And As If By Magic | Stiles S...

By fangirling08xx

7.9K 130 38

When Scott gets bitten, him and his friend Stiles are thrust in to a world run by chaos. Will a young witch b... More

Wolf Moon Part 1
Wolf Moon Part 2
Second Chance at First Line Part 1
A Second Chance at First Line Part 2
Pack Mentality Part 1
Pack Mentality Part 2
Magic Bullet
The Tell
Heart Monitor
Night School Part 2
Wolf's Bane
Code Breaker
Book 2

Night School Part 1

213 3 1
By fangirling08xx

"LOCK IT STILES!" Scott shouts at his friend.

"Do I look like I have a key?!" Stiles frustratedly says back.

"Elle do something!" Scott then turns to me.

"Do you want me to run out of power before we encounter that thing?!" I shout feeling that if I use too much now, we are going to need it later on and I wont have any left, and I'll be hardly able to walk let alone run.

"Well is there something we can use to jam it?" 

"The bolt cutters." Stiles says looking through the thin windows in the double doors.

"No, Stiles. Don't you dare." I say to him dead serious.

"Yes." He says before opening the door, and I try to pull him back but he is out of the door before I can grasp him.

He stealthily creeps down to the bolt cutters he dropped just outside the door, and he had picked them up soundlessly when the alpha appears from behind the jeep and I panic.

"STILES!" I shout banging on the door with Scott, and I try to slow the alpha down with my powers but it wasn't working, not as much as I wanted it too. Stiles ran back through the doors and jammed the bolt cutters over the bars to block the alpha from coming in the school and I stopped slowing the alpha down, my eyes turning back to their natural greenish blue.

I slapped Stiles hard on the shoulder. "Don't do that again. That was stupid." I said, angry he had risked his life, he was too important to me to lose.

"Yeah well it gives us more time." He argued, rubbing his shoulder and frowning at me.

"Where is it? Where'd it go?" Scott said looking through the window. Where the alpha was nowhere to be seen.

"That won't hold will it?" Scott asks Stiles.

"Probably not." Stiles replies.

Suddenly we hear a howl from the opposite side of the school and without a second thought we run to the nearest classroom, and go to barricade the door with the teacher's desk, but it scrapes noisily across the floor

"Shh! Stop stop. The door wont keep it out." I say, trying to stop them from making too much sound that it will find us.

"I know."

"It's your boss." Stiles says out of nowhere.

"What?" Me and Scott both say in confusion.

"Deaton, the alpha? Your boss." 

"No!" Scott protests.

"Yes, murdering psycho werewolf!" Stiles says manically, trying to convince us both.

"He buys herbs from my mum all the time for the animals. It can't be him!" I say trying to keep this perfect image of him in my head, that was slowly being tainted.

"Oh come on. He disappears and that thing shows up seconds later to toss Derek 20 feet through the air? That's not convenient timing? And he has knowledge of herbs and stuff? Come on guys that screams supernatural villain." He says and I start to second guess my judgement.

"It's not him." Scott says stubborn on the subject.

"He killed Derek."

"Derek's not dead he can't be dead!" Scott says.

"Blood spurted out of his mouth, okay? That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead and we're next." Stiles says before looking at me and sighing. 

"What do we do?" I ask.

"We need to get out of here. We get to my jeep somehow and you" He says turning his attention to Scott "seriously need to quit you job, good?" He says, going over to the window, and Scott tries to open it.

"They don't open it's climate controlled..." I start but Scott cuts me off.

"Then we break it."

"Which will make a lot of noise. I'll remove the pane."

"You can do that?" Stiles asks amazed.

"It's telekinesis, you've seen me do it before." I say and his face drops in to an expression of recognition.

"Oh right."

"Stiles what's wrong with the hood of your jeep?"Scott says looking out of the window with a confused look on his face.

"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong?"

"It's bent." Scott announced 

"Like dented?"

"No I mean bent!" He repeated and we both looked over to see that the hood of his Jeep was contorted, as if someone had taken each side and tried to fold it in half.

"What the hell..." 

Suddenly something came flying through the window, causing the us to drop to the floor and me to instinctively freeze the glass shards as I ducked beneath the window, letting them be neatly placed on the window sill.

We looked over at what had smashed the glass to pieces to see a car battery, the Jeep's car battery.

"That's my battery." Stiles said moving to get at it but I pulled him back sharply.

"We have to move!" He says to me.

"I know, just wait a moment."

"He might be right outside dude! Do you wanna die?!" Scott whisper shouted at his best friend.

"He is right outside Scott that's why we have to move!"

"Just let me take a look, okay?" He says and slowly looks around the car park.

"Anything?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Move now." Stiles states and we get up quietly.

"We need to find a place without windows." Stiles says and I look at him sighing deeply.

"Every single room in this place has windows." I voice, gesturing my arms in the air like he usually does.

"Okay, somewhere with less windows then." Stiles says copying my hand gestures.

"The locker room." Scott says and we start power walking down the hall to the boys locker room.

"Call your dad."

"And tell him what?"

"Gas leak or a fire or something, come on. If that thing sees a parking lot full of cop cars it'll take off."

"What if it doesn't? What if it goes completely terminator and kills every cop in sight, including my dad?"

"They have guns!" Scott counters, weakly.

"Yeah and Derek had to be shot with a wolfs-bane laced bullet to even be slowed down, you remember that?"

"Then we have to find a way out and just run for it." Scott replies, and I lean against the lockers, taking deep breaths.

"There's nothing near the school for at least a mile Scott." I say, becoming hopeless, I had tried texting my mum again but she hadn't replied.

"What about Derek's car?"

"That could work, we go outside we get the keys from his body, ugh, and then we take his car."

"And him." Scott adds, making a face at Stiles' complete disregard for another human, well werewolf.

