The Lost Ones Book 2: Welcome...

By TheStarShipUniverse

3.8K 188 58

It seemed like just another ordinary day, wake up, make videos, go to sleep. Just like yesterday, right? But... More

Before you read and Recap
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 52

50 1 0
By TheStarShipUniverse

(This Chapter is a flashback! But for your convince I have turned off the Italics! Things in bold and/or with ' instead of " are thoughts! Enjoy! ~ Molly)

Quentin woke up to the bright light of a ceiling lamp and a sharp pain in his stomach. He slowly sat up, noticing that he was in some sort of bedroom, but not his own.

The room was covered in white, from the walls, lamps, and even the bed he was sitting on. It practically hurt his eyes just to look around the room, but he got up regardless.

Wandering around the room Quentin realized that besides the furniture there was nothing in it, as if it had never been occupied before.

"Oh! You're awake! That's great!" A voice spoke up as the door opened.

Quentin yelped and jumped back, looking over at the owner of the voice.

Penelope stood there with a smile. "I'm glad you're awake. I was worried you might not wake up."

He looked at her hesitant, his hands turning into fists. "Who are you?! Where am I?!"

"My name is Queen Penelope. You are in my palace."

"But how did I...? I thought I was... dead!"

"I resurrected you. You're welcome." She replied.

"So am I in heaven or something?" He looked around the white room, feeling a bit more comforted.

She chuckled. "Not exactly." She replied. "You aren't dead. You're still mortal."


"Well, welcome to your new home." She told him. "Make yourself comfortable."

Quentin stared at her. "Home? Where are the others? Stampy and Jason?" He had no memory of meeting them right before they were brought back to the real world.

"Oh, your friends? They made it back. They're just fine." She brushed off the question. "I'll give you some time to get situated. Just tell the room what you need and it'll appear."

"So they're safe? Promise?" He pressed.

"As of right now, yes they are safe. I promise. Kala cannot hurt them anymore."

He relaxed a bit with this before one last question came to his mind. "What's going to happen to me?"

"Well, you'll stay here. You can live here in my palace. It has everything you'd ever need."

"Why can't I go home? Is it because I died? You're the one who brought me back to life, so why can you just take me home?"

"It is because you died. You didn't make it with them. I can only send people back on certain occasions."

Quentin looked disappointed in this but didn't press any further. "Guess that's my fault for sacrificing myself..." he turned around and stared at the wall.

"If there's anything else you need, let me know." Penelope then left the room.

Quentin let out a loud sign and flopped onto the bed. He started at the ceiling for what seemed like forever. He understood why he was here but the whole thing just felt.... off. He took a sword to the gut then suddenly ended up in some sort of seemingly paradise. The whole thing just felt weird.

Eventually enough time had passed and Quentin got quite bored of staring at nothing and thinking to himself. He stood up and walked across the room, reaching for the handle of the door.

The handle turned under his touch and opened the door.

Quentin stepped out into the hallway.

It was large and very empty and quiet.

He began to walk, the sound of his boots loudly echoing against the walls.

He walked for a while before seeing something turning the corner at the end of the hall.

Quentin's eyes narrowed and he began to follow the shadow of the thing.

It stayed just out of view for the most part but when he finally caught up to it he was surprised to see an male figure but when it turned around, it had glowing eyes like an enderman and screeched at him.

Quentin gasped and took a few steps back, being startled by the creature at first. It wasn't long before Quentin balled his hands into fists and glared at it.

The ender hissed at him again but made no moves to attack him, acting as if it was telling him to go back.

Quentin looked at it confused and stayed where he was, his body relaxing just a bit.

It seemed to get agitated with him but made no move to attack and pointed back down the hall with another hiss.

Quentin didn't budge, not afraid to lock eyes with it.

It screeched again in anger.

"I'm not moving." Quentin calmly replied.

It huffed but stopped arguing with him. It simply turned away and continued onward.

Quentin curiously followed it, wondering where the creature came from.

It kept glancing back at him, annoyance written on its face but didn't do anything about it.

Quentin felt a bit uneasy at it's glances but continued to follow.

It eventually stopped glancing and stopped in front of a large door. It turned to him and gestured, telling him to stay put.

The mudkip stared back at it, but stayed where he was.

It seemed satisfied with that and slipped inside the room and shut the door.

Quentin stood outside the door. He was tempted to go in, but felt hesitant.

A couple minutes passed and the ender still hadn't returned.

Quentin sighed and sat in front of the door, waiting for it to come back.

About fifteen minutes later, the door reopened and the ender stepped out.

"Oh! What are you doing here?" Penelope's voice asked as she joined it outside.

