Let's Play Basketball, Someda...

By scurvybluvy

40.5K 872 97

Kuroko stopped play basketball and leaving Seirin, for a reason. When the generation of miracles and Seirin f... More

Chapter 2
Extra from Admin
Chapters 3
Chapters 4
Chapters 5
Chapters 6
Chapters 7
Extra For Shipper Fans
Extra for Shipper Fans
Chapters 8
Chapters 9
Chapters 10
Chapters 11
Author Note
Chapters 12
Chapters 13
Chapters 14
Chapter 15
Chapters 16
Chapters 17
Chapters 18
Chapter 19

Chapters 1

4.9K 101 45
By scurvybluvy

129-128 Seirin win!


" Seirin win a Winter Cup! "All audience congratulate a Seirin with a big cheers.

" W-we won!? " Hyuuga said had a lot sweat and somehow couldn't believe they win and smiling as sweety

" We won! " Koganei join in a group and crying out of happiness along with the other.

" Yeah! " Kagami happily grinning as he too crying out of happiness

Riko also crying, wiping her tears couldn't believe they come to this far.

Other side, Akashi has taste of defeated while the other member calm and trying catch breathing.
One of starters Rakuzan, Reo approached Akashi " Sei-chan, are you okay? " That most of questions team Rakuzan concern about Akashi who usually mad at them but surprised he having expression like that.

Akashi exhaled sigh and turn his head then replied with smiling " I'm fine. Let's go to line up, Mibuchi " Mibuchi nodding and let the other know

All the team player gathering as they bowing for thanking " Thank you for the game! " After got a medal then dismiss to their team each other locker.


Something is missed, Seirin done changing their clothes but Hyuuga notice first " Oi, where's Kuroko? "

" Now that you mention I didn't see him ever since the game is over. " It was Furihata

" There's something left on your side, Izuki. " Kiyoshi point at Izuki's side, bench, look like a paper folding. It's says ' Resignation Letter from Kuroko Tetsuya '

At the first all of them are hesitant, Riko too but cannot help and quickly grab the letter. She read a loud which the whole room can hear.

' I am Kuroko Tetsuya would like to inform all of you that I will resign from basketball due to a personal matter. '

A dead silence followed.

They couldn't believe what just heard, a room filling of full sadness, angry, gloomy

" It might be The Generation of Miracles's fault! " Kagami broken a dead silence first

" Stupid! Kuroko doesn't mentioned about them! It was a due to personal! " Hyuuga smack Kagami's head

Izuki almost want to crying " B-but he promise make us number one in Japan! There's a lot of match in a future ahead! He loves Basketball! "

All agree with Izuki

" M-maybe I become a monster and didn't offer a bump fist to him!? " Kagami panic and at the same time sad

" Ha-! Ha-! Let's go we cannot offer stay in this room forever!" Riko exhale trying not crying

All of them walked out from gym


Meanwhile Rakuzan team come out
Akashi other side.. Notice Seirin is sadness and lose spirit as if they're the one who lose the game. Akashi were about to approach Kuroko but notice, Kuroko is not with them?

' What happen with them? ' His thought until his phone rang and saw a caller ID, groans for interrupt his moment though. 

' Hello? Ah, meeting? I'll be right there. " Akashi hang up the phone after end called

Akashi took one last glance at Seirin who lose their spirit before leaving for Kyoto

' I definitely will found out what's going on with them. ' His thought


You could see Kuroko ain't well as he slowly went heading to home, panting, breathing, cough. He opening the door and lock the door

" Uncle, I'm home... " It was Kuroko who cough a bit harder this time then his kneel cannot holding anymore and  collapse to someone else's arms, which belongs to his uncle's arms

" Tetsuya! You're back!? Oi-oi! Are you okay, Tetsuya!? " It's was Uncle Shinsuke who rush over to Kuroko and give Kuroko support in his arms

" Dammit! Not again! Hang in there, Tetsuya! Ya Allah! May give this little boy a longer living! " Mr.Shinsuke partying after give quickly call an ambulance and sent a message to Kuroko's parents who were abroad due to search something for Kuroko's cured. Kuroko already losing his consciously was sent to ****** Hospital along with Uncle Shinsuke and Aunty Annie


" Hey! Let's visit Akashicchi! " Kise beam with excited happy like a puppy

" Hell no I'd value my life to meet Akashi in a bad mood . " Aomine was with his former teams just like the old times, eating popsicles expect Akashi and Kuroko.

" Kise you can go alone if you didn't want to die early. " Midorima push his sunglasses as he taping his fingers

" Akachin might be need a snacks~"
Murasakibara eating his snacks

" Baka! Akashi doesn't care about a snacks! " Aomine stare unbeliever at Murasakibara

All of them agree and nodding.
" So mean! " Kise whining but all of them leave Kise behind " Wait for me!" Kise hurrying followed them.
After that, they're all went home to look towards for the next day to visit Akashi and Seirin after all there's a Kuroko there.


