pace, the steady thrust of his hips, has become frenzied. Frantic, even. There is a sense of desperation upon his tongue, and within his limbs. She has acknowledged him as a Da'vitan. And she might not even realize it. He thinks to himself that it might finally be time to open up and tell her what she has become to him, but all thoughts are blown away under the force that is her orgasm. She squeezes him so tightly; his balls all but ache for release.

"Feels so good... " Changkyun whines, grinding her down upon him at the end of every thrust.

He is panting now, jaw set with determination. He's so close; the warning is there, in the way that his balls tighten and his spine tingles. Every fevered drag of his cock against her inner walls feels like exquisite torture. It is only as Tori finds release once more that he allows himself to cum. It pours from him like a tidal wave, and he whimpers into her skin as the aftershocks of her own orgasm milk him of every drop of his release.

Tori is lost to the afterglow.

The rise and fall of his chest is such a comforting feeling. For a moment, she was certain she'd lost him. His wound seemed so serious, and she'd been beside herself with guilt. Tori's heart begins to swell as she takes in the moment, the touch of his skin against hers. A thousand different things are sent reeling from her mind as her heart focuses on the rhythm of Changkyun's breathing. They are one.

She feels the rise in his libido and her own rises to answer the call. His cock, which had been slowly softening within her warm hole, begins to swell once more. Changkyun gasps as Tori wiggles, and digs his fingers into the flesh of her hips.

"I love you!" Tori gasps, lips parted and head swimming with lust.

He grinds against her with a single minded sort of determination. Her confessions spurs him into a frenzy, however, and before long he is thrusting up so viciously that Tori's back bows beneath the weight of the pleasure. Changkyun follows, though he continues to hammer away at her sopping cunt. His knees ache; the hard stone floor of the cavern is hardly gentle. But all he can think about is filling her up. He knows this for what it is, and his hormones are going wild.

Changkyun feels as if he could cum at least three more times.

It's a mind altering, maddening sort of euphoria; buried balls deep inside of his Da'vitan. His chest is too tight, heart constricting painfully within. The bond is complete. And his balls ache desperately to fill her and claim her for what she is. Breathless and moaning low, Changkyun spills his seed. Just as Tori's release rips through her, causing her to clamp down on him so tightly that the telepath almost swears.

"What's the meaning of this?" Jooheon questions, warily eyeing the items being returned to him.

When they'd been abducted, they'd been stripped of all weapons. Which, honestly, wouldn't have meant much to Minhyuk if he'd actually wanted to utilize his talents. Jooheon's fire won't do much to these people, this is true, but Minhyuk could probably hijack one of them. Or all of them. The pyromaniac still isn't entirely certain what the technopath's limitations are, but he's seen Minhyuk jack into and take over A.I's like it's nothing. He does it every time he uses a vending machine, after all.

But now?

No. Just no. Apparently, asking Minhyuk to do anything right now is pointless. He's been hopelessly enamored by the bald chick with the shiny body. On some deeper level, Jooheon really hopes that it's just a case of curiosity, and not actual infatuation. But it's really hard to tell with the strange Dhee'li.

"General Milari will take you to that place."

The voice on this one is low, deep, and rumbling. But the frame is even smaller than Kihyun, and it throws Jooheon for a ridiculously confusing loop.

"As in, she's actually going to accompany us?" Minhyuk cuts in, fiddling with his belt.

He'd been the first to receive his equipment back, and he'd hastily begun attaching everything to his person. Jooheon never realized just how much the technopath carries. There seems to be a lot of random knick-knacks and baubles.

"That is correct, " the being before them intones monotonously.

Rather than sounding robotic, however, he simply comes across as very bored.

Jooheon takes his equipment with a quiet face, eyes questioning but wary. Honestly, he doesn't trust these things at all. What even are they? Minhyuk's fascination with them doesn't sit well with him either, but he's also incredibly concerned about Changkyun and Tori. Luckily, it doesn't take him very long to stow his equipment away; by the time he is done, Minhyuk is ready to go as well.

They follow the being that freed their hands, and returned their gear, as he leads them through the tent's flap. The world outside is blindingly bright, the landscape glows. Minhyuk and Jooheon both wince; their captors, however, seem unaffected.

"Still no word from the exploration team?"

Shownu wearily rubs his face, fingertips digging into the skin as he squeezes lightly at his chin in thought.

"No, " he reveals. "But I don't think it's time to panic just yet. It's only been three days, and my orders were clear. If there wasn't anything down there, they'd be back already. They must be within a research facility, which means it could take them a week, even."

"But what if they're in trouble?" Wonho pushes.

"Then they'd better get out of it, " Shownu grins wryly.

"You think they can?"

Shownu runs his hand up, and across his face to push pointlessly at the hair on his head. It's not very long, never really has been. Suddenly, he wonders just where the hell it is that he even picked up this habit in the first place.

"I know they can, " Shownu finally remarks. "I have confidence in the people I've recruited. And I've seen Jooheon in action. I did tell you he was spec-ops, right? The guy's a powerhouse."

Wonho scoffs. "But what if they got separated?"