"Ah!" Quentin shook and fell back. He quickly stood up, brushing off his clothes. "I just... I didn't want to stay in the bedroom..." He chuckled nervously.

She smiled at that. "That's quite alright. Is there a reason why?"

"I want to know what kind of place I'm in."

"Well, I can do that." She turned to the ender. "Show him around, would you?"

The ender bowed with a nod.

"Good. I must get back to work, I shall see you later."


"I am a queen so I have things I must tend to."

Quentin kind of rolled his eyes at this answer, but didn't press anymore.

Penelope took this as her cue to leave. "I'll be leaving then. Have fun."

The ender then turned to Quentin, waiting for him to tell him what he wanted to do.

"I uh... Where is this place?" He asked, only half-expecting a response.

The ender looked thoughtful before awkwardly shrugging in an unsure manner.

Quentin sighed. "Can't you talk?"

It kind of shrugged and shook his head.

"Why not?"

It hesitated trying to think of how to explain. It gestured awkwardly by putting its hands out to either side as if measuring something then tapped his wrist where a watch would be.

Quentin tilted his head to the side, still confused.

It sighed and repeated it more slowly.

"Long... Time...?" He asked.

It nodded.

"Did you used to be able to talk?"

He nodded once again looking a bit more sorrowful.

"What happened?"

His eyes widened and hesitated before shaking his head.

"I see... Did that happen... here?"

He hesitated again, glancing away.

Quentin's eyes widened and he looked around. "It did happen here, didn't it?"

The ender hesitated before looking up and nodded slightly.

This made the mudkip even more nervous. "So this place... isn't good... is it?"

It looked at him, its eyes a bit fearful but didn't nod or shake his head. Just looked sorry for him.

Quentin looked terribly nervous by now and fell silent.

Ender shifted awkwardly unsure what to do now.

"Are you going somewhere?" The other finally asked.

The ender shook his head before hesitantly reaching his hands out towards the sides of Quentin's head.

He looked nervously at the ender, but stayed where he was.

He placed his hands on his temples and closed his eyes. There was silence until, 'Can you hear me?'

Quentin let out a gasp. "W-what..?!"

'Enders are telepathic. We can establish links but only if the other is open to hearing us.'

Quentin nodded along, trying to make sense of it.

'As for if I'm going anywhere, I was instructed to show you around.'

He nodded. "Ok..."

'Where do you wish to go?'

"I'm assuming 'home' isn't an answer, huh?"

'I wish it were... but no... home would be here, more specifically your room according to her...'

"No. I have a home. And it's definitely not here."

'She doesn't care. As far as she is concerned, you belong to her and your home is here... she does not care what you think.'

"And as far as I'm concerned , my home is not here." Quentin retorted, turning a bit frustrated.

'I understand but there is not much I can do about that.'

"There has to be something!"

'I'm sorry...'

"You know what? There definitely is something. And we will find it." Quentin brushed the ender's hands off of him and began to walk down the hall.

'Where are you going?' The ender called out, having made a steady connection.

"Anywhere but here." Quentin shrugged.

The Ender sighed but followed after him.

"So.... where's the best way out of here?" He stopped at a diverging hallway.

'...Well... I'm not actually sure... This place changes constantly...'

Quentin crossed his arms and sighed before continuing into one of the paths.

'I'm sorry I'm not of more use...'

"That's okay, I understand."

'So do you have a plan?'

"To be completely honest... I don't."

'Well we won't get far without one.'

"Well what would you suggest? I just woke up, I haven't a clue what's going on!" Quentin grew a bit agitated.

'I don't know, playing her game until you can figure something out?'


He sighed. 'Play along, do what she wants.'

"How will that get me out of here though?"

'It buys you time to figure that out.'

Quentin sighed and looked at the ground.

'Is there anywhere you'd like to go?'

"Uh, is there anything interesting around here?"

'Depends what you consider interesting.'

"Anything that isn't white walls at this point."

'... We have a pool I think... And a library.'

"Really, huh?" Quentin let out a faint chuckle. "What is this, some kinda of 'five star' resort now?"

'She wants to make it seem like home to those she brings here... You are not the first.'

"There are more people here?!"

The ender hesitated but nodded. '...Yes...'

"Could you take me to them?"

'...I-... Are you sure?'

"Yes." Quentin firmly answered, not being phased by the hesitance in the ender's voice.

He sighed. 'I... Alright... Th-This way...' He turned and led him down the hall, obviously tense and uncomfortable.

Quentin paid no attention to the tension between the two, too focused on the possibility of seeing another person like him.

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