" You've gotta be kidding, Dr.Midorima. " Uncle Shinsuke, eyes widen at the expecting for shock news.

" I apologize Mr Shinsuke. We don't have time, his heart are failing. Cannot survive until the last winter in this year. " It was Doctor Midorima who speaking a truth. " He's been vorming rough and his stamina are worst "

" But he didn't show any sympathy after all these years! Despite having a stubborn and imprudent " Shinsuke trying calm down.

" Tetsuya wouldn't want to worry about his illness to his family. But Tetsuya need stay in a hospital so we can monitor his condition and analyze. "

" Please I beg you save Tetsuya! " Shinsuke kneel down and a crying in front of Dr Midorima.

" We'll try our best for cure him, stand up Mr Shinsuke, you need pack his clothes. "

" Thank you very much for it, Dr Midorima." Shinsuke getting up, bow with respect polite and went home to get Kuroko's clothes


A knock of Akashi's room, revealed it was one of his maid " Akashi-sama, would you like something else? " A maid asked after putting a coffee on his desk. A maid left the room after Akashi said he need alone time.

Akashi stare at the sky after folding his document, he feeling uneasy. Something wrong. Just when he was about to get a book. A crack fall down on the floor, Akashi turning his head as he reach down to see it was their last Teiko photo. The one that did apart from the rest of gom was Kuroko.

' Definitely something wrong. ' His thought as he typing dial caller ID on his phone

" Hello? Akashi? What do you need? "

" Shintarou, call everyone meeting our usual place tomorrow. " Akashi spoke to Midorima Shintarou

" Very well. "

That's all conversation between them
After that, Akashi call a maid to clean up and have them fix his photo


Meanwhile the other side, Midorima called Aomine first

" Akashi want us have a meeting at usual place. Be sure come or else he's gonna burn your collection magazine "

" Fine, Fine, I'm come! I rather alive than meet his scissors! I tell to Satsuki too about meeting. "

" For once all in a while you did use your brain. "

" What the fuck meaning of tha-!! " Aomine were about finish his cruse at Midorima, he was hung out, ' tsk that Midorima! ' Aomine's thought


Midorima done with Aomine first next is Kise, the most annoying ever at the first he hesitant but didn't have a choice any left and called Kise

Other side, Kise was surprised to see who caller him, he knew Midorima rarely called him first.

Back to Midorima

" Hello! Midorimacchi!!! I'm so happy that you called me first!! " He screams in happiness

Meanwhile Midorima sway his phone a bit away from his ear because of Kise's loud voice can make his ear burst

" Akashi want us to have a meeting like usual we hang out tomorrow. "

" Wah, Akashicchi!? I be right ther--! " before Kise finish, Midorima hung out first. Kise be like " So mean! Then again I'm glad he never change like old times "


Midorima sigh feeling a pain a bit after call Kise. Next he called Murasakibara

' This phone number was off, he isn't unavailable on for a while. '

Midorima blinked, he called again after a few minutes but was picking up by someone else's voice

But a voice seems belong to Himuro Tatsuya

" Hello? Atsushi busy at this moment. Wanna pass me a message to him? "

" Please tell Murasakibara that he had a meeting where we gom usually hang out by tomorrow, he might need accompany by you so he won't get lost just because of snacks non stop buy. "

" I got it I will tell him. Don't worry. See you tomorrow. "

" Thank you Himuro. "

" My pleasure. "

All the call was ended up. Midorima somehow sigh in a relieve finally he can go back to his bed for night sleeping. He couldn't hold on of Kuroko after an hour later so he give up. Then went to his bed


Murasakibara's side

" Muro-chin, didn't someone call my phone? " Murasakibara just come back from buying a snacks, he left his phone at Himuro just in a case.

" Midorima say he want you go to a meeting where your former teammate usual hang out by tomorrow. "

" It's Maji Burger! " Murasakibara happily look like he looking forward to see his old friends once again

" Looks like we should immediately go to Tokyo today. Let's go Atsushi be sure don't forget anything need bring. We need booked an plane for a seat"

Murasakibara nod, he bringing everything he need along with his snacks and walk out from their room to airport.


The next day has arriving

All the people of gom gathering at Maji Burger expect Kuroko

" Akashicchi is late isn't he always right?? " Kise beamer with excite happily

" Shut up Kise! " Aomine was eating his lunch just like chicks

" Are~ Mine-chan you talk like an old man~ " Murasakibara munch his snacks

" Oi you two don't eat like a kid! It's disgusting! " Midorima hand over a tissue that was nearlier him on the table.

" I eating just fine! " Aomine continue. Midorima was about arguing back but a suddenly voice stop him. Aomine already finish his food

" Thank you for the waiting " It was Akashi catch their attention.

" Let's go to visit a Seirin "

" Wait a moment? You realize Kuroko isn't here right? I couldn't even hold on him yesterday. "

" That's why need visited Seirin to see what happen to Kuroko "

A/N continue? Soon. Please left comment what's your opinion about this stories.

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