"Minhyuk and Tori can look after themselves, " Shownu dismisses, waving his hand as if to banish the idea that Wonho has brought forth.

"And Changkyun?" Wonho points out.

"Changkyun is more durable, and likely more capable than we give him credit for. He is a pure-blood. Kid's special."

"So he's a nobility, " Wonho grumbles, "what makes him special aside from his bank account? I have one of those too, by the way."

"There are a lot of things that make nobility special, " Shownu reveals as Wonho sits himself down upon the nearest chair. "But you're confusing terms."

The galley is completely empty, and Shownu pushes idly at the unappetizing mixture of egg upon his plate. He'd tried to make himself something to eat, figured that these scrambled eggs that Tori keeps going on about can't be that hard to make(Shownu will probably never admit that he's actually the one who keeps going on about Tori's scrambled eggs). In the end...

Well, either it is that hard, or Shownu is an idiot. And he really prefers to ride with the first idea.

"Most pure-bloods are nobility, but not all nobility are pure-bloods. A pure-blood is someone whose ancestry is directly tied to the first five families. Haven't you ever heard the military propaganda? The whole design for our nation's crest is created around the crests for each of the founding families..."

Seeing that Wonho's eyes appear to be glazing over, Shownu sighs.

"Seriously, did you not pay attention in school or something?"

"Of course not, " Wonho replies, snapping to attention. "Who actually does that?"

"I think most people do that, " Shownu retorts dryly.

"So he's got a super pristine lineage, " Wonho rolls his eyes. "Big deal."

"It is a big deal, " Shownu insists. "If he wasn't a pure-blood he probably wouldn't have passed the cut. Don't you think I know how dangerous this little adventure of ours is bound to be?"

Wonho blinks, and then sheepishly nods.

"Yeah, " he concedes, "you're not the kind of guy to make rash decisions."

It's awful that he had to be reminded of that, Wonho thinks. After all, if it wasn't for Shownu's cool and collected persona, if not for the eyes [that allowed the cryokinetic captain that allows him to really see the individual beneath all else, Wonho might not even be here.] Huh? Shownu would have gone to another junk yard, Prime knows Luminae has plenty, and Wonho might never have even gotten to know Shownu.

"So why does being a pure-blood make him special then?" Wonho asks.

And this time, he actually pays attention.

"The five founding families are the only families who still retain a coat of arms, because they've nothing but Dhee'li ancestry. They can trace their lineage all the way back to the original family, and it shows. Pure-bloods are almost always extra gifted, though not always in a physical manner. Some are more graceful, some infinitely smarter than their peers, while even others have increased strength and constitution. But they all share in common an accelerated healing factor that surpasses other Dhee'li."

Curious now, Wonho's eyes widen.

"Which one is Changkyun then?" He queries.

To which Shownu sighs, face slightly melancholic as he ponders the answer.

"I think that Changkyun is both smart and durable, " he admits. "The intelligence is there, there's no denying that the kid is one of the smartest Dhee'li I've ever met. But, Jooheon told me a little bit about the kid..."

The captain trails off, eyes thoughtful. Is it really right for him to divulge this information to another person? Because it feels as though this is something Changkyun should own. Not something that should come from his lips, but from the telepath's.

And only once he is well and truly ready.

"So, basically, " Wonho questions, lips pursed and a single eyebrow raised, "you expect that he'll survive because he's sturdy."

"Pretty much, " Shownu returns.

Why does it feel like that took way too long to say?

"Now you're the one shivering and I'm worried, " Changkyun's voice rumbles in his chest.

Tori finds the feeling of the vibration of it against her ear to be rather comforting.

He really is okay, and she couldn't possibly be more relieved. But she's also incredibly cold, and just now beginning to realize what it is she'd confessed to in the middle of their frenzied love making.

"I love you."

That's what she'd told him. He'd heard her, clear as day. She knows that he had to have. Because something changed in his eyes, something darkened. With his eyes, he'd then promised her unmentionable pleasure. But she'd also seen a warning there, a red flag.

There was no love in his gaze.

Only heat. And maybe Tori is overthinking things, however she can't help but feel rattled. Shaken to the core. Why does she feel so blind-sided by this? And why does he seem to be completely and utterly relaxed? Content. Happy, even.


Her lips feel parched as they part, and she licks though she knows it's better not to. There seems to be a lot of things she's been doing lately that she should have known better not to, what's a pair of chapped lips?

"I'm just a little cold, " she tells him, withdrawn. "Would it be possible to get dressed now?"

Stunned, Changkyun releases his shivering Da'vitan. She scurries to right her hardship as Changkyun stares. There is a certain heat to his gaze, and it makes her blush. But there is also something else there, something almost angry. And she knows.

He's reading her thoughts.

Thoughts of fear, and insecurity. The kind that squirm into your brain and torment your consciousness. She is pushing him away. She is frightened. But Changkyun can't see past the fear to find the cause. Her fear and insecurity screams so loudly that he can't make sense of anything. He can't hear, can't apply logic to the rhythm of her tempestuous thoughts.