"Fine whatever." Stiles says, moving towards the door to the locker room. When Scott hears something, placing his hand on Stiles' to stop him from moving.

"Hide." Scott whispers, and they climb in their lockers, but I can't find another that's open, and I start to panic, when Stiles opens his door and pulls me inside, shutting the door behind me.

We were closer than we had ever been, breathing each others air, well if I was breathing we would have been. Even in this life and death situation my body decides to react like it's the right time to go hot all over and make his touch feel like sparks on my skin. I have to bite my lip to keep from sighing in satisfaction as he places his hands on my waist gently, too look round me to the slots in the locker door.

If I hadn't known better I might have thought he was enjoying the close proximity to me as well, if you know what I mean. But I'm sure it's because of the compromising position we were in, not that it was me he was in it with. I suddenly hear the door handle creak and I close my eyes leaning my head against Stiles' chest, thinking that it was all over.

Scott suddenly jumps out of his locker, causing us to clamber out of ours as well, seeing the janitor in the middle of the locker room.

"OH!" He shouts in surprise and we all try to get him to be quiet. "What the hell were you two doing in the same locker, actually don't tell me. Get outta here!" He says pushing us out the door.

"Just one second to explain!" I say, trying to tell the guy something that might get him to leave, when he gets pulled back in to the room screaming, as the door slams.

He smacks back in to the frosted glass window blood splattering everywhere and we try to get the door open, Scott tries pulling it, but something must be blocking it because he couldn't get it open. Stiles pushes Scott and me away from the door to run down the hallway and the door smacks to the ground with the man on top, dead, before being pulled back in to the room.

We ran to the other side of the school, well I was dragged, I'm not a very good runner so they hauled me along with them to the back exit and we all slammed against it to get out, but it wouldn't open.

"What the hell?" Stiles said and Scott squeezed through the gap to see that a dumpster was placed in the way to block us in.

"I'm not dying here. I'm not dying at school!" Stiles exclaims and for once Scott is the reasonable one.

"We're not going to die."

"What is he doing what does he want?" Stiles shouts with frustration as I pant, trying to get my breath back.

"Me. Derek says it's stronger with a pack."

"Oh great a psychotic werewolf who's in to teamwork. That's beautiful." 

Suddenly we see the alpha and he sees us and we book it the other way, crashing in to the door for the stairs and making our way down them as fast as we could. We made our way down to the basement. We go around the corner, trying to keep out of it's way, and it looked like we were going to get cornered.

"We have to do something." Stiles said simply.

"Like what?!"

"I don't know, kill it, hurt it, inflict mental anguish on it... Something." He says as we back in to the doorway, and Stiles gets an idea. He reaches in to his pocket for his keys and throws them in to the room the alpha was in, to make him run to the sound and we slammed the door shut and I swung the desk in to place to block it from getting out. We had trapped it.

Scott jumped over the desk on to our side, where we could get out, but Stiles made a move to look in to the room.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I just wanna get a look at it, it's trapped."

"Believe me Stiles you don't wanna look at that thing."

"I just wanna see." He said, climbing on to the desk. "Yeah that's right we got you."

"Shut up!" Scott protests.

"I'm not scared of this thing." Stiles says before the alpha growls and bangs against the door, making Stiles flail off of the desk and land on the floor,quickly standing up to torment it some more.

"I'm not scared of you cause you're in there and we're out here. Your not going any..." He trails off as something crashes and it sounds like the alpha has gotten in to the ceiling vents.

"Well that was fucking stupid, come on!" I scream at the boys as we set off running again. Once we were far enough away we regressed back to walking again, being as quiet as we could as to not attract the monster that was hunting us, when suddenly Scott stopped us.

"Do you hear that?" 


"Sounds like a phone ringing, I know that ring. It's Allison's phone."

"Give me your phone." Scott said to me and I took it out, becoming afraid for my friend.

He rang Allison, and it urns out she was at the school, making me even more stressed out. It was one thing having these two here but having Allison made it so that neither me nor Scott could use our powers, which gave us a significant disadvantage. And I really don't want my friend to get hurt.

We were then again running, towards the lobby this time to meet Allison, but I was still hoping she wasn't here, that her life wasn't in danger too. We ran in to the lobby arriving at the same time as Allison.

"Why did you come? What are you doing here?" Scott asked, in a panic.

"Because you asked me to." She said simply and us three all looked at each other with wide eyes, and she showed us the text she had gotten. "Why do I get the feeling you didn't send this message?"

"Because I didn't." Scott said simply and I shook my head getting to the important information.

"Did you drive here?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Jackson did." She said and I groaned.

"Jackson's here too?" Stiles asked stepping forward slightly.

"And Lydia, what's going on?" She said and my heart dropped. Allison's phone began ringing and she picked up asking whoever was on the other line where they were just when Lydia burt through the doors.

"Finally can we go now?" Lydia said.

Just then another thump was heard from above and I looked at Stiles and Scott, knowing we couldn't leave.

"Run!" Scott said, taking Allison's hands as he did so and we sprinted down the hallway as the alpha crashed through the ceiling.

We ran through to a classroom and Scott started everyone with barricading chairs and desks against the door, but Stiles was stood still so I looked where he was looking and sighed rubbing my hands down my face as he tried to get everyone's attention.

"Scott not here! Guys can we just wait a second? Listen to me!" He says but to no avail, they were pushing stacked chairs against the door, scraping them along the floor, trying to block out the alpha.

"GUYS!" I shouted to get there attention, shaking my head and nodding at Stiles.

"Great job everyone, really great work but what are we gonna do about the 20 foot wall of windows?" Stiles says gesturing to them sarcastically as I sat down under them, resting my head against the wall and closing my eyes, trying to catch my breath.

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