Startled by the sudden sound of the stone door sliding open behind them, Tori rushes to finish strengthening her hair. Changkyun laments the loss of the sight of her milky flesh, especially as he stuffs his hardening length within the confines of his suit once more. She was just incredibly confusing and upset, which just makes this boner extra bewildering and uncomfortable.

"Miss me?"

Minhyuk's voice is introduced into the cavern, and echoes off of the walls a little too loudly.

"Quiet!" Changkyun whisper shouts. "We were chased in here by mechanical beasts. Not so loud!"

The technopath takes one look at Changkyun's disheveled hair and swollen lips.

"Seems like you were probably being pretty loud yourselves, " he remarks mercilessly.

Tori blushes from head to toe.

Two more individuals follow behind Minhyuk, and as the cavern door shuts once more, Tori notes that one of them is Jooheon. The other is a fairly intimidating, feminine looking... robot? Eager to change the topic, and even more eager to get back to the Denali, Tori ignores Minhyuk's comment and Changkyun's angry glare.

"Who's the guest?" She questions curiously, extending her hand in offer of a shake.

But handshakes don't seem to be a custom that is understood by whatever she is; seems that she shares that in common with the Dhee'li.

"I am Milari, " the shiny woman announces.

Taken aback by the sultry quality of the thing's voice, Tori drops her hand.

"I came to show you the way. To the old ruins, yes?"

"Milari's elders decided that it would be best if someone led us to what we seek, and escorted us back to the shuttle. Nobody will tell us why, however..." Minhyuk informs the group. "Especially since this place seems to be, like, the opposite of holy for these guys."

For a moment, everyone stares awkwardly about. Changkyun is still trying to fiddle with his suit; these things were definitely not designed with comfort in regards to hard-ons. Tori's face turns even redder, somehow, she can feel Changkyun's nonchalance. Even with her back turned.

"Right, so, we should get going right?" She suggests hopefully.

"I was shot you know, we could rest a little while longer. Maybe catch up with the others?" Changkyun tries to insist.

But Tori can hear the hopeful tone in his voice, and the desire buried just beneath the surface.

"You said you were fine, " she reminds him, "so why bother playing catch up? It's better if we go together."

A little sulky, Changkyun pouts. He rises to his feet regardless, however, and falls in line towards the back. As always, he remains close to Tori.

Tori's thoughts are a confusing and tumultuous mess. Changkyun can't make heads or tails of the situation. She loves him. She clearly loves him. She'd said so, and he can still hear it within the echoing madness that is her thoughts. But she's also panicked. Freaked out. Why, also, of all the things for her to think about, is she thinking about Andrew?

It's been a while since the freckled boy made an appearance in Tori's thoughts, and he can't help but feel that this is an ill omen. She still has so many insecurities and fears swimming around in her thoughts. Guilt too. Why is it turning out like this?

"What's wrong?" He whispers to Tori.

She shivers against the feeling of his breath on her ear.

"Nothing, " she lies blatantly.

She should know by now that she can't hide such things from him, should know that he can read her mind. So why is she trying to pretend that nothing is bothering her?

"Is it me?" Changkyun thinks to himself. "Am I the one bothering her? Did I do something wrong?"

He gets the sinking suspicion that this is the case.

"We are almost there, " Milari speaks suddenly. "Be wary."

Tori nods, as do Minhyuk and Jooheon. Chankgyun laments the shift in conversation, but admittedly it might be better to tackle whatever's bothering Tori later anyway.

The group follows their shiny guide through a labyrinth of tunnels. They turn this way and that; Minhyuk is grateful to have Milari to guide them. Otherwise, they would surely have gotten lost. Each tunnel looks much the same as every other, and there are just so many twists and turns. No landmarks, either. But Milari navigates her way through these tunnels as if she knows exactly where she is going.

"These ruins..." the synthetic woman murmurs, coming to a sudden halt before a large, metal door. "Your technopath's words earlier weren't entirely correct. This place is both holy and tainted. It is the birth place of my people, but also the place in which the others yet dwell."

"You mean A.I's right? Ones that still aren't sentient?"

"Yes, " she nods. "Believe me when I say that getting out of here won't be easy. The others control the entirety of these ruins. Every door and terminal."

"Well, we have a technopath so..." Jooheon trails off, shoulders shrugged in nonchalance.

"It may not be enough, " Milari replies somberly. "This is why the elders decided to send me with you. Your deaths would taste bitter upon our elder's tongues, for you are outsiders. Innocent."

"I bet if there's anything in here that I can't hack, you can probably handle. Can't you?" Minhyuk surmises gleefully.

He is absolutely excited about the prospect of working with a sentient A.I. If all goes well, he might even get a few ideas for his project. It's hard not to feel a little giddy at the idea of seeing his new friend in action.

"Maybe, " Milari concedes. "But it will still be difficult. If you are not prepared for this, it is best you turn around and leave."

"That's not an option, " Changkyun insists, suddenly throwing his weight into the conversation.

He pushes forth, from the back of the line; past Jooheon who awkwardly reaches out for him and closer to the door.

"We do this. And come hell or high water, we return back to the ship in one piece."

Changkyun's statement lights a fire within Jooheon's heart, and he is quick to hype up the others.

"We got this, " the pyrokinetic grins. "Who's ready?